University of Virginia Library

The Day of Trial.

In the day of sore temptation,
In the hour of guilt and sin;
Dreadful point of expectation,
Storm'd without and rent within.
Full of fear and fearful horror,
When on danger's verge I stand;
Full of doubt and doubtful terror,
With the foe on either hand.
Then, O then's the needful hour,
Then the moment for thy grace;
Then to stretch thy hand of pow'r,
And thy faithfulness express:


Then, to shew thyself victorious,
Then to make thy mercy known;
Ever good and ever glorious,
Thou art God! and thou alone!
Holy Father! Lord of Heav'n!
Holy Jesus! Lord and God!
With thy Spirit praise be giv'n,
In thy uncreate abode.
In the heav'ns thy love has framed;
In the earth thy hands have made;
Wheresoe'er thy word is named;
Reign o'er all Creation's Head!