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SONNET the SIXTH. Written at the BelviderePowderham, May, 1785.

As Morn's grey Mist, with Skirts of Rainbow Dyes,
Rolls off, yon' opening River points my Sight
(Its Wave amid the Hills one Line of Light)
To where the antique Cathedral Turrets rise!
And there, the rich Varieties surprize
Of Landscape, stretching wide round Halldown's Height
That seems, in scenic Pomp, to reach the Skies,
Each Object, thro' contrasted Shadow, bright!
And here, beyond these dark'ning Firs, that close
Where slopes the castled Park's smooth Turf away,
The dancing Billow to the Sun-beam glows;
Whilst Harmony, her Magic to display,
Soft o'er the blending Whole her Coloring throws,
Yet leaves the threefold Scene distinct as Day!