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The Poetical Works of the late Christopher Anstey

With Some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, By his son, John Anstey
1 occurrence of Once more, O! ye Muses, from Pindus descend, And bid all the Graces your Footsteps attend, Who oft at Elections are wont to prolong
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1 occurrence of Once more, O! ye Muses, from Pindus descend, And bid all the Graces your Footsteps attend, Who oft at Elections are wont to prolong
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Verse 5.—Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil.

Grace in thy gestures and thy looks is seen;
Gentle thy words, and courteous is thy mien,
Thou scorn'st to cast the proud indignant frown
On other's merits, or to boast thine own,
Oe'r anger, hatred, or revenge to brood,
Record the evil, and forget the good;