University of Virginia Library

LIII. Go bet, peny, go bet, go,
For thou mat makyn bothe frynd and fo.

Peny is an hardy knyȝt;
Peny is mekyl of myȝt;
Peny of wrong he makyt ryȝt,
In every cuntré qwer he goo.
Thow I have a man i-slawe,
And forfetyd the kynges lawe,
I xal fyndyn a man of lawe
Wyl takyn myn peny and let me goo.
And if I have to don fer or ner,
And peny be myn massanger,
Than am I non thing in dwer
My cause xal be wol i-doo.


And if I have pens bothe good and fyn,
Men wyl byddyn me to the wyn;
“That I have xal be thin;”
Sekyrly thei wil seyn so.
And quan I have non in myn purs,
Peny bet, ne peny wers,
Of me thei holdyn but lytil fors,—
“He was a man, let hym goo.”