University of Virginia Library


XLIX. How hey, it is [non] les,
I dar not seyn, quan che seyȝ pes.

Ȝyng men, I warne ȝou everychon,
Elde wywys tak ȝe non,
For I myself have on at hom;
I dare not seyn, quan che seyȝt pes.
Quan I cum fro the plow at non,
In a reven dych myn mete is don,
I dar not askyn our dame a spon;
I dar not, etc.
If I aske our dame bred,
Che takyt a staf and brekit myn hed,


And doth me rennyn under the led;
I dar not, etc.
If I aske our dame fleych,
Che brekyt myn hed with a dych;
“Boy, thou art not worȝt a reych;”
I dar, etc.
If I aske our dame chese,
“Boy,” che seyȝt, “al at ese;
Thou art not worȝt half a pese.”
I dar not sey, quan che seyȝt pes.