University of Virginia Library


Psalm 146.

[My soule, with ioy thy self address]


My soule, with ioy thy self address,
The mighti Lord, thy God to praize:
My tong his sacred name shal bless;
My hart towărd him I'le alway raize.
While life dooth last, the glorious King,
Yea whilĕst I am, his praise I'le sing.
NO Towĕrs of hopes on Princes raize.
What aid can mortal man perform?
Whose breath departs; and ended days
From dust derivĕd to dust return.
His thoughts and proiects dy withall:
Your towring hopes to ground doo fall.
BUT blessed they who chooze his name,
Whose hopes and helps with him abide,
Who heavĕns and earth and seas did frame,
And world of gests which there reside.
His thoughts no wavĕring can assail:
His woords are deeds, and never fail.
THEN thee our Lord and God we sing;
Thow Iacobs God stil blessed bee:
Who iustice to the wrong'd doost bring;
The hungri feed, the prisoner free.
Who blynd with ioious sight doost cheer;
And curbed lims doost upright rear.
THE iust he loves; the stranger gards;
He wido shields, and orphane guids:
But mischief dire iust wrath awards
To wretch who rightĕous way derides.
The Lord eternal King shal raign;
And Sions God ay so remain.