University of Virginia Library

[IIII. Cruel, you pul away to soone your sweet lips]

Cruel, you pul away to soone your sweet lips

Cruel, you pul away to soone your sweet lips, your daintie lips when as you kisse mee, cruell, you pull away to soone your sweet lips, your daintie lips when as you kisse me: But you should hold them still, should hold them still, but you should hold thē still, should hold thē still, & then should you blisse mee, Now or eare I tast them, strait away they hast them, strait away they hast, they hast them, But you perhaps retire thē, to moue my thoughts there by the more to fyre them. Alas, alas such bayts, alas such bayts you need to finde out neuer: If you would but let mee, if you would but let mee, if you would but let mee, if you would let mee, if you would let mee, I would kisse you, would kisse you

euer. Alas, alas such bayts, alas such bayts you need to finde out neuer, if you would but let mee, if you would but let mee, if you would let mee, if you would but let mee, I would kisse, and kisse you, kisse you euer.