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[XIX. O Gratious & worthiest of each creature]

O gratious & worthiest of each creature

O gratious & worthiest of each creature, ô gratious & worthiest, ô gratious & worthiest of ech creature, know you for why ye fates, the stars & heauen, the &c. this worthy name of gratious haue giuen, to your so rare a feature, because with in your gratious face is dwelling, ech louely grace, each louely grace, louely grace, each louely grace & fauour most excelling, then if, then if you are as gratious faire as may bee, shew fruicts of garce & doe not slay mee, slay mee, shew fruicts of grace, of grace, and do not slay mee, shew fruicts of grace and dooe not slay mee, dooe not slay mee, slay mee.