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The poems and verse-translations of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor

For the first time collected and edited after the author's own text: With introduction. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart [in Miscellanies of The Fuller Worthies' Library]

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IV. Verse-portraits of the Four Evangelists;
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IV. Verse-portraits of the Four Evangelists;


1 St. Matthew.

This Mathew and that angel doth implie
Christe's roial ligne in His humanitie:
Mankinde Himself, deriving downe the same
To Joseph's tribe, from faithfull Abraham.

2 St. Marke.

Marke's lion—as his gospell—doth beginne
A crier's voice the wilderness within,
Make straight His pathes: the same is onely Hee
Of Judah's tribe who was foretold to bee.

3. St. Luke.

This holy artist with inspirèd pen
The great Messiah pourtrayes, and to men
Whose sin ore-loaded soules to death encline
Att once becomes physician and devine.


4. St. John.

Looke how the quick-sight eagle mounts on high
Beholds the sunne with her all-piercing eie:
So unto Christe's diuinitie I soare
Beyond the straine of these that are before.