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The source of this text is the Vernon Ms., fol. 314 col 3.

Square brackets denote editorial insertions or emendations.


The Stacions of Rome.

Hose wole / his soule leche.
Lustne to me .I. wol him teche
Pardoun / Is þi soule bote.
At grete Rome / þer is þe Roote.
Pardoun / a word in frensch hit is.
Forȝiuenesse / of þi synnes i-wis.
Þe Duchesse of troye / þat sum tyme was.
To Rome com / wiþ gret pres.
Of hire com Romilous / and Romilon.
Of whom / Rome furst bi-gon.
Heþene hit was / and cristned nouȝt.
Til petur / and poul / hit hedde I.-bouȝt.
Wiþ Gold / ne seluer / ne wiþ no goode.
Bot wiþ heore flesch / and with heore blode.
For þei soffrede boþe dede.
Heore soule to saue / fro þe quede


At seint peter / we schul bi-ginne.
to telle of pardoun / þat slakeþ sinne.
A feir Munstre / men mai þer se.
Niȝene and twenti greces þer be.
As ofte / as þou gost vp / Or doun.
Bi cause of deuocioun.
Þou schalt haue / at vche gre.
Mon / or Wommon / wheþer þou be.
Seuene ȝer / to pardoun
And þer-to godes benisoun.
Pope Alisaundre hit graunted at Rome
To alle men / þat þider come.
In þat Munstre / men may fynde.
An hondred Auteres / bi-foren and be-hynde.
And whon þe Auters .I.-halewed wore.
xxviij / ȝer / and so mony lentones more.
He ȝaf / and graunted / to pardoun.
And þer-to / godes benysoun.
Among þe Auters / seuene þer be.
More of grace / and dignite.
Þe Auter of þe vernicle is on.
Vp-on þe riht hond / as þou schalt gon.
Þe secunde / in þe honour of vr ladi is.
Þe þridde / of seint Symon and Jude I.-wis.
Þe Feorþe / of seint Andreuȝ / þou schalt haue.
Þe Fifþe of seint gregori / þer he lyth in graue.
Þe Sixte / of seint leon þe pope.
Þer he song masse / in his Cope.
Of seint Crois / þat seuenþe is.
In wȝuche, no wommon schal comen I.-wis.
At þe Auter / þer peter is don.
Þe pope Gregori / ȝaf gret pardon.


Of sunnes forȝeten / and oþes also.
xxviij / ȝer / he ȝaf þer to.
From holy þursday / In to lammasse
Eueriche day / more and lasse.
Þenne is xiiij þousend ȝer.
To alle þat come / to þat Munster.
Of seint Martin / þat eiȝteþe day.
Þat Munstre was halwed / as I.ou say.
Þenne is xiiijM ȝer / and lentones þer-to.
Þe þridde part / of þi penaunce vndo.
Whon þe vernicle schewed is.
Gret pardoun / forsoþe þer is .I.-wis
Þreo þousend ȝer / as I. ow telle
To Men þat in / þe Cite dwelle.
And men þat dwelle be sydeward.
Nyne þousend ȝer / schal ben heore part.
And þou þat passest ouer þe séé.
Twelue þousend ȝer / is graunted to þe.
And þerto / þow schalt winne more.
Þe þridde part for-ȝiuenes / of al þi sore.
In lentone is / an holy grace.
Vche pardon is doubled / in þat place.
To seint poul / as I. wene.
Foure Myle is / holde bi-twene.
In þat wey / Is gret pardoun.
And of mony sunnes / Remissioun.
Saul was his name / be-foren.
Siþen the tyme / þat he was born.
Heþene he was / and cristnet nouȝt.
Til crist put hit / in his þouȝt.
Þat holy Mon / Ananias.
Him cristnet / þorw godes gras.
And cleped him Poul / petres broþer.
For þe ton schulde / cumforte þe toþer.


In þat ilke / conuercioun.
He ȝaf an hondred ȝer / to pardoun.
And at þe feste / of his day.
A þousend ȝer / haue þou may.
On childermasse day / In cristemasse
Is foure þousend ȝer / to more and lasse.
And ȝif þou beo þere / al þe ȝer.
Vche sunday / in þat munster
Þou shalt haue / as muche pardoun.
As þou to seint Jame / went and com.
Her may we / not longe be
To seint Anastace / moste we.
Two Myle / is holde be-twene.
Of feir wey / and of grene.
Vche day / ȝif þou wolt craue.
Seuen þousent ȝer / þer may þou haue
Pope Vrban / þat holy syre.
So rewardede / men heore huyre
Men þat ben schriuen / and verrey contrit.
Of alle heore synnes / god makeþ heom quit.
Pope Siluestre / to pilgrimes.
þat þider comeþ / diuerse tymes.
Penaunce broken / and oþes also.
His oune helpe / he putte þerto.
Wraþþing of Fader / or Moder / ȝif hit be
In godes nome / he forȝiueþ þe.
Bi-fore þe dore / stont a ston.
Seynt poules hed / was leyd þeron.
A traitur / smot of his heued.
Wiþ a swerd / þer hit was leued.
Þer aftur spronge welles þre.
Hose is þere / wel may he se.
Of water / boþe feir and gode
Men / and Wimmen / han had heore bote


In þat place / a Chapel is.
Scala celi / clepet hit is.
Laddere of heuene men clepeþ hitte.
In þe honour of vr ladi / be my witte
Þat is þe secounde chapel / of here.
Þat men in Roome / tellen þere.
Mony is / þat holy bone.
Þat vnder þe heiȝe Auter is done.
Ten þousend Martyres / with honour.
In tyme of Tibian / þe Emperour.
Þei suffrede deþ / alle in Rome.
Heore soules in heuene for to come.
Þer men may helpe / quike / and dede
As þe clerkes / in bokes rede
Foure and fourti popes / granted þan.
Þat liggen / at seint Sebastian.
Pope Vrban / Siluestre / and Benet.
Leon / Clement / confermede hit.
Nou passe we forþ / in vre gate
To seinte Marie / þe Nunciate
Two Mile is bitwene .I. vnder-stonde.
But þi aren / sumdel longe.
Þer is writen / as I. ow say.
Of vre ladi / in þat way.
A-doun heo com wiþ Angeles.
To a Frere of þat hous.
And seide to þat ilke mon.
Þat out of dedly synne / þider com.
Fro þe fuir of helle / heo wolde him schilde.
As heo was Mayden / and moder Mylde.
To Fabian and Bastian / passe we
Þider we haue / Myles þre
An Angel from heuene / a-doun com.
To seint Gregor / þat holy mon.


As he song masse / atte heiȝe Auter.
Of seint Sebastian / þat holy Marteer.
And seide here / in þis place.
Is liȝt of heuene / bi godes grace
Þer is / of mony sunnes / remissioun
And Fourti ȝer / to pardoun
And also monye lentones mo.
Pope Gelasius / ȝaf þer to.
As muche pardoun / is þere.
So is / in seint peteres Munstere.
Be þe enchesun / of þe holy bones.
þat þere / weore buried at ones.
And þere lay / vnder grounde
An hundred ȝer / er þei weore founde
Afturward / þorw godes grace
Þei weore founden / In þat place
And worschuped / with gret Solempnite
As þei ouȝte for to be.
Of sixe popes / tellen I. wile
On aftur oþur / as hit is skile.
Pope Pelagius .I. telle þe.
Gregor / and Siluester / þer beoþ þre.
Alisaundre / and Nichole / þer beoþ fyue.
Honorius þe sixte / while he was on lyue
Vche of hem / ȝaf his grace.
A þousend ȝer / in that place
To alle þat euere / þat þer beone.
And of dedly sunnes be clene.
For elles may þi soule / not lyue.
Bot of dedly sunnes / þou be schriue.


Alutel be-hynde / þou maiȝt go.
Þer stont a Chapel / in a wro.
Foure and fourti popes / sum time were.
verrey Martirs / þat liueden þere.
vche of hem / ȝaf his benisoun.
For þer is plener remissioun.
Of alle þe sunnes / þou hast I.-don.
Sin þou in þis world / coom.
Al is / for-ȝeuen þe.
So I / herde of clerkes / þat þer han be.
And ȝif þow dye / þiderward.
Heuene blisse / schal ben þi part.
But þou most take / Candel liht.
Elles þou gost / Merk as niht.
For vnder þe eorþe / most þou wende.
Þow maiȝt not seo / bi-fore ne bi-hynde.
For þider fledde Mony men.
For drede of deþ / to sauen hem.
And suffrede peynes / harde and sore.
In heuene to dwelle / for euer more
Nou wende we / to þe palmalle.
domine quo uadis / men hit calle
Þer Peter mette with Ihesu.
And seide lord / whoder woltou.
Crist onswerde / to peter þo
In to Rome / he seide I. go.
Eft to dye / on Rode for þe
Þou dredest to dye / peter for me.
Lord he seide / Merci I. crie.
To take my deþ .I. am redie.
Þer is a signe / of his foot.
On Marbel ston / þer he stod.
Vche day / two þousent ȝer
Of pardoun / þou mai haue þer.


Þer is writen on a ston / gret pardoun
Þer is of alle sunes / Remissioun.
At seint thomas þe Apostel of Inde.
a chirche i-wis / þou mai þer fynde
put þin hond / with almes dede
And þou schalt haue / þer gret mede
To helpe hem / þat ben þere.
In þe holi lond / or elles where.
Niht and day / to preye for þe.
For help of þi charite.
Of moni popes / þat þer han bene.
Þis pardoun to þe / is graunted clene.
Fourtene þousend ȝer / and sum del more
Þe þridde part forȝiuenesse / of þi sore.
And pardon in Rome / þat is grete.
Þe Stacions / þer men hit clepe
Pope Bonefas / confermed alle.
For euer more / lasten hit schalle.
To seint Ion lateran / moste we.
A while þere / for to be.
To telle of pardoun / þat is þore.
For in al Rome / ne is no more.
Þen þer is graunted / of Ihesu crist.
Þorw preyer of seint Ion þe Ewangelist.
And seint Ion Baptist also.
To alle / þat þider wol go.
For sum tyme was / an Emperour.
Þat liuede in Rome / with gret honour.
Kyng Costantyn / men dude him calle
Boþe in boure / and eke in halle.
In Mahoun / was al his þouht.
For in crist / ne leeuede he nouht.
A / Mesel forsoþe / we fynde he was.
Til crist sende him / of his gras.


Pope Siluestre / gon him preche.
Cristes lawes / forte teche.
So leeuede he wel / In godes sone.
And cristene mon / wolde he bi-come.
He dude him cristne / as I. ou telle
In þis Miracle / þus hit bi-felle
Þat þe water wesch / a-wey his sinne
And al þe fulþe / þat he was Inne.
Þenne spak þe Emperour.
To pope siluestre with gret honour.
Siluestre he seide / godes clerke.
I. mai seo nou / þat er was derke.
Mi misbileue / haþ blyndet me.
Þat I / mihte / þe [soþe] not se.
Of godes mihtes / ne of his werkes.
I. wol bi-comen / on of his clerkes.
Mi paleys I ȝiue hit / to þin honde.
Of me þou schalt hit vnderfonge
And mak þer-of / godes hous.
For I. wole / þat hit beo þous.
I. wol him loue / with al mihtes.
And preie him to ben / on of his knihtes.
And whon þou hast / so I.-do.
Ȝif þi benyson / þer-to.
To alle hem / þat þider come.
To honoure / godes sone.
And seint Jon / þe Ewangelyst.
Peter and poul / and seint Jon þe Baptist.
Pope siluester / þenne seide he.
Of peter and poul / and of me
Þei schal be clene / of synne and pyn.
As crist clanset / þe of þyn.
And as þe fulþe / fel fro þe.
So clene of sunne / schal þei be.


Of alle maner clansyng of synne.
Þat non schal dwellen / heore soule with-inne
Pope Bonefas / telleþ þis tale
Ȝif men wuste / grete and smale
Þe pardoun þat is / at grete Rome.
Þei wolde tellen / In heore dome.
Hit were no neod / to mon in cristiante
To passe in to þe holy lond / ouer þe séé.
To Jerusalem / ne to kateryne.
To bringe monnes soule / out of pyne
For pardoun þer is / with-outen ende.
Wel is him / þat þider may wende
Rerikes þer beo / monyon
In worschupe of crist / and seynt Ion.
In þe Rof / ouer þe popes se.
A saluatour / þer may þou se
Neuer I.-peynted / with hond of Mon.
As men I. Roome / tellen con.
Whon Seluestre halwed þat place.
Hit apeered þer / þorw godes grace.
Anoþer chapel is / in þat hous.
Þer-Inne beoþ Relikes / precious.
Þe Table / þer men may se.
Þat crist made / on his maunde
On scherþorsday / whon he brak bred.
Bi-fore þe tyme / þat he was ded.
Eteþ of þis / hit doþ ȝow good.
Hit is my flesch / and my blod.
Whon ȝe schul me / here not fynde.
Hit schal ȝou kepen / from þe feende.


A-bouen an Auter / is maked of tre.
Is a table I. telle þe
Vnder þat auter / In a whucche is done.
Wiþ holy Relikes / monione.
Two tables þer is .I. vnderstonde.
Þat crist wrott on / with his honde.
And tok þe lawe / to Moyses.
His folk to kepen / in godes pes.
Þe ȝerde of AAron / þat was good.
Hit turned watur / in-to blod.
And from blod / to water a-ȝen
To schewe / þat þei weore gode men.
Angel mete / men seiþ þer is.
And of the bones / and þe fisch.
Þat crist fedde / fiue þousend men.
And Relef lafte / aftur hem.
Þer beoþ cloþes / of Ihesu crist.
And askes / of seint Ion þe Babtist.
And þe cloþ / þat crist gon wiþ him lede
On scherþorsday / his disciples with to fede.
And þe cloþ / þat crist was wounden Inne
Whon he was child / for monnes sinne.
Of Blod / and Watur / þer is also.
Þat out of cristes sydes / gan go.
And of his Flesch / þat circumcise
Men hit holden / in gret a prise.
And oþer Relikes moni on.
In worschupe of crist / and seint Ion.
Here mai we / no lengore be.
In to þe popes halle / moste we.
In þat halle / þre dores þer be.
Vche day open / ȝe may hem se


As often as þou passest / þorw eny of hem.
And entrest / þorw a-noþer þen.
And passest þorw a-noþer / of hem þre.
Fourti ȝer / is graunted to þe.
Nou passe we / to sancta sanctorum.
Þat is þe Chapel / of Clericorum.
Þer Inne is / þe saluatour.
To whom men doþ / gret honour.
Þe whuche was sent / to vre ladi.
Whon heo was / in eorþe vs bi.
From hire sone / þat is a-boue.
After þe tyme / of his Assencione.
Of Peter / and Poul / heore hedes ben þere.
Wel I.-closed / vnder þe heiȝe Autere.
And oþer Relikes / mony on.
Þer ben closed in a ston.
Hose is þer / pope of Rome
Þe keyes with him / he haþ I.-nome
Þat no mon may hem þer I.-seo.
Bot he him self / present beo.
In þat chapel / ȝif þou wolt craue
Plener remissioun / þou maiȝt haue.
At þe chirche / of þe holy Roode.
Is a chapel / feir and gode.
Constance / þat holi wommon.
Of kyng Constantyn / heo com.
His douȝter heo was / and þat is seene.
For þorw preyer / of seynt Elene.
Þat holy place / heo made þus.
In þe honour / of þat holy crois.
Pope Siluestre / hit halewed þo
And gret pardoun / he ȝaf þer-to


Vche Sonenday / in þe ȝer.
And Wednesday / ȝif þou beo þer.
Of pardoun two hundred / and fifti ȝer.
And eueri day / an hundred is þer.
And a sponge of galle / and Eysel.
Of þat venym / is þer gret del.
Þat Jewes profred him / to drinke þo
Whon he seide / Ciscio.
And a nayl / whon Crist Ihesu was.
Don on Rode tre / for vre trespas.
In þat Chirche / is also
Of þe Croys / he was on do.
Þat heng on Rode / him by.
And of his sunnes / hedde Merci.
And a Titil / of sire pilat.
Þei may hit rede / þat beo þerat.
Þis is Ihesu / of Nazareth.
Kyng of Iewes / þat þolede deth.
Þat titel is hud / hit wol not ley.
In A Croys / þat hongeþ hey.
In þe Maner / of a bouwe.
In mideward þe chirche rof .I. trouwe.
In þat maner / hit is do.
For no mon schulde come þer to.
Of more pardoun .I. wol ȝou say.
At seint Laurence / vche a day.
Seuen þousend ȝer / with lentons þer-to.
And þridde part / of þi penaunce vndo.
Pope pelagius / þat holy mon.
Þat chirche / halewen he bi-gon.
And graunted al þat pardoun.
And þer-to / his Benisoun.


And ȝif þow be þere / al þe ȝer.
Vche Wednesday / in þat munster.
Þenne hastou / of crist pouweer.
A. soule to drawe / from purgatori fer.
At seint symple faustin / and beatris.
Þat were verray Martirs / of pris.
Seint symple / pope of Rome he was.
God him sente / a wel feir gras.
Vij þousende holy bones.
He gedered to-gedere / but not at ones.
In his chirche / he dude hem graue.
He was siker / heore soules to saue.
And ȝaf pardoun / to alle þo.
Þat ben schriuen / and þider wol go.
Seue þousend ȝer of pardoun / and more.
In þe honour of hem / þat liggen þore.
Whon he was ded / þer was he graue
Crist his soule / mote saue.
At þe chirche / of seynt veuian.
Hit is writen / on a ston.
Þat þre þousend Martirs ben bured þare.
Crist leue here soules / wel to fare.
Honorius / þat holy pope.
Þat chirche he halewed / in his cope.
Seue þousend ȝer / of pardoun.
He ȝaf / at þat processyoun.
To laste for euere more.
To hem þat come þore.
In þat churche / is an holy prest.
Þat deore is / wiþ Ihesu Crist.
Eusebius / was his name
To tellen of him / hit is no blame


Hit is writen / in a ston.
I. wol ȝou telle / or ȝe gon.
Pope Gregori / þer he dude stonde
Þe churche he halewed / with his honde.
And ȝaf pardoun / as I. ow say.
An hundred ȝer / and fifti day.
And þreo ȝer more .I. ow telle.
Forte Abate / þe peynes of helle.
At þe chirche / þer seint Iulian lith.
Þer is his chin / with his teth.
And oþer Relikes / mony and dere
To hem is graunted / Eiȝte þousend ȝere
A noþur chirche / ȝit þer is.
Of seint Matheu / men seyn hit is.
In þe wei / as þou schalt gon.
To þe Churche / of seint Ion.
Þer is an holy Arm / wel I.-diht.
Of seint Cristofre / Godes kniht.
In þat chirche / hit is do.
And gret pardoun / is graunted þer to.
For crist him selue þer-onne stod.
Whon Cristofre him bar / ouer þe flod.
Þer is a þousend ȝer / withouten mo.
And as mony lentones þer to.
In þe Churche / of Viti / and Modesti
Þer mowe ȝe sitte and resti.
Þer is for-ȝeuen / þe þridde part of þi sinne
What tyme þou comest / þe chirche with-inne
Seue þousend Martirs / ben buried þere
As hit is writen / in þat Munstere.
In tyme of þe Emperour / Antony.
Hit is writen þer apertely.
In þe Churche / of seint Anton
Is seueþe part / þi penaunce vndon.


At seinte Marie / þe maiour.
Þer is a chirche / of gret honour.
At þe heiȝe Auter / hit is seid.
Þat þe bodi of seint Matheu / is leid.
And the bodi / of seint Jerom.
An holy doctor / he was on.
From þe Cite / of Damas.
He was brouȝt / in to þat plas.
Bi-foren a chapel / he was pit.
Presepe / men clepeþ hit.
Vppon his graue / lith a ston.
And a Crois / is graue þer on.
Aboue þe ston / a gredyl is.
Of Iren strong .I. wot hit is.
And Relikes þer ben / mony one.
In honur / of vr ladi / and hire sone.
A luytel cloþ / þer is þer-to.
In whuche cristes bodi / was furst in i-do
Of his Moder / whon he was born
To saue þe world / þat was for-lorn.
And of þat heiȝ / more and lasse.
Þat crist lay on / bi-fore þe Asse.
And an Arm / men seyn is þer.
Of seint Thomas þe holy Marter.
And a pa ti of þe brayn.
At Canterburi / he was slayn.
And a Rochet þat is good.
Al be-spreint / with his blod.
Wheche he hedde on / whon he was take.
For al holi churche sake.
And an ymage / sikerly.
Wonder feir / of vre ladi.


Seint Luik / while he lyuede in londe.
Wolde haue peynted hit / with his honde
And whon he hedde / ordeyned so.
Alle colours / þat schulde þer to.
He fond an ymage / al a-pert.
Non such þer was / middelert.
Mad with Angel hond / and not with his.
As men in Rome / witnesseþ þis.
And writen hit is al þere
On a table / atte heiȝe Autere
Pardoun þer is / þat men may se.
Graunted of popes / þat þer han be.
Vppon eueri chirche haly day
A þousend ȝer / þer haue þou may.
And þer to / þou schalt haue more.
Forȝiuenesse / of al þi sore.
And eiȝte hundred ȝer þer to.
Wel is him / þat þider may go.
In eueri feste / of vre ladi.
Þerto graunted / seint Gregori.
An hundred ȝer / to pardoun.
And þerto godes Benysoun.
In vre lauedi / þe Assumpcion,
Þenne is þere / gret pardoun.
In to þe day / þat heo was born.
Neuer a day / schal beo for-lorn.
In þat tyme / þer is fourtene þousend ȝer.
To alle þat come / to þat Munster.
A Chirche / ȝit þer is.
Prudencian / clepet hit is.
For-ȝiuenesse / of al þi synne
At þat place / þer may þou winne.
Seint Gregori / telleþ þus.
In þat place / and in þat hous.


Ben buried þer .I. vnderstonde.
Fourti þousend / of diuerse londe.
For eueri bodi / þow wolt of spelle
Hit is writen / as I. ow telle.
Þorw preyere of hem / þat þer be.
Þis pardoun / is graunted to þe
For Peter and poul / þat sum tyme were
Boþe þei weoren / hostelled þere
Þerfore alle pilgrimes / þat come þore.
Hem is graunted a þousend ȝer / to hele her sore.
At seint praxede / þat holy wommon.
riht þe soþe / tellen I. con.
A þousend bodies / with-outen mo.
And þreo hundred / ȝit þerto.
In þat place / buried þei be.
Heore soules with god / in dignite
Þer suffrede deþ / in his tyme.
Emperour / seint Antonine.
Pope Innocent / after þan.
Þer be graunted / to eueri man.
A þousend ȝer / to pardoun.
And þridde part / þi sinnes remissioun.
At seint Martin / in þe mount.
Þer stont a chirche / is not round.
Vnder þe heie Auter / liþ seluester / and / leone
Þat weore popes / boþe in Rome
With oþere seyntes / monye I.-fere
Eiȝte hundred at ones / and as fele ȝere.
In þat wei / a Chirche þer is.
Of seint Saluatur .I. wot hit is.
Whon þou comest þer / þou maiȝt haue
A þousend ȝer / ȝif þou wolt craue


Another day in þe ȝer.
Of Seint peter / þe holy Marter.
A vincula / in þat londe
Lammasse day .I. vnderstonde.
For in þat day / is gret pardoun.
For þer is plener / remissioun.
And eueri day / ȝif þou wolt craue
Fyfe hundred ȝer / þer maiȝt þou haue
And as mony lentones mo
Pope gelasius / ȝaf þer to.
Þe Cheynes þere / men may se.
Sikerliche .I. telle þe
Þer peter was bounden / sikerly.
While he was / in eorþe vs by.
To a noþer / moste we go.
Þere Apostles / liggen two
Crist vs kepe alle from wo
preyeþ alle / þat hit beo so.
Furst with Costantyn / hit was set.
And siþen with heretykes / doun I.-bet
Pelagius / and pope Ion.
Þei duden hit maken vp anon.
And ȝaf þer to / pardoun gret.
To alle þat þider comeþ / be stret.
For þer is / mony a noble seinte
Þer þei liggen / and not beon peynte
Seint Jacob / and seint philip liþ in schrine
And mony a noþer / holy virgine
And seint Sabyne / writen we fynde
And a Tabart / of seint Thomas of Inde
Two þousend ȝer / þer may þou haue
Þi soule hit mai / from helle saue


And vche day / whon þou comest þare.
Þou maiȝt deliuere / a soule from care.
And on vche apostles / day.
Þis pardoun is doubled / as I. ow say.
A þousend ȝer / þou maiȝt telle
At þe chirche / of seint Marcelle
Þat was sum tyme / pope of Rome
For holi chirche / he soffrede Martirdome.
At seinte Marie / þe Rounde
Þer stont a chirche / on þe grounde
Þer is writen / as I. ow say.
Þat / at / þe þretteneþe day / of may.
At al halewe day / whon hit i-come
Þer is plener / Remissione
A.-Grippa / dude hit make.
For Sibyl / and Neptanes / sake.
Modres þei weren of corsede men.
False fendes / ladden heom.
He ȝaf hit name / panteon.
In al Rome / was such non.
A vigour he made / of gold rede.
More þen God / he dude hit drede.
Whon hit / in þe temple sat.
Hit loked forþ / as a Cat.
He called hit Neptan / aftur his a-vys.
He leeuede þer on / he was not wys
Vppon his heued / a couert of Bras.
To seynte petres / blowen hit was.
With a wynt of helle / as I. trouwe
For no mon mihte hit / þider haue þrowe.
Þer hit stont I. telle þe.


Ȝif þou go þider / þou may hit se.
Þat holy pope / Bonefas.
Was folfuld / of Godes gras
To þe Emperour / soone he cam.
Julius / A wel good man.
Þat Temple he seide / þou ȝeue hit me
I. preye hit þe / for Charite.
I. ȝeue hit þe / he seide / for euermore
In Amendement / of my sore.
Þe Furste day / of Nouembre.
Pope Bonefas / with herte tendre.
Þe folk of Rome / he gan to calle
And made hem semble / in þat halle
He gedered hem to-gedere / alle in-same
For þei wolde chaunge / þe halles name
In þe honour / of vre ladi.
And alle þe seintes / þat sit hire bi.
Þis halle schal hette / seinte Mari rounde
He chaunged þe nome / in þat stounde
At seint Eustas / lihþ a good kniht.
Placidas / sum tyme he heiht.
He and his wif / and his twei sones I-fere
liggen buried / vnder þe heiȝe Autere.
Vche day / two þousend ȝer.
Pope Siluestre graunted þer.
At seint saluatour / is writen openly.
A. þousend ȝer / and þritti.
At seint Celcy / is an hundred ȝer.
A. fot of Marie Magdaleyn / is þer.


And þre hundred ȝer / atte chirche faste bi.
Þe nome is seint Marie transpedi.
Þer is þe piler þat peter and poul / was to bounde
And scourget / a swiþe gret stounde
At þe chirche / of seynt spirit.
In þe weie / to trismere ful riht.
Vche dai þer is / eiȝte hundred ȝer to pardoun
And þridde part of þi sunnes / remissioun.
At seinte Marie In trismere / þat ilke niht.
Þat crist was boren / most of miht.
Sprong oyle / of a welle
As I. herde clerkes / in Rome telle
Vche day / two þousend ȝer.
Of pardoun þou may haue þer.
At seint Gregories chirche þre hundred ȝer.
And at seint grisogoni / four hundred is þer.
In þe chirche of seint tyre / and seint Ion.
Þer is Eiȝte hundred ȝer / to pardon.
And þridde part of þi sunnes / Remission.
To alle men / þat þider wol cum.
Þat graunted þere / pope vrban.
To alle þat þere / þider cam.
Þat weoren out of dedly synne.
Þat pardon þere / may he wynne.
At seint laurence in Damas.
fyf hundred ȝer / is in þat plas.
At seint bartelmeuȝ / þat holi Marter.
Þer is of pardoun / two þousend ȝer.
At seint Angel / as I. þe say


A þousend ȝer / þer haue þou may.
Graunted of holi fadres / her bi-forn.
To saue soules / þat weore for-lorn.
At seint Marie rochel ȝif þou wolt craue
two þousend ȝer / þer may þou haue.
At seint petres prisoun.
Two þousend ȝer / of pardoun.
And an hundred ȝer / at seint Adrian.
And as monye / at Cosma and Damian.
A þousend ȝer / at seint Marie þe newe verrement,
And two þounsend ȝer / at seint Clement.
Am ȝer at seint Steuene certeynly.
And at seint Andreuȝes / ȝeres þritti.
At seint saluatour / to pardoun / M ȝer.
Vche day in Bethleem / is granted þer.
Of Popus / þat þer han bene
To alle Men / þat ben clene
And to þat place / doþ eny good dede
He schal hit haue / to his mede.
At seint Alexto / ȝif þou wolt gon.
Þer þou maiȝt haue / to pardon.
Elleuene hundred ȝere
Vche day / þou maiȝt haue þere.
At a Chapel / of vre ladi.
Þer held scole seint Thomas of Canturburi.
viij /C. ȝer / is graunted þore.
And at seint vrbans chirche / iiij þousend more.
Eueriche day / to pardoun.
And þridde part / þi sinnes remission.
And ȝit þer is / more ouere.
Þre hundred ȝere / foure score and and foure.


Þat pardoun / popes þer han graunt.
To hem þat ben verrey repentaunt.
In Rome / is muche pardoun more
Þen I. haue told / here bifore
Or telle schulde / wiþ al my miht.
Þouh I. weore her / boþe day / and niht.
Nou God / þat was / in Bedlem bore.
To saue þe world / þat was for-lore.
Graunt vs part / of þis pardoun.
And þer to / his Benisoun / Amen.