University of Virginia Library

lxviii. The Younglynges to the Spouse.

The Argument.

The Younglynges hearyng what Christe sayde, answere that they are a wall, strong, constant, and able to kepe out errours, and wrong opinions: and beyng made his Spouse, sayeth she hath brestes lyke towers, well furnyshed with vytayles of good doctrine to succour and helpe them that nede. For the whiche properties they hauyng founde fauour in the syght of God, declare all to theyr sister, syngyng.

A wall am I, Strong, thycke, and hye,
In truthe I beare me bolde:
And with the same, Myself I frame
All errours to outholde.
Also my brestes, where succour restes,
Are lyke to towers strong,

Whiche vitayled are, For to kepe warre,
With all that would them wrong.
Because I was A wall, and as
The towers had brestes of myght
Swete peace I founde, And doe abounde
With fauour in Gods syght.