University of Virginia Library


Illvstr. V.

[A Crowned Scepter, here is fixt upright]

That Kingdome will establish'd bee,
Wherein the People well agree.

A Crowned Scepter, here is fixt upright,
Betwixt foure Fowles, whose postures may declare,
They came from Coasts, or Climats opposite,
And, that, they diffring in their natures are.
In which, (as in some others, that we finde
Amongst these Emblems) little care I take
Precisely to unfold our Authors minde;
Or, on his meaning, Comments here to make.
It is the scope of my Intention, rather
From such perplext Inventions (which have nought,
Of Ancient Hieroglyphicky sense, to gather,
Whereby, some usefull Morall may be taught.
And, from these Figures, my Collections be,
That, Kingdomes, and the Royall-dignitie,
Are best upheld, where Subjects doe agree,
To keepe upright the state of Soveraignty.
When, from each Coast and quarter of the Land,
The Rich, the Poore, the Swaine, the Gentleman,
Leads, in all wants, and at all times, his hand,
To give the best assistance that he can:
Yea, when with Willing-hearts, and Winged-speed,
The men of all Degrees, doe duely carry
Their Aides to publike-workes, in time of need,
And, to their Kings, be freely tributary:
Then shall the Kingdome gayne the gloriest height;
Then shall the Kingly-Title be renown'd;
Then shall the Royall-Scepter stand upright,
And, with supremest Honour, then, be Crown'd.
But, where this Duty long neglect, they shall;
The King will suffer, and, the Kingdome fall.