University of Virginia Library


Illvstr. XLIX.

[Some Foolish-Boyes (and such a Boy was I)]

What cannot be by Force attain'd,
By Leisure, and Degrees, is gain'd.

Some Foolish-Boyes (and such a Boy was I)
When they at Schoole have certaine houres to passe,
(To which they are compell'd unwillingly)
Much time they spend in shaking of the Glasse:
Thus, what they practise, to make-short their stay,
Prolongs it more; for while they seeke to force
The Sands, to runne more speedily away,
They interrupt them; and, they passe the worse.
Right so, in other things, with us it fares;
(And, seeming wise, we act a foolish part)
For, otherwhile, what Time alone prepares,
We seeke to make the subject of an Art.
Sometimes, by Rashnesse, we endeavour what
We ought with Leisure, and Advice, to doe:
But, if a good Successe doth follow, that,
Our Wit was nothing helpefull thereunto.
Sometime, againe, we prosecute a thing
By Violence; when our desir'd effect,
No other meanes so well to passe can bring,
As Love and Gentlenesse, which we neglect.
But, let this Emblem teach us to regard
What Way of Working, to each Worke pertaines:
So, though some Portion of our Hopes be barr'd,
We shall not, altogether, lose our paines.
Some things are strong, and, othersome are weake;
With Labour, some; and, some with Ease be wrought:
Although the Reed will bend, the Kexe will breake;
And, what mends one thing, makes another naught.
Marke this; And, when much Haste will marre thy Speed,
That, then, thou take good Leisure; take thou Heed.