University of Virginia Library


Illvstr. XXXIII.

[If you, this Emblem, well have look'd upon]

Poore-Theeves, in Halters, we behold,
And, great-Theeves, in their Chaines of gold.

If you, this Emblem, well have look'd upon,
Although you cannot helpe it, yet, bemone
The Worlds blacke Impudence; and, if you can,
Continue (or become) an honest man.
The poore, and petty Pilferers, yon see
On Wheeles, on Gibbets, and the Gallow tree
Trust up; when they, that farre more guilty are,
Pearle, Silke, and costly Cloth of Tissue, weare.
Good God! how many hath each Land of those,
Who, neither limbe, nor life, nor credit lose
(But, rather live befriended, and applauded)
Yet, have of all their livelihoods defrauded
The helplesse Widowes, in their great distresse?
And, of their Portions, robd the Fatherlesse?
Yet, censur'd others Errours, as if none
Had cause to say, that they amisse have done?
How many, have assisted to condemne
Poore soules, for what was never stolne by them?
And, persecuted others, for that Sin,
Which they themselves, had more transgressed in?
How many worthlesse men, are great become,
By that, which they have stolne, or cheated from
Their Lords? or (by some practices unjust)
From those, by whom they had beene put in trust?
How many Lawyers, wealthy men are growne,
By taking Fees, for Causes overthrowne
By their defaults? How many, without feare,
Doe rob the King, and God, yet blamelesse are?
God knowes how many! would I did so, too,
So I had pow'r to make them better doe.