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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XXVIII


Illvstr. XXVIII

[What thing soever some will have exprest]

In ev'ry Storme, hee standeth fast,
Whose dwelling, on the Rocke is plac'd.

What thing soever some will have exprest,
As typified by this Halcyons-nest,
I shall not thinke this Emblem ill-appli'd,
If, by the same, the Church bee signifi'd.
For, as it is (by some) affirm'd of these,
That, whilst they breed, the fury of the seas
Is through the world alayd; and, that their Brood
Remaines in safetie, then, amidst the flood:
So, when the Christian Church was in her birth,
There was a generall Peace throughout the earth;
And, those tumultuous Waves, which after that
Began to rise, and bee enrag'd thereat,
Were calmed so, that Hee was borne in peace,
From whom, the faithfull off-spring did encrease.
They, likewise, on a Rocke, their dwellings have,
As here you see; and, though the raging Wave,
Of dreadfull Seas, hath beaten, ever since,
Against the Fortresse of their strong defence,
Yet, still it stands; and, safe, it shall abide,
Ev'n in the midst of all their foming pride.
Vpon this Rocke so place me, oh my God!
That, whatsoever Tempests bee abroad,
I may not feare the fury of my Foe;
Nor bee in danger of an overthrow.
My life is full of Stormes; the Waters roule,
As if they meant to swallow up my soule.
The Tides oppose; the furious winds doe roare;
My Cable's weake, my tacklings, Lord are poore,
And, my fraile vessell cannot long endure;
Yet, reach to mee thy hand, and I'm secure.