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Euphues Shadow, The Battaile of the Sences

Wherein youthfull folly is set downe in his right figure, and vaine fancies are prooued to produce many offences. Hereunto is annexed the Deafe mans Dialogue, contayning Philamis Athanatos: fit for all sortes to peruse, and the better sorte to practise. By T. L. [i.e. Thomas Lodge]

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Philamis Barginet.

Philamis Barginet.

Happie Phœbus in thy flower,
On thy teares so sweetly feeding:
VVhen she spyeth thy heart bleeding,
Sorrow dooth hir heart deuoure.
Oh that I might Phœbus bee,
So my Clitia loued me.
When with glorie thou doost rise,
Foorth his faire to showe she putteth:
When in west thy glorie shutteth,
Clitia shuts, hir beautie dies.
VVere my mistresse such as she,
Oh that I might Phœbus be.
Phœbus beautie did allure
His faire flower at first to loue him:
And till time from heauen remooue him,
Clitias glorie shall endure.
Oh that I might Phœbus bee,
So my Clitia loued me.
Thou that houldest in thy hande,
Natures glorie, Phœbus treasure:
Now obserue the selfe same measure,
For I burne in selfe same bande.
VVere my mistres such as she,
Oh that I might Phœbus be.