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A Courtlie controuersie of Cupids Cautels

Conteyning fiue Tragicall Histories, very pithie, pleasant, pitiful, and profitable: Discoursed uppon wyth Argumentes of Loue, by three Gentlemen and two Gentlewomen, entermedled with diuers delicate Sonets and Rithmes, exceeding delightfull to refresh the yrkesomnesse of tedious tyme. Translated out of French as neare as our English phrase will permit, by H. VV. Gentleman [i.e. Henry Wotton]

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The firste Historie.
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The firste Historie.


[In passing by this place, my frende]


In passing by this place, my frende,
Disburse thy brynishe teares,
Beholde this pearelesse Princely pile,
The whiche true recorde beares
Howe Soliman to worke hys wil,
Hath cutte the fatall threede,


And made a wofull scarifice
Of two that here lye dead.


VVithin this gorgious stately Tombe,
These creatures are emblosde,
On whome dame Nature in their life
Hir golden difts disposdd:
In beautie, witte, and comely grace,
None huyng might compare
VVith these, whose loue was linkct in one,
Their vertues were do rare,


That heauen with al the heauēly powers
Grewe iellous of these wights,
And did suppose the earth too base
To yeelde them due delightes:
They gaue the worlde aucthoritie
These louers to disdaine:
That they amid their flouring youth
Mighte with the gods remaine.


By Fortune, Enuie, and by Death,
This couple caughte their bane,
VVhen harde mishappe by princely power
Enforste a Virgins shame,
He in redresse of infamy
This Trophee did deuise:
Amemorie perpetua
VVher these two Louers lies.


Oh Soliman thou Turkishe prince
Thy tiranny deplore,
Erastus with his Persida
Doth ioy for euermore,
VVhose perfecte loue and Amitie,
True witnesse of thy blame
Shall blased liue eternally
Triumphantly by fame.


[VVhat moueth men abashed thus to stay]

VVhat moueth men abashed thus to stay,
As tumbled from the cloude, in such a mase?
Sith Maidens mockes doe yeelde but mere delay:
VVhose cloking scarfes doth holde men at the gase,
VVhilst couered close in shape of masking showe,
By deepe deceyte our ioyes they ouerthrowe.
Bereaue them of their outwarde masking vayle
Yet inwardly disguised they remayne:
Their thoughtes lye hidde, their tounges of truth do fayle,
Till sugred wordes the harmlesse hart hath slayne:
If in their chaunge they fast on men their hookes,
their smiling then conuertes to louring lookes.


the ende of the first dayes Sport.