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To the vertuous and nobly-descended Sir Thomas Lucy the younger, Knight.

I know [illeg.] well, it hath bene held of yore,
That Fortune in her largesse still is blind:
That there she giues her gifts in greatest store,
Where iudgement cannot any merit find.
But seeing Art and Nature haue conspir'd,
To make thee louely, learned, wittie, wise,
Let Fortune in her iudgement be admir'd,
As hauing cleare and true-discerning eyes.
Therefore proceede thou happie, hopefull Knight,
Keepe on thy course in one ecclipticke line,
Be constant in thy vertuous delight,
And if thou wilt in perfect glorie shine,
Shun all extreames, doate not on worldly pelfe,
But in a word, be still most like thy selfe.
T. Winter.