Poems, and phancies written By the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, And Excellent Princess The Lady Marchioness of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Impression, much Altered and Corrected |
I. |
The cause of the Breaking of the Sun-beams.
II. |
III. |
IV. |
V. |
Poems, and phancies | ||
The cause of the Breaking of the Sun-beams.
If porous Atomes by the Sharp are found,They're born away on points, as Prisoners bound;
But as they mount, Atomes of their own Kind,
If chance to meet, strait help them to unbind:
For porous Atomes being soft and wet,
When numbers meet, do close together get,
And being glut, they joyn together, all
By one consent do pull, and backward fall;
If they be Round, in showring drops they joyn,
And so return, as Beads strung on a Line;
But if their Figures different be from those,
Then like a thick and foggy Mist it shows.
Poems, and phancies | ||