University of Virginia Library

A Description of a Shepherds, and Shepherdesses Life.

The Shepherdesses which great Flocks do keep,
Are Dabled high with Dew following their Sheep;
Milking their Ews their Hands doth Dirty make,
For they being Wet, Dirt from their Duggs do take;


Through the Sun's Heat their Skin doth Yellow grow,
Their Eyes are Red, Lips Dry with Winds that blow;
Their Shepherds sit on Tops of Mountains high,
And on their Feeding Sheep do Cast an Eye,
Which to the Mount's steep Sides they Hanging feed
On short Moss-grass, not suffer'd to bear Seed;
Their Feet are Small, but Strong each Sinews string,
Which makes them fast to Rocks and Mountains cling;
The while the Shepherds Leggs hang Dangling down,
He sets his Breech upon the Hill's high Crown.
Like as a Tanned Hide, so is his Skin,
No melting Heat, or numming Cold gets in;
And with a Voice that's Harsh against his Throat,
He strains to Sing, yet knows not any Note;
He Lazy, Yawning lies upon his Side,
Or on his Back, and hath his Arms spread wide,
Or Snorting Sleeps, and Dreams of Joan his Maid,
Or of Hobgoblins, wakes, as being afraid;
Motion in his Dull Brains doth Plow and Sow,
Not Plant and Set, as Skilfull Gardners do.
Then takes his Knife half-broke, but Ground agen,
And whittles Sticks, his Sheep-coat up to Pin;
Or Cuts some Holes in Straw, to Pipe thereon
Some amorous Tunes, which pleaseth his Love, Joan:
Thus Rustick Clowns are pleas'd to Spend their times,
And not as Poets Feign, in Verse and Rhimes,
Making great Kings and Princes Pastures keep,
And Beauteous Ladies follow Flocks of Sheep,
And Dance 'bout May-poles in a Rustick sort,
When Ladies scorn to Dance without a Court;
They would their Lovers hate, if they should come
With Leather-Jerkins, Breeches made of Thrum,


And Buskins made of Freeze, that's Coarse and Strong,
And Clouted Shoes, ty'd with a Leather-thong;
Those that are Nicely Bred, Fine Cloaths still love,
A Fair white Hand doth hate a Dirty Glove.