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The Prey of Thoughts.

If Thoughts be the Mind's Creatures, as some say,
Then, like the rest, they on each other Prey;
Ambitious Thoughts, like to a Hawk, fly high,
In Circles of Desires mount to the Sky,
And when a Covy of young Hopes up Springs,
They strive to Catch them with their swiftest Wings:
Thus, as the Hawk on Patridges doth Eat,
So Hopefull Thoughts are for Ambition's Meat:


Thoughts of Self-love do Swim in Self-conceit,
Imaginary Thoughts on Praises bait,
Which baits the Thoughts of Pride do catch and eat,
Thinking it high and most delicious Meat;
Thoughts of Revenge are like to Lions strong,
Which whet the Appetite with Thoughts of Wrong;
With Subtile Thoughts they Couch and Leap for Prey;
But Bloody Thoughts carry the Flesh away.
The Spightful Thoughts, like Cats, which Mice do catch,
At each Corner of Imperfections watch;
When Spight perceives Detracting Thoughts do speak,
It strait Leaps on, no other Meat doth seek;
Suspicious Thoughts like Hounds do hunt about,
To find and eat the Hare of Timorous doubt;
Observing Thoughts do Smell which way to Trace,
And Hatefull Thoughts do follow close the Chase:
But Thoughts of Patience like to Dormice Live,
Eat little, Sleep them Nourishment doth give;
And when they Feed, they Thoughts of Sorrows crack,
Which Nuts being hard, their Teeth against them Knack;
The Grateful Thoughts on Thoughts of Thanks do feed,
And, by their Industry, like Ants, they speed:
But Thoughts of Love do Live on several Meat,
Of Hopes, and Fears, and Jealousies they Eat:
For like as Bees to several Flowers go,
Honey to Suck, so Thoughts of Lovers do.