University of Virginia Library


IV. [Though Iustlye thou in Iustice may afflict.]

Though Iustlye thou in Iustice may afflict
my rebelle saule with euerlasting fyre,
yet lett thy mercye In this hard conflict
represse thy Wreathe and ouerthroue thyne yre.
That mercye, Lord, that mercye I requyre
quhilk off Immortal maede the mortall be.
deuert then deathe, Sins Iust rewarrde and hy[re],
and from thy curss me and my childreene free.
Thy Iustice, Lord, to ages fouer We see;
Thy Mercyes yet to thousand thou extends;
Ley not, o god, to thame nor yet to me
my greuous sinns, nor theres that the offends;
Be to me to light, quhils I but light this pe[n],
The pelican, the Egle, and the hen.
W. F.