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Flamma sine Fumo

or, poems without fictions. Hereunto are annexed the Causes, Symptoms, or Signes of several Diseases with their Cures, and also the diversity of Urines, with their Causes in Poetical measure. By R. W. [i.e. Rowland Watkyns]

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The Falling of the Hair.

Vicious and naughty humors do impair,
And quickly may corrupt the roots of hair:
If th' head wants moisture, and the skin be rare,
The hair forsakes the head, and leaves it bare.


Burn some Goats dung; the ashes will repair,
If it be mixt with oil, the falling hair.
Seeth Mallow-root in water; wash thy head
In this against the scurff, and thou hast sped.