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Flamma sine Fumo

or, poems without fictions. Hereunto are annexed the Causes, Symptoms, or Signes of several Diseases with their Cures, and also the diversity of Urines, with their Causes in Poetical measure. By R. W. [i.e. Rowland Watkyns]
1 occurrence of shall rise with fleas
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A Wife.
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1 occurrence of shall rise with fleas
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A Wife.

Imperet illa nihil, quicquid tamen impetret uxor, utere nec serva conjuge, nec Domino.

Art thou resolv'd for Marriage? then relie
On God to chuse, not on the wanton eye.
Men may intend, or purpose: It is not
The man, but God, which ties the marriage knot.
Fix not thy mind on beauty: that fair shade
Will quickly pass, that fair flower will fade,
Vertue and beauty to one place confin'd,
Is the best glue, which can affection bind.
A modest maid with beauty stor'd, and grace,
Hath wealth enough, and portion in her face.
To take a Wife for wealth, and not for love,
Will but a sickness, not a Marriage prove.
Chuse one well born: all waters do (we know)
More sweet from fountains, than from channels flow.
Graff on a Noble Stock, and you shall find
Such pleasant fruit as will delight your mind:
Doat not on her which doth the wanton play,
And think with gold and pearl t'outshine the day.
Give me a wife, that can the Spindle use,
The Book, the Needle, free from brawls and news.
Take heed of her, that sanctifies her face,
And never prates without a Scripture phrase.
One chast, and merry, lovely, kind, and wise,
Active, well bred, contents both heart and eyes.
Desire the hand of God to point thy wayes;
He never falls, that in his journey prayes.