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Flamma sine Fumo

or, poems without fictions. Hereunto are annexed the Causes, Symptoms, or Signes of several Diseases with their Cures, and also the diversity of Urines, with their Causes in Poetical measure. By R. W. [i.e. Rowland Watkyns]
1 occurrence of shall rise with fleas
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Upon the most beautiful, hospitable, and Ingenuous Gentlewoman Mrs: Blanch Morgan of the Therow.
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1 occurrence of shall rise with fleas
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Upon the most beautiful, hospitable, and Ingenuous Gentlewoman Mrs: Blanch Morgan of the Therow.

Some fragant flowers the smell, some trees the sight,
Do much content, some pearls are wondrous bright;
There's not so sweet a flower, so fair a tree,
So pure a gemme in all the world, as she:
Some Ladies humble are, and some are wise;
Some chast, some kind, some fair to please the eyes
All vertues do in her like stars appear,
And make a glorious constellation there.