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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies
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To the R. Honorable, and highly valued Lord the Earle of Northumberland. &c.

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To the R. Honorable, and highly valued Lord the Earle of Northumberland. &c.

Who cannot raigne in height of lofty stile,
That hath so high a subiect for the same
As thy heroicke worth and glorious name,
Is abiect, nay, then abiect farre more vile.
Magnificke thoughts to think on, thoughts doth moūt
Aboue the spheare of common intellect;
The thought of thy thoughts causeth this effect,
Which maks my towring thoughts thēselus surmoūt.
I thinke of thee and them, as of those things
That moue to rest in honors highest Spheare,
Sith vertue is the scale the same to reare,
Which wil make thee as neere, as deere to kings:
As long (great Lord) as Vertue guideth thee,
Thou shalt be blest of God, King, State, and me.
I. D.