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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies
Davies, John (1565?-1618)
TO MY MOST DEERE AND dread Soveraigne Iames by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, be all heavenly and earthly happinesse.
To the sacred Queene of Englands most excellent Maiestie.
[An Articke Ile there is (most famous) found]
To the iudicious Reader.
A Request to the Cittie of Hereford.
[Mirum in modum, Men did wonder-maze]
To the Author.
Vpon Master Iohn Davies, Beginning his Discoverie of the litle VVorld with a Preface vnto the most high and mightie Prince Iames the first King of England &c.
Vpon the Discoverie of the litle VVorld By Master Iohn Davies.
To the Reader.
To the Booke as it is dedicated vnto his most excellent Maiestie.
[To praise thee, beeing what I am to thee]
A Preface in honor and devotion vnto our most puissant, and no lesse roially-accomplished Soveraigne, Iames by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France, & Ireland, defender of the faith, &c.
An Extasie.
To the Right Ho. and most most Reverend Father in God my Lord Archb. of Canterb. his grace.
To the most gracious Prince the Duke of Lennox, &c.
To the R. Honorable, and highly valued Lord the Earle of Northumberland. &c.
To the Right Honorable the Earle of VVorcester, &c.
To the Right right Honorable the Earle, and Countesse of Rutland.
To the Right Honorable Earle of Cumberland.
To the Right Noble and intirely beloved Earle of Southamton. &c.
To the Right Noble, and no lesse learned then iudicious Lord, VVilliam Earle of Pembrooke. &c.
To the same.
To the Right Honorable and highly renowmed Lady the Countesse of Pembrooke, the Vertuous Lady, Lady Anne her daughter, and the Right Worthie and Worshipfull Phillipp Herbert Esquier her Sonne.
To the Right Honorable the Earle of Mar. &c.
To the Right Honorable and Loiall-harted Lord the Earle of Clanricard.
To the Right Honorable and no lesse vertuous Lady the Countesse of Clanricard.
To the most heroick, & meritoriously renowmed Lord, the Lord Mount ioy, Lord Deputy of Ireland.
To the Right honorably honored and right wel-beloved yonge Earle of Essex &c.
To the R. Honorable Sr. Iohn Popham Knight Lord chiefe-Iustice of England, &c.
To the R. Honorable and most learned Lord, the Lord Henry Haward, &c.
To the Right Noble, Robert Lord Sidney Baron of Penshurst. &c.
To the Right Honorable the Lord Home, &c.
To the Right Honorable, the good Lord of Kinlosse, &c.
To the Right Noble Lady, the Lady Rich.
To the intire Body of the Kinges Maiesties most Honorable Privie Councell.
To my much honored, and intirely beloued Patronesse, the most famous Vniversitie of Oxford.
To the most Honorable and Valorous Knight Sir Thomas Erskin &c.
To the thrice Noble and valorous Knight Sir Edward VVingfield.
To the Noble, discreete, and wellbeloved Knight Sir Henry Nevill.
To the Right VVorshipfull and most worthy Knight Sir Edward Dyer.
To the right worshipfull & venerable Prelate, Doctor Tompson Deane of VVindsor.
Memories tribute due to the most worthie and no lesse learned Gentleman, Edward Herbert of Mountgomeroy Esquier.
To all the right noble Nobilitie of England.
To all the right Honorable Earles & Lords of Scotland.
To the most faire, most fortunate, and no lesse famous Magdalen Colledge in Oxford.
To the VVorld.
To my beloved Mr. Iohn Davies of the Middle-Temple Councellor at the Law.
The Booke of it selfe.
Againe: to Envie and Detraction
In loue and affection of Master Iohn Davies, mine approved good friend, and admiration of his excellence in the Arte of VVriting.
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Yet this we doe, and pleasure take in toile
Although we doe but plow the barraine Soile.