University of Virginia Library

Petycyon of .R. Coplande the prynter.

Eternall grace of .iii. in one substaunce
Be now my guyde/in this my besynesse
Unto thy laude/this lytel werke tauaūce
For to create/in goostly holynesse
The myndes of suche/as lye in ydlenesse
And vs endue/with goodnesse from aboue
Suche werkes to vse/as may purchase thy loue.
Almyghty fader/whose power dooth extende
In euery worlde/by thy strength dyuyne
Whiche with the sone/and holy goost doost sende
All vertues grete/thy name to illumyne
Thou graunt vs grace/our hertes so to inclyne
Within this boke/some goostlynesse to proue
Suche werkes to vse/as may purchace thy loue.
O sone of god/of wysdome sourge and welle
That with the fader/and blyssed holy goost
Our myndes doost nourisshe/with wytte spyrituell
With goostly reason/lete our braynes be enboost
And with suche lyuynge/as shall please the moost
Lernynge this boke/our thoughtes do not remoue
Suche werkes to vse/as may purchace thy loue.
O holy goost/of goodnesse souerayne
With fader and sone/reygnynge eternally
Of thy grete bounte/cause vs for to attayne
To goostly lyuynge/whiche lyue thus wretchedly
We vs submytte/vnder the custody
Of thy two wynges/O thou moost godly doue
Suche werkes to vse/as may purchace thy loue.