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Fiue hundred pointes of good Husbandrie

as well for the Champion, or open countrie, as also for the woodland, or Seuerall, mixed in euerie Month with Huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of Huswiferie, corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the fermer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbes, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattle, with many other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the Reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end: for the better and easier finding of any matter conteined in the same. Newly set foorth by Thomas Tusser

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A lesson how to confer euery abstract with his month, and how to finde out huswiferie verses by the Pilcrowe, and Champion from Woodland.

In euerie month, er in aught be begun,
Reade ouer that month, what auailes to be dun
So neither this trauell, shall seeme to be lost:
Nor thou to repent, of this trifeling cost.
The figure of abstract, and month doo agree,
Which one to another, relations bee.
These verses so short, without figure that stand:
Be points of themselues, to be taken in hand.
In husbandrie matters, where Pilcrowe ye finde,
That verse appertaineth, to huswiferie kinde.
So haue ye mo lessons, (if there ye looke well:)
Than huswiferie booke, doth vtter or tell.
Of Champion husbandrie, now doo I write,
Which heretofore neuer, this booke did recite.
With lessons approoued, by practise and skill:
To profit the ignorant, buie it that will.
The Champion differs, from Seuerall much,
For want of partition, closier and such.
One name to them both, doo I giue now and than:
For Champion countrie, and Champion man.


The Authors Epistle to the late Lord William Paget, wherein he doth discourse of his owne bringing vp, and of the goodnes of the said Lord his master vnto him, and the occasion of this his booke, thus set forth of his owne long practise.

Chap. 1.

Time trieth the troth, in euerie thing,
Herevvith let men content their minde,
Of vvorks, vvhich best may profit bring,
Most rash to iudge, most often blinde.
As therefore troth, in time shall craue,
So let this booke iust fauor haue.
Take you my Lord, and Master than,
Vnlesse mischance mischanceth me,
Such homelie gift, of me your man,
Since more in Court, I may not be.
And let your praise, vvonne heretofore,
Remaine abrode for euermore.
My seruing you, (thus vnderstand,)
And God his helpe, and yours vvithall,
Did cause good lucke, to take mine hand,
Erecting one, most like to fall.
My seruing you, I knovve it vvas,
Enforced this to come to pas.


Since being once, at Cambridge taught,
Of Court ten yeeres, J made assaie,
No Musicke then, vvas left vnsaught,
Such care J had, to serue that vvaie.
VVhen ioie gan slake, then made J change,
Expulsed mirth, for Musicke strange.
My Musicke since, hath bene the plough,
Entangled vvith, some care among,
The gaine not great, the paine ynough,
Hath made me sing, another song.
VVhich song, if vvell J may auovv,
J craue it iudged be by yovv.
Your seruant Thomas Tusser.


To the right Honorable and my speciall good Lord and Master, the Lord Thomas Paget of Beaudesert, sone and heire to his late father deceased.

Chap. 2.

My Lord, your father looued me,
and you my Lord haue prooued me,
and both your loues, haue mooued me,
to write as here is donne:
Since God hath hence your father,
such flowers as I gather,
I dedicate now rather,
to you my Lord his sonne.
Your father was my founder,
till death became his wounder,
no subiect euer sounder,
whome Prince aduancement gaue:
As God did here defend him,
and honour here did send him,
so will I here commend him,
as long as life I haue.
His neighbours then did blisse him,
his seruants now doe misse him,
the poore would gladlie kisse him,
aliue againe to be:
But God hath wrought his pleasure,
and blest him out of measure,
with heauen and earthlie treasure,
so good as God is he.
His counsell had I vsed,

Ceres the Goddesse of husbandrie.

and Ceres art refused,
I neede not thus haue mused,
nor droope as now I do:


But I must plaie the farmer,
and yet no whit the warmer,
although I had his armer,
and other comfort to.
The Foxe doth make me minde him,

Æsops fable.

whose glorie so did blinde him,

till taile cut off behinde him,
no fare could him content:
Euen so must I be proouing,
such glorie I had in loouing,
of things to plough behoouing,
that makes me now repent.


Loiterers I kept so meanie,

both Philip, Hob, and Cheanie,
that, that waie nothing geanie,
was thought to make me thriue:
Like Iugurth Prince of Numid,
my gold awaie consumid,
with losses so perfumid,
was neuer none aliue.
Great fines so neere did pare me,
great rent so much did skare me,
great charge so long did dare me,
that made me at length crie creake:
Much more of all such fleeces,
as oft I lost by peeces,
among such wilie geeces,
I list no longer speake.
Though countrie health long staid me,
yet lesse expiring fraid me,
and (ictus sapit) praid me,
to seeke more steadie staie:


New lessons then I noted,
and some of them I coted,
least some should thinke I doted,
by bringing naught awaie.
Though Pallas hath denide me,

Pallas Goddesse of wisdome & cunning.

hir learned pen to guide me,
for that she dailie spide me,
with countrie how I stood:
Yet Ceres so did bold me,
with hir good lessons told me,
that rudenes cannot hold me,
from dooing countrie good.
By practise, and ill speeding,
these lessons had their breeding,
and not by hearesaie, or reeding,
as some abrode haue blowne:
Who vvill not thus beleeue me,
so much the more they greeue me,
because they grudge to geeue me,
that is of right mine owne.
At first for want of teaching,
at first for trifles breaching,
at first for ouer reaching,
and lacke of taking hid:
was cause that toile so tost me,
that practise so much cost me,
that rashnes so much lost me,
or hindred as it did.
Yet will I not despaier,
thorough Gods good gift so faier,
through friendship, gold, and praier,
in countrie againe to dwell:


Where rent so shall not paine me,
but paines shall helpe to gaine me,
and gaines shall helpe maintaine me,
new lessons mo to tell.
For citie seemes a wringer,
the penie for to finger,
from such as there doe linger,
or for their pleasure lie:
Though countrie be more painfull,
and not so greedie gainfull,
yet is it not so vainfull,
in following fansies eie.
I haue no labour wanted,
to prune this tree thus planted,
whose fruite to none is scanted,
in house or yet in feeld:
Which fruite, the more ye taste of,
the more to eate, ye haste of,
the lesse this fruite ye waste of,
such fruite this tree doth yeeld.
My tree or booke thus framed,
with title alreadie named,
I trust goes forth vnblamed,
in your good Lordships name:
As my good Lord I take you,
and neuer will forsake you,
fo now I craue to make you,
defender of the same.
Your seruant Thomas Tusser.


To the Reader.

Chap. 3.

I haue bene praid,
to shew mine aid,
in taking paine,
not for the gaine,
but for good will,
to shew such skill,
as shew I could:
That husbandrie,
with huswiferie,
as cock and hen,
to countrie men,
all strangenes gone,
might ioine in one,
as louers should.
I trust both this,
performed is,
and how that here,
it shall appere,
with iudgement right,
to thy delight,
is brought to passe:
That such as wiue,
and faine would thriue,
be plainly taught,
how good from naught,
may trim be tride,
and liuely spide,
as in a glasse.
What should I win,
by writing in,
my losses past,
that ran as fast,
as running streame,
from reame to reame,
that flowes so swift
For that I could,
not get for gould,
to teach me how,
as this doth yow,
through dailie gaine,
the waie so plaine,
to come by thrift.
What is a grote,
or twaine to note,
once in the life,
for man or wife,
to saue a pound,
in house or ground,
ech other weeke?
What more for health,
what more for wealth,
what needeth lesse,
run Iack, helpe Besse,
to staie amis,
not hauing this,
far off to seeke?


I doe not craue,
mo thankes to haue,
than giuen to me,
alreadie be,
but this is all,
to such as shall,
peruse this booke:
That for my sake,
they gently take,
where ere they finde,
against their minde,
when he or she,
shall minded be,
therein to looke.
And grant me now,
thou reader thow,
of termes to vse,
such choise to chuse,
as may delight,
the countrie wight,
and knowledge bring.
For such doe praise,
the countrie phraise,
the countrie acts,
the countrie facts,
the countrie toies,
before the ioies,
of anie thing.
Nor looke thou here,
that euerie shere,
of euerie verse,
I thus reherse,
may profit take,
or vantage make,
by lessons such:
For here we see,
things seuerall bee,
and there no dike,
but champion like,
and sandie soile,
and claiey toile,
doe suffer much.
This being waid,
be not afraid,
to buie to proue,
to reade with loue,
to followe some,
and so to come,
by practise true:
My paine is past,
thou warning hast,
th'experience mine,
the vantage thine,
may giue thee choice,
to crie or reioice,
and thus adue.
Finis T. Tusser.



An introduction to the Booke of Husbandrie.

Chap. 4.

Good husbandmen, must moile and toile,
to laie to liue, by laboured feeld:
Their wiues at home, must keepe such coile,
as their like actes, may profit yeeld,
For well they knowe,
as shaft from bowe,
or chalke from snowe,
A good round rent, their Lords they giue,
and must keepe touch, in all their paie:
With credit crackt, else for to liue,
or trust to legs, and run awaie.
Though fence well kept, is one good point,
and tilth well done, in season due:
Yet needing salue, in time to annoint,
is all in all, and needfull true,
As for the rest,
thus thinke I best,
as friend doth gest,
With hand in hand, to leade thee foorth,
to Ceres campe, there to behold:

Ceres Goddesse of husbandrie,

A thousand things, as richlie woorth,
as any pearle, is woorthie gold.


A Preface to the buier of this booke.

Chap. 5.

What lookest thou herein to haue?
Fine verses thy fansie to please?
Of many my betters that craue,
Looke nothing but rudenes in thease.
VVhat other thing lookest thou then?
Graue sentences many to finde?
Such, Poets haue twentie and ten,
Yea thousands contenting the minde.
VVhat looke ye, I praie you shew what?
Termes painted with Rhetorike fine?
Good husbandrie seeketh not that,
Nor ist any meaning of mine.
VVhat lookest thou, speake at the last?
Good lessons for thee and thy wife?
Then keepe them in memorie fast,
To helpe as a comfort to life.
VVhat looke ye for more in my booke?
Points needfull and meete to be knowne?
Then dailie be suer to looke,
To saue to be suer thine owne.


The commodities of Husbandrie.

Chap. 6.

Let house haue to fill her,
Let land haue to till her.
No dwellers, what profiteth house for to stand?
What goodnes, vnoccupied bringeth the land?
No labor no bread,
No host we be dead.
No husbandry vsed, how soone shal we sterue?
House keeping neglected, what comfort to serue?
Ill father no gift,
No knowledge no thrift.
The father an vnthrift, what hope to the sonne?
The ruler vnskilfull, how quickly vndonne?

Chap. 7.

As true as thy faith,
this riddle thus saith.
I seeme but a drudge, yet I passe any King,

The praise of husbandrie.

To such as can vse me, great wealth I do bring.
Since Adam first liued, I neuer did die,
When Noe was a shipman, there also was I.
The earth to susteine me, the sea for my fish:
Be readie to pleasure me, as I would wish.
What hath any life, but I helpe to preserue,
What wight without me, but is ready to sterue.
In woodland, in Champion, Citie or towne,
If long I be absent, what falleth not downe?
If long I be present, what goodnes can want?
Though things at my comming, were neuer so scant.
So many as looue me, and vse me aright,
With treasure and pleasure, I richly acquite.
Great kings I doe succour, else wrong it would go,
The King of al kings hath appointed it so.


The description of Husbandrie.

Chap. 8.

Of husband, doth husbandrie challenge that name,
of husbandrie, husband doth likewise the same:
Where huswife and huswiferie, ioineth with thease,
there wealth in abundance, is gotten with ease.
The name of a husband, what is it to saie?
of wife and the houshold, the band and the staie:
Some husbandlie thriueth, that neuer had wife,
yet scarce a good husband, in goodnes of life.
The husband is he, that to labour doth fall,
the labour of him, I doe husbandrie call:
If thrift by that labour, he any way caught,
then is it good husbandrie, else it is naught.
So houshold and housholdrie, I doe define,
for folke and the goodes, that in house be of thine:
House keeping to them, as a refuge is set,
which like as it is, so report it doth get.
Be house or the furniture, neuer so rude,
of husband and husbandrie, (thus I conclude:)
That huswife and huswiferie, if it be good,
must pleasure togither, as cosins in blood.

The Ladder to thrift.

Chap. 9.


To take thy calling thankfully,
and shun the path to beggery.


To grudge in youth no drudgery,
to come by knowledge perfectly.


To count no trauell slauerie,
that brings in penie sauerlie.


To folow profit earnestlie:
but meddle not with pilferie.


To get by honest practisie,
and keepe thy gettings couertlie.


To lash not out, too lashinglie,
for feare of pinching penurie.


To get good plot to occupie,
and store and vse it husbandlie.


To shew to landlord curtesie,
and keepe thy couenants orderlie



To hold that thine is lawfullie,
for stoutnes or for flatterie.


To wed good wife for companie,
and liue in wedlock honestlie.


To furnish house with housholdry,
and make prouision skilfully.


To ioine to wife good familie,
and none to keepe for brauerie.


To suffer none liue idlelie,
for feare of idle knauerie.


To courage wife in huswiferie,
and vse well dooers gentilie.


To keepe no more but needfullie,
and count excesse vnsauerie.


To raise betimes the lubberlie,
both snorting Hob and Margerie.


To walke thy pastures vsuallie,
to spie ill neighbours subtiltie.


To hate reuengement hastilie,
for loosing loue and amitie.


To loue thy neighbor neighborly,
and shew him no discurtesy.


To answere stranger ciuilie,
but shew him not thy secresie.


To vse no friend deceitfully,
to offer no man villeny.


To learne how foe to pacifie,
but trust him not too trustilie.


To keepe thy touch substanciallie,
and in thy word vse constancie.


To make thy bandes aduisedly,
& com not bound through suerty.


To meddle not with vsurie,
nor lend, thy monie foolishlie.


To hate to liue in infamie,
through craft, & liuing shiftingly.


To shun, all kinde of treachery,
for treason, endeth horribly.


To learne, to eschew ill cōpany,
and such as liue dishonestly.


To banish house of blasphemie,
least crosses, crosse vnluckelie.


To stop mischāce, through policy
for chancing too vnhappily.


To beare thy crosses paciently,
for worldly things are slippery.


To laie to keepe from miserie,
age, comming on so creepinglie.


To praie to God continuallie,
for aide against thine enimie.


To spend thy Sabboth holilie,
and helpe the needie pouertie.


To liue in conscience quietly,
and keepe thy selfe from malady.


To ease thy sicknes speedilie,
er helpe be past recouerie,


To seeke to God for remedie,
for witches prooue vnluckilie.
These be the steps vnfamedlie:
to climbe to thrift, by husbandrie.
These steps both reach, and teach thee shall:
To come by thrift, to shift withall.


Good husbandlie lessons worthie to be followed of such as will thriue.

Chap. 10.


God sendeth & giueth, both mouth & the meat,
and blesseth vs al, with his benefits great:
Then serue we yt God, that so richly doth giue,
shew loue to our neighbors, & lay for to liue.


As bud by appearing, betokneth the spring,
and leafe by her falling, the contrarie thing:
So youth bids vs labour, to get as we can,
for age is a burden, to laboring man.


A competent liuing, and honestly had,
makes such as are godlie, both thankfull and glad:
Life neuer contented, with honest estate,
lamented is oft, and repented too late.


Count neuer wel gotten, that naughtly is got,
nor well to account of, which honest is not:
Looke long not to prosper, that wayest not this,
least prospering faileth, and all go amisse.


Laie wisely to marrie.

True wedlock is best, for auoiding of sinne,

the bed vndefiled, much honour doth winne:
Though loue be in choosing, farre better than gold,
let loue come with somewhat, the better to hold.


Concord bringeth foyson.

Where cooples agree not, is ranker and strife,

where such be together, is seldome good life:
Where cooples in wedlock, doe louelie agree,
there foyson remaineth, if wisedome there bee.


Wife and children craue a dwelling.

Who looketh to marrie, must laie to keepe house,

for loue may not alway, be plaieng with douse:
If children encrease, and no staie of thine owne,
what afterwards followes, is soone to be knowne,



Once charged with children, or likelie to bee,

Thee for thriue.

giue ouer to sudgerne, that thinkest to thee:
Least grutching of hostis, and crauing of nurse,

Hostisses grudge: nurses craue.

be costlie and noisome, to thee and thy purse.


Goodhusbands that loueth, good houses to keepe,
are oftentimes careful, when other doe sleepe:

Liue within thy Tedder.

To spend as they may, or to stop at the furst,
for running in danger, or feare of the wurst.


Go count with thy cofers, when haruest is in,

By haruest is ment al thy stock.

which waie for thy profite, to saue or to win:
Of tone of them both, if a sauer wee smel,
house keeping is godlie, where euer we dwel.


Sonne, think not thy monie, purse bottom to burn,

Be thine own purs bearer.

but keepe it for profite, to serue thine owne turn:
A foole and his monie, be soone at debate,
which after with sorrow, repents him too late.


Good bargaine a dooing, make priuie but few,
in selling, refraine not abrode it to shew:
In making make haste, and awaie to thy pouch,
in selling no haste, if ye dare it auouch.


Good Landlord, who findeth, is blessed of God,
a cumbersome Landlord, is husbandmans rod:

Euill landlord

He noieth, destroieth, and al to this drift,
to strip his poore tenant, of ferme and of thrift.


Rent corn, who so paieth (as worldlings wold haue,

Rent corne

so much for an aker) must liue as a slaue:
Rent corne to be paid, for a reasnable rent,
at reasnable prises, is not to lament.


Once placed for profit, looke neuer for ease,
except ye beware, of such michers as thease:
Unthriftines, Slouthfulnes, Careles and Rash,

Foure beggers.

that thrusteth thee headlong, to run in the lash.



Thrifts officers.

Make monie thy drudge, for to follow thy warke,

make wisedome controler, good order thy clarke:
Prouision Cater, and skil to be cooke,
make steward of all, pen, inke, and thy booke.


Thrifts physick.

Make hunger thy sauce, as a medcine for helth,

make thirst to be butler, as physick for welth:
Make eie to be vsher, good vsage to haue,
make bolt to be porter, to keepe out a knaue.


Thrifts bailie.

Make husbandrie bailie, abrode to prouide,

make huswiferie dailie, at home for to guide:
Make cofer fast locked, thy treasure to keepe,
make house to be sure, the safer to sleepe.


Husbandly armors

Make bandog thy scoutwatch, to barke at a theefe,

make courage for life, to be capitaine cheefe:
Make trapdore thy bulwarke, make bell to begin,
make gunstone and arrow, shew who is within.


Theeues to thrift.

The credite of maister, to brothell his man,

and also of mistresse, to minnekin Nan:
Be causers of opening, a number of gaps,
that letteth in mischiefe, and many mishaps.


Friends to thrift.

Good husband he trudgeth, to bring in the gaines,

good huswife she drudgeth, refusing no paines:
Though husband at home, be to count ye wote what,
yet huswife within, is as needfull as that.


Enimie to thrift.

What helpeth in store, to haue neuer so much,

halfe lost by ill vsage, ill huswiues and such?
So, twentie lode bushes, cut downe at a clap,
such heede may be taken, shal stop but a gap.


Sixe noiances to thrift.

A retcheles seruant, a mistres that scowles,

a rauening mastife, and hogs that eate fowles:
A giddie braine maister, and stroyal his knaue,
brings ruling to ruine, and thrift to hir graue.



With some vpon Sundaies, their tables doe reeke,
and halfe the weeke after, their dinners to seeke:

Inough is a praise

Not often exceeding, but alwaie inough,
is husbandlie fare, and the guise of the plough.


Ech daie to be feasted, what husbandrie wurse,
ech daie for to feast, is as ill for the purse:
Yet measurely feasting, with neighbors among,
shal make thee beloued, and liue the more long.


Things husbandly handsom, let workman contriue,

Thrifts aduises.

but build not for glorie, that thinkest to thriue:
Who fondlie in dooing, consumeth his stock,
in the end for his follie, doth get but a mock.


Spend none but your owne, howsoeuer ye spend,

Spoilers to thrift.

for bribing and shifting, haue seldom good end:
In substance although ye haue neuer so much,
delight not in parasites, harlots and such.


Be suertie seldome, (but neuer for much)
for feare of purse penniles, hanging by such:
Or Skarborow warning, as ill I beleeue,
when (sir I arest yee) gets hold of thy sleeue.


Use (legem pone) to paie at thy daie,
but vse not (Oremus) for often delaie:
Yet (Præsta quæsumus) out of a grate,
of al other collects, the lender doth hate.


Be pinched by lending, for kisse nor for kin,
nor also by spending, by such as come in:
Nor put to thy hand betwixt bark and the tree,
least through thy owne follie, so pinched thou bee.


As lending to neighbour, in time of his neede,
winnes loue of thy neighbour, and credit doth breede:
So neuer to craue, but to liue of thine owne,
brings comforts a thousand, to many vnknowne.



Who liuing but lends, and be lent to they must,
else buieng and selling, might lie in the dust:
But shameles and craftie, that desperate are,
make many ful honest, the woorser to fare.


At some time to borow, account it no shame,
if iustlie thou keepest, thy touch for the same:
Who quick be to borow, and slow be to paie,
their credit is naught, go they neuer so gaie.


By shifting and borrowing, who so as liues,
not well to be thought on, occasion giues:
Then lay to liue warily, and wisely to spend,
for prodigall liuers, haue seldom good end.


Some spareth too late, and a number with him,
the foole at the bottom, the wise, at the brim:
Who careth, nor spareth, till spent he hath all,
of bobbing, not robbing, be fearefull he shall.


Where welthines floweth, no friendship can lack,
whom pouertie pincheth, hath friendship as slack:
Then happie is he, by example that can,
take heede by the fall, of a mischieued man.


Who breaketh his credit, or cracketh it twise,
trust such with a suretie, if ye be wise:
Or if he be angrie, for asking thy due,
Once euen, to him afterward, lend not anue.


Account it wel sold, that is iustlie well paid.
and count it wel bought, that is neuer denaid:
But yet here is tone, here is tother doth best,
for buier and seller, for quiet and rest.


Leaue Princes affaires vndeskanted on,
and tend to such dooings as stands thee vpon:
Feare God, and offend not the Prince nor his lawes,
and keepe thy selfe out, of the Magistrates clawes.



As interest or vsurie, plaieth the dreuil,
so hilback and filbellie, biteth as euil:
Put dicing among them, and docking the dell,
and by and by after, of beggerie smell.


Once weekelie remember, thy charges to cast,

Thrifts Auditor.

once monthlie see how, thy expences may last:
If quarter declareth, too much to be spent,
for feare of il yeere, take aduise of thy rent.


Who orderlie entreth, his paiment in booke,
may orderlie find them againe (if he looke:)
And he that intendeth, but once for to paie,
shal find this in dooing, the quietest waie.


In dealing vprightlie, this counsel I teach,
first recken, then write, er to purse yee doe reach:
Then paie and dispatch him, as soone as ye can,
for lingring is hinderance to many a man.


Haue waights I aduise thee, for siluer and gold,
for some be in knauerie, now a daies bold:
And for to be sure, good monie to pay,
receiue that is currant, as neere as ye may.


Delight not for pleasure, two houses to keepe,
least charge without measure, vpon thee doe creepe:
And Iankin and Ienikin, coosen thee so,
to make thee repent it, er yeere about go.


The stone that is rouling, can gather no mosse,
who often remooueth, is sure of losse:
The rich it compelleth, to paie for his pride,
the poore, it vndooeth on euerie side.


The eie of the maister, enricheth the hutch,
the eie of the mistresse, auaileth as mutch:
Which eie, if it gouerne, with reason and skil,
hath seruant and seruice, at pleasure and wil.



Who seeketh reuengement of euerie wrong,
in quiet nor safetie, continueth long:
So he that of wilfulnes trieth the law,
shal striue for a coxcome, and thriue as a daw.


To hunters and haukers, take heede what ye saie,
milde answere with curtesie, driues them awaie:
So, where a mans better, wil open a gap,
resist not with rudenes for feare of mishap.


A man in this world, for a churle that is knowne,
shal hardlie in quiet, keepe that is his owne:
Where lowlie and such, as of curtesie smels,
finds fauor and friendship, where euer he dwels.


Keepe truelie thy Saboth, the better to speed,
keepe seruant from gadding, but when it is need:
Keepe fishdaie and fasting daie, as they doe fal,
what custome thou keepest, let others keepe al.


Though some in their tithing, be slack or too bold,
be thou vnto Godward, not that waie too cold:
Euill conscience grudgeth, and yet we doe see,
ill tithers, ill thriuers, most commonlie bee.


Paie weekelie thy workman, his houshold to feed,
paie quarterlie seruants, to buie as they need:
Giue garment to such, as deserue and no mo,
least thou and thy wife, without garment doe go.


Beware raskabilia, slothfull to wurke,
purloiners and filchers, that loueth to lurke:
Away with such lubbers, so loth to take paine,
that roules in expences, but neuer no gaine.


Good wife, and good children, are worthie to eate,
good seruant, good laborer, earneth their meate:
Good friend, and good neighbor, that fellowlie gest,
with hartilie welcome, should haue of the best.



Depart not with al that thou hast to thy childe,
much lesse vnto other, for being beguilde:
Least, if thou wouldst gladlie possesse it agen,
looke, for to come by it, thou wottest not when.


The greatest preferment, that childe we can giue,
is learning and nurture, to traine him to liue:
Which who so it wanteth, though left as a squier,
consumeth to nothing, as block in the fier.


When God hath so blest thee, as able to liue,
and thou hast to rest thee, and able to giue:
Lament thy offences, serue God for amends,
make soule to be readie, when God for it sends.


Send fruites of thy faith, to heauen aforehand,
for mercie here dooing, God blesseth thy land:
He maketh thy store, with his blessing to swim,
and after, thy soule to be blessed with him.


Some lay to get riches, by sea and by land,
and ventreth his life, in his enimies hand:
And setteth his soule vpon sixe or on seauen,
not fearing nor caring, for hell nor for heauen.


Some pincheth and spareth, and pineth his life,
to cofer vp bags, for to leaue to his wife:
And she (when he dieth) sets open the chest,
for such as can sooth hir, and all away wrest.


Good husband preuenting the frailnes of some,
takes part of Gods benefits, as they doo come:
And leaueth to wife, and his children the rest,
each one his owne part, as he thinketh it best.


These lessons approoued, if wiselie ye note,
may saue and auantage ye, many a grote:
Which if ye can follow, occasion found,
then euerie lesson, may saue ye a pound.


An habitation inforced better late than neuer, vpon these words, Sit downe Robin, and rest thee.

Chap. 11.

My friend, if cause doth vvrest thee,
Ere follie hath much opprest thee,
Farre from acquaintance kest thee,
VVhere countrie may digest thee,
Let vvood and vvater request thee,
In good corne soile to nest thee,
VVhere pasture and meade may brest thee,
And healthsom aire, inuest thee.
Though enuie shall detest thee,
Let that no vvhit molest thee,
Thanke God, that so hath blest thee,
And sit dovvne Robin, and rest thee.

The fermers dailie diet.

Chap. 12.

A plot set downe, for fermers quiet,
as tune requires, to frame his diet:
With sometime fish, and sometime fast,
that houshold store, may longer last.


Let Lent well kept, offend not thee,

for March and Aprill breeders bee:
Spend herring first, saue saltfish last,
for saltfish is good, when Lent is past.


When Easter comes, who knowes not than,

that Ueale and Bakon, is the man:
And Martilmas beefe, doth beare good tack,
when countrie folke, doe dainties lack.


When Mackrell ceaseth from the seas,

Iohn Baptist brings, grassebeefe, and pease.


Fresh herring plentie, Mihell brings,


with fatted Crones, and such old things.
All Saints doe laie, for porke and souse,


for sprats and spurlings, for their house.
At Christmas play, and make good cheere,
for Christmas comes, but once a yeere.


Though some then doe, as doe they would,

A caueat.

let thriftie doe, as doe they should.
For causes good, so many waies,


Keepe Embrings wel, and fasting daies.
What lawe commands, we ought to obay,


For Friday, Saturne and Wednesday.
The land doth will, the Sea doth wish,
Spare sometime flesh, and feede of fish.

A thing needfull.

Where fish is scant, and fruite of trees,

The last remedie.

Supplie that want, with butter and cheese.
quoth Tusser.

A description of the properties of windes all the times of the yeere.

Chap. 13.

North winds send haile, South winds bring raine,

In winter.

East winds we bewail, West winds blow amaine:
North east is too cold, South east not too warme,
North west is too bold, South west doth no harme.
The north is a noyer, to grasse of all suites,

At the spring.

The east a destroyer, to herbe, and all fruites:
The south, with his showers, refresheth the corne,


The west, to all flowers, may not be forborne.
The West, as a father, all goodnes doth bring,


The East, a forbearer no manner of thing:
The South as vnkind, draweth sicknes too neere,
The North, as a friend, maketh all againe cleere.


God is the gouerner of windes and weather.

With temperate winde, we be blessed of God,

With tempest, we finde, we are beat with his rod:
All power, we knowe, to remaine in his hand,
How euer winde blowe, by sea, or by land.
Though windes doe rage, as windes were wood,
And cause spring tydes, to raise great flood,
And loftie ships, leaue anker in mud,
Bereafing many, of life, and of blud:
Yet true it is, as cow chawes cud,
And trees at spring, doe yeeld forth bud,
Except winde stands, as neuer it stood:
It is an ill winde turnes none to good.

Of the Planets.

Chap. 14.

As huswiues are teached, in stead of a clock,
how winter nights passeth, by crowing of cock:
So, here by the Planets, as far as I dare,
some lessons I leaue, for the husbandmans share.

Of the rising & going down of the sun.

If day star appeareth, day comfort is ny,

if sunne be at south, it is noone by and by:
If sunne be at westward, it setteth anon,
if sunne be at setting, the day is soone gon.

Of the Moone changing.

Moone changed, keepes closet, three daies as a Queene,

er she in hir prime, will of any be seene:
If great she appereth, it showreth out,
if small she appereth, it signifieth drout.
At change or at full, come it late, or else soone,
maine sea is at highest, at midnight and noone:
But yet in the creekes, it is later high flood,
through farnesse of running, by reason as good.

Of flowing & ebbing, to such as be verie sick.

Tyde flowing is feared, for many a thing,

great danger to such as be sick, it doth bring:
Sea eb, by long ebbing, some respit doth giue,
and sendeth good comfort, to such as shal liue.


Septembers abstract.

Chap. 14.


Now enter Iohn,
old fermer is gon.


What champion vseth,
that woodland refuseth.


Good ferme now take,
keepe still, or forsake.


What helpes reuiue,
the thriuing, to thriue.


Plough fence and store,
aught else before.


By tits, and such,
few gaineth much.


Horse strong, and light,
soone charges quite.
Light head, and purse,
what lightnes wurse.


Who goeth a borrowing,
goeth a sorrowing.
Few lends, (but fooles)
their working tooles.


Greene rie haue some,
er Mihelmas come.


Grant soile hir lust,
sowe rie in the dust.


Cleane rie that sowes,
the better crop mowes.


Mixe rie aright,
with wheat that is whight.


See corne sowen in,
too thick, nor too thin.
For want of seede,
land yeeldeth weede.


With sling, or bowe,
keepe corne from Crowe.


Trench hedge and forrow,
that water may thorow.
Deepe dike saues much,
from drouers, and such.


Amend marsh wall,
Crab holes, and all.


Geld bulles, and rams,
sewe ponds, amend dams.
Sell webster thy wull,
fruite gather, grapes pull.
For feare of drabs,
go gather thy crabs.


Pluck fruite to last,
when Mihell is past.


Forget it not,
fruit brused will rot.
Light ladder, and long,
doth tree least wrong.
Go gather with skill,
and gather that will.


Driue hiue, good conie,
for waxe, and for honie.
No driuing of hiue,
till yeeres past fiue.


Good dwelling giue bee,
or hence goes shee.


Put bore in stie,
for Hallontide nie.


With bore (good Gisse)
let naught be amisse.


Karle hempe, left greene,
now pluck vp cleene.


Drowne hemp, as ye need,
once had out his seed.
I pray thee (good Kit)
drowne hempe in pit.


Of al the rest,
white hempe is best.
Let skilfull be gotten,
least hempe prooue rotten.


Set strawberies wife,
I loue them for life.


Plant Respe, and rose,
and such as those.


Go gather vp mast,
er time be past.
Mast fats vp swine,
mast kils vp kine.


Let hogs be roong,
both old and yoong.


No mast vpon oke,
no longer vnyoke.
If hog doe crie,
giue eare and eie.


Hogs haunting corne,
may not be borne.


Good neighbour thow,
good custome alow.
No scaring with dog,
whilst mast is for hog.


Get home with the brake,
to brue with and bake.
To couer the shed,
drie ouer the hed.
To lie vnder cow:
to rot vnder mow.
To serue to burne,
for many a turne.


To sawpit drawe,
boord log, to sawe.
Let timber be haile,
least profit doe quaile.
Such boord, and pale,
is readie sale.


Sawne slab, let lie,
for stable, and stie,
Sawe dust spred thick,
makes alley trick.


Keepe safe thy fence,
scare breakhedge thence,
A drab, and a knaue,
will prowle to haue.


Mark winde, and Moone,
at midnight, and noone.
Some rigs thy plow,
some milks thy cow.


Red cur, or black,
few prowlers lack.


Some steale, some pilch,
some all away filch.
Mark losses with greefe,
through prouling theefe.
Thus endeth Septembers abstract, agreeing with Septembers husbandrie.

Other short remembrances.

Now friend, as ye wish,
go seuer thy fish:
When friend shall come,
to be sure of some.


Thy ponds renew,
put eeles in stew.
To leeue till Lent,
and then to be spent.
Set priuie, or prim,
set boxe like him.
Set Giloflowers all,
that growes on the wall.
Set herbes some more,
for winter store.
Sowe seedes for pot,
for flowers sowe not.
Here ends Septembers short remembrances.

Septembers husbandrie.

Chap. 15.

September blowe soft,
Till fruite be in loft.
Forgotten, month past.
Doe now at the last.


At Mihelmas lightly, new fermer comes in,
new husbandrie forceth him, new to begin:
Old fermer, still taking, the time to him giuen,
makes August to last, vntill Mihelmas euen.


New fermer may enter (as champions say)
on all that is fallow, at Lent ladie day:
In woodland, old fermer, to that will not yeeld,
for loosing of pasture, and feede of his feeld.


Prouide against Mihelmas, bargaine to make,

Ferme take or giue ouer.

for ferme to giue ouer, to keepe or to take:
In dooing of either, let wit beare a stroke,
for buieng or selling, of pig in a poke.


Good ferme and wel stored, good housing and drie,

Twelue good properties.

good corne and good dairie, good market and nie:
Good shepheard, good tilman, good Iack and good Gil,
makes husband and huswife, their cofers to fil.


Let pasture be stored, and fenced about,

Haue euer a good fence.

and tillage set forward, as needeth without:
Before ye doe open, your purse to begin,
with any thing dooing, for fancie within.



Best cattle most profit.

No storing of pasture, with baggedglie tit,

with ragged, with aged, and euil athit:
Let carren and barren, be shifted awaie,
for best is the best, whatsoeuer ye paie.


Strong and light.

Horse, Oxen, plough tumbrel, cart, waggon, & waine,

the lighter and stronger, the greater thy gaine:
The soile and the seede, with the sheafe and the purse,
the lighter in substance, for profite the wurse.


Hate borowing.

To borow to daie, and to morow to mis,

for lender and borower, noiance it is:
Then haue of thine owne, without lending vnspilt,
what followeth needfull, here learne if thou wilt.

A digression to husbandlie furniture.


Barne furniture.

Barne locked, gofe ladder, short pitchforke and long,

Flaile, strawforke and rake, with a fan that is strong:
Wing, cartnaue and bushel, peck, strike readie hand,
get casting sholue, broome, and a sack with a band.


Stable furniture.

A stable wel planked, with key and a lock,

walles stronglie wel lyned, to beare off a knock:
A rack and a manger, good litter and haie,
sweete chaffe, and some prouender euerie daie.


A pitchfork, a doongfork, seeue, skep and a bin,
a broome and a paile to put water therein:
A handbarow, wheelebarow, sholue and a spade,
a currie combe, mainecombe, and whip for a Iade.


A buttrice and pincers, a hammer and naile,
an aperne and siszers for head and for taile:
Hole bridle and saddle, whit lether and nall,
with collers and harneis, for thiller and all.


A panel and wantey, packsaddle and ped,
a line to fetch litter, and halters for hed:


With crotchis and pinnes, to hang trinkets theron,
and stable fast chained, that nothing be gon.


Strong exeltred cart, that is clouted and shod,

Cart furniture.

cart ladder and wimble, with percer and pod:
Wheele ladder for haruest, light pitchfork and tough,
shaue, whiplash wel knotted, and cartrope ynough.


Ten sacks, whereof euerie one holdeth a coome,

A Coeme is halfe a quarter.

a pulling hooke handsome, for bushes and broome:
Light tumbrel, and doong crone, for easing sir wag,
sholue, pickar, and mattock, with bottle and bag.


A grinstone, a whetstone, a hatchet and bil,

Husbandry tooles.

with hamer and english naile, sorted with skil:
A frower of iron, for cleauing of lath,
with roule for a sawpit, good husbandrie hath.


A short saw, and long saw, to cut a too logs,
an ax and a nads, to make troffe for thy hogs:
A Douercourt beetle, and wedges with steele,
strong leuer to raise vp, the block fro the wheele.


Two ploughs & a plough chein, ij. culters, iij. shares

Plough furniture.

with ground cloutes, & side clouts, for soile yt so tares:
With ox bowes and oxyokes, and other things mo,
for oxteeme and horseteeme, in plough for to go.


A plough beetle, ploughstaff, to further the plough,
great clod to a sunder that breaketh so rough:
A sled for a plough, and another for blocks,
for chimney in winter, to burne vp their docks.


Sedge collers for ploughhorse, for lightnes of neck,
good seede and good sower, and also seede peck:
Strong oxen and horses, wel shod and wel clad,
wel meated and vsed, for making thee sad.


A barlie rake toothed, with yron and steele,
like paier of harrowes, and roler doth weele:


A sling for a moether, a bowe for a boy,
a whip for a carter, is hoigh de la roy.


Haruest tooles.

A brush sithe, and grasse sithe, with rifle to stand,

a cradle for barlie, with rubstone and sand:
Sharpe sikle and weeding hooke, haie fork and rake,
a meake for the pease, and to swinge vp the brake.


Short rakes for to gather vp barlie to binde,
and greater to rake vp, such leauings behinde:
A rake for to hale vp, the fitchis that lie,
a pike for to pike them vp, handsom to drie.


A skuttle or skreine, to rid soile fro the corne,
and sharing sheares readie, for sheepe to be shorne:
A fork and a hooke, to be tampring in claie,
a lath hammer, trowel, a hod, or a traie.


Strong yoke for a hog, with a twicher and rings,
with tar in a Tarpot, for dangerous things:
A sheepe marke, a tar kettle, little or mitch,
two pottles of tar, to a pottle of pitch.


Longladder to hang al along by the wal,
to reach for a neede, to the top of thy hal:
Beame, scales, with the weights, that be sealed & true,
sharp moulspare with barbs, yt the mowles do so rue.


Sharpe cutting spade, for the deuiding of mow,
with skuppat and skauel, that marsh men alow:
A sickle to cut with, a didall and crome,
for draining of ditches, that noies thee at home.


A clauestock, and rabetstock, carpenters craue,
and seasoned timber, for pinwood to haue:
A Iack for to saw vpon, fewell for fier,
for sparing of firewood, and sticks fro the mier.


Soles, fetters, & shackles, with horselock and pad,
a cow house for winter, so meete to be had:


A stie for a bore, and a hogscote for hog,
a roost for thy hennes, and a couch for thy dog.
Here endeth husbandlie furniture.


Thresh seed, and to fanning, September doth crie,

Sowing of rie.

get plough to the field, and be sowing of rie:
To harrow the rydgis, er euer ye strike,
is one peece of husbandrie, Suffolk doth like.


Sowe tunely thy whitewheat, sowe rie in the dust,
let seede haue his longing, let soile haue hir lust:
Let rie be partaker of Mihelmas spring,
to beare out the hardnes that winter doth bring.


Some mixeth to miller, the rie with the wheat,
Temmes lofe, on his table, to haue for to eate:


But sowe it not mixed, to growe so on land,
least rie tarie wheat, till it shed as it stand.


If soile doe desire, to haue rie with the wheat,
by growing togither, for safetie more great:
Let white wheat be ton, be it deere, be it cheape,
the sooner to ripe, for the sickle to reape.


Though beanes be in sowing, but scattered in,


yet wheat, rie, and peason, I loue not too thin:
Sowe barlie and dredge, with a plentifull hand,
least weede, steed of seede, ouer groweth thy land.


No sooner a sowing, but out by and by,
with mother or boy, that Alarum can cry:
{Now} let them be armed, with sling or with bowe,

Keeping of crowes

to skare away piggen, the rooke and the crowe.


Seede sowen, draw a forrough, the water to draine,

water furrough.

and dike vp such ends, as in harmes doe remaine:
[illeg.] driuing of cattell, or rouing that waie,
which being preuented, ye hinder their praie.



Amend marsh walles.

Saint Mihel doth bid thee, amend the marsh wal,

the brecke and the crab hole, the foreland and al:
One noble in season, bestowed theron,
may saue thee a hundred, er winter be gon.


Gelding of rams.

Now geld with the gelder, the ram and the bul,

sew ponds amend dammes, and sel webster thy wul:
Out fruit go and gather, but not in the deaw,
with crab and the wal nut, for feare of a shreaw.


Gathering of fruit.

The Moone in the wane, gather fruit for to last,

but winter fruit gather, when Mihel is past:
Though michers that loue not to buy nor to craue,
make some gather sooner, else few for to haue.


Too early gathering is not best

Fruit gathred too timely, wil taste of the wood,

wil shrink and be bitter, and seldome prooue good:
So fruit that is shaken, or beat off a tree,
with brusing in falling, soone faultie wil bee.


Driuing of hiues.

Now burne vp the bees, that ye mind for to driue,

at Midsomer driue them, and saue them aliue:
Place hiue in good ayer, set southly and warme,
and take in due season, wax, honie, and swarme.


Preseruing of bees.

Set hiue on a plank, (not too low by the ground)

where herbe with the flowers, may compas it round
And boordes to defend it, from north and north east,
from showers and rubbish, from vermin and beast.


Stie vp the bore.

At Mihelmas safely, go stie vp thy Bore,

least straying abrode, ye doo see him no more:
The sooner the better for Halontide nie,
and better he brawneth, if hard he doo lie.


Shift bore (for il aire) as best ye do thinke,
and twise a day giue him, fresh vittle and drinke:
And diligent Cislye, my dayrie good wench,
make cleanly his cabben, for measling and stench.



Now pluck vp thy hempe, and go beat out the seed,

Gathering of winter hempe.

and afterward water it, as ye see need:
But not in the riuer, where cattle should drinke,
for poisoning them, and the people with stinke.


Hempe huswifely vsed, lookes cleerely and bright,

Whitest hempe best sold.

and selleth it selfe, by the colour so whight:
Some vseth to water it, some do it not,
be skilful in doing, for feare it do rot.


Wife into thy garden, and set me a plot,

Setting of strawberies & roses, &c.

with strawbery rootes of the best to be got:
Such growing abroade, among thornes in the wood,
wel chosen and picked, prooue excellent good.


The Barbery, Respis and Goosebery too,

Gooseberies, and Respis.

looke now to be planted as other things doo:
The Goosebery, Respis, and Roses, al three,
with Strawberies vnder them, trimly agree.


To gather some mast, it shal stand thee vpon

Gathering of mast.

with seruant and children, er mast be al gon:
Some left among bushes, shal pleasure thy swine,
for feare of mischiefe, keepe acorns fro kine.


For rooting of pasture, ring hog ye had neede,

Rooting of hogs.

which being wel ringled, the better do feede:
Though yong with their elders, wil lightly keepe best,
yet spare not to ringle, both great and the rest.


Yoke seldom thy swine, while the shacktime doth last,

yoking of swine.

for diuers misfortunes, that happen too fast:
Or if ye do fancie, whole eare of the hog,
giue eie to il neighbour, and eare to his dog.


Keepe hog I aduise thee, from medow and corne,

Hunting of hogs.

for out aloude crying, that ere he was borne:
Such lawles, so haunting, both often and long,
if dog set him chaunting, he doth thee no wrong.



Where loue among neighbors, do beare any stroke,
whiles shacktime endureth, men vse not to yoke:

Ringling of hogs.

Yet surely ringling is needeful and good,

til frost do enuite them, to brakes in the wood.


Carriage of brakes.

Get home with thy brakes, er an sommer be gon,

for teddered cattle, to sit there vpon:
To couer thy houel, to brewe and to bake,
to lie in the bottome, where houel ye make.


Sawe out thy timber.

Now sawe out thy timber, for boord and for pale,

to haue it vnshaken, and ready to sale:
Bestowe it and stick it, and lay it aright,
to find it in March, to be ready in plight.


Slabs of timber.

Saue slab of thy timber, for stable and stie,

for horse and for hog, the more clenly to lie:
Saue sawe dust, and brick dust and ashes so fine,
for alley to walke in, with neighbour of thine.


Hedge breakers.

Keepe safely and warely, thine vttermost fence,

with ope gap and breake hedge, do seldome dispence:
Such runabout prowlers, by night and by day,
see punished iustly, for prowling away.


Learne to know Hewe prowler.

At noone if it bloweth, at night if it shine,

out trudgeth Hew make shift, with hooke & with line:
Whiles Gillet his blouse, is a milking thy cow,
sir Hew, is a rigging, thy gate or the plow.


Black or red dogs.

Such walke with a black, or a red little cur,

that open wil quickly, if any thing stur:
Then squatteth the master, or trudgeth away,
and after dog runneth, as fast as he may.


Some prowleth for fewel, and some away rig,
fat goose and the capon, duck, hen and the pig:
Some prowleth for acornes, to fat vp their swine,
for corne and for apples, and al that is thine.
Thus endeth Septembers husbandrie.


Octobers abstract.

Chap. 16.


Lay drie vp and round,
for barlie, thy ground.


Too late doth kill,
too soone is as ill.


Maides little and great,
pick cleane, seede wheat.
Good ground doth craue,
choice seede to haue.
Flaies lustily thwack,
least plough seede lack.


Seede first, go fetch,
for edish or etch.
Soile perfectly knowe,
er edish ye sowe.


White wheat, if ye please,
sowe now vpon pease.
Sowe first the best,
and then the rest.


Who soweth in raine,
hath weed to his paine.
But woorse shall he speed,
that soweth ill seed.


Now, better than later,
draw furrow for water.
Keepe crowes good sonne,
see fencing be donne.


Each soile no vaine,
for euerie graine.
Though soile be but bad,
some corne may be had.


Naught proue, naught craue,
naught venter, naught haue.


One crop and away,
some countrie may say.


All grauell and sand,
is not the best land.
A rottenly mould,
is land woorth gould.


Why wheat, is smitten,
good lesson is written.


The iudgement of some,
how thistles doe come.


A iudgement right,
of land in plight.
Land, all forlorne,
not good for corne.


Land barren doth beare,
small strawe, short eare.


Here maist thou reede,
for soile what seede.


Tis tride ery hower,
best graine most flower.


Grosse corne much bran,
the baker doth ban.


What croppers bee,
here learne to see.


Few after, crop much,
but noddies and such.


Som woodland may crake,
three crops he may take.


First barlie, then pease,
then wheat, if ye please.



Two crops and away,
must champion say.


Where barlie did growe,
laie wheat to sowe.
Yet better I thinke,
sowe pease, after drinke.
And then if ye please,
sowe wheat after pease.


What champion knowes,
that custome showes.


First barlie er rie,
then pease by and by.
Then fallow for wheat,
is husbandrie great.


A remedie sent,
where pease lack vent.
Fat peasefed swine,
for drouer is fine.


Each diuers soile,
hath diuers toile.


Some countries vse,
that some refuse.


For wheat, ill land,
where water doth stand.
Sowe pease or dredge,
belowe in that redge.


Sowe acornes to prooue,
that timber doe looue.


Sowe hastings now,
if land it alow.


Learne soone to get,
a good quickset.


For feare of the wurst.
make fat away furst.


Fat that, no more,
ye keepe for store.


Hide carren in graue,
lesse noiance to haue.


Hog measeled kill,
for flemming that will.


With peasebolt and brake
some brew and bake.


Old corne worth gold,
so kept as it shold.


Much profit is rept,
by sloes well kept.


Keepe sloes vpon bow,
for flixe of thy cow.


Of vergis be sure,
poore cattel, to cure.
Thus endeth Octobers abstract, agreeing with Octobers husbandrie.

Other short remembrances.

Cisse, haue an eie,
to bore in the stie.
By malt ill kept,
small profit is rept.
Friend ringle thy hog,
for feare of a dog.
Rie straw vp stack,
least Thacker doe lack.
Wheat straw, drie saue,
for cattell to haue.
Wheat chaffe, lay vp drie,
in safetie to lie.
Make handsome a bin,
for chaffe to lie in.


(Seede thresht) thou shalt,
thresh barlie to malt.
Cut bushes to hedge,
fence medow, and redge.
Stamp crabs that may,
for rotting away.
Make vergis and perie,
sowe kirnell and berie.
Now gather vp fruite,
of euerie suite.
Marsh wall too slight,
strength now, or god night.
Mend, wals of mud,
for now it is good.
Where soile is of sand,
quick set out of hand.
To plots not full,
ad, bremble and hull.
For set no bar,
whilst month hath an R.
Like note thou shalt,
for making of malt.
Brew now to last,
till winter be past.
Here ends Octobers short remembrances.

Octobers husbandrie.

Chap. 17.

October good blast,
To blowe the hog mast,
Forgotten month past,
Doe now at the last.


Now lay vp thy barley land, drie as ye can,

Laie vp barlie land.

when euer ye sowe it, so looke for it than.
Get daily aforehand, be neuer behinde:
least winter preuenting do alter thy minde.


Who laieth vp fallow, too soone or too wet,
with noiances many, doth barley beset.
For weede and the water, so soketh and sucks:
that goodnes from either, it vtterly plucks.


Greene rie in September, when timely thou hast,

Wheat sowing.

October for wheat sowing calleth as fast.
If weather will suffer, this counsell I giue:
leaue sowing of wheat, before Hallomas eue.


Where wheat vpon edish, ye mind to bestowe,
let that be the first, of the wheat ye do sowe.

Sowe edish betimes.

He seemeth to hart it, and comfort to bring:
that giueth it comfort, of Mihelmas spring.



Best wheat first sowen.

White wheat vpon peaseetch, doth grow as he wold,

but fallow is best, if we did as we shold.
Yet where, how, and when, ye entend to begin:
let euer the finest, be first sowen in.


Who soweth in raine, he shall reape it with teares,
who soweth in harmes, he is euer in feares.
Who soweth ill seede, or defraudeth his land:
hath eie sore abroode, with a coresie at hand.


Seede husbandly sowen, water furrow thy ground,
that raine when it commeth, may run away round.
Then stir about Nicoll, with arrow and bowe:
take penie for killing of euerie crowe.

A digression to the vsage of diuers countries, concerning Tillage.


Each soile hath no liking, of euerie graine,
nor barlie and wheat, is for euerie vaine.
Yet knowe I no countrie, so barren of soile:
but some kind of corne, may be gotten with toile.


In Brantham, where rie, but no barlie did growe,
good barlie I had, as a meany did knowe.
Fiue seame of an aker, I truely was paid:
for thirtie lode muck, of each aker so laid.


In Suffolke againe, where as wheat neuer grew,
good husbandrie vsed, good wheat land I knew.
This Prouerbe, experience long ago gaue:
that nothing who practiseth, nothing shall haue.


As grauell and sand, is for rie and not wheat,
(or yeeldeth hir burden, to tone the more great)
So peason and barlie, delight not in sand:
but rather in claie, or in rottener land.


Wheat somtime is steelie, or burnt as it growes,
for pride or for pouertie, practise so knowes.


Too lustie of courage, for wheat doth not well:
nor after sir peeler, he looueth to dwell.


Much wetnes, hog rooting, and land out of hart,
makes thistles a number, foorthwith to vpstart.
If thistles so growing, prooue lustie and long:
it signifieth land, to be hartie and strong.


As land full of tilth, and in hartie good plight,
yeelds blade to a length, and encreaseth in might.
So crop vpon crop, vpon whose courage we doubt:
yeelds blade for a brag, but it holdeth not out.


The straw and the eare, to haue bignes and length,
betokeneth land to be good, and in strength.
If eare be but short, and the strawe be but small:
it signifieth barenes, and barren withall.


White wheat or else red, red riuet or whight,
far passeth all other, for land that is light.
White pollard or red, that so richly is set:
for land that is heauie, is best ye can get.


Maine wheat that is mixed, with white & with red,
is next to the best, in the market mans hed.
So Turkey or Purkey wheat, many doe loue:
because it is flourie, as others aboue.


Graie wheat is the grosest, yet good for the clay,
though woorst for the market, as fermer may say.
Much like vnto rie, be his properties found:
coorse flower, much bran, and a peeler of ground.


Otes, rie, or else barlie, and wheat that is gray,
brings land out of comfort, and soone to decay.
One after another, no comfort betweene:
is crop vpon crop, as will quickly be seene.


Still crop vpon crop, many fermers do take,

Crop vpon crop.

and reape little profit for greedines sake.


Though breadcorne & drinkcorn, such croppers do stand
count peason or brank, as a comfort to land.


Good land that is seuerall, crops may haue three,
in champion countrie it may not so bee.
Ton taketh his season, as commoners may:
the tother with reason, may otherwise say.


Some vseth at first, a good fallow to make,
to sowe thereon barlie, the better to take.
Next that to sowe pease, and of that to sowe wheat:
then fallow againe, or lie lay for thy neat.


First rie, and then barlie, the champion saies,
or wheat before barlie, be champion waies.
But drinke before bread corne, with Middlesex men:
then lay on more compas, and fallow agen.


Where barlie ye sowe, after rie or else wheat,
if land be vnlustie, the crop is not great.
So lose ye your cost, to your coresie and smart:
and land (ouerburdened) is cleane out of hart.


Exceptions take, of the champion land,
from lieng alonge, from that at thy hand.
(Iust by) ye may comfort, with compas at will:
far oft ye must comfort, with fauor and skill.


Where rie or else wheat, either barlie ye sowe,
let codware be next, therevpon for to growe.
Thus hauing two crops, whereof codware is ton:
thou hast the lesse neede, to lay cost therevpon.


Some far fro the market, delight not in pease,
for that ery chapman, they seeme not to please.
If vent of the market place, serue thee not well:
set hogs vp a fatting, to drouer to sell.


Two crops of a fallow, enricheth the plough,
though tone be of pease, it is land good ynough.


One crop and a fallow, some soile will abide:
where if ye go furder, lay profit aside.


Where peason ye had, and a fallow thereon,
some wheat ye may well, without doong therevpon.
New broken vpland, or with water opprest:
or ouer much doonged, for wheat is not best.


Where water all winter, annoieth too much,
bestowe not thy wheat, vpon land that is such.
But rather sowe otes, or else bullimong there:
gray peason, or runciuals, fitches or tere.


Sowe acornes ye owners, that timber doe looue,

Sowing of acorns.

sowe hawe and rie with them, the better to prooue.
If cattel or Cunnie, may enter to crop:
yong oke is in daunger, of loosing his top.


Who pescods delighteth, to haue with the furst,

Sowing of Hastings or fullains.

if now he do sowe them, I thinke it not wurst.
The greener thy peason, and warmer the roome:
more lusty the layer, more plenty they come.


Go plow vp or delue vp, aduised with skill,

Brembles and hawes.

the bredth of a ridge, and in length as you will.
Where speedy quickset, for a fence ye wil drawe:
to sowe in the seede, of the bremble and hawe.


Through plenty of acornes, the porkling to fat,

A disease in fat hogs.

not taken in season, may perish by that.
If ratling, or swelling, get once to the throte:
thou loosest thy porkling, a crowne to a grote.


What euer thing fat is, againe if it fall,
thou ventrest the thing, and the fatnes withall.

Not to far, for tearing.

The fatter the better, to sell or to kil:
but not to continue, make proofe if ye wil.


What euer thing dieth, go burie or burne,

Burieng of dead cattell.

for tainting of ground, or a woorser il turne.


Such pestilent smell, of a carrenly thing:
to cattle and people, great peril may bring.


Measeled hogs.

Thy measeled bacon hog, sow, or thy bore,

shut vp for to heale, for infecting thy store.
Or kill it for bacon, or sowce it to sell:
for Flemming, that loues it so deintily well.


Strawisps, & peasboles

With strawisp, and peasebolt, with ferne & the brake,

for sparing of fewel, some brewe and do bake.
And heateth their copper, for seething of graines:
good seruant rewarded, refuseth no paines.


Olde wheat better than new.

Good breadcorne and drinkcorne, full xx. weekes kept,

is better then new, that at haruest is rept.
But foisty the breadcorne, and bowd eaten malt:
for health or for profit, find noysome thou shalt.


By thend of October, go gather vp sloes,
haue thou in a readines plentie of thoes.
And keepe them in bedstraw, or still on the bow:
to staie both the flixe, of thy selfe and thy cow.


A medicen for the cow flixe.

Seeith water, and plump therein plenty of sloes,

mix chalke that is dried, in powder with thoes.
Which so, if ye giue, with the water and chalke:
thou makest the laxe, fro thy cow away walke.


Be sure of vergis (a gallond at least)
so good for the kitchen, so needfull for beast.
It helpeth thy cattel, so feeble and faint:
if timely such cattle, with it thou acquaint.
Thus endeth Octobers husbandrie.


Nouembers abstract.

Chap. 18.


Let hog, once fat,
loose nothing of that.
When mast is gon,
hog falleth anon.
Still fat vp some,
till Shroftide come.
Now porke and souse,
beares tack, in house.


Put barlie to malting,
lay, flitches a salting.
Through follie, too beastlie,
much bacon is reastie.


Some winnow, some fan,
some cast, that can.
In casting prouide,
for seede lay aside.


Thresh barlie, thou shalt,
for chapman to malt.
Else thresh no more,
but for thy store.


Till March, thresh wheat,
but as ye doo eat.
Least baker forsake it,
if foystines take it.


No chaffe in bin,
makes horse looke thin.


Sowe hastings now,
that hastings alow.


They buie it full deere,
in winter that reere.


Few fowles, lesse swine,
rere now, friend mine.


What losse, what sturs,
through rauening curs?


Make Martilmas beefe,
deere meate is a theefe.


Set garlike and pease,
saint Edmond to please.


When raine takes place,
to threshing apace.


Mad braine, too rough,
marres all at plough.
With flaile and whips,
fat hen, short skips.


Some threshing by taske,
will steale, and not aske.
Such thresher at night
walkes, seldom home light.
Some corne away lag,
in bottle and bag.
Some steales for a iest,
egges, out of the nest.


Lay stouer vp drie,
in order to lie.
Poore bullock doth craue,
fresh straw to haue.


Make weekly vp flower,
though threshers do lower.
Lay graine in loft,
and turne it oft.


For much, regard,
make cleane, foule yard.
Lay straw to rot,
in watrie plot.



Hedlond vp plow,
for compas ynow.


For herbes good store,
trench garden more.


At midnight trie,
foule priuies to fie.


Rid chimney of soot,
from top to the foot.


In stable, put now,
thy horses, for plow.


Good horsekeeper will,
laie muck vpon hill.


Cut molehils, that stand,
so thick vpon land.
Thus endeth Nouembers abstract, agreeing with Nouembers husbandrie.

Other short remembrances.

Get pole, boy mine,
beate hawes to swine.
Driue hog to the wood,
brake rootes, be good.
For mischiefe that falles,
looke well to marsh walles.
Drie laier, get neate,
and plentie of meate.
Curst cattel that nurteth,
poore wennel, soon hurteth.
Good neighbour mine,
ring well thy swine.
Such winter may serue,
hog ringled, will sterue.
In frost, keepe dog,
from hunting of hog.
Here ends Nouembers short remembrances.

Nouembers husbandrie.

Chap. 19.

Nouember take flaile,
Let ship no more saile.
Forgotten month past,
Doc now at the last.


Slaughter time.

At Hallontide , slaughter time entereth in,

and then doth the husbandmans, feasting begin.
From thence vnto shrofride, kill now and then some:
their offal for houshold, the better wil come.


Dredge, is otes & barlie.

Thy dredge and thy barley, go thresh out to malt,

let maister be cunning, else lose it thou shalt.
Thencrease of a seame, is a bushel for store:
bad else is the barley, or huswife much more.



Some vseth to winnow, some vseth to fan,

Winnowing, fanning, and casting.

some vseth to cast it, as cleane as they can.
For seede go and cast it, for malting not so:
but get out the cookle, and then let it go.


Thresh barlie as yet, but as neede shal require,

Threshing of barlie.

fresh threshed for stoouer, thy cattel desire.
And therefore that threshing, forbeare as ye may:
til Candelmas comming, for sparing of hay.


Such wheat as ye keepe, for the baker to buie,

Threshing of wheat.

vnthreshed til March, in the sheafe let it lie.
Least foistnes take it, if sooner yee thresh it:
although by oft turning, ye seeme to refresh it.


Saue chaffe of the barlie, of wheate, and of rie,

Chaffe of corne.

from feathers and foistines, where it doth lie.
Which mixed with corne, being sifted of dust:
go giue to thy cattel, when serue them ye must.


Greene peason or hastings, at Hallontide sowe,
in hartie good soile, he requireth to growe.
Graie peason, or runciuals, cheerely to stand:
at Candlemas sowe, with a plentifull hand.


Leaue latewardly rering, keepe now no more swine,
but such as thou maist, with the offal of thine.
Except ye haue wherewith, to fat them away:
the fewer thou keepest, keepe better yee may.


To rere vp much pultrie, and want the barne doore,
is naught for the pulter, and woorse for the poore.
So, now to keepe hogs, and to sterue them for meate:
is, as to keepe dogs, for to bawle in the streate.


As cat a good mouser, is needfull in house,
because for hir commons, she killeth the mouse:
So rauening curres, as a meany doo keepe,
makes master want meat, and his dog to kill sheepe.



Martilmas beef.

(For Easter) at Martilmas, hang vp a beefe,

for stalfed and pease fed, plaie pick purse the theefe.
With that and the like, er an grasse biefe come in:
thy folke shal looke cheerelie, when others looke thin.


Set garlike and beanes.

Set garlike and beanes, at S. Edmond the king,

the Moone in the wane, thereon hangeth a thing.
Thencrease of a pottle (wel prooued of some):
shal pleasure thy houshold, er peskod time come.



When raine is a let, to thy dooings abrode,

set threshers a threshing, to laie on good lode.
Thresh cleane ye must bid them, though lesser they yarn:
and looking to thriue, haue an eie to thy barne.


Cattle beaters.

Take heede to thy man, in his furie and heate,

with ploughstaff & whipstock, for maiming thy neate.
To thresher for hurting, of cow with his flaile:
or making thy hen, to plaie tapple vp taile.


Corne stealers.

Some pilfering thresher, will walke with a staffe,

wil carrie home corne, as it is in the chaffe.
And some in his bottle of leather so great:
will carrie home daily, both barlie and wheat.


Keepe dry thy straw

If houseroome will serue thee, lay stouer vp drie,

and euerie sort, by it selfe for to lie.
Or stack it for litter, if roome be too poore:
and thatch out the residue, noieng thy doore.


Euerie weeke rid thy barne flower.

Cause weekly thy thresher, to make vp his flower,

though slothfull and pilferer, thereat doo lower.
Take tub for a season, take sack for a shift:
yet garner for graine, is the better for thrift.


All maner of strawe, that is scattered in yard,
good husbandlie husbands, haue daily regard.
In pit full of water, the fame to bestowe:
where lieng to rot, thereof profit may growe.



Now plough vp thy hedlond, or delue it with spade,

Digging of hedlonds.

where otherwise profit, but little is made.
And cast it vp high, vpon hillocks to stand:
that winter may rot it, to compas thy land.


If garden requier it, now trench it ye may,
one trench not a yard, from another go lay.

Trenching of garden.

Which being well filled, with muck by and by:
go couer with mould, for a season to ly.


Foule priuies are now, to be clensed and fide,

Clensing of priuies

let night be appointed, such baggage to hide.
Which buried in garden, in trenches alowe:
shall make very many things, better to growe.


The chimney all sootie, would now be made cleene,

Sootie chimneyes.

for feare of mischances, too oftentimes seene.
Old chimney and sootie, if fier once take:
by burning and breaking, soone mischeefe may make.


When ploughing is ended, and pasture not great,

Put hors into stable

then stable thy horses, and tend them with meat.
Let season be drie, when ye take them to house:
for danger of nittes, or for feare of a louse.


Lay compas vp handsomly, round on a hill,

Sauing of doong.

to walke in thy yard, at thy pleasure and will.
More compas it maketh, and handsom the plot:
if horsekeeper daily, forgetteth it not.


Make hillocks of molehils, in field thorough out,
and so to remaine, till the yeere go about.
Make also the like, whereas plots be too hie:
all winter a rotting, for compas to lie,
Thus endeth Nouembers husbandrie.


Decembers abstract.

Chap. 20.


No season to hedge,
get beetle and wedge.
Cleaue logs, now all,
for kitchen and hall.


Dull working tooles,
soone, courage cooles.


Leaue off tittle tattle,
and looke to thy cattle.
Serue yoong poore elues,
alone by themselues.


Warme barth, for neate,
woorth halfe their meate.
The elder that nurteth,
the yonger, soone hurteth.


Howse cow that is old,
while winter doth hold.


Out once in a day,
to drinke and to play.


Get trustie to serue,
least cattle doo sterue.
And such as in deede,
may helpe at a neede.


Obserue this law,
in seruing out straw.


In walking about,
good forke spie out.


At full, and at change,
spring tides are strange.
If doubt ye fray,
driue cattle away.


Dank ling, forgot,
will quickly rot.


Here learne, and trie,
to turne it, and drie.


Now, stocks remooue,
that orchards looue.


Set stock, to growe,
too thick, nor too lowe.
Set now, as they com,
both cherie, and plom.


Sheepe, hog, and ill beast,
bids stock, to ill feast.


At Christmas is good,
to let thy horse blood.


Marke here, what rable,
of euils in stable.


Mixe well (old gaffe)
horse corne, with chaffe.
Let Iack, nor Gill,
fetch corne at will.


Some countries gift,
to make hard shift.
Some cattle well fare,
with fitches and tare.
Fitches and tares,
be Norfolke wares.


Tares threshed with skill,
bestowe, as yee will.


Hide strawberies wife,
to saue their life.


Knot, border, and all,
now couer ye shall.


Helpe bees, sweete conie,
with licour, and honie.


Get campers, a ball,
to campe therewithall.
Thus endeth Decembers abstract, agreeing with Decembers husbandrie.


Other short remembrances.

Let Christmas spie,
yard cleane to lie.
No labour, no sweate,
go labour, for heate.
Feede dooues, but kill not,
if stroy them, ye will not.
Fat hog (er ye kill it)
or else ye doo spill it.
Put oxe in stall,
er oxe doo fall.
Who seetheth hir graines,
hath profit for paines.
Rid garden of mallow,
plant willow, and sallow.
Let bore, life render,
see brawne, sod tender.
For wife, fruit bie,
for Christmas pie.
Ill bread, and ill drinke,
makes many, ill thinke.
Both meate, and cost,
ill dressed, halfe lost.
Who hath wherewithall,
may cheere, when he shall.
But charged man,
must cheere as he can.
Here ends Decembers short remembrances.

Decembers husbandrie.

Chap. 21.

O dirtie December,
For Christmas remember.
Forgotten month past,
Doe now at the last.


When frost will not suffer, to dike and to hedge,
then get thee a heat, with thy beetle & wedge.

Beetle & wedges.

Once Hallomas come, and a fire in the hall:
such sliuers doo well, for to lie by the wall.


Get grindstone and whetstone, for toole that is dull,

Grinding stone, and whetston.

or often be letted, and freat bellie full.
A wheele barrow also, be readie to haue:
at hand of thy seruant, thy compas to saue.


Giue cattle their fodder, in plot drie and warme,

Seruing of cattle.

and count them for miring, or other like harme.
Yoong colts with thy wennels, together go serue:
least lurched by others, they happen to sterue.



Woodland countrie.

The rack is commended, for sauing of doong,

so set, as the old, cannot mischiefe the yoong.
In tempest (the wind being northly or east)
warme barth vnder hedge, is a sucker to beast.


Housing of cattel.

The housing of cattel, while winter doth hold,

is good for all such, as are feeble and old.


In saueth much compas, and many a sleepe:

and spareth the pasture, for walke of thy sheepe.



For charges so little, much quiet is won,

if strongly and handsomly, al thing be don.
But vse to vntackle them, once in a day:
to rub and to lick them, to drink and to play.


Get trustie to tend them, not lubberlie squire,

Ordering of cattel.

that all the day long, hath his nose at the fire.

Nor trust vnto children, poore cattel to feede:
but such as be able, to helpe at a neede.


Serue riestraw out first, then wheatstraw and pease,
then otestraw and barlie, then hay if ye please.
But serue them with hay, while the straw stouer last:
then loue they no straw, they had rather to fast.


Forkes, and yokes

Yokes, forks, and such other, let bailie spie out,

and gather the same, as he walketh about.
And after at leasure, let this be his hier:
to beath them, and trim them, at home by the fier.


Going of cattel in marshes.

As well at the full of the moone, as the change,

sea rages in winter, be sodainly strange.
Then looke to thy marshes, if doubt be to fray:
for feare of (ne forte) haue cattel away.


Looke to thy ling & saltfish.

Both saltfish and lingfish (if any ye haue)

through shifting and drieng, from rotting go saue.
Least winter with moistnes, doo make it relent:
and put it in hazard, before it be spent.



Broome fagot is best, to drie haberden on,

How to vse ling and haberden.

lay boord vpon ladder, if fagots be gon.
For breaking (in turning) haue verie good eie:
and blame not the wind, so the weather be drie.


Good fruit, and good plentie, doth well in the loft,
then make thee an orchard, and cherish it oft.
For plant or for stock, laie aforehand to cast:

Remoouing of trees.

but set or remooue it, er Christmas be past.


Set one fro other, full fortie foote wide,

An orchard point.

to stand as he stood, is a part of his pride.
More faier, more woorthie, of cost to remooue:
more steadie ye set it, more likely to prooue.


To teach and vnteach, in a schoole is vnmeete,
to doe and vndoe, to the purse is vnsweete.
Then orchard or hopyard, so trimmed with cost:

Orchard and hopyard.

should not through follie, be spoiled and lost.


Er Christmas be passed, let horse be let blood,

Letting horse blood.

for many a purpose, it doth them much good.
The daie of S. Stephen, old fathers did vse:
if that doe mislike thee, some other daie chuse.


Looke wel to thy horses, in stable thou must,

Breeding of the bots.

that haie be not foistie, nor chaffe ful of dust.
Nor stone in their prouender, feather, nor clots:
nor fed with greene peason, for breeding of bots.


Some horsekeeper, lasheth out prouender so,
some Gillian spendal, so often doth go

Hog and hennes meate.

For hogs meat and hens meat, for that and for this,
that corne loft is empted, er chapman hath his.


Some countries are pinched, of medow for hay,
yet ease it with fitchis, as well as they may.
Which inned, and threshed, and husbandlie dight:
keepes laboring cattle, in verie good plight.



In threshing out fitchis, one point I will shew,
first thresh out for seede, of the fitchis a few.
Thresh few fro thy plowhorse, thresh cleane for the cow:
this order in Norfolke, good husbands alow.


If frost doe continue, take this for a lawe,


the strawberies looke, to be couered with strawe.

Laid ouerly trim, vpon crotchis and bows:
and after vncouered, as weather allows.


The gilleflower also, the skilful doe knowe,


doe looke to be couered, in frost and in snowe.

The knot and the border, and rosemarie gaie:
do craue the like succour, for dieng awaie.


Go looke to thy bees, if the hiue be too light,

How to preserue bees.

set water and honie, with rosemarie dight.

Which set in a dish, ful of sticks in the hiue:
from danger of famine, yee saue them aliue.


In medow or pasture (to growe the more fine)
let campers be camping, in any of thine.
Which if ye doe suffer, when lowe is the spring:
you gaine to your selfe, a commodious thing.
Thus endeth Decembers husbandrie.

A digression to hospitalitie.

Chap. 22.

Leaue husbandrie sleeping, a while ye must doo:
to learne of housekeeping, a lesson or twoo.
What euer is sent thee, by trauell and paine:
a time there is lent thee, to rendrit againe.
Although ye defend it, vnspent for to bee:
another shall spend it, no thanke vnto thee.
How euer we clime, to accomplish the mind:
we haue but a time, thereof profit to find.


A description of time, and the yeare.

Chap. 23.

Of God to thy dooings, a time there is sent,
which endeth with time, that in dooing is spent.
For time is it selfe, but a time for a time:
forgotten ful soone, as the tune of a chime.
In Spring time we reare, we doo sowe, and we plant,


in Sommer get vittels, least after we want.


In Haruest, we carie in corne, and the fruit:


in Winter to spend, as we neede of ech suit.


The yeere I compare, as I find for a truth,

Childhood youth.

the Spring vnto childhood, the Sommer to youth.
The Haruest to manhood, the Winter to age:

Manhood Age.

all quickly forgot, as a play on a stage.
Time past is forgotten, er men be aware,
time present is thought on, with woonderfull care.
Time comming is feared, and therefore we saue:
yet oft er it come, we be gone to the graue.

A description of life and riches.

Chap. 24.

Who liuing, but daily discerne it he may,
how life as a shadow, doth vanish away.
And nothing to count on, so suer to trust:
as suer of death, and to turne into dust.
The lands and the riches, that here we possesse,
be none of our owne, if a God we professe.
But lent vs of him, as his talent of gold:
which being demanded, who can it withhold?
God maketh no writing, that iustly doth say,
how long we shall haue it, a yeere or a day.


But leaue it we must (how soeuer we leeue:)

Atrop or death.

when Atrop shall pluck vs, from hence by the sleeue.

To death we must stoupe, be we high, be we lowe,
but how, and how sodenly, few be that knowe.
What carie we then, but a sheete to the graue:
to couer this carkas, of all that we haue?

A description of house keeping.

Chap. 25.

What then of this talent, while here we remaine,
but studie to yeeld it, to God with a gaine?
And that shall we doo, if we doo it not hid:
but vse and bestow it, as Christ doth vs bid.
What good to get riches, by breaking of sleepe,
but (hauing the same) a good house for to keepe?
Not onely to bring, a good fame to thy doore:
but also the praier, to win of the poore.
Of all other dooings, house keeping is cheefe,
for daily it helpeth, the poore with releefe.
The neighbour, the stranger, and all that haue neede:
which causeth thy dooings, the better to speede.
Though harken to this, we should euer among.
yet cheefly at Christmas, of all the yeare long,
Good cause of that vse may appeare by the name:
though niggerly niggards doo kick at the same.

A description of the feast of the birth of Christ, commonly called Christmas.

Chap. 26.

Of Christ cōmeth Christmas, the name with ye feast,
a time full of ioie, to the greatest and least.


At Christmas, was Christ (our Sauiour) borne:
the world through sinne, altogether forlorne.
At Christmas the daies, doo begin to take length,
of Christ, doth religion, cheefly take strength.
As Christmas is onely, a figure or trope:
so onely in Christ, is the strength of our hope.
At Christmas we banket, the rich with the poore,
who then (but the miser) but openeth is doore?
At Christmas of Christ, many Carols we sing:
and giue many gifts, in the ioy of that King.
At Christmas in Christ, we reioice, and be glad,
as onely of whom, our comfort is had.
At Christmas we ioy, altogether with mirth:
for his sake, that ioyed vs all with his birth.

A description of apt time to spend.

Chap. 27.

Let such (so fantasticall) liking not this,
nor any thing honest, that ancient is.
Giue place to the time, that so meete we doo see:
appointed of God, as it seemeth to bee.
At Christmas, good husbands haue corne on the ground,
in barne and in soller, woorth many a pound.
With plentie of other things, cattle and sheepe:
all sent them (no doubt on) good houses to keepe.
At Christmas, the hardnes of Winter doth rage,
a griper of all things, and specially age.
Then lightly poore people, the yoong with the old,
be sorest oppressed, with hunger and cold.
At Christmas, by labour is little to get,
that wanting, the poorest in danger are set.


What season then better, of all the whole yeere:
thy needie poore neighbour, to comfort and cheere?

Against fantasticall scruplenes.

Chap. 28.

At this time, & that time, some make a great matter,
som help not, but hinder ye poore with their clatter.
Take custome from feasting, what commeth then last?
where one hath a dinner, a hundred shall fast.
To dog in the manger, some liken I could,
that hay will eate none, nor let other that would.
Some scarce in a yeere, giue a dinner or twoo:
nor well can abide, any other to doo.
Play thou the good fellow, seeke none to misdeeme,
disdaine not the honest, though merie they seeme.
For oftentimes seene, no more verie a knaue:
than he that doth counterfait, most to be graue.

Christmas husbandlie fare.

Chap. 29.

Ggod husband and huswife, now cheefly be glad,
things handsom to haue, as they ought to be had.
They both doo prouide, against Christmas doo come:
to welcome good neighbour, good cheere to haue some.

Christmas cuntrie fare.

Good bread and good drinke, a good fier in the hall,

brawne, pudding and souse, and good mustard withall.
Beefe, mutton and porke, shred pies of the best,
pig, veale, goose and capon, and turkey well drest.
Cheese, apples and nuts, ioly Carols to heare:
as then in the countrie, is counted good cheare.


What cost to good husband is any of this?
good houshold prouision, onely it is.
Of other the like, I doo leaue out a menie:
that costeth the husbandman neuer a penie.

A Christmas Caroll of the birth of Christ, vpon the tune of King Salomon.

Chap. 30.


Was not Christ our Sauiour,
sent to vs, fro God aboue?
not for our good behauiour:
but onely of his mercie and loue.
If this be true, as true it is,
truely in deede:
great thanks to God, to yeeld for this,
then had we neede.


This did our God, for very troth,
to traine to him, the soule of man.
and iustly to performe his oth:
to Sara, and to Abram than,
That through his seed, all nations should,
most blessed bee:
As in due time, performe he would,
as now we see.


Which woonderously is brought to pas,
and in our sight alredie donne,
by sending as his promise was,
(to comfort vs) his onely sonne,
Euen Christ (I meane) that virgins child,
in Bethlem borne:
that Lambe of God, that Prophet mild,
with crowned thorne.



Such was his loue to saue vs all,
from dangers of the curse of God,
that we stood in by Adams fall,
and by our owne deserued rod,
that through his blood, and holie name,
who so beleeues:
and flie from sinne, and abhors the same,
free mercie he geeues.


For these glad newes, this feast doth bring,
to God the Sonne and holy Ghost,
let man giue thanks, reioice and sing:
from world to world, from cost to cost,
for all good gifts so many waies,
that God doth send:
let vs in Christ, giue God the praies,
till life shall end.
T. Tusser.

[At Christmas be merie and thankfull withall]

At Christmas be merie and thankfull withall,
And feast thy poore neighbors the great with the small.
Yea all the yeere long, to the poore let vs giue:
Gods blessing to folow vs, whiles we doo liue.

Ianuaries abstract.

Chap. 31.


Bid Christmas adew,
thy stock now renew.


Who killeth a neat,
hath cheaper his meat.
Fat home fed souse,
is good in a house.


Who dainties loue,
a begger shall proue.
Who alway selles,
in hunger dwelles.


Who nothing saue,
shall nothing haue.


Lay durt vpon heapes,
some profit it reapes.
When weather is hard,
get muck out of yard.
A fallow bestowe,
where pease shall growe,
Good peason and white,
a fallow will quite.



Go gather quickset,
the yongest go get.
Dig garden, stroy mallow,
set willow and sallow.
Greene willow for stake,
in bank will take.


Let Doe go to buck,
with Conie good luck.
Spare labour nor monie,
store borough with conie.
Get warrener bound,
to vermin thy ground.
Feed Doues, but kill not,
if loose them ye will not.
Doue house repaire,
make Douehole faire.
For hop ground cold,
Doue doong woorth gold.


Good gardiner mine,
make garden fine.
Set garden pease,
and beanes if ye please.
Set Respis and Rose,
yoong rootes of those.


The timelie buier,
hath cheaper his fier.


Some burns without wit,
some fierles sit.


Now season is good,
to lop or fell wood.
Prune trees some allows,
for cattle to brows.


Giue sheepe to their fees,
the mistle of trees.


Let lop be shorne,
that hindreth corne.
Saue edder and stake,
strong hedge to make.


For sap as ye knowe,
let one bough growe.
Next yeere ye may,
that bough cut away.


A lesson good,
to encrease more wood.


Saue crotchis of wud,
saue spars and stud.
Saue hop for his dole,
the strong long pole.


How euer ye scotch,
saue pole and crotch.


From Christmas to May,
weake cattle decay.


With vergis acquaint,
poore bullock so faint.
This medcin approoued,
is for to be looued.


Let plaister lie,
three daies to trie.
too long if ye stay,
taile rots away.


Eawes readie to yeane,
craues ground rid cleane.
Keepe sheepe out of briers,
keepe beast out of miers.


Keepe bushes from bill,
till hedge ye will.
Best had for thy turne,
their rootes go and burne,


No bushes of mine,
if fence be thine.



In stubbed plot,
fill hole with clot.


Rid grasse of bones,
of sticks and stones.


Warme harth giue lams,
good food to their dams.
Looke daily well to them,
least dogs vndoo them.


Yoong lamb well sold,
fat lamb woorth gold.


Keepe twinnes for breed,
as eawes haue need.


One calfe if it please ye,
now reared shall ease ye.
Calues likely reare,
at rising of yeare.
Calfe large and leane,
is best to weane.


Calfe lickt take away,
and howse it ye may.
this point I allow,
for seruant and cow.


Calues yonger than other,
learne one of another.


No danger at all,
to geld as they fall.
Yet Michel cries,
please butchers eies.


Sow ready to fare,
craues huswiues care.


Leaue sow but fiue,
the better to thriue.


Weane such for store,
as sucks before.
Weane onely but three,
large breeders to bee.


Lamb, bulchin and pig,
geld vnder the big.


Learne wit sir dolt,
in gelding of colt.


Geld yoong thy filly,
else perish will ginny.
Let gelding alone,
so large of bone.
By breathely tits,
few profit hits.


Breede euer the best,
and doo of the rest.
Of long and large,
take huswife a charge.


Good cow and good ground,
yeelds yeerely a pound.
Good faring sow,
holds profit with cow.


Who keepes but twaine,
the more may gaine.


Tith iustly good garson,
else driue will the parson.


Thy garden twifallow,
stroy hemlock & mallow.


Like practise they prooue,
that hops doo looue.


Now make and wand in,
trim bower to stand in.
Leaue wadling about,
till arbor be out.


Who now sowes otes,
gets gold and grotes.


Who sowes in May,
gets little that way.


Go breake vp land,
get mattock in hand.
Stub roote so tough,
for breaking of plough.


What greater crime,
then losse of time?


Lay land or lease,
breake vp if ye please.
But fallow not yet,
that hast any wit.


Where drinke ye sowe,
good tilth bestowe.


Small profit is found,
by peeling of ground.


Land past the best,
cast vp to rest.
Thus endeth Ianuaries abstract, agreeing with Ianuaries husbandrie.

Other short remembrances.

Get pulling hooke (sirs)
for broome and firs.
Pluck broome, broome still,
cut broome, broome kill.
Broome pluckt by and by,
breake vp for rie.
Friend ringle thy hog,
or looke for a dog.
In casting prouide,
for seede lay aside.
Get doong, friend mine,
for stock and vine.
If earth be not soft.
go dig it aloft.
For quamier get bootes,
stub alders and rootes.
Hop poles waxe scant,
for poles mo plant.
Set chestnut and walnut,
set filbeard and smalnut.
Peach, plumtree and cherie,
yoong bay and his berie.
Or set their stone,
vnset leaue out none.
Sowe kirnels to beare,
of apple and peare.
All trees that beare goom,
set now as they coom.
Now set or remooue,
such stocks as ye looue.
Here ends Ianuaries short remembrances.


Ianuaries husbandrie.

Chap. 32.

A kindly good Ianiueere,
Freeseth pot by the feere.
Forgotten month past,
Doe now at the last.


When Christmas is ended, bid feasting adue,

Husbandly lessons.

go play the good husband, thy stock to renue.

Be mindfull of rearing, in hope of a gaine,
dame profit shall giue thee, reward for thy paine.


Who, both by his calfe and his lamb, will be knowne,
may well kill a neate, and a sheepe of his owne.
And he that can reare vp, a pig in his house:
hath cheaper his bacon, and sweeter his souse.


Who eateth his veale, pig and lamb being froth,
shall twise in a weeke, go to bed without broth.
Unskilfull that passe not, but sell away sell:
shall neuer haue plentie, where euer they dwell.


Be greedie in spending, and careles to saue,
and shortly be needie, and readie to craue.
Be wilfull to kill, and vnskilfull to store:
and looke for no foison, I tell thee before.


Lay dirt vpon heapes, faire yard to be seene,
if frost will abide it, to feeld with it cleene.
In winter a fallow, some loue to bestowe:
where pease for the pot, they intend for to sowe.



In making or mending, as needeth thy ditch,
get set to quick set it, learne cunningly whitch.

Quick set now.

In hedging (where clay is) get stake as ye knowe:
of popler and willow, for fewell to growe.


Leaue killing of conie, let Doe go to buck,

Keepe cleane thy douehous.

and vermine thy burrow, for feare of ill luck.
Feede Doue (no more killing) old Doue house repaire:
saue doue dong for hopyard, when house ye make faire.


Dig garden, stroy mallow, now may ye at ease,
and set (as a daintie) thy runciuall pease.

Runciual peason.

Go cut and set roses, choose aptly thy plot:
the rootes of the yoongest, are best to be got.


In time go and bargaine, least woorser doo fall,
for fewell, for making, for carriage and all.

Timelie prouision for fewell.

To buie at the stub, is the best for the buier:
more timelie prouision, the cheaper is fier.


Some burneth a lode, at a time in his hall,

Ill husbandrie.

some neuer leaue burning, til burnt they haue all.
Some making of hauock, without any wit:
make many poore soules, without fire to sit.


If frost doo continue, this lesson doth well.
for comfort of cattel, the fewell to fell.

Pruning of trees.

From euerie tree, the superfluous bows:
now prune for thy neat, therevpon to go brows.


In pruning and trimming, all maner of trees,
reserue to ech cattel, their properly fees.

Mistle and Iuie.

If snowe doo continue, sheepe hardly that fare:
craue Mistle and Iuie, for them for to spare.


Now lop for thy fewell, old pollenger growen,
that hinder the corne, or the grasse to be mowen.
In lopping and felling, saue edder and stake:
thine hedges as needeth, to mend or to make.



Lopping of pottengers.

In lopping old Iocham, for feare of mishap,

one bough stay vnlopped, to cherish the sap.
The second yeere after, then boldly ye may:
for driping his fellowes, that bough cut away.


The propertie of soft wood.

Lop popler, and salow, elme, maple, and prie,

well saued from cattle, till Sommer to lie.
So far as in lopping, their tops ye doo fling:
so far without planting, yoong copie will spring.


Such fewell, as standing a late ye haue bought,
now fell it and make it, and doo as ye ought.
Giue charge to the hewers (that many things mars:)
to hew out for crotches, for poles and for spars.


Hoppoles and crotches.

If hopyard or orchard, ye mind for to haue,

for hoppoles, and crotches, in lopping go saue.
Which husbandlie spared, may serue at a push:
and stop, by so hauing, two gaps with a bush.


From Christmas, till May be well entered in,
some cattle waxe faint, and looke poorely and thin.
And cheefly, when prime grasse at first doth appeere:
then most is the danger of all the whole yeere.


A medicen for faint cattell.

Take vergis and heate it a pint for a cow,

bay salt, a hand full to rub tong ye wot how.
That done, with the salt, let hir drinke off the rest:
this manie times raiseth, the feeble vp best.


To fasten loose teeth in a bullock.

Poore bullock with browsing, and naughtily fed,

scarse feedeth, hir teeth be so loose in hir hed.
Then slise ye the taile, where ye feele it so soft:
with soote and with garlike, bound to it aloft.


By brembles and bushes, in pasture too full,
poore sheepe be in danger, and loseth their wull.

Ewes vp on eaning

Now therefore thine ewe, vpon lamming so neere:

desireth in pasture, that all may be cleere.



Leaue grubbing or pulling of bushes (my sonne)
till timely thy fences, require to be donne.
Then take of the best, for to furnish thy turne:
and home with the rest, for the fier to burne.


In euerie greene, if the fence be not thine,

Stubbing of greenes.

now stub vp the bushes, the grasse to be fine.
Least neighbour doo dailie, so hack them beliue:
that neither thy bushes, nor pasture can thriue.


In ridding of pasture, with turfes that lie by,
fill euerie hole vp, as close as a dy.
The labour is little, the profit is gay:
what euer the loitering labourers say.


The sticks and the stones, go and gather vp cleene,
for hurting of sieth, or for harming of greene.
For feare of Hew prowler, get home with the rest:
when frost is at hardest, then carriage is best.


Yoong broome or good pasture, thy ewes doo require,

Yoong lambes.

warme barthand in safetie, their lambes doo desire.
Looke often well to them, for foxes and dogs:
for pits and for brembles, for vermin and hogs.


More daintie the lambe, the more woorth to be sold,
the sooner the better, for eaw that is old.
But if ye doo minde, to haue milke of the dame:
till Maie, doo not seuer the lambe fro the same.


Ewes yeerly by twinning, rich maisters doo make,

Rearing of lambs.

the lamb of such twinners, for breeders go take.
For twinlings be twiggers, encrease for to bring:
though som for their twigging, Peccantem may sing.


Calues likely that come, between Christmas & Lent,
take huswife to reare, or else after repent.

Rearing of calues.

Of such as doo fall, betweene change and the prime:
no rearing, but sell or go kill them in time.



Howsing of cattel.

Howse calfe, and go sockle it twise in a day,

and after a while, set it water and hay.
Stake ragged to rub on, no such as will bend:
then weane it well tended, at fiftie daies end.


The senior weaned, his yoonger shall teach,
both how to drinke water, and hay for to reach.
More stroken and made of, when ought it doo aile:
more gentle ye make it, for yoke or the paile.


Of gelding.

Geld bulcalfe, and ramlamb, as soone as they fall,

for therein is lightly, no danger at all.
Some spareth the ton, for to pleasure the eie:
to haue him shew greater, when butcher shall bie.


Sowes readie to farrow, this time of the yeere,
are for to be made of, and counted full deere.
For now is the losse of a fare of the sow:
more great than the losse, of two calues of thy cow.


Of one sow togither, reare few aboue fiue,

Rearing of pigs.

and those of the fairest, and likest to thriue.

Ungelt of the best, keepe a couple for store:
one bore pig and sow pig, that sucketh before.


Who hath a desire, to haue store verie large,

A way to haue large breed of hogs.

at Whitsontide, let him giue huswife a charge.

To reare of a sow at once, onely but three:
and one of them also, a bore let it bee.


Geld vnder the dam, within fortnight at least,

Gelding time.

and saue both thy monie, and life of the beast.

Geld later with gelders, as many one do:
and looke of a doozen, to geld away two.


Gelding of horse coltes.

Thy colts for the saddle, geld yoong to be light,

for cart doo not so, if thou iudgest aright.
Nor geld not, but when they be lustie and fat:
for there is a point, to be learned in that.



Geld fillies (but tits) er an nine daies of age,

Gelding of fillies.

they die else of gelding (or gelders doo rage.)
Yoong fils so likelie, of bulke and of bone:
keepe such to be breeders, let gelding alone.


For gaining a trifle, sell neuer thy store,
what ioy to acquaintance, what pleasureth more?

Reare the fairest of al things.

The larger of bodie, the better for breede:
more forward of growing, the better they speede.


Good milchcow, well fed, that is faire and sound,
is yeerely for profit, as good as pound.

Of cow and sow.

And yet by the yeere, haue I prooued er now:
as good to the purse, is a sow as a cow.


Keepe one and keepe both, with as little a cost,
then all shall be saued, and nothing be lost.
Both hauing togither, what profit is caught:
good huswifes (I warrant ye) need not be taught.


For lamb, pig and calfe, and for other the like,
tithe so, as thy cattle, the Lord doo not strike.
Or if yee deale guilefully, parson will dreue:
and so to your selfe, a worse turne ye may geue.


Thy garden plot latelie, well trenched and muckt,
would now be twifallowd, the mallowes out pluckt.
Well clensed and purged, of roote and of stone:
that falt therein afterward, found may be none.


Remember thy hopyard, if season be drie,

Weeding of hopyard.

now dig it, and weed it, and so let it lie.
More fennie the laier, the better his lust:
more apt to beare hops when it crumbles like dust.


To arbor begun, and quick setted about,

Trimming vp arbors.

no poling nor wadling, till set be far out.
For rotten and aged, may stand for a shew:
but hold to their tackling, there doe but a few.



Sowing of otes. Late sowing not good.

In Ianuiere, husband that poucheth the grotes,

will breake vp his laie, or be sowing of otes.
Otes sowen in Ianiuere, laie by the wheat:
in May by the hay, for the cattle to eat.


Let seruant be readie, with mattock in hand,
to stub out the bushes, that noieth the land.
And cumbersome rootes, so annoieng the plough:
turne vpward their arses, with sorrow inough.


Breaking vp lay in som countrie.

Who breaketh vp timelie, his fallow or lay,

sets forward his husbandrie, many a way.
This trimlie well ended, doth forwardly bring:
not onelie thy tillage, but all other thing.


Though lay land ye breke vp, whē Christmas is gon,
for sowing of barlie, or otes therevpon.
Yet hast not to fallow, til March be begun:
least afterward wishing, it had ben vndun.


Such land as ye breake vp, for barlie to sowe,
two earthes at the least, er ye sowe it bestowe.
If land be thereafter, set oting apart:
and follow this lesson, to comfort thine hart.


Some breaking vp laie, soweth otes to begin,
to suck out the moisture, so sower therein.
Yet otes with hir sucking, a peeler is found:
both ill to the maister, and worse to som ground.


Land arable, driuen or worne to the proofe,
and craueth some rest, for thy profits behoofe.
With otes ye may sowe it, the sooner to grasse:
more soone to be pasture, to bring it to passe.
Thus endeth Ianuaries husbandrie.


Februaries abstract.

Chap. 33.


Lay compas ynow,
er euer ye plow.


Place doong heapes alowe,
more barlie to growe.


Eat etch er ye plow,
with hog, sheepe and cow.
Sowe lintels ye may,
and peason gray.
Keepe white vnsowne,
till more be knowne.


Sowe pease (good trull)
the Moone past full.
Fine seedes then sowe,
whilst Moone doth growe.


Boy, follow the plough,
and harrow inough.
So harrow ye shall,
till couerd be all.


Sowe pease not too thin,
er plough ye set in.


Late, sowen, sore noieth,
late ripe, hog stroieth.


Some prouender saue,
for plowhorse to haue.
To oxen that drawe,
giue hay, and not strawe.
To steeres ye may,
mixe strawe with hay.


Much carting, ill tillage,
makes som to flie village.


Use cattle aright,
to keepe them in plight.


Good quickset bie,
old gatherd will die.


Stick bows a rowe,
where runciuals growe.


Sowe kirnels and hawe,
where ridge ye did drawe.


Sowe mustard seed,
and helpe to kill weed.
Where sets doo growe,
see nothing ye sowe.


Cut vines and osier,
plash hedge of enclosier.
Feed highly thy swan,
to loue hit good man.
Nest high I aduise,
least floud doe arise.


Land meadow spare,
there doong is good ware.


Go strike off the nowles,
of deluing mowles.
Such hillocks in vaine,
lay leauelled plaine.


To wet the land,
let mowle hill stand.


Poore cattle craue,
some shift to haue.


Cow little giueth,
that hardly liueth.


Rid barlie al now,
cleane out of thy mow.
Choice seed out drawe,
saue cattle the strawe.



To coast man ride,
Lent stuffe to prouide.
Thus endeth Februaries abstract, agreeing with Februaries husbandrie.

Other short remembrances.

Trench medow and redge,
dike, quickset, and hedge.
To plots not full,
ad bremble and hull.
Let wheat and the rie,
for thresher still lie.
Such strawe some saue,
for thacker to haue.
Poore [illeg.], so bagged,
is soone ouer lagged.
[illeg.] burrow, set clapper,
for dog is a snapper.
Good flight who loues,
must feed their doues.
Bid hauking adew,
cast hauke into mew.
Keepe sheepe out of briers,
keepe beast out of miers.
Keepe lambes from fox,
else shepherd go box.
Good neighbour mine,
now yoke thy swine.
Now euerie day,
set hops ye may.
Now set for thy pot,
best herbes to be got.
For flowers go set,
all sorts ye can get.
As winter doth prooue,
so may ye remooue.
Now all things reare,
for all the yeare,
Watch ponds, go looke,
to weeles, and hooke.
Knaues seld repent,
to steale in Lent.
Alls fish they get,
that commeth to net.
Who muck regards,
makes hillocks in yards.
Here ends Februaries short remembrances.

Februaries husbandrie.

Chap. 34.

Feb, fill the dike,
With what thou dost like.
Forgotten, month past.
Doe now at the last.


Who laieth on doong, er he laieth on plow,
such husbandrie vseth, as thrift doth alow.
One month er ye spred it, so still let it stand:
er euer to plow it, ye take it in hand.



Place doong heape a low, by the furrough along,
where water, all winter time, did it such wrong.
So make ye the land, to be lustie and fat:
and corne thereon sowen, to be better for that.


Go plow in the stubble, for now is the season,
for sowing of fitchis, of beanes and of peason.
Sowe runciuals timelie, and all that be gray:
but sowe not the white, till S. Gregories day.


Sowe peason and beanes, in the wane of the Moone,
who soweth them sooner, he soweth too soone.
That they with the planet, may rest and arise:
and flourish, with bearing most plentifull wise.


Friend, harrow in time, by some maner of meanes,
not onely thy peason, but also thy beanes.
Unharrowed die, being buried in clay:
where harrowed florish, as flowers in May.


Both peason and beanes, sowe afore ye doo plow,
the sooner ye harrow, the better for yow.
White peason so good, for the purse and the pot:
let them be well vsed, else well doo ye not.


Haue eie vnto haruest, what euer ye sowe,
for feare of mischances, by riping too slowe.
Least corne be destroied, contrarie to right:
by hogs or by cattel, by day or by night.


Good prouender, labouring horses would haue,
good haie and good plentie, plow oxen doo craue.
To hale out thy muck, and to plow vp thy ground:
or else it may hinder thee, many a pound.


Who slacketh his tillage, a carter to bee,
for grote got abrode, at home lose shall three.
And so by his dooing, he brings out of hart:
both land for the corne, and horse for the cart.



Who abuseth his cattle, and sterues them for meat,
by carting or plowing, his gaine is not great.
Where he that with labour, can vse them aright:
hath gaine to his comfort, and cattle in plight.


Buie quickset at market, new gatherd and small,
buie bushes or willow, to fence it withall.
Set willowes to growe, in the steede of a stake:
for cattel in sommer, a shadow to make.


Stick plentie of bows, among runciuall pease,

Runciual peason.

to climber thereon, and to branch at their ease.

So dooing more tender, and greater they wex:
if peacock and turkey, leaue iobbing their bex.


Now sowe & go harrow (where redge ye did draw)
the seed of the bremble, with kernell and haw.
Which couered ouerlie, soone to shut out:
go see it be ditched and fenced about.


Some mustard seede.

Where banks be amended, and newly vp cast,

sowe mustard seed, after a shower be past.
Where plots full of nettles, be noisome to eie:
so we therevpon hempseed, and nettle will die.


Cut or set vines.

The vines and the osiers, cut and go set,

if grape be vnpleasant, a better go get.
Feed swan, and go make hir vp strongly a nest:
for feare of a floud, good and high is the best.


Catching of mowls.

Land meadow that yeerly is spared for hay,

now fence it, and spare it, and doong it ye may.
Get mowle catcher, cunninglie mowle for to kill:
and harrow, and cast abrode euerie hill.


Where meadow or pasture, to mowe ye doo laie,
let mowle be dispatched, some maner of waie.
Then cast abrode mowlhill, as flat as ye can:
for many commodities following than.



If pasture by nature, is giuen to be wet,
then bare with the mowlhill, though thick it be set.
That lambe may sit on it, and so to sit drie:
or else to lie by it, the warmer to lie.


Friend, alway let this be a part of thy care,

Looke well to thy fence.

for shift of good pasture, lay pasture to spare.
So haue you good feeding, in bushets and lease:
and quickly safe finding of cattel at ease.


Where cattel may run about, rouing at wil,
from pasture to pasture, poore bellie to fil.
There pasture and cattel, both hungrie and bare:
for want of good husbandrie, worser doo fare.


Now thresh out thy barlie, for malt or for seed,
for bread corne (if need be) to serue as shall need.
If worke for the thresher, ye mind for to haue:
of wheat and of mestlen, vnthreshed go saue.


Now timelie for Lent stuffe, thy monie disburse,
the longer ye tarie, for profit the wurse.
If one penie vantage, be therein to saue:
of coast man or flemming be sure to haue.
Thus endeth Februaries husbandrie.

Marches abstract.

Chap. 35.


White peason sowe,
scare hūgry crow.


Spare meadow for hay,
spare marshes at May.


Keepe sheepe from dog,
keepe lambes from hog.
If foxes mowse them,
then watch or howse them.


March drie or wet,
hop ground go set.
Yoong rootes well drest,
prooue euer best.
Grant hop great hill,
to growe at will.
From hop long gut,
away go cut.



Here learne the way,
hop rootes to lay.


Rootes best to prooue,
thus set I looue.


Leaue space and roome,
to hillock to coome.


Of hedge and willow,
hop makes his pillow.
Good bearing hop,
climes vp to the top.
Keepe hop from sunne,
and hop is vndunne.


Hop tooles procure,
that may endure.
Iron crowe like a stake,
deepe hole to make.
A scraper to pare,
the earth about bare.
A hone to raise roote,
like sole of a boote.
Sharpe knife to cut,
superfluous gut.


Who graffing looues,
now graffing prooues.
Of euerie suite,
graffe daintie fruite.
Graffe good fruite all,
or graffe not at all.


Graffe soone may be lost,
both graffing and cost.
Learne here take heed,
what counsell doth beed.


Sowe barlie that can,
too soone ye shall ban.
Let horse keepe his owne,
till barlie be sowne.
Sowe euen thy land,
with plentifull hand.
Sowe ouer and vnder,
in claie is no woonder.


By sowing in wet,
is little to get.


Straight folow the plough,
and harrow inough.
With sling go throwe,
to scare away crowe.


Rowle after a deaw,
when barlie doth sheaw.
More handsom to make it,
to mowe and to rake it.


Learne here ye may,
best harrowing way.


Now rowle thy wheat,
where clods be too great.


Make readie a plot,
for seeds for the pot.


Best searching minds,
the best waie finds.


For garden best,
is south, southwest.


Good tilth brings seedes,
euill tilture, weedes.


For sommer sowe now,
for winter see how.


Learne time to knowe,
to set or sowe.


Yoong plants soone die,
that growes too drie.


In countrie doth rest,
what season is best.



Good peason and leekes,
makes pottage for creekes.


Haue spoone meat inough,
for cart and the plough.
Good poore mans fare,
is poore mans care.
And not to boast,
of sod and roast.


Cause rooke and rauen,
to seeke a new hauen.
Thus endeth Marches abstract, agreeing with Marches husbandrie.

Other short remembrances.

Geld lambes now all,
straight as they fall.
Looke twise a day,
least lambes decay.
Where horse did harrow,
put stones in barrow.
And laie them by,
in heapes on hy.
Let oxe once fat,
lose nothing of that.
Now hunt with dog,
vnyoked hog.
Wish Doues good luck,
reare goose and duck.
To spare aright,
spare March his flight.


Marches husbandrie.

Chap. 36.

March dust to be sold.
Worth ransome of gold.
Forgotten month past,
Doe now at the last.


White peason, both good for the pot and the purse,
by sowing too timelie, prooue often the wurse.
Bicause they be tender, and hateth the cold:
prooue March er ye sowe them, for being too bold.



Spare meadow at Gregorie, marshes at Pask,
for feare of drie Sommer, no longer time ask.

Spare eating of meadowe.

Then hedge them, and ditch them, bestow theron pence:
corne, meadow and pasture, aske alway good fence.


Of mastiues and mungrels, that manie we see,

In Lent haue an ey to sheep biters.

a number of thousands, too manie there bee.
Watch therefore in Lent, to thy sheepe go and looke:
for dogs will haue vittles, by hooke or by crooke.


In March at the furdest, drie season or wet,

Setting of hops.

hop rootes so well chosen, let skilfull go set.
The goeler and yonger, the better I loue:
well gutted and pared, the better they proue.


Some laieth them croswise, along in the ground,
as high as the knee, they doo couer vp round.
Some prick vp a stick, in the mids of the same:
that little round hillock, the better to frame.


Some maketh a hollownes, halfe a foot deepe,
with fower sets in it, set slant wise a steepe.
One foot from another, in order to lie:
and thereon a hillock, as round as a pie.


Fiue foot from another, ech hillock would stand,
as straight, as a leaueled line with the hand.
Let euerie hillock, be fower foot wide:
the better to come to, on euerie side.


By willowes that groweth, thy hopyard without,
and also by hedges, thy meadowes about.
Good hop hath a pleasure, to climbe and to spred:
if Sunne may haue passage, to comfort hir hed.


Get crowe made of iron, deepe hole for to make,

Hop tools

with crosse ouerthwart it, as sharpe as a stake.
A hone and a parer, like sole of a boote:
to pare away grasse, and to raise vp the roote.




In March is good graffing, the skilfull doo knowe,

so long as the wind, in the East doo not blowe.
From Moone being changed, til past be the prime:
for graffing and cropping, is verie good time.


Things graffed or planted, the greatest and least,
defend against tempest, the bird and the beast.
Defended shall prosper, the tother is lost:
the thing with the labour, the time and the cost.


Sowing of barlie.

Sowe barlie in March, in April and Maie,

the latter in sand, and the sooner in claie.
What worser for barlie, than wetnes and cold?
what better to skilfull, than time to be bold?


Who soweth his barlie too soone or in raine,
of otes and of thistles, shall after complaine.
I speake not of Maie weed, cockle and such:
that noieth the barlie, so often and much.


Let barlie be harrowed, finelie as dust,
then workmanly trench it, and fence it ye must.
This season well plied, set sowing an end:
and praise and praie God, a good haruest to send.


Rowling of barlie.

Some rowleth their barlie, straight after a raine,

when first it appeareth, to leauell it plaine.
The barlie so vsed, the better doth growe:
and handsome ye make it, at haruest to mowe.



Otes, barlie and pease, harrow after you sowe,

for rie harrow first, as alreadie ye knowe.
Leaue wheat little clod, for to couer the head:
that after a frost, it may out, and go spread.


If clod in thy wheat, wil not breake with the frost,
if now ye doo rowle it, it quiteth the cost.
But see when ye rowle it, the weather be drie:
or else it were better, vnrowled to lie.



In March and in April, from morning to night,
in sowing and setting, good huswiues delight.


To haue in a garden, or other like plot:
to trim vp their house, and to furnish their pot.


The nature of flowers, dame Physick doth shew,
she teacheth them all, to be knowne to a few.
To set or to sowe, or else sowne to remoue:
how that should be practised, learne if ye loue.


Land falling or lieng, full South or southwest,
for profit by tillage is lightly the best.

To know good land.

So garden with orchard, and hopyard I finde:
that want the like benefit, growe out of kinde.


If field to beare corne, a good tillage doth craue,
what thinke ye of garden, what garden would haue?
In field without cost, be assured of weedes:
in garden be suer, thou loosest thy seedes.


At spring (for the sommer) sowe garden ye shall,
at haruest (for winter) or sowe not at all.
Oft digging, remoouing, and weeding (ye see:)
makes herbe the more holesome, and greater to bee.


Time faire, to sowe or to gather be bold,
but set or remooue, when the weather is cold.
Cut all thing, or gather, the Moone in the wane:
but sowe in encreasing, or giue it his bane.


Now set doo aske watering, with pot or with dish,
new sowne doo not so, if ye doo as I wish.
Through cunning with dible, rake, mattock and spade:
by line and by leauell, trim garden is made.


Who soweth too lateward, hath seldome good seed,
who soweth too soone, little better shall speed.
Apt time and the season, so diuers to hit:
let aier and laier, helpe practise and wit.



Now leekes are in season, for pottage full good,
and spareth the milchcow, and purgeth the blood.
These hauing, with peason for pottage in Lent:
thou sparest both otemell and bread to be spent.


Though neuer so much, a good huswife doth care,
that such as doe labour, haue husbandlie fare.
Yet feed them, and cram them, till purse doe lack chinke:
no spoone meate, no bellifull, labourers thinke.


Destroie pie, rooks, & rauens nest, &c.

Kill crowe, pie and cadow, rooke, buzard and rauen,

or else go desire them, to seeke a new hauen.
In scaling the yoongest, to pluck off his beck:
beware how ye climber, for breaking your neck.
Thus endeth Marches husbandrie.

Aprils abstract.

Chap. 37.


Some champions laie,
to fallow in Maie.


When tilth plows breake,
poore cattle cries creake.


One daie er ye plow,
spred compas ynow.


Some fodder buieth,
in fen, where it lieth.


Thou champion wight,
haue cow meat for night.


Set hop his pole,
make deepe the hole.


First, bark go and sell,
er timber ye fell.


Fence copie in,
er heawers begin.


The straightest ye knowe,
for staddles let growe.


Crab tree preserue,
for plough to serue.


Get timber out,
er yeere go about.


som cūtries lack plowmeat
& some doe want cowmeat.


Small commons, & bare,
yeelds cattell ill fare.


Som common with geese,
and sheepe without fleese.
Som tits thither bring,
and hops without ring.


Some champions agree,
as waspe doth with bee.



Get swineherd for hog,
but kill not with dog.
Wher swineherd doth lack
corne goeth to wrack.


All goes to the Deuill,
where shepherd is euill.


Come home from land,
with stone in hand.


Man cow prouides,
wife dairie guides.


Slut Cisley vntaught,
hath whitemeat naught.


Some bringeth in gaines,
some losse beside paines.


Run Cisse, fault known,
with more than thine own.
Such Mistris, such Nan,
such Maister, such Man.
Thus endeth Aprils abstract, agreeing with Aprils husbandrie.

Aprils husbandrie.

Chap. 38.

Sweete April showers,
Doo spring Maie flowers.
Forgotten month past,
Doe now at the last.


In Cambridge shire forward, to Lincolne shire way,
the champion maketh his fallow in May.
Then thinking so dooing, one tillage woorth twaine:
by forcing of weede, by that meanes to refraine.


If April be dripping, then doo I not hate,
(for him that hath little) his fallowing late.
Else otherwise fallowing, timelie is best:
for sauing of cattel, of plough and the rest.


Be suer of plough to be readie at hand,
er compas ye spred, that on hillocks did stand.
Least drieng so lieng, doo make it decaie:
er euer much water, doo wash it awaie.


Looke now to prouide ye, of meadow for hay,
if fennes be vndrowned, there cheapest ye may.
In fen for the bullock, for horse not so well:
count best, the best cheape, wheresoeuer ye dwell.


Prouide ye of cowmeate, for cattel at night,
and chiefly where commons, lie far out of sight.


Where cattel lie tied, without any meat:
that profit by dairie, can neuer be great.


Put poles to your hop-hils.

Get into thy hopyard, with plentie of poles,

among those same hillocks, deuide them by doles.
Three poles to a hillock (I pas not how long:)
shall yeeld thee more profit, set deeplie and strong.


Felling of timber.

Sell barke to the tanner, er timber yee fell,

cut lowe by the ground, or else doo ye not well.
In breaking saue crooked, for mill and for ships:
and euer in hewing, saue carpenters chips.


First see it well fenced, er hewers begin,
then see it well stadled, without and within.
Thus being preserued, and husbandlie donne:
shall sooner raise profit, to thee or thy sonne.


Stadling of woods.

Leaue growing for stadles, the likest and best,

though seller and buier, dispatched the rest.
In bushes, in hedgerowe, in groue and in wood:
this lesson obserued, is needfull and good.


Saue elme, ash and crabtree, for cart and for plough,
saue step for a stile, of the crotch of the bough.
Saue hazel for forks, saue sallow for rake:
saue huluer and thorne, there of flaile for to make.


Discharge thy woods.

Make riddance of carriage, er yeere go about,

for spoiling of plant, that is newlie come out.
To carter (with oxen) this message I bring:
leaue oxen abrode, for anoieng the spring.


Alowance of fodder, some countries doo yeeld,
as good for the cattel, as haie in the feeld.
Some mowe vp their hedlonds, and plots among corne:
and driuen to leaue nothing, vnmowne or vnshorne.


Some commons are barren, the nature is such,
and some ouer laieth, the common too much.


The pestered commons, small profit doth geeue:
and profit as little some reape I beleeue.


Some pester the commons, with iades & with geese,
with hog without ring, & with sheepe without fleese.
Some lose a daie labour, with seeking their owne:
some meet with a bootie, they would not haue knowne.


Great troubles and losses, the champion sees,
and euer in brauling, as wasps among bees.
As charitie that waie, appeereth but small:
so lesse be their winnings, or nothing at all.


Where champion wanteth, a swineherd for hog,
there many complaineth, of naughtie mans dog.
Where ech his owne keeper, appoints without care:
there corne is destroied, er men be aware.


The land is well harted, with helpe of the fold,
for one or two crops, if so long it will hold.
If shepherd would keepe them, from stroieng of corne:
the walke of his sheepe, might the better be borne.


Where stones be too manie, annoieng thy land,
make seruant come home, with a stone in his hand.
By dailie so dooing, haue plentie yee shall:
both handsome for pauing, and good for a wall.


From April beginning, till Andrew be past,
so long with good huswife, hir dairie doth last.

Dairie matters.

Good milchcow and pasture, good husbands prouide:
the resdue, good huswiues knowes best how to guide.


Ill huswife vnskilful, to make hir owne chees,
through trusting of others, hath this for hir fees.

Ill huswiferie.

Hir milke pan and creame pot; so slabberd and soft:
that butter is wanting, and cheese is halfe lost.


Where some of a cow, doo raise yeerelie a pound,
with such seelie huswiues, no penie is found.


Then dairie maid (Cisley) hir fault being knowne:
away apace trudgeth, with more than hir owne.


Then neighbour for Gods sake, if any you see,

Ill huswiues saiengs.

good seruant for dairie house, waine hir to mee.

Such maister such man, and such mistris such maid:
such husband and huswife, such houses araid.

A lesson for dairie maid Cisley of ten toppings gests.

As wife that will,
good husband plese:
Must shun with skill,
such gests as these.
So Cisse that serues,
must marke this note:
What fault deserues,
a brushed cote.
Gehezie, Lots wife, and Argusses eies,

Ten toppings gests vnsent for.

Tom piper, poore Cobler, and Lazarus thies.

Rough Esau, with Mawdlin, and Gentils that scrall:
With Bishop that burneth, thus knowe ye them all.
These toppingly gests, be in number but ten,
As welcome in dairie, as Beares among men.
Which being descried, take heede of you shall:
For danger of after claps, after that fall.


White and drie.

Gehezie his sicknes, was whitish and drie,

such cheeses good Cisley, ye floted too nie.


Too salt.

Leaue Lot with hir piller, (good Cisley) alone,

much saltnes in whitemeat, is ill for the stone.


Full of eies.

If cheeses in dairie haue Argusses eies,

tell Cisley the fault, in hir huswiferie lies.



Tom Piper, hath houen and puffed vp cheekes,

if cheese be so houen, make Cisse to seeke creekes.



Poore Cobler he tuggeth, his leatherlie trash,

if cheese abide tugging, tug Cisley a crash.



If Lazer so lothsome, in cheese be espied,

Full of spots.

let baies amend Cisley, or shift hir aside.


Rough Esau was hearie, from top to the fut,

Full of heares.

if cheese so appeareth, call Cisley a slut.


As Mawdlin wept, so would Cisley be drest,

Full of whey.

for whey in hir cheeses, not halfe inough prest.


If gentils be scrauling, call magget the py,

Full of gentils.

if cheeses haue gentils, at Cisse by and by.


Blesse Cisley (good mistris) that Bishop doth ban,

Burnt to the pan.

for burning the milke, of hir cheese to the pan.
If thou (so oft beaten)
amendest by this:
I will no more threaten,
I promise thee Cis.
Thus dairie maid Cisley, rehearsed ye see,
what faults with ill huswife, in dairie house bee.
Of market abhorred, to houshold a griefe:
to maister and mistris, as ill as a thiefe.
Thus endeth Aprils husbandrie.

Maies abstract.

Chap. 39.


Put lambe from eawe,
to milke a feawe.


Be not too bold,
to milke and to f old.


Fiue eawes alow,
to euerie cow.


Sheepe wrigling taile,
hath mads without faile.


Beat hard in the reede,
where house hath neede.


Leaue cropping from May
to Mihelmas day.
Let Iuie be killed,
else tree will be spilled.


Now threshers warne,
to rid the barne.


Be suer of hay,
till thend of May.


Let sheepe fill flanke,
where corne is too ranke.


In woodland leuer,
in champion neuer.


To weeding away,
as soone as yee may.


For corne here reede,
what naughtie weede.


Who weeding stacketh,
good husbandrie lacketh.


Sowe buck or branke,
that smels so ranke.


Thy branke go and sowe,
where barlie did growe.
The next crop wheat,
is husbandrie neat.


Sowe pescods some,
for haruest to come.


Sowe hemp and flacks,
that spinning lacks.


Teach hop to clime,
for now it is time.


Through fowles & weedes,
poore hop ill speedes.
Cut off or crop,
superfluous hop.
The titters or tine,
makes hop to pine.


Some raketh their wheat,
with rake that is great.
So titters and tine,
be gotten out fine.


Now sets doe craue,
some weeding to haue.


Now draine as ye like,
both fen and dike.


Watch bees in May,
for swarming away.
Both now and in Iune,
marke maister bees tune.


Twifallow thy land,
least plough else stand.


No longer tarrie,
out compas to carrie.


Where neede doth pray it,
there see ye lay it.


Set Iack and Ione,
to gather vp stone.


To grasse with thy calues,
take nothing to halues.


Be suer thy neat,
haue water and meat.


By tainting of ground,
destruction is found.


Now carrege get,
home fewell to fet.
Tell fagot and billet,
for filching gillet.


In sommer for firing,
let citie be buying.
Marke colliers packing,
least coles be lacking.
(See openedsack,)
for two in a pack.


Let nodding patch,
go sleepe a snatch.


Wife as you will,
now plie your still.


Fine bazell sowe,
in a pot to growe.


Fine seedes sowe now,
before, ye sawe how.


Keepe ox from cow,
for causes ynow.
Thus endeth Maies abstract, agreeing with Maies husbandrie.

Two other short remembrances

From bull cow fast,

Saint Helens daie.

till Crowchmas be past.
From heifer bull hid thee,


till Lammas doth hid thee.
Here ends Maies short remembrances.

Maies husbandrie.

Chap. 40.

Cold Maie and windie,
Barne filleth vp finelie.
Forgotten month past,
Doe now at the last.


At Philip and Iacob, away with the lams,

Essex and Suffolke

that thinkest to haue any milke of their dams.
At Lammas leaue milking, for feare of a thing:
least (requiem æternam) in winter they sing.


To milke and to fold them, is much to require,

Milking of cawes.

except yee haue pasture, to fil their desire.
Yet manie by milking (such heede they doo take:)
not hurting their bodies, much profit doo make.


Fine eawes to a cow, make a proofe by a score,
shall double thy dairie, else trust me no more.
Yet may a good huswife, that knoweth the skill:
haue mixt or vnmixt, at hir pleasure and will.


If sheepe or thy lambe, fall a wrigling with taile,
go by and by search it, whiles helpe may preuaile.
That barberlie handled, I dare thee assure:
cast dust in his arse, thou hast finisht thy cure.


Where houses be reeded (as houses haue neede,)
now pare off the mosse, and go beat in the reed.
The iuster ye driue it, the smoother and plaine:
more handsome ye make it, to shut off the raine.



Leaue off cropping.

From Maie til October, leaue cropping, for why?

in wood sere, whatsoeuer thou croppest wil dy.

Destroie Iuie.

Where Iuie unbraceth the tree verie sore:

kil Iuie, or else tree wil addle no more.


Keepe threshing for thresher, til Maie be come in,
to haue to be suer, fresh chaffe in the bin.
And somewhat to scamble, for hog and for hen:
and worke when it raineth, for loitering men.


Count store no sore.

Be sure of haie, and of prouender some,

for labouring cattel, til pasture be come.
And if ye doo mind, to haue nothing to sterue:
haue one thing or other, for all thing to serue.


Ground compassed wel, and a following yeare,
(if wheat or thy barlie, too ranke doo appeare.)
Now eat it with sheepe, or else mowe it ye may:
for ledging, and so, to the birds for a pray.


In Maie get a weede hooke, a crotch and a gloue,


and weed out such weedes, as the corne doth not loue.

For weeding of winter corne, now it is best:
but Iune is the better, for weeding the rest.


Il weeds

The May weed doth burn, and the thistle doth freat,

the fitchis pul downward, both rie and the wheat.
The brake and the cockle, be noisome too much:
yet like vnto boddle, no weede there is such.


Slack neuer thy weeding, for dearth nor for cheape,
the corne shall reward it, er euer ye reape.
And specially where ye doo trust for to seede:
let that be wel vsed, the better to speede.


Sowing of branke.

In Maie is good sowing, thy buck or thy branke,

that black is as pepper, and smelleth so ranke.
It is to thy land, as a comfort or muck:
and al thing it maketh, as fat as a buck.



Sowe buck after barlie, or after thy wheat,
a peck to a roode, (if the measure be great.)
Three earthes see ye giue it, and sowe it aboue:
and harrow it finelie, if buck ye doo loue.


Who pescods would gather, to haue with the last,
to serue for his houshold, till haruest be past.
Must sowe them in Maie, in a corner ye shal:
where through so late growing, no hindrance may fal.


Good flax and good hemp, for to haue of hir owne,
in Maie a good huswife, will see it be sowne.

Sowing of flax and hempe.

And afterward trim it, to serue at a neede:
the fimble to spin, and the karl for hir seede.


Get into the hopyard, for now it is time,
to teach Robin hop, on his pole how to clime.
To follow the Sunne, as his propertie is:
and weede him, and trim him, if aught go amis.


Grasse, thistle and mustard seede, hemlock and bur,

Il neighbours to the hop,

tine, mallow and nettle, that keepe such a stur.
With peacock and turkie, that nibbles oft top:
are verie ill neighbors, to seelie poore hop.


From wheat go and rake out, the titters or tine,
if eare be not foorth, it will rise againe fine.
Use now in thy rie, little raking or none:
breake time from his roote, and so let it alone.


Bankes newly quicksetted, some weeding doo craue,

weeding of quick set.

the kindlier nourishment thereby to haue.
Then after a shower, to weeding a snatch:
more easilie weede, with the roote to dispatch.


The fen and the quamire, so marrish be kind,

Now draine ditches.

and are to be drained, now wine to thy mind.
Which yeerlie vndrained, and suffered vncut:
annoieth the meadowes, that thereon doo but.



Swarming of bees.

Take heede to thy bees, that are readie to swarme,

the losse thereof now, is a crownes worth of harme.
Let skilfull be readie, and diligence seene:
least being too careles, thou losest thy beene.



In Maie at the furthest, twifallow thy land,

much drout may else after, cause plough for to stand,
This tilth being done, ye haue passed the wurst:
then after who ploweth, plow thou with the furst.


Carie out compas.

Twifallow once ended, get tumbrell and man,

and compas that fallow, as soone as ye can.
Let skilfull bestow it, where neede is vpon:
more profit the sooner, to follow thereon.


Hide hedlonds with muck, if ye will to the knees,
so dripped and shadowd, with bushes and trees.
Bare plots full of galles, if ye plow ouerthwart:
and compas it then, is a husbandlie part.


Let children be hired, to lay to their bones,
from fallow as needeth, to gather vp stones.
What wisedome for profit, aduiseth vnto:
that husband and huswife, must willingly do.


Forth to grasse with thy calues.

To gras with thy calues, in some medow plot nere,

where neither their mothers, may see them nor here.
Where water is plentie, and barth to sit warme:
and looke well vnto them, for taking of harme.


Let not cattel want water.

Pinch neuer thy wennels, of water or meat,

if euer ye hope, for to haue them good neat.
In Sommer time dailie, in Winter in frost:
if cattel lack drinke, they be vtterly lost.


Ouerlay not thy pastures.

For coueting much, ouerlay not thy ground,

and then shall thy cattel, be lustie and sound.
But pinch them of pasture, while Sommer doth last:
and lift at their tailes, er an Winter be past.



Get home with thy fewell, made readie to fet,

Get home thy fewel.

the sooner the easier, carrege to get.
Or otherwise linger the carrege thereon:
till (where as ye left it) a quarter be gon.


His firing in Sommer, let Citizen buie,

Husbandrie for Citizens.

least buieng in Winter, make purse for to crie.
For carman and collier, harps both on a string:
in Winter they cast, to be with thee to bring.


From Maie to mid August, an hower or two,
let patch sleepe a snatch, how soeuer ye do.

Sleeping time.

Though sleeping one hower, refresheth his song:
yet trust not hob growthed, for sleeping too long.


The knowledge of stilling, is one pretie feat,
the waters be holesome, the charges not great.

Stilling of herbes.

What timelie thou gettest, while Sommer doth last:
thinke Winter will helpe thee, to spend it as fast.


Fine bazell desireth, it may be hir lot,
to growe as the gilloflower, trim in a pot.
That ladies and gentils, for whom she doth serue:
may helpe hir as needeth, poore life to preserue.


Keepe oxe fro thy cow, that to profit would go,
least cow be deceiued, by oxe dooing so.
And thou recompenced, for suffering the same:
with want of a calfe, and a cow to wax lame.
Thus endeth Maies husbandrie.

Iunes abstract.

Chap. 41.


Wash sheep for to share,
yt sheepe may go bare.


Though fleese ye take,
no patches make.


Share lambes no whit,
or share not yit.


If meadow be growne,
let meadow be mowne.



Plough early ye may,
and then carrie hay.


Tis good to be knowne,
to haue all of thine owne.
Who goeth a borrowing,
goeth a sorrowing.


See cart in plight,
and all things right.


Make drie ouer hed,
both houell and shed.


Of houell make stack,
for pease on his back.


In champion some,
wants elbow rome.


Let wheat and rie,
in house lie drie.


Buie turfe and sedge,
or else breake hedge.


Good store howse needfull,
well ordred speedfull.


Thy barnes repaire,
make flower faire.


Such shrubs as noie,
in sommer destroie.


Swinge brēbles & brakes,
get forkes and rakes.


Spare hedlonds some,
till haruest come.


Cast ditch and pond,
to lay vpon lond.

A lesson of hopyard.


Where hops will growe,
here learne to knowe.
Hops many will coome,
in a roode of roome.


Hops hate the land,
with grauell and sand.


The rotten mold,
for hop is worth gold.


The sunne southwest,
for hopyard is best.


Hop plot once found,
now dig the ground.


Hops fauoreth malt,
hops thrift doth exalt.
Of hops more reede,
as time shall neede.
Thus endeth Iunes abstract, agreeing with Iunes husbandrie.

Iunes husbandrie.

Chap. 42.

Calme weather in Iune.
Corne sets in tune.
Forgotten month past,
Doe now at the last.


Sheepe sharing.

Wash sheepe (for ye better) where water doth run,

and let him go cleanly and drie in the sun.
Then share him and spare not, at two daies an end:
the sooner the better, his corps will amend.



Reward not thy sheepe (when ye take off his cote,)

Beware of euill sheepe-shearers.

with twitchis and patches, as brode as a grote.
Let not such vngentlenes, happen to thine:
least flie with hir gentils, doo make it to pine.


Let lambes go vnclipped, till Iune be halfe worne,

Sheare lambes in Iulie.

the better the fleeses, will growe to be shorne.
The Pie will discharge thee, for pulling the rest:
the lighter the sheepe is, then feedeth it best.


If meadow be forward, be mowing of some,

Mowing time.

but mowe as the makers, may well ouercome.
Take heede to the weather, the wind and the skie:
if danger approcheth, then cock apace crie.


Plough earlie till ten a clock, then to thy hay,
in plowing and carting, so profit ye may.
By little and little, thus dooing ye win:
that plough shall not hinder, when haruest comes in.


Prouide of thine owne, to haue all things at hand,
least worke and the workman, vnoccupide stand.
Loue seldome to borowe, that thinkest to saue:
for he that once lendeth, twise looketh to haue.


Let cart be well searched, without and within.

Trim well thy carts.

well clouted and greased, er hay time begin.
Thy hay being carried, though carter had sworne:
carts bottome well boorded, is sauing of corne.


Good husbands that laie, to saue all things vpright,
for tumbrels and cart, haue a shed readie dight.
Where vnder the hog may in winter lie warme:
to stand so enclosed, as wind doo no harme.


So likewise a houell will serue for a roome,

A houell is set vpon crotches and couered wt poles and strawe.

to stack on the peason, when haruest shall coome.
And serue thee in winter, more ouer than that:
to shut vp thy porklings, thou mindest to fat.



Some barnroome haue litle, & yardroome as much,
yet corne in the field, appertaineth to such.
Then houels or rikes, they are forced to make:
abrode or at home, for necessities sake.


Make sure of breadcorne, (of all other graine,)
lie drie and well looked to, for mouse and for raine.
Though fitchis and pease, and such other as they:
(for pestring too much) on a houell ye ley.


With whinnes, or with furzes, thy houell renew,
for turfe and for sedge, for to bake and to brew.
For charcole and sea cole, as also for thacke:
for tallwood and billet, as yeerlie ye lacke.


The husbandlie storhouse.

What husbandlie husbands, except they be fooles,

but handsome haue storehouse, for trinkets and tooles?
And all in good order, fast locked to ly:
what euer is needfull, to find by and by.


Thy houses and barnes, would be looked vpon,
and all things amended, er haruest come on.
Things thus set in order, in quiet and rest:
shall further thy haruest, and pleasure thee best.


The bushes and thorne, with the shrubs that do noy,
in woodsere or sommer, cut downe to destroy.
But where as decay, to the tree ye will none:
for danger in woodsere, let hacking alone.


Mowe downe brakes and meadow.

At Midsommer, downe with the brembles & brakes,

and after, abrode with thy forks and thy rakes.
Set mowers a mowing, where meadow is growne:
the longer now standing, the worse to be mowne.


Mowe hedlonds at haruest or after in the seueral fields.

Now downe with the grasse vpon hedlonds about,

that groweth in shadow, so ranke and so stout.
But grasse vpon hedlond, of barlie and pease:
when haruest is ended, go mowe if ye please.



Such muddie deepe ditches, and pits in the feeld,
that all a drie sommer, no water will yeeld.
By fieing and casting, that mud vpon heapes:
commodities many, the husbandman reapes.

A lesson where and when to plant good Hopyard.


Whome fancie persuadeth, among other crops,
to haue for his spending, sufficient of hops.
Must willinglie follow, of choises to chuse:
such lessons approoued, as skilfull doo vse.


Ground grauellie, sandie, and mixed with clay,

Naught for hops.

is naughtie for hops, any maner of way.
Or if it be mingled, with rubbish and stone:
for drines and barrennes, let it alone.


Choose soile for the hop, of the rottenest mould,

Good for hops.

well doonged and wrought, as a garden plot should.
Not far from the water (but not ouerflowne:)
this lesson well noted, is meete to be knowne.


The Sunne in the south, or else southly and west,
is ioy to the hop, as a welcomed gest.
But wind in the north, or else northly east:
to hop is as ill, as a fraie in a feast.


Meete plot for a hopyard, once found as is told,

Now dig thy new hop groūd

make thereof account, as of iewell of gold.
Now dig it, and leaue it, the Sunne for to burne:
and afterward fence it, to serue for that turne.


The hop for his profit, I thus doo exalt,
it strengtheneth drinke, and it fauoreth malt.

The praise of hops.

And being well brewed, long kept it will last:
and drawing abide, if ye drawe not too fast.


Iulies abstract.

Chap. 43.


Go sirs, and away,
to ted and make hay.
If stormes drawes nie,
then cock apace crie.


Let hay still bide,
till well it be dride.
(Hay made) away carrie,
no longer then tarrie.


Who best way titheth,
he best way thriueth.


Two good hay makers,
woorth twentie crakers.


Let dallops about,
be mowne and had out.
See hay doo looke greene,
see feeld ye rake cleene.


Thry fallow I pray thee,
least thistles bewray thee.


Cut off, good wife,
ripe beane with a knife.


Ripe hempe out cull,
from karle to pull.
Let seede hempe growe,
till more ye knowe.


Drie flax get in,
for spinners to spin.
Now mowe or pluck,
thy branke or buck.


Some wormewood saue,
for March to haue.


Mark Physick true,
of wormewood and rue.
Get grist to the mill,
for wanting at will.
Thus endeth Iulies abstract, agreeing with Iulies husbandrie.

Iulies husbandrie.

Chap 44.

No tempest good Iulie,
Least corne lookes rulie.
Forgotten month past,
Doe now at the last.


Hay haruest.

Go muster thy seruants, be captaine thy selfe,

prouiding them weapon, and other like pelfe.
Get bottles and wallets, keepe field in the heat:
the feare is as much, as the danger is great.


With tossing and raking, and setting on cox,
grasse latelie in swathes, is hay for an ox.
That done, go and cart it, and haue it away:
the battel is fought, ye haue gotten the day.



Pay iustly thy tithes, whatsoeuer thou bee,

Pay thy tithes.

that God may in blessing, send foison to thee.
Though Uirar be bad, or the Parson as euill:
go not for thy tithing, thy selfe to the Deuill.


Let hay be well made, or auise else auouse,
for molding in goef, or of firing the house.
Lay coursest aside, for the ox and the cow:
the finest for sheepe, atd thy gelding alow.


Then downe with the hedlonds, that groweth about,
leaue neuer a dallop, vnmowne and had out.
Though grasse be but thin, about barlie and pease:
yet picked vp cleane, ye shall find therein ease.


Thry fallow betime, for destroieng of weede,
least thistle and duck, fall a blooming and seede.

Thry fallowing.

Such season may chance, it shall stand thee vpon:
to till it againe, er an Sommer be gon.


Not rent off, but cut off, ripe beane with a knife,
for hindering stalke, of hir vegetiue life.

Gathering of garden beanes.

So gather the lowest, and leauing the top:
shall teach thee a trick, for to double thy crop.


Wife pluck fro thy seed hemp, the fiemble hemp clene,
this looketh more yellow, the other more grene.

Gather yellow hempe.

Use ton for thy spinning, leaue Mihel the tother:
for shoo thred and halter, for rope and such other.


Now pluck vp thy flax, for the maidens to spin,
first see it dried, and timelie got in.
And mowe vp thy branke, and away with it drie:
and howse it vp close, out of danger to lie.


While wormwood hath seed, get a handful or twaine,

Worme wood get against fleas and infection.

to saue against March, to make flea to refraine.
Where chamber is sweeped, and wormwood is strowne:
no flea for his life, dare abide to be knowne.



What sauer is better (if physick be true)
for places infected, than wormwood and rue?
It is as a comfort, for hart and the braine:
and therefore to haue it, it is not in vaine.


Get grist to the mill, to haue plentie in store,

Be sure of bread & drinke for haruest.

least miller lack water, as many doo more.

The meale the more yeeldeth, if seruant be true:
and miller that tolleth, take none but his due.
Thus endeth Iulies husbandrie.

Augusts abstract.

Chap. 45.


Thry fallowing won,
get compassing don.


In Iune and in Awe,
swinge brakes (for a lawe)


Pare saffron plot,
forget it not.
His dwelling made trim,
looke shortly for him.
When haruest is gon,
then saffron comes on.


A little of ground,
brings saffron a pound.
The pleasure is fine,
the profit is thine.
Keepe colour in drieng,
well vsed woorth buieng.


Maids, mustard seed reape,
and laie on a heape.


Good neighbors in deede,
change seede for seede.


Now strike vp drum,
cum haruest man cum.
Take paine for a gaine,
one knaue mars twaine.


Reape corne by the day,
least corne doo decay.
By great is the cheaper,
if trustie were reaper.


Blowe horne for sleapers,
and cheere vp thy reapers.


Well dooings who loueth,
thes haruest points proueth.


Paie Gods part furst,
and not of the wurst.


Now Parson (I say,)
tith carrie away.


Keepe cart gap weele,
scare hog from wheele.


Mowe hawme to burne,
to serue thy turne.
To bake thy bread,
to burne vnder lead.



Mowne hawme being dry,
no longer let ly.
Get home thy hawme,
whilst weather is cawme.


Mowne barlie lesse cost,
ill mowne much lost.


Reape barlie with sickle,
that lies in ill pickle.
Let greenest stand,
for making of band.
Bands made without dew,
will hold but a few.


Laie band to find her,
two rakes to a binder.


Rake after sieth,
and pay thy tieth.
Corne carried all,
then rake it ye shall.


Let shock take sweate,
least gofe take heate.
Yet it is best reason,
to take it in season.


More often ye turne,
more pease ye out spurne.
Yet winnow them in,
er carrege begin.


Thy carting plie,
while weather is drie.


Bid gouing (clim)
goue iust and trim.
Laie wheat for seede,
to come by at neede.
Seede barelie cast,
to thresh out last.


Lay pease vpon stack,
if houell ye lack.
And couer it straight,
from doues that waight.


Let gleaners gleane,
(the poore I meane.)
Which euer ye sowe,
that first eate lowe.
The other forbare,
for rowen to spare.


Come home lord singing,
com home corne bringing.
Tis merie in hall,
when heards wag all.


Once had thy desire,
pay workman his hire.
Let none be beguilde,
man, woman, nor childe.


Thanke God ye shall,
and adue for all.

Works after haruest.


Get tumbrell in hand,
for barlie land.


The better the muck,
the better good luck.


Still carrege is good,
for timber and wood.
No longer delaies,
to mend the high waies.


Some loue as a iewell,
well placing of fewell.


In piling of logs,
make houell for hogs.



Wife, plow doth crie,
to picking of rie.


Such seede as ye sowe,
such reape or else mowe.


Take shipping or ride,
Lent stuffe to prouide.


Let haberden lie,
in peasestraw drie.


When out ye ride,
leaue a good guide.


Some profit spie out,
by riding about.
Marke now thorow yeere,
what cheape, what deere.


Some skill doth well,
to buie and to sell.
Of theefe who bieth,
in danger lieth.


Commoditie knowne,
abrode is blowne.


At first hand bie,
at third let lie.


Haue monie prest,
to buie at the best.


Some cattle home bring,
for Mihelmas spring.
By hauke and hound,
small profit is found.


Dispatch, looke home,
to loitring mome.
Prouide or repent,
milch cow for Lent.


Now crone your sheepe,
fat those ye keepe.
Leaue milking old cow,
fat aged vp now.


Sell butter and cheese,
good Faires few leese.
At Faires go bie,
home wants to supplie.


If hops looke browne,
go gather them downe.
But not in the deaw,
for piddling with feaw.


Of hops this knack,
a meanie doo lack.
Once had thy will,
go couer his hill.


Take hop to thy dole,
but breake not his pole.


Learne here (thou strāger)
to frame hop manger.


Hop poles preserue,
againe to serue.
Hop poles by and by,
long safe vp to dry.
Least poles wax scant,
new poles go plant.


The hop kell dride,
will best abide.
Hops dried in loft,
aske tendance oft.
And shed their seedes,
much more than needes.


Hops dride small cost,
ill kept halfe lost.
Hops quickly be spilt,
take heede if thou wilt.



Some come, some go,
this life is so.
Thus endeth Augusts abstract, agreeing with Augusts husbandrie.

Augusts husbandrie.

Chap. 46.

Drie August and warme,
Doth haruest no harme.
Forgotten month past,
Doe now at the last.


Thry fallow once ended, go strike by and by,

Thry fallowing.

both wheat land and barlie, and so let it ly.
And as ye haue leisure, go compas the same:
when vp ye doo lay it, more fruitfull to frame.


Get downe with thy brakes, er an showers doo come,

Mowing of brakes.

that cattle the better, may pasture haue some.
In Iune and in August, as well doth appeere:
is best to mowe brakes, of all times in the yeere.


Pare saffron betweene the two S. Maries daies,

Paring of saffron.

or set or go shift it, that knowest the waies.
What yeere shall I doo it (more profit to yeeld?)
the fourth in garden, the third in the feeld.


In hauing but fortie foote, workmanly dight,
take saffron ynough, for a Lord and a Knight.


All winter time alter, as practise doth teach:
what plot haue ye better, for linnen to bleach.


Maides, mustard seede gather, for being too ripe,
and weather it well, er ye giue it a stripe.
Then dresse it, and laie it, in soller vp sweete:
least foistines make it, for table vnmeete.


Good huswifes in sommer, will saue their owne seedes,
against the next yeere, as occasion needes.
One seede for another, to make an exchange:
with fellowlie neighbourhood, seemeth not strange.



Corne haruest.

Make sure of reapers, get haruest in hand,

the corne that is ripe, doo but shed as it stand.
Be thankfull to God, for his benefits sent:
and willing to saue it, with earnest intent.


Champiō by great, the other by day.

To let out thy haruest, by great or by day,

let this by experience, leade thee a way.
By great will deceiue thee, with lingring it out:
by day will dispatch, and put all out of dout.


Grant haruest lord more, by a penie or twoo,
to call on his fellowes, the better to doo.
Giue gloues to thy reapers, a larges to crie:
and dailie to loiterers, haue a good eie.


Good haruest points.

Reape wel, scatter not, gather cleane that is shorne,

binde fast, shock apace, haue an eie to thy corne.
Lode safe, carrie home, follow time being faire:
goue iust in the barne, it is out of despaire.


Tithe dulie and trulie, with hartie good will,
that God and his blessing, may dwell with thee still.
Though Parson neglecteth, his dutie for this:
thanke thou thy Lord God, and giue erie man his.


Parson looke to thy tithe.

Corne tithed (sir Parson) to gather go get,

and cause it on shocks, to be by and by set.
Not leauing it scattering, abrode on the ground:
nor long in the field, but away with it round.


Keepe hog from cart wheele.

To cart gap, and barne set a guide to looke weele,

and hoy out (sir carter) the hog fro thy wheele.
Least greedie of feeding, in following cart:
it noieth or perisheth, spight of thy hart.


In champion countrie, a pleasure they take,
to mowe vp their hawme, for to brew and to bake.
And also it stands them in steade of their thack:
which being well inned, they cannot well lack.



The hawme is the strawe, of the wheat or the rie,
which once being reaped, they mowe by and bie.
For feare of destroieng, with cattle or raine:
the sooner ye lode it, more profit ye gaine.


The mowing of barlie, if barlie doo stand,

Mowing of barlie.

is cheapest and best, for to rid out of hand.
Some mowe it, and rake it, and sets it on cocks:
some mowe it, and binds it, and sets it on shocks.


Of barlie the longest, and greenest ye find,

Binding of barlie.

leaue standing by dallops, till time ye doo bind.
Then early in morning (while deaw is thereon:)
to making of bands, till the deaw be all gon.


One spreadeth those bands, so in order to ly,

Spreading of barlie bands.

as barlie (in swatches) may fill it thereby.
Which gathered vp, with the rake and the hand:
the follower after them, bindeth in band.


Where barlie is raked, (if dealing be true,)

Tithe of rakings.

the tenth of such raking, to Parson is due.
Where scatring of barlie, is seene to be much:
there custome nor conscience, tithing should gruch.


Corne being had downe, (any way ye alow,)
should wither as needeth, for burning in mow.
Such skill appertaineth to haruest mans art:
and taken in time, is a husbandly part.


No turning of peason, till carrege ye make,

Usage of peason.

nor turne in no more, than ye mind for to take.
Least beaten with showers, so turned to drie:
by turning and tossing, they shed as they lie.


If weather be faire, and tidie thy graine,

Lingring lubbers.

make speedily carrege, for feare of a raine.
For tempest and showers, deceiueth a menie:
and lingering lubbers, loose many a penie.



Best maner of gouing corn in the barne.

In gouing at haruest, learne skilfully how,

ech graine for to laie, by it selfe on a mow.
Seede barlie the purest, goue out of the way:
all other nigh hand, goue as iust as ye may.



Stack pease vpon houell, abrode in the yard,

to couer it quicklie, let owner regard:
Least Doue and the cadow, there finding a smack:
with ill stormie weather, doo perish thy stack.


Leaue gleaning for the poore.

Corne carred, let such as be poore go and gleane,

and after, thy cattle to mowth it vp cleane.
Then spare it for rowen, til Mihel be past:
to lengthen thy dairie, no better thou hast.


In haruest time, haruest folke, seruants and all,
should make all togither, good cheere in the hall.
And fill out the black boule, of bleith to their song:
and let them be merie, all haruest time long.


Pay trulie haruest folke.

Once ended thy haruest, let none be begilde,

please such as did helpe thee, man, woman and childe.
Thus dooing, with alway, such helpe as they can:
thou winnest the praise of the labouring man.


Thanke God for all.

Now looke vp to Godward, let tong neuer cease,

in thanking of him, for his mightie encrease.
Accept my good will, for a proofe go and trie:
the better thou thriuest, the gladder am I.

VVorks after Haruest.


Now carrie out compas, when haruest is donne,
where barlie thou sowest, my champion sonne.
Or laie it on heape, in the field as ye may:
till carriage be faire, to haue it away.


Whose compas is rotten, and carried in tune,
and spred as it should be, thrifts ladder may clime.


Whose compas is paltrie, and [illeg.] too late:
such husbandrie vseth, that many doo hate.


Er winter preuenteth, while weather is good,

Carriage of fewell.

for galling of pasture, get home with thy wood.
And carrie out grauell, to fill vp a hole:
both timber and furzen, the turfe and the cole.


Howse charcole and sedge, chip and cole of the land,

Well placing of fewell.

pile tallwood and billet, stacke all that hath band.
Blocks, rootes, pole and bough, set vpright to the thetch:
the neerer more handsome, in winter to fetch.


In stacking of bauen, and piling of logs,

Houell for hogs.

make vnder thy bauen, a houell for hogs.
And warmelie enclose it, all sauing the mouth:
and that to stand open, and full to the south.


Once haruest dispatched, get wenches and boies,
and into the barne, afore all other toies.
Choised seede to be picked, and trimlie well fide:
for seede may no longer, from threshing abide.


Get seede aforehand, in a readines had,
or better prouide, if thine owne be too bad.
Be carefull of seede, or else such as ye sowe:
be sure at haruest, to reape or to mowe.


When haruest is ended, take shipping or ride,
Ling, Saltfish and Herring, for Lent to prouide.

Prouision for Lent.

To buie it at first, as it commeth to rode:
shall paie for thy charges, thou spendest abrode.


Choose skilfullie Saltfish, not burnt at the stone,
buie such as be good, or else let it alone.
Get home that is bought, and go stack it vp drie:
with peasestrawe betweene it, the safer to lie.


Er euer ye iornie, cause seruant with speede,

Compassing of barlie land.

to compas thy barlie land, where it is neede.


One aker well compassed, passeth some three:
thy barne shall at haruest, declare it to thee.


This lesson is learned, by riding about,
the prices of vittels, the yeere thorough out.
Both what to be selling, and what to refraine:
and what to be buieng, to bring in againe.


Though buieng and selling, doth woonderfull well,
to such as haue skill, how to buie and to sell.
Yet chopping and changing, I cannot commend:
with theefe and his marrow, for feare of ill end.


The rich in his bargaining, needes not be tought,
of buier and seller, full far is he sought.
Yet herein consisteth, a part of my text:
who buieth at first hand, and who at the next.


Buieng at first hand.

At first hand he buieth, that paieth all downe,

at second, that hath not so much in the towne.
At third hand he buieth, that buieth of trust:
at his hand who buieth, shall paie for his lust.


Readie monie bieth best cheape.

As oft as ye bargaine, for better or wurse,

to buie it the cheaper, haue chinkes in thy purse.
Touch kept is commended, yet credit to keepe:
is paie and dispatch him, er euer ye sleepe.


Be mindfull abrode, of a Mihelmas spring,
for thereon dependeth, a husbandlie thing.
Though some haue a pleasure, with hauke vpon hand:


good husbands get treasure, to purchase their land.


Thy market dispatched, turne home againe round,
least gaping for penie, thou loosest a pound.
Prouide for thy wife, or else looke to be shent:

Winter milch cow

good milch cow for winter, another for Lent.


In traueling homeward, buie fortie good crones,

Old ewes

and fat vp the bodies of those seelie bones,


Leaue milking and drie vp, old mulley thy cow:
the crooked and aged, to fatting put now.


At Bartilmewtide, or at Sturbridge faire,

Buieng or selling of butter & cheese.

buie that as is needfull, thy house to repaire,
Then sell to thy profit, both butter and cheese:
who buieth it sooner, the more he shall leese.


If hops doo looke brownish, then are ye too slowe,
if longer ye suffer, those hops for to growe.
Now sooner ye gather, more profit is found:

Hops gathering.

if weather be faire, and deaw of a ground.


Not breake off, but cut off, from hop the hop string,
leaue growing a little, againe for to spring.

Increasing of hops.

Whose hill about pared, and therewith new clad:
shall nourish more sets, against March to be had.


Hop hillock discharged, of euerie let,

The order of hops gathering.

see then without breaking, ech pole ye out get.
Which being vntangled, aboue in the tops:
go carrie to such as are plucking of hops.


Take soutage or haier, (that couers the kell,)

Hop manger.

set like to a manger, and fastened well.
With poles vpon crotchis, as high as thy brest:
for sauing and riddance, is husbandrie best.


Hops had, the hop poles that are likelie preserue,
(from breaking and rotting,) againe for to serue.

Saue hop poles.

And plant ye with alders, or willowes a plot:
where yeerlie as needeth, mo poles may be got.


Some skilfullie drieth, their hops on a kell,

Drieng of hops.

and some on a soller, oft turning them well.
Kell dried, will abide, foule weather or faire:
where drieng and lieng, in loft doo dispaire.


Some close them vp drie in a hogshed or fat,

Keeping of hops.

yet canuas or soutage, is better than that.


By drieng and lieng, they quickly be spilt:
thus much haue I shewed, doo now as thou wilt.


Old fermer is forced, long August to make,
his goodes at more leisure, away for to take.
New fermer he thinketh, ech houre a day:
vntill the old fermer be packing away.
Thus endeth and holdeth out Augusts husbandrie till Mihelmas Eue.
Tho. Tusser.

Corne Haruest equally deuided into ten partes.

Chap. 47.

One part cast forth, for rent due out of hand.
One other part, for seede to sowe thy land.
Another part, leaue Parson for his tieth.
Another part, for haruest sickle and sieth.
One part for ploughwrite, cartwrite, knacker and smith.

For naperie, sope and candle, salt & sauce, tinker & cooper, brasse and pewter.

One part to vphold thy teemes that drawe therewith.

One part for seruant, and workmans wages lay.
One part likewise, for filbellie day by day.
One part, thy wife for needfull things doth craue.
Thy selfe and childe, the last one part would haue.
Who minds to cote,
vpon this note,
may easily find ynough:
What charge and paine,
to litle gaine,
doth follow toiling plough.
Yet fermer may,
thanke God and say,
for yeerlie such good hap:
Well fare the plough,
that sends ynough,
to stop so many a gap.


A briefe conclusion, where you may see, Ech word in the verse, to begin with a T.

Chap. 48.

The thriftie that teacheth the thriuing to thriue,
Teach timelie to trauerse, the thing that thou triue,

Triue for contriue.

Transferring thy toiling, to timelines tought,
This teacheth thee temprance, to temper thy thought.
Take trustie (to trust to) that thinkest to thee,

Thee for thriue.

That trustily thriftines, trowleth to thee.
Then temper thy trauell, to tarie the tide,
This teacheth thee thriftines, twentie times tride.
Take thankfull thy talent, thanke thankfully those,
That thriftilie teacheth, thy time to transpose.
Troth twise to thee teached, teach twentie times ten,
This trade, thou that takest, take thrift to thee then.

Mans age deuided here ye haue, By prentiships, from birth to his graue.

Chap. 49.


The first seuen yeers, bring vp as a childe,


The next to learning, for waxing too wilde.


The next keepe-vnder, sir hobbard de hoy,


The next a man, no longer a boy.


The next, let lustie, laie wisely to wiue,


The next, laie now, or else neuer to thriue.


The next, make sure for terme of thy life,


The next, saue somewhat for children and wife:


The next, be staied, giue ouer thy lust,


The next, thinke hourely, whither thou must.


The next, get chaire, and crotches to stay,


The next, to heauen, God send vs the way.

Who looseth their youth, shall rue it in age:
Who hateth the truth, in sorowe shall rage.


Another diuision of the nature of mans age.

Chap. 50.

The Ape, the Lion, the Foxe, the Asse,
Thus sets foorth man, as in a glasse.


Like Apes we be toieng, till twentie and one,


Then hastie as Lions, till fortie be gone.


Then wilie as Foxes, till threescore and three,


Then after for Asses, accounted we bee.

Who plaies with his better, this lesson must knowe,
what humblenes, Foxe to the Lion doth owe.
Foxe, Ape with his toieng, and rudenes of Asse:
brings (out of good hower) displeasure to passe.

Chap. 51.

Comparing good husband, vvith vnthrift his brother,
The better discerneth, the tone from the tother.


Il husbandrie braggeth,
to go with the best.
Good husbandrie baggeth,
vp gold in his chest.


Ill husbandry trudgeth,
with vnthrifts about.
Good husbandry snudgeth,
for feare of a dout.


Ill husbandrie spendeth,
abrode like a mome.
Good husbandrie tendeth,
his charges at home.


Ill husbandrie selleth,
his corne on the ground.
Good husbandrie smelleth,
no gain that way found.


Ill husbandrie loseth,
for lack of good fence.
Good husbandrie closeth,
and gaineth the pence.


Ill husbandrie trusteth,
to him and to hur.
Good husbandrie lusteth,
himselfe for to stur.


Ill husbandrie eateth,
himselfe out a doore.
Good husbandrie meateth,
his friend and the poore.


Ill husbandrie daieth,
or letteth it lie.
Good husbandrie paieth,
the cheaper to bie.



Ill husbandrie lurketh,
and stealeth a sleepe.
Good husbandrie worketh,
his houshold to keepe.


Ill husbandrie liueth,
by that and by this.
Good husbandrie giueth,
to erie man his.


Ill husbandrie taketh,
and spendeth vp all.
Good husbandrie maketh,
good shift with a small.


Ill husbandry praieth,
his wife to make shift.
Good husbandrie saieth,
take this of my gift.


Il husbandry drowseth
at fortune so auke.
Good husbandrie rowseth,
himselfe as a hauke.


Ill husbandrie lieth,
in prison for det.
Good husbandrie spieth,
where profit to get.


Ill husbandrie waies,
has to fraud what he can
Good husbandrie praies,
hath of euerie man.


Ill husbandrie neuer,
hath welth to keep touch,
Good husbandrie euer,
hath penie in pouch.
Good husband his boone,
Or request hath a far.
Ill husband assoone,
Hath a tode with an R.

A comparison betweene Champion countrie and Seuerall.

Chap. 52.


The countrie enclosed I praise,
the tother delighteth not me,
For nothing the wealth it doth raise,
to such as inferior be.
Now both of them partly I knowe:
here some what I mind for to showe.


There swineherd that keepeth the hog,


there neatherd with cur and his horne,


There shepherd with whistle and dog,
be fence to the medowe and corne.
There horse being tide on a balke:
is readie with theefe for to walke.


Where all thing in common doth rest,
corne field with the pasture and meade,
Though common ye doo for the best,
yet what doth it stand ye in steade?
There common, as commoners vse:
for otherwise shalt thou not chuse.


What laier much better then there,
or cheaper (thereon to doo well?)
What drudgerie more any where,
lesse good thereof, where can ye tell?
What gotten by Sommer is seene:
in Winter is eaten vp cleene.


Example by Leicester shire,
what soile can be better than that?
For any thing hart can desire,
and yet doth it want ye see what.
Mast, couert, close pasture, and wood:
and other things needfull as good.



All these doo enclosure bring,

experience teacheth no lesse,
I speake not to boast of the thing,
but onely a troth to expresse.
Example (if doubt ye doo make:)
by Suffolke and Essex go take.


More plentie of mutton and biefe,


corne, butter and cheese of the best,

More wealth any where (to be briefe,)
more people, more handsome and prest.


Where finde ye? (go search any coast:)
than there where enclosure is most.


More worke for the labouring man,
as well in the towne as the feeld:
Or thereof (deuise if ye can,)
more profit, what countries doo yeeld?
More seldome, where see ye the poore:
go begging from doore vnto doore?


In Norfolke behold the dispaire,

Champion countrie.

of tillage too much to be borne:
By drouers from faire to faire,
and others destroieng the corne.
By custome and couetous pates:
by gaps and by opening of gates.


What speake I of commoners by,
with drawing all after a line:
So noieng the corne, as it ly,
with cattle, with conies and swine.
When thou hast bestowed thy cost:
looke halfe of the same to be lost.


The flocks of the Lords of the soile,
doo yeerly the winter corne wrong:
The same in a manner they spoile,
with feeding so lowe and so long.
And therefore that champion feeld:
doth seldome good winter corne yeeld.


By Cambridge a towne I doo knowe,

Champion notances.

where many good husbands doo dwell:
Whose losses by losels doth showe,
more here than is needfull to tell.
Determine at court what they shall:
performed is nothing at all.



The champion robbeth by night,
and prowleth and filcheth by day:
Himselfe and his beast out of sight,
both spoileth and maketh away.
Not onely thy grasse, but thy corne:
both after, and er it be shorne.


Pease bolt with thy pease he will haue,
his houshold to feede and his hog:
Now stealeth he, now will he craue,
and now will he coosen and cog.
In Bridewell a number be stript:
lesse woorthie than theefe to be whipt.


The oxboy, as ill is as hee,
or worser, if worse may be found:
For spoiling from thine and from thee,
of grasse and of corne on the ground.
Laie neuer so well for to saue it:
by night or by daie, he will haue it.


What orchard vnrobbed escapes?
or pullet dare walke in their iet?
But homeward, or outward (like apes,)
they count it their owne they can get.
Lord? if ye doo take them, what sturs?
how hold they togither like burs?


For commons, these commoners crie,
enclosing they may not abide:
Yet some be not able to bie,
a cow with hir calfe by hir side.
Nor laie not to liue by their wurke:
but theeuishlie loiter and lurke.


The Lord of the towne is to blame,
for these and for many faults mo:


For that he doth knowe of the same,
yet lets it vnpunished go.
Such Lords ill example doth giue:
where verlets and drabs so may liue.


What footpathes are made, and how brode?
annoiance too much to be borne:
With horse and with cattle what rode,
is made thorow erie mans corne?
Where champions ruleth the roste:
there dailie disorder is moste.


Their sheepe when they driue for to wash,
how careles such sheepe they doo guide?
The fermer they leaue in the lash,
with losses on euerie side.
Though any mans corne they doo bite:
they will not alow him a mite.


What hunting and hauking is there?
corne sooking for sickle at hand:
Actes lawles to doo without feare,
how yeerlie togither they band.
More harme to another to doo:
than they would be done so vntoo.


More profit is quieter found,
(where pastures in seuerall bee:)
Of one seelie aker of ground,
than champion maketh of three.
Againe what a ioie is it knowne:
when men may be bold of their owne?


The tone is commended for graine,


yet bread made of beanes they doo eate:
The tother for one loafe haue twaine,


of mastlin, of rie, or of wheate.


The champion liueth full bare:
when woodland full merie doth fare.



Tone giueth his corne in a darth,

to horse, sheepe, and hog euery daie:


The tother giue cattle warme barth,

and feede them with strawe and with haie.
Corne spent of the tone so in vaine:
the tother doth sell to his gaine.



Tone barefoote and ragged doth go,

and readie in winter to sterue:


When tother ye see doo not so,

but hath that is needfull to serue.
Tone paine in a cotage doth take:
when tother trim bowers doo make.



Tone laieth for turfe and for sedge,

and hath it with woonderfull suit:
When tother in euerie hedge,


hath plentie of fewell and fruit.

Euils twentie times worser than thease:
enclosure quickly would ease,


In woodland the poore men that haue,


scarse fully two akers of land:

More merily liue, and doo saue,
than tother with twentie in hand.
Yet paie they as much for the twoo:
as tother for twentie must doo.


The labourer comming from thence,
in woodland to worke any where:
(I warrant you) goeth not hence,
to worke anie more againe there.
If this same be true (as it is:)
why gather they nothing of this?



The poore at enclosing doo grutch,
because of abuses that fall:
Least some man should haue but too much,
and some againe nothing at all.
If order might therein be found:
what were to the seuerall ground?

The description of an enuious and naughtie neighbour.

Chap. 53.

An enuious neighbour, is easie to finde,
His cumbersome fetches, are seldome behinde.
His hatred procureth, from naughtie to wurse,
His friendship like Iudas that carried the purse.
His head is a storehouse, with quarrels full fraught,
His braine is vnquiet, till all come to naught.
His memorie pregnant, old euils to recite,
His mind euer fixed, ech euill to requite.
His mouth full of venim, his lips out of frame,
His tongue a false witnes, his friend to defame.
His eies be promooters, some trespas to spie,
His eares be as spials, alarum to crie.
His hands be as tyrants, reuenging ech thing,
His feete at thine elbow, as serpent to sting.
His breast full of rancor, like Canker to freat,
His hart like a Lion, his neighbour to eat.
His gate like a sheepebiter, fleering aside,
His looke like a coxcombe, vp puffed with pride.
His face made of brasse, like a vice in a game,
His iesture like Dauus, whom Terence doth name.
His brag as Thersites, with elbowes abrode,
His cheekes in his furie, shall swell like a tode.


His colour like ashes, his cap in his eies,
His nose in the aire, his snout in the skies.
His promise to trust to, as slipprie as ice,
His credit much like, to the chance of the dice.
His knowledge, or skill, is in prating too much,
His companie shunned, and so be all such.
His friendship is counterfait, seldome to trust,
His dooings vnluckie, and euer vniust.
His fetch is to flatter, to get what he can,
His purpose once gotten, a pin for thee than.

A sonet against a slanderous tongue.

Chap. 54.

Doth darnell good, among the flowrie wheat?
Doo thistles good, so thick in fallow spide?
Doo taint wormes good, that lurke where ox should eat?
Or sucking drones, in hiue where bees abide?
Doo hornets good, or these same biting gnats?
Foule swelling toades, what good by them is seene?
In house well deckt, what good doth gnawing rats?
Or casting mowles, among the meadowes greene?
Doth heauie newes, make glad the hart of man?
Or noisome smels, what good doth that to health?
Now once for all, what good (shew who so can?)
Doo stinging snakes, to this our Commonwealth?
No more doth good, a peeuish slanderous toung,
But hurts it selfe, and noies both old and young.

A sonet vpon the Authors first seuen yeeres seruice.

Chap. 55.

Seuen times hath Ianus, tane new yeere by hand,
Seuen times hath blustring March, blowne foorth his powre:
To driue out Aprils buds, by sea and land,
For minion Maie, to deck most trim with flowre.


Seuen times hath temperate Uer, like pageant plaide,
And pleasant Aestas, eke hir flowers told:
Seuen times Autumnes heate hath beene delaide,
With Hyems boistrous blasts, and bitter cold.
Seuen times the thirteene Moones haue changed hew,
Seuen times the Sunne, his course hath gone about:
Seuen times ech bird, hir nest hath built anew,
Since first time you to serue, I choosed out.
Still yours am I, though thus the time hath past:
And trust to be, as long as life shall last.
Man minded for to thriue,
must wiselie lay to wiue.
what hap may thereby fall:
here argued find ye shall.

The Authours Dialogue betweene two Bachelers, of wiuing and thriuing by Affirmation and Obiection.

Chap. 56.

Frend , where we met this other day,
We heard one make his mone and say,
Good Lord how might I thriue?
We heard an other answere him,
Then make thee handsome, trick and trim,
And lay in time to wiue.

And what of that say you to me?
Do you your selfe thinke that to be,
The best way for to thriue?
If truth were truely bolted out,
As touching thrift, I stand in dout,
If men were best to wiue.


There is no doubt, for proue I can,
I haue but seldome seene that man,
Which could the way to thriue:
Untill it was his happie lot,
To stay himselfe in some good plot,
And wisely then to wiue.

And I am of an other minde,
For by no reason can I finde,
How that way I should thriue:
For where as now I spend a pennie,
I should not then be quit with mennie,
Through bondage for to wiue.

Not so, for now where thou dost spend,
Of this and that, to no good end,
which hindereth thee to thriue:
Such vaine expences, thou shouldst saue,
And daily then lay more to haue,
As others do that wiue.

Why then do folke this prouerbe put,
The blacke oxe neare trod on thy fut,
If that way were to thriue:
Hereout a man may soone picke forth,
Few feeleth what a pennie is worth,
Till such time as they wiue.

It may so chaunce as thou doest say,
This lesson therefore beare away,
If thereby thou wilt thriue:
Looke ere thou leape, see ere thou go,
It may be for thy profite so,
For thee to lay to wiue,


It is too much we dailie heare,
To wiue and thriue both in a yeare,
As touching now to thriue:
I know not herein what to spie,
But that there doth small profite lie,
To fansie for to wiue.

In deede the first yeare oft is such,
That fondly some bestoweth much,
A let to them to thriue:
Yet other moe may soone be founde,
Which getteth many a faire pounde,
The same day that they wiue.

I graunt, some getteth more that day,
Than they can easily beare away,
Nowe needes then must they thriue:
What gaineth such thinke you by that?
A little burden, you wote what,
Through fondnesse for to wiue.

Thou seemest blinde as mo haue bin,
It is not beautie bringeth in,
The thing to make thee thriue:
In womankinde, see that ye do,
Require of hir no gift but two,
When ere ye minde to wiue.

But two say you? I pray you than,
Shew those as briefly as you can,
If that may helpe to thriue:
I weene we must conclude anon,
Of those same twaine to want the ton,
When ere we chance to wiue.



Honestie and huswiferie.

An honest huswife, trust to mee,

Be those same twaine, I sayt to thee,
That helpe [illeg.] thriue:
As honestie farre passeth golde,
So huswiferie in yong and olde,
Do pleasure such as wiue.

The honestie in deede I graunt,
Is one good point the wife should haunt,
To make hir husband thriue:
But now faine would I haue you show,
How should a man good huswife know,
If once he hap to wiue?

A huswife good betimes will rise,
And order things in comelie wife,
Hir minde is set to thriue:
Upon hir distaffe she will spinne,
And with hir needle she will winne,
If such ye hap to wiue.

It is not idle going about,
Nor all day pricking on a clout,
Can make a man to thriue:
Or if there be no other winning,
But that the wife gets by hir spinning,
Small thrift is to wiue.

Some more than this yet do shee shall,
Although thy stocke be verie small,
Yet will shee helpe thee thriue:
Lay thou to saue as well as she,
And then thou shalt enriched be,
When such thou hapst to wiue.


If she were mine, I tell thee troth,
Too much to trouble hir I were loth,
For greedines to thriue:
Least some should talke, as is the speech,
The good wiues husband weares no breech,
If such I hap to wiue.

What hurts it thee what some do say,
If honestlie she take the way,
To helpe thee for to thriue?
For honestie will make hir prest,
To doo the thing that shall be best,
If such ye hap to wiue.

Why did Diogenes say than,
To one that askt of him time whan,
Were best to wiue to thriue?
Not yet (quoth he) if thou be yong,
If thou waxe old then holde thy tong,
It is too late to wiue.

Belike he knew some shrewish wife,
Which with hir husband made such strife,
That hindered him to thriue:
Who then may blame him for that clause,
Though then he spake as some had cause,
As touching for to wiue?

Why then I see to take a shrew,
(As seldome other there be few,)
Is not the way to thriue:
So hard a thing I spie it is,
The good to chuse, the shrew to mis,
That feareth me to wiue.


She may in something seeme a shrew,
Yet such a huswife as but few,
To helpe thee for to thriue:
This prouerbe looke in minde ye keepe,
As good a shrew is as a sheepe,
For you to take to wiue.

Now be she lambe or be she eaw,
Giue me the sheepe, take thou the shreaw,
See which of vs shall thriue:
If she be shrewish, thinke for troth,
For all hir thrift I would be loth,
To match with such to wiue.

Tush, farewell then, I leaue you off,
Such fooles as you that loue to scoff,
Shall seldome wiue to thriue:
Contrarie hir as you do me,
And then ye shall I warrant ye,
Repent ye if ye wiue.

Friend let vs both giue iustly place,
To wedded man to iudge this cace,
Which best way is to thriue:
For both our talke as seemeth plaine,
Is but as hapneth in our braine,
To will or not to wiue.

Wedded mans iudgement, Vpon the former argument.


As Cock that wants his mate, goes rouing al about,

With crowing early and late, to find his louer out:
And as poore sillie hen, long wanting cock to guide,
Soone droopes and shortly then, beginnes to peake aside:


Euen so it is wt man & wife, where gouernment is sound,
The want of ton yt others life, doth shortly soone cōfound.
In iest and in earnest, here argued ye finde,
That husband and huswife togither must dwell,
And thereto the iudgement of wedded mans minde,
That husbandrie otherwise speedeth not well:
So somewhat more nowe I intende for to tell,
Of huswiferie like as of husbandrie tolde,
How huswifelie huswife helpes bring in the golde.
Thus endeth the booke of Husbandrie.

The points of Huswiferie, vnited to the comfort of Husbandrie, newly corrected and amplified with diuers good lessons for housholders to recreate the Reader, as by the Table at the end hereof, more plainlie may appeere. Set forth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman.

To the right Honorable and my especiall good Ladie and Maistres, the Ladie Paget.


Though danger be mickle,
and fauour so fickle,
Yet dutie doth tickle,
my fansie to wright:
Concerning how prettie,
how fine and how nettie,
Good huswife should iettie,
from morning to night.



Not minding by writing,
to kindle a spiting,
But shew by enditing,
as afterward told:
How husbandrie easeth,
to huswiferie pleaseth,
And manie purse greaseth,
with siluer and gold.


For husbandrie weepeth,
where huswiferie sleepeth,
And hardly he creepeth,
vp ladder to thrift:
That wanteth to bold him,
thrifts ladder to hold him,
Before it be told him,
he falles without shift.


Least many should feare me,
and others forsweare me,
Of troth I doo beare me,
vpright as ye see:
Full minded to looue all,
and not to reprooue all,
But onely to mooue all,
good huswiues to bee.


For if I should mind some,
or descant behind some,
And missing to find some,
displease so I mought:
Or if I should blend them,
and so to offend them,
What stur I should send them,
I stand in a dought,


Though harmles ye make it,
and some doo well take it,
If others forsake it,
what pleasure were that?
Naught else but to paine me,
and nothing to gaine me,
But make them disdaine me,
I wot ner for what.


Least some make a triall,
as clocke by the diall,
Some stand to deniall,
some murmur and grudge:
Giue iudgement I pray you,
for iustlie so may you,
So fansie, so say you,
I make you my iudge.


In time, ye shall try me,
by troth, ye shall spy me,
So finde, so set by me,
according to skill:
How euer tree groweth,
the fruit, the tree showeth,
Your Ladiship knoweth,
my hart and good will.


Thogh fortune doth measure,
and I doo lacke treasure,
Yet if I may pleasure,
your Honour with this:
Then will me to mend it,
or mend er ye send it,
Or any where lend it,
if ought be amis.
Your Ladiships seruant, Thomas Tusser.


To the Reader.


Now listen good huswiues, what dooings are here,
set foorth for a daie, as it should for a yere.
Both easie to follow, and soone to atchiue
for such as by huswiferie, looketh to thriue.


The forenoone affaires, till dinner (with some,)
then after noone dooings, till supper time come.
With breakfast and dinner time, sup, and to bed:
standes orderlie placed, to quiet thine hed.


The meaning is this, for a daie what ye see,
that monthlie and yeerlie, continued must bee.
And hereby to gather, (as prooue I intend:)
that huswiuelie matters, haue neuer an end.


I haue not, by heare say, nor reading in booke,
set out (peraduenture) that some cannot brooke.
Nor yet of a spite, to be dooing with enie:
but such as haue skared me, many a penie.


If widow, both huswife and husband may be,
what cause hath a widower, lesser than she?
Tis needfull, that both of them, looke well about:
too careles within, and too lasie without.


Now therefore, if well ye consider of this,
what losses, and crosses, comes dailie amis.
Then beare with a widowers pen, as ye may:
though husband of huswiferie, somewhat doth say.

The Preface to the booke of Huswiferie.


Take weapon away, of what force is a man?
Take huswife from husband, and what is he than?


As louers desireth, together to dwell,
So husbandrie loueth, good huswiferie well.



Though husbandrie seemeth, to bring in the gaines,
Yet huswiferie labours, seeme equall in paines.


Some respit to husbands, the weather may send,
But huswiues affaires, haue neuer an end.
As true as thy faith,
Thus Huswiferie saith.

The praise of huswiferie.

I serue for a daie, for a vveeke, for a yere,

For life time, for euer, vvhile man dvvelleth here.
For richer, for poorer, from North to the South,
For honest, for hardhead, or daintie of mouth.
For vved, and vnvvedded, in sicknes and health,
For all that vvell liueth, in good Commonvvealth.
For citie, for countrie, for Court, and for cart,
To quiet the head, and to comfort the hart.

A description of Huswife and Huswiferie.


Of huswife, doth huswiferie challenge that name,
of huswiferie huswife doth likewise the same.
Where husband and husbandrie, ioineth with thease:
there wealthines gotten, is holden with ease.


The name of a huswife, what is it to say?
the wife of the house, to the husband a stay.
If huswife doth that, as belongeth to hur:
if husband be godlie, there needeth no stur.


The huswife is she, that to labour doth fall,
the labour of hir, I doo huswiferie call.
If thrift by that labour, be honestlie got:
then is it good huswiferie, else is it not.



The woman, the name of a huswife doth win,
by keeping hir house, and of dooings therein.
And she that with husband, will quietly dwell:
must thinke on this lesson, and follow it well.

Instructions to Huswiferie.

Serue God is the furst,
True loue is not wurst.


A dailie good lesson, of huswife in deede,
is God to remember, the better to speede.


An other good lesson, of huswiferie thought,
Is huswife with husband, to liue as she ought.
Wife comely no griefe,
Man out, huswife chiefe.


Though trickly to see to, be gallant to wiue,
yet comely and wise, is the huswife to thriue.


When husband is absent, let huswife be chiefe,
and looke to their labour, that eateth hir biefe.
Both out, not allow,
Keepe house huswife thow.


Where husband and huswife, be both out of place,
there seruants doo loiter, and reason their cace.


The huswife so named (of keeping the house,)
must tend on hir profit, as cat on the mouse.
Seeke home for rest,
For home is best.


As huswiues keepe home, and be stirrers about,
so speedeth their winnings, the yeere thorow out.


Though home be but homely, yet huswife is taught,
that home hath no fellow, to such as haue aught.
Vse all with skill,
Aske what ye will.



Good vsage with knowledge, and quiet withall,
makes huswife to shine, as the sunne on the wall.


What husband refuseth, all comely to haue,
that hath a good huswife, all willing to saue.
Be readie at neede,
All thine to feede.


The case of good huswiues, thus daily doth stand,
what euer shall chance, to be readie at hand.


This care hath a huswife, all daie in hir hed,
that all thing in season, be huswifelie fed.
By practise go muse,
How houshold to vse.


Dame practise is she, that to huswife doth tell,
which way for to gouerne, hir familie well.


Use labourers gently, keepe this as a lawe,
make childe to be ciuill, keepe seruant in awe.
Who careles doe liue,
Occasion doe giue.


Haue euerie where, a respect to thy waies,
that none of thy life, any slander may raies.


What many doo knowe, though a time it be hid,
at length will abrode, when a mischiefe shall bid.
No neighbour reprooue,
Doe so to haue looue.


The loue of thy neighbour, shall stand thee in steede,
the poorer, the gladder, to helpe at a neede.


Use friendly thy neighbour, else trust him in this,
as he hath thy friendship, so trust vnto his.
Strike nothing vnknowne,
Take heede to thine owne.


Reuenge not thy wrath, vpon any mans beast,
least thine by like malice, be bid to like feast.



What husband prouideth, with monie his drudge,
the huswife must looke to, which waie it doth trudge.

A digression.

Now out of the matter, this lesson I ad,
concerning cock crowing, what profit is had.
Experience teacheth, as true as a clock:
how winter night passeth, by marking the cock.
Cock croweth at midnight, times few aboue six,
with pause to his neighbour, to answere betwix.
At three a clock thicker, and then as ye knowe:
like all in to Mattens, neere daie they doo crowe.
At midnight, at three, and an hower ere day,

Cocke crowing.

they vtter their language, as well as they may.
Which who so regardeth, what counsell they giue:
will better loue crowing, as long as they liue.
For being afraid,
Take heede good maid:
Marke crowing of cock,
For feare of a knock.
The first cock croweth.
Ho, Dame it is midnight: what rumbling is that? The next cock croweth.

Take heede to false harlots, and more, ye wot what.
If noise ye heare,
Looke all be cleare.
Least drabs doe noie thee,
And theeues destroie thee.
The first cock croweth.
Maides, three a clock, knede, lay your bucks, or go brew, The next cock croweth.

And cobble and botch, ye that cannot buie new.
Till cock crow agen,
Both maidens and men:


Amend now with speede,
That mending doth neede.
The first cock croweth.
Past fiue a clock, Holla: maid, sleeping beware, The next cock croweth.

Least quickly your Mistres, vncouer your bare.
Maides, vp I beseech yee,
Least Mistres doe breech yee.
To worke and away,
As fast as ye may.


Morning vvorkes.

No sooner some vp,
But nose is in cup.


Get vp in the morning as soone as thou wilt,
with ouerlong slugging good seruant is spilt.


Some slouens from sleeping no sooner get vp,
but hand is in aumbrie, and nose in the cup.
That early is donne,
Count huswifely wonne.


Morning workes.

Some worke in the morning may trimly be donne,

that all the day after can hardly be wonne.


Good husband without it is needfull there be,
good huswife within as needfull as he.
Cast dust into yard,
And spin and go card.


Sluts corners auoided shall further thy health,
much time about trifles shall hinder thy wealth.


Set some to peele hempe, or else rishes to twine,
to spin and to card, or to seething of brine.


Grind mault for drinke.
See meate do not stinke.


Set some about cattle, some pasture to vewe,
some mault to be grinding against ye do brewe.


Some corneth, some brineth, some will not be taught,
Where meate is attainted, there cookrie is naught.

Breakefast doings.

To breakefast that come,
Giue erie one some.


Call seruants to breakefast by day starre appere,


a snatch and to worke fellowes tarrie not here.


Let huswife be caruer, let pottage be heate,
a messe to eche one with a morsell of meate.
No more tittle tattle,
Go serue your cattle.


What tacke in a pudding, faith greedie gut wringer,
Giue such ye wote what, ere a pudding he finger.


Let seruants once serued thy cattle go serue,
least often ill seruing make cattle to sterue.

Huswifely admonitions.

Learne you that will thee,

Therfor thriue.

This lesson of mee.


No breakefast of custome prouide for to saue,
But onely for such as deserueth to haue.


No shewing of seruant what vittles in store,
shew seruant his labour, and shew him no more.
Of hauocke beware,
Cat nothing will spare.


Where all thing is common, what needeth a hutch?
Where wanteth a sauer, there hauocke is mutch.


Where window is open, cat maketh a fray,
yet wilde cat with two legs is worse by my fay.


Looke well vnto thine,
Slut slouthfull must whine.


An eie in a corner, who vseth to haue,
reuealeth a drab, and preuenteth a knaue.


Make maide to be clenly, or make hir crie creake,
and teach hir to stirre, when hir mistresse doth speake.
Let hollie wand threate,
Let fisgig be beate.


A wand in thy hand, though ye fight not at all,
makes youth to their businesse, better to fall.


For feare of foole had I wist, cause thee to waile,
let fisgig be taught, to shut doore after taile.
Too easie the wicket,
Will still appease clicket.


With hir that will clicket, make daunger to cope,
least quickly hir wicket, seeme easie to ope.


As rod little mendeth, where maners be spilt,
so naught will be naught, say and do what thou wilt.
Fight seldome ye shall,
But vse not to brall.


Much bralling with seruant, what man can abide?
pay home when thou fightest, but loue not to chide.


As order is heauenly, where quiet is had,
so error is hell, or a mischiefe as bad.
What better a lawe,
Than subiects in awe?


Such awe as a warning, will cause to beware,
doth make the whole houshold, the better to fare.


The lesse of thy counsell, thy seruants doe knowe,
Their dutie the better, such seruants shall showe.
Good musicke regard,
Good seruants reward.



Such seruants are oftenest painfull and good,
that sing in their labour, as birdes in thee wood.


Good seruants hope iustly, some friendship to feele,
and looke to haue fauour, what time they do weele.
By once or twise,
Tis time to be wise.


Take runagate Robin, to pitie his neede,
and looke to be filched, as sure as thy creede.


Take warning by once, that a worse do not hap,
foresight is the stopper of many a gap.
Some change for a shift,
Oft change small thrift.


Make fewe of thy counsell, to change for the best,
least one that is trudging infecteth the rest.


The stone that is rolling, can gather no mosse,
for maister and seruant, oft changing is losse.
Both liberall sticketh,
Some prouender pricketh.


One dog for a hog, and one cat for a mouse,

One liberall.

one readie to giue, is ynough in a house.


One gift ill accepted, keepe next in thy purse,
whom prouender pricketh are often the wurse.


Brew somewhat for thine,
Else bring vp no swine.


Where brewing is needfull, be brewes thy selfe,


what filleth the roofe, will helpe furnish the shelfe.


In buieng of drinke, by the firkin or pot,
the tallie ariseth, but hog amendes not.
Well brewed, worth cost,
Ill vsed, halfe lost.



One bushell well brewed outlasteth some twaine,
and saueth both mault and expences in vaine.


Too new is no profite, too stale is as bad,
drinke dead or else sower, makes laborer sad.
Remember good Gill,
Take paine with thy swill.


Seething of grains.

Seeth grains in more water, while grains be yet hot,

and stirre them in copper as poredge in pot.


Such heating with straw, to haue offall good store,
both pleaseth and easeth, what would ye haue more?


Newe bread is a driuell,
Much crust is as euill.



New bread is a waster, but mouldie is wurse,

what that way dog catcheth, that loseth the purse.


Much dowebake I praise not, much crust is as ill,
the meane is the Huswife, say nay if ye will.


Good cookerie craueth,
Good turnebroch saueth.



Good cooke to dresse dinner, to bake and to brewe,

deserues a rewarde being honest and trewe.


Good diligent turnebroch and trustie withall,
is sometime as needfull as some in the hall.


Good dairie doth pleasure,
Ill dairie spendes treasure.



Good huswife in dairie that needes not be tolde,

deserueth hir fee to be paid hir in golde.


Ill seruant neglecting what huswiferie saies,
deserueth hir fee to be paid hir with baies.


Good droie woorth much,
Marke sluts and such.


Good droie to serue hog, to helpe wash, and to milke,
more needfull is truelie, than some in their silke.


Though homelie be milker, let cleanlie be cooke,
for slut and a slouen, be knowne by their looke.
In dairie no cat,
Laie bane for a rat.


Though cat (a good mouser) doth dwell in a house,

Traps for rats.

yet euer in dairie, haue trap for a mouse.


Take heede how thou laiest, the bane for the rats,
for poisoning seruant, thy selfe and thy brats.


No scouring for pride,
Spare kettle whose side.


Though scouring be needful, yet scouring too mutch,


is pride without profit, and robbeth thine hutch.


Keepe kettles from knocks, set tubs out of Sun,
for mending is costlie, and crackt is soone dun.


Take heede when ye wash,
Else run in the lash.


Maids, wash well, & wring well, but beat ye wot how,


if any lack beating, I feare it be yow.


In washing by hand, haue an eie to thy boll,
for launders and millers, be quick of their toll.
Drie sunne, drie winde,
Safe binde, safe finde.


Go wash well saith Sommer, with sunne I shal drie,
go wring well saith Winter, with winde so shall I.


To trust without heede, is to venter a ioint,
giue tale and take count, is a huswifelie point.


Where many be packing,
Are manie things lacking.


Where hens fall a cackling, take heede to their nest,
when drabs fall a whispring, take heede to the rest.


Through negligēt huswifes, are many things lacking,
and Gillet suspected, will quickly be packing.


Ill malting is theft,
Wood dride hath a weft.



House may be so handsome, and skilfulnes such,

to make thy owne malt, it shall profit thee much.


Som drieth with strawe, and some drieth with wood,
wood asketh more charge, and nothing so good.
Take heede to the kell,
Sing out as a bell.


Be suer no chances, to fier can drawe,
the wood or the furzen, the brake or the strawe.


Let Gillet be singing, it doth verie well,
to keepe hir from sleeping, and burning the kell.
Best dride best speedes,
Ill kept bowd breedes.


Malt being well speered, the more it will cast,
malt being well dried, the longer will last.


Long kept in ill soller, (vndoubted thou shalt,)
through bowds without nūber, loose quickly thy malt.

Dinner matters.

For hunger or thirst,
Serue cattle well first.


Dinner time.

By noone see your dinner, be readie and neate,

let meate tarrie seruant, not seruant his meate.


Plough cattle a baiting, call seruant to dinner,
the thicker togither, the charges the thinner.


Togither is best,
For hostis and gest.


Due season is best, altogither is gay,
dispatch hath no fellow, make short and away.


Beware of Gill laggoose, disordring thy house,
mo dainties, who catcheth, than craftie fed mouse?
Let such haue ynough,
That follow the plough.


Giue seruant no dainties, but giue him ynough,
too many chaps walking, doo begger the plough.


Poore seggons halfe sterued, worke faintly and dull,
and lubbers doo loiter, their bellies too full.
Giue neuer too much,
To lazie and such.


Feede lazie, that thresheth a flap and a tap,
like slothfull, that all day be stopping a gap.


Some litherly lubber, more eateth than twoo,
yet leaueth vndone, that another will doo.
Where nothing will last,
Spare such as thou hast.


Some cutteth thy linnen, some spoileth their broth,
bare table to some, doth as well as a cloth.


Treene dishes be homely, and yet not to lack,
Where stone is no laster, take tankard and iack.
Knap boy on the thums,
And saue him his crums.


That pewter is neuer for manerly feastes,
that daily doth serue, so vnmanerly beastes.


Some gnaweth & leaueth, some crusts & some crums,
eat such their own leuings, or gnaw their own thums
Serue God euer furst,
Take nothing at wurst.



Grace before & after meale.

At Dinner, at Supper, at morning, at night,

giue thankes vnto God for his gifts so in sight.


Good husband and huswife will sometime alone,
make shift with a morsell, and picke of a bone.
Inough thou art tolde,
Too much will not holde.


Three dishes well dressed, and welcome withall,
both pleaseth thy friend, and becommeth thine hall.


Enough is a plentie, too much is a pride,
the plough with ill holding goes quicklie aside.

After noone workes.

Make companie breake,
Go cherish the weake.


After noone workes.

When Dinner is ended, set seruants to wurke,

and follow such fellowes as loueth to lurke.


To seruant in sicknesse see nothing ye grutch,
a thing of a trifle shall comfort him mutch.
Who manie do feede,
Saue much they had neede.


Put chippings in dippings, vse parings to saue,
fat capons or chickens that lookest to haue.


Saue droppings and skimmings, how euer ye doo,
for medcine for cattell, for cart, and for shoo.
Leane capon vnmeete,
Deere fed is vnsweete.


Such of corne as commeth, giue wife to hir fee,
feede willingly such as do helpe to feede thee.


Though fat fed is daintie, yet this I thee warne,
be cunning in fatting for robbing thy barne.
Peece hole to defende,
Things timely amende.


Good semsters be sowing of fine pretie knackes,
good huswifes be mending and peecing their sackes.



Though making and mending be huswifely waies,
yet mending in time is the huswife to praies.
Buie newe as is meete,
Marke blanket and sheete.


Though Ladies may rend and buie new ery day,
good huswifes must mend, and buie new as they may.


Call quarterly seruants, to court and to leete,
write euerie Couerlet, Blanket, and Sheete.
Shift slouenly elfe,
Be gayler thy selfe.


Though shifting too oft be a theefe in a house,
yet shift slut and slouen for feare of a louse.


Graunt doubtfull no key of his chamber in purse,
least chamber doore lockt, be to theeuerie a nurse.
Saue feathers for gest.
These other rob chest.


Saue wing for a thresher, when Gander doth die,

Saue feathers.

saue feather of all thing the softer to lie.


Much spice is a theefe, so is candle and fier,
sweete sauce is as craftie as euer was frier.
Wife make thine owne candle,
Spare pennie to handle.


Prouide for thy tallow, ere frost commeth in,
and make thine owne candle ere winter begin.

Candle making.


If pennie for all thing be suffred to trudge,
trust long, not to pennie, to haue him thy drudge.

Euening workes.

Time drawing to night,
See all things go right.


When hennes go to roost, go in hand to dresse meate,

Euening workes.

serue hogs, and to milking, and some to serue neate.



Where twaine be ynow, be not serued with three,
more knaues in a companie worser they bee.
Make lackey to trudge,
Make seruant thy drudge.


For euerie trifle leaue ianting thy nag,
but rather make lackey of Iack boie thy wag.


Make seruant at night lug in wood or a log,
let none come in emptie, but slut and thy dog.
False knaue readie prest,
All safe is the best.


Where pullen vse nightly, to pearch in the yard,
there two legged foxes, keepe watches and ward.


See cattle well serued, without and within,
and all thing at quiet, ere supper begin.
Take heede it is needefull,
True pittie is meedefull.


No clothes in garden, no trinkets without,
no doore leaue vnbolted, for feare of a dout.


Thou woman whom pitie becommeth the best,
graunt all that hath laboured, time to take rest.

Supper matters.

Vse mirth and good woorde,
bed and at boorde.


Supper time huswiferie.

Prouide for thy husband, to make him good cheere,

make merrie togither, while time ye be heere.


At bed and at boord, howsoeuer befall,
what euer God sendeth, be merrie withall.
No brawling make,
No ielousie take.


No taunts before seruants, for hindring of fame,
no iarring too loude, for auoyding of shame.



As fransie and heresie roueth togither,
so iealousie leadeth a foole ye wot whither.
Tend such as ye haue,
Stop talkatiue knaue.


Yong children and chickens, would euer be eating,
good seruants looke dulie for gentle intreating.


No seruant at table vse saufly to talke,
least tongue set at large out of measure do walke.
No snatching at all,
Sirs hearken now all.


No lurching, no snatching, no striuing at all,
least one go without, and another haue all.


Declare after Supper, take heede thereunto,
what worke in the morning ech seruant shall do.

After supper matters.

Thy soule hath a clog,
Forget not thy dog.


Remember those children, whose parents be poore,

Workes after supper.

which hunger, yet dare not craue at thy doore.


Thy Bandog that serueth for diuerse mishaps,
forget not to giue him thy bones and thy scraps.
Make keies to be keepers,
To bed ye sleepers.


Where mouthes be many, to spend that thou hast,
set keies to be keepers for spending too fast.


To bed after supper, let drousie go sleepe,
least knaue in the darke to his marrow do creepe.
Keepe keies as thy life,
Feare candle good wife.


Such keies lay vp safe, ere ye take ye to rest,
of dairie, of buttrie, of cubboord and chest.



Feare candle in hailoft, in barne, and in shed,
feare flea smocke, & mendbreech, for burning their bed.
See doore lockt fast,
Two keies make wast.


A doore without locke is a baite for a knaue,
a locke without key, is a foole that will haue.


One key to two locks, if it breake is a greefe,
two keies to one locke, in the ende is a theefe.
Night workes troubles hed,
Locke doores and to bed.


The day willeth done, whatsoeuer ye bid,
the night is a theefe, if ye take not good hid.


Wash dishes, lay leauens, saue fire and away,
locke doores and to bed, a good huswife will say.
To bed know thy guise.
To rise do likewise.


Bed time

In winter at nine, and in sommer at ten,

to bed after supper, both maidens and men.


Time to rise.

In winter at fiue a clocke, seruant arise,

in sommer at foure is verie good guise.
Loue so as ye may,
Loue many a day.
Be lowly not sollen, if ought go amisse,
what wresting may loose thee, that winne with a kisse.
Both beare and forebeare, now and then as ye may:
then wench God a mercie, thy husband will say.


The ploughmans feasting daies.

This would not be slept,
Old guise must be kept.


Good huswiues, whom God hath enriched ynough,
forget not the feastes, that belong to the plough.
The meaning is onelie, to ioie and be glad:
for comfort with labour, is fit to be had.

Plough Monday.

Plough Monday, next after that Twelftide is past,

Leicester shire.

bids out with the plough, the woorst husband is last.
If ploughman get hatchet, or whip to the skreene:
maides loseth their cock, if no water be seene.


At Shroftide to shrouing, go thresh the fat hen,

Essex and Suffolke

if blindfild can kill hir, then giue it thy men.
Maides, fritters and pancakes, ynow see ye make:
let slut haue one pancake, for companie sake.

Sheepe shearing.

Wife make vs a dinner, spare flesh neither corne,

Northhampton shire.

make wafers and cakes, for our sheepe must be shorne.
At sheepe shearing neighbours, none other thing craue:
but good cheere and welcome, like neighbours to haue.

The wake day.

Fill ouen full of flawnes, Ginnie passe not for sleepe,

Leicester shire.

to morow thy father, his wake day will keepe.
Then euerie wanton, may daunce at hir will:
both Tomkin with Tomlin, and Iankin with Gill.

Haruest home.

For all this good feasting, yet art thou not loose,
till ploughman thou giuest, his haruest home goose.
Though goose go in stubble, I passe not for that:
let goose haue a goose, be she leane, be she fat.


Seede cake.

Essex and Suffolke

Wife, some time this weeke, if the wether hold cleere,

an end of wheat sowing, we make for this yeere.
Remember you therefore, though I doo it not:
the seede Cake, the Pasties, and Furmentie pot.

Twise a weeke roast.

Good ploughmen looke weekly, of custome and right,
for roast meat on Sundaies, & Thursdaies at night.
Thus dooing and keeping, such custome and guise:
they call thee good huswife, they loue thee likewise.

The good huswifelie Physicke.

Good huswiues prouides, ere an sicknes doo come,
of sundrie good things, in hir house to haue some.
Good Aqua composita, Uineger tart,
Rose water and treakle, to comfort the hart.
Cold herbes in hir garden, for agues that burne,
that ouer strong heat, to good temper may turne.
White Endiue and Suckerie, with Spinnage ynough,
all such with good pot herbes, should follow the plough.
Get water of Fumentorie, Liuer to coole,
and others the like, or else lie like a foole.
Conserue of the Barberie, Quinces and such,
with Sirops that easeth, the sickly so much.


Aske Medicus counsell, ere medcine ye make,

and honour that man, for necessities sake.
Though thousands hate physick, because of the cost,
yet thousands it helpeth, that else should be lost.

Good diet.

Good broth and good keeping, doo much now and than,

good diet with wisedome, best comforteth man.
In health to be stirring, shall profit thee best,
In sicknes hate trouble, seeke quiet and rest.

Thinke on thy soule, and haue a good hope.

Remember thy soule, let no fansie preuaile,

make readie to Godward, let faith neuer quaile.
The sooner thy selfe, thou submittest to God,
the sooner he ceaseth, to scourge with his rod.


The good motherlie nurserie.

Good huswiues take paine, and doo count it good luck,
to make their owne brest, their owne childe to giue suck.
Though wrauling and rocking, be noisome so neare,
yet lost by ill nursing, is woorser to heare.
But one thing I warne thee, let huswife be nurse,
least husband doo find thee, too franke with his purse.
What hilback and filbellie, maketh away,
that helpe to make good, or else looke for a fraie.
Giue childe that is fitly, giue babie the big,
giue hardnes to youth, and to roperipe a twig.
We find it not spoken, so often for naught,
that children were better, vnborne than vntaught.
Some cockneies with cocking, are made verie fooles,
fit neither for prentise, for plough, nor for schooles.
Teach childe to aske blessing, serue God, and to church,
then blesse as a mother, else blesse him with burch.
Thou huswife thus dooing, what further shall neede?
but all men to call thee, good mother in deede.

Thinke on the poore.

Remember the poore, that for Gods sake doo call,
for God both rewardeth, and blesseth withall.
Take this in good part, whatsoeuer thou bee:
and wish me no woorse, than I wish vnto thee.

A comparison betweene good huswiferie and euill.

Comparing togither, good huswife with bad,
The knowledge of either, the better is had.


Il huswiferie lieth,
till nine of the clock.
Good huswiferie trieth:
to rise with the cock.


Ill huswiferie tooteth,
to make hir selfe braue.
Good huswiferie looketh:
what houshold must haue.



Ill huswiferie trusteth,
to him and to hir.
Good huswiferie lusteth:
hir selfe for to stir.


Ill huswiferie careth,
for this nor for that.
Good huswiferie spareth:
for feare ye wot what.


Ill huswiferie pricketh,
hir selfe vp in pride.
Good huswiferie tricketh:
hir house as a bride.


Ill huswiferie othing,
or other must craue.
Good huswiferie nothing:
but needfull will haue.


Ill huswiferie mooueth,
with gossep to spend.
Good huswiferie looueth:
hir houshold to tend.


Il huswiferie wanteth,
with spending too fast.
Good huswiferie canteth:
the lenger to last.


Ill huswiferie easeth,
hir selfe with vnknowne.
Good huswiferie pleaseth:
hir selfe with hir owne.


Il huswiferie brooketh,
mad toies in hir hed.
Good huswiferie looketh:
that all things be fed.


Il huswifrie bringeth,
a shilling to naught.
Good huswiferie singeth:
hir cofers full fraught.


Il huswiferie rendeth,
and casteth aside.
Good huswiferie mendeth:
else would it go wide.


Il huswifrie sweepeth,
hir linnen to gage.
Good huswiferie keepeth:
to serue hir in age.


Il huswiferie craueth,
in secret to borow.
Good huswiferie saueth:
to day for to morow.


Ill huswiferie pineth,
not hauing to eate.
Good huswiferie dineth:
with plentie of meate.


Ill huswiferie letteth,
the Diuell take all.
Good huswiferie setteth:
good brag of a small.
Good huswife, good fame hath, of best in the towne:
Ill huswife, ill name hath, of euerie clowne.
Thus endeth the booke of Huswiferie.


[For men a perfect vvarning]

For men a perfect vvarning,
Hovv childe shall come by larning.


All you that faine would learne the perfect wase,
To haue your childe, in Musick something seene:
Aske nature first, what thereto she doth saie,
Ere further suite, ye make to such a Queene.
For doubtlesse Grossum caput, is not he,
Of whom the learned Muses, seene will be.


Once tride that nature, trim hath done hir part,
And Ladie Musick, farre in loue withall:
Be wise who first, doth teach thy childe that Art,
Least homelie breaker, mar fine ambling ball.
Not rod in mad braines hand, is that can helpe,
But gentle skill, doth make the proper whelpe.


Where choise is hard, count good for well a fine,
Skill mixt with will, is he that teacheth best:
Let this suffice, for teaching childe of thine,
Choose quickly well, for all the lingring rest.
Mistaught at first, how seldome prooueth well?
Trim taught, O God, how shortly doth excell?


Although as ships, must tarrie winde and tide,
And perfect howers, abide their stinted time:
So likewise, though of learning dailie tride,
Space must be had, ere wit may thereto clime.
Yet easie steps, and perfect way to trust,
Doth cause good speede, confesse of force we must.


Thus in the childe, though wit ynough we finde,
And teacher good, neere hand, or other where:
And time as apt, as may be thought with minde,
Nor cause in such thing, much to doubt or feare.
Yet cocking Mams, and shifting Dads from schooles,
Makes pregnant wits, to proue vnlearned fooles.


Ere learning come, to haue first art thou taught,
Apt learning childe, apt time that thing to frame:
Apt cunning man to teach, else all is naught,


Apt parents, glad to bring to passe the same.
On such apt ground, the Muses loue to bilde,
This lesson learne: adue else learned childe.

The description of womans age by vj. times xiiij. yeeres prentiship, with a lesson to the same.


Two first seuen yeeres, for a rod they doe whine,


Two next, as a perle in the world they doe shine.


Two next, trim beautie beginneth to swerue,


Two next, for matrones, or drudges they serue.


Two next, doth craue a staffe for a stay,


Two next, a beere to fetch them away.

A lesson.

Then purchase some pelfe,
by fiftie and three:
or buckle thy selfe,
a drudge for to bee.

The Inholders posie.

Al meales my friend, who vitleth here, & sitteth with his host,
Shall both be sure of better chere, and scape with lesser cost.
But he that will attendance haue, a chamber by himselfe,
Must more regard, what pains do craue, than passe of worldly pelfe.
Let no man looke to purchase linne, with pinching by the waie,
But laie before he takes his Inne, to make his purse to paie.
For nothing paie, and nothing praie, in Inne it is the gise,
Where no point gain, there no point pain, think this if you be wise.
For tailing much, & spoiling more, great charge smal gains or none,
Soone sets thine host at needams shore, to craue the beggers bone.
Foreseeing this, come day or night, take vp what place ye please,
Use mine as thine, let fortune spight, and boldly take thine ease.


Certaine table lessons.


Friend , eat lesse, and drinke lesse, and buie thee a knife,
else looke for a caruer, not alway too rife.
Some kniueles, their daggers for brauerie weare:
that often for surfetting, neede not to feare.


At dinner and supper, the table doth craue,
good fellowly neighbour, good manner to haue.
Aduise thee well therefore, ere tongue be too free:
or slapsauce be noted, too saucie to bee.


If any thing wanteth, or seemeth amis,
to call for, or shew it good maner it is,
But busie fault finder, and saucie withall:
is roister like ruffen, no manner at all.


Some cutteth the napkin, some trencher will nick,
some sheweth like follie, in many a trick.
Let such apish bodie, so toieng at meate:
go toie with his nodie, like ape in the streate.


Some commeth vnsent for, not for thy good cheere,
but sent as a spiall, to listen and heere.
Which being once knowne, for a knaue let him go:
for knaue will be knauish, his nature is so.

Lessons for waiting seruants.


One diligent seruiture, skilfull to waight,
more comlieth thy table, than other some eight,
That stand for to listen, or gasing about:
not minding their dutie, within nor without.


Such waiter is fautie, that standeth so by,
vnmindfull of seruice, forgetting his ey.
If maister to such, giue a bone for to gnaw:
he doth but his office; to teach such a daw.



Such seruiture also, deserueth a check,
that runneth out [illeg.], with meat in his beck.
Such rauening puttocks, for vittles so trim:
would haue a good maister, to puttock with him.


Who daily can suffer, or else can afoord,
his meat so vp [illeg.], that comes from his boord?
So tossed with cormorants, here and there some:
and others to want it, that orderlie come?


Good seruiture waieth, (once dinner begon,)
what asketh attendance, and what to be don.
So purchasing maister, a praise with the best:
gets praise to himselfe, both of maister and gest.

Husbandly posies for the hall.


Friend , here I dwell, and here I haue a little worldly pelfe,
Which on my friend I keepe to spend, as well as on my selfe.


What euer fare you hap to finde, take welcome for the best,
That hauing then, disdaine thou not, for wanting of the rest.


Backbiting talk, that flattering blabs, know wily how to blenge,
The wise doth note, the friend doth hate, the enimie will reuenge.


The wise will spend, or giue or lend, yet keepe to haue in store,
If fooles may haue from hand to mouth, they passe vpon no more.


Where ease is sought, at lēgth we see, there plentie waxeth scant,
Who careles liues, go borow must, or else full often want.


The world doth think, the welthy man, is he that least shall need,
But true it is, the godlie man, is he that best shall speed.

Posies for the parler.


As hatred is the serpents noisome rod,
So friendship is the louing gift of God.


The dronken friend, is friendship very euill,
The frantike friend, is friendship for the Deuill.



The quiet friend, all one in word and deede,
Great comfort is, like ready gold at neede.


With bralling fooles, that wrall for euerie wrong,
Firme friendship, neuer can continue long.


In time that man, shall seldome friendship mis,
That waith what thing, touch kept in friendship is.


Oft times a friend, is got with easie cost,
Which vsed euill, is oft as quickly lost.


Hast thou a friend, as hart may wish at will?
Then vse him so, to haue his friendship still.


Wouldst haue a friend, wouldst knowe what friend is best?
Haue God thy friend, who passeth all the rest.

Posies for the gests chamber.


The slouen and the careles man, the roinish nothing nice,
To lodge in chamber comely deckt, are seldome suffred twice.


With curteine, som make scaberd clene, with couerlet their shoo,
All dirt and mire, some wallow bed, as spanniels vse to doo.


Though bootes & spurs be nere so foule, what passeth some theron?
What place they foule, what thing they teare, by tūbling thervpon.


Foule male some cast on faire boord, be carpet nere so cleene,
What maners careles maister hath, by knaue his man is seene.


Some make the chimnie chamber pot, to smell like filthie sink,
Yet who so bold, so soone to say, sough, how these houses stink?


They therfore such, as make no force, what comly thing they spil,
Must haue a cabben like themselues, although against their wil.


But gentlemen will gently doe, where gentlenes is sheawd,
Obseruing this, with loue abide, or else hence all beshreawd.

Posies for thine owne bed chamber.


What wisdom more, what better life, thā pleseth God to send?
what worldly goods, what lōger vse, thā pleseth god to lend?



What better fare, than well content, agreeing with thy wealth?
what better gest, than trustie friend, in sicknes and in health?


What better bed, than conscience good, to passe the night wt sleepe?
what better worke, than daily care, fro sinne thy selfe to keepe?


What better thought, than think on God, & daily him to serue?
what better gift, than to the poore, that ready be to sterue?


What greater praise of God and man, than mercie for to shew?
who merciles, shall mercie finde, that mercie shewes to few?


What worse despaire, than loth to die, for feare to go to hell?
what greater faith, than trust in God, through Christ in heauen to dwell?

A Sonet to the Ladie Paget.

Some pleasures take,
and cannot giue,
but onely make,
poore thanks their shift:
Some meaning well,
in debt doo liue,
and cannot tell,
how else to shift.
Some knock and faine,
would ope the doore,
to learne the vaine,
good turne to praise:
Some shew good face,
and be but poore,
yet haue a grace,
good fame to raise.
Some owe and giue,
yet still in det,
and so must liue,
for aught I knowe:
Some wish to pay,
and cannot get,
but night and day,
still more must owe.
Euen so must I, for seruice past,
Still wish you good, while life doth last.

Principall points of religion.


To praie to God continually,

To learne to knowe him rightfully.


To honour God in Trinitie,



The Trinitie in vnitie.

The Father in his maiestie,
The Sonne in his humanitie,
The holie Ghosts benignitie,
Three persons, one in Deitie.


To serue him alway holily,


To aske him all thing needfully,


To praise him in all companie,


To loue him alway hartilie,


To dread him alway christianlie,


To aske him mercie penitently,


To trust him alway faithfully,


To obey him alway willingly,


To abide him alway patiently,


To thanke him alway thankfully,


To liue here alway vertuously,


To vse thy neighbour honestly,


To looke for death still presently,


To helpe the poore in miserie,


To hope for heauens felicitie,


To haue faith hope and charitie,


To count this life but vanitie:

be points of Christianitie.

The Authors beliefe.


This is my stedfast Creede, my faith and all my trust,
That in the heauens there is a God, most mightie milde & iust:

God the Father.

A God aboue all gods, a King aboue all kings,
The Lord of lords, chiefe gouernour, of heauen and earthly things.


That power hath of life, of death, of heauen and hell,
That all thing made as pleaseth him, so woonderfull to tell:

Maker of Heauen.

That made the hanging Skies, so deckt with diuers lights,
Of darknes, made the cheerfull daies, and all our restfull nights.



The earth.

That clad this earth with herbe, with trees and sundrie fruites,

With beast, with bird, both wild & tame, of strange & sundrie suites:
That intermixt the same, with mines like veines of Ore,
Of siluer, golde, of precious stones, and treasures many more.


The waters.

That ioyned brookes to dales, to hilles fresh water springs,

With riuers sweete along the meedes, to profit many things:

Frost and snowe.

That made the hoarie frosts, the flakie snowes so trim,

The honie deawes, the blustering windes, to serue as pleaseth him.


The seas

That made the surging seas, in course to ebbe and flo,

That skilfull man with sailing ship, mought trauell to and fro:
And stored so the same, for mans vnthankfull sake,
That euery nation vnder heauen, mought thereby profit take.


The soul of man.

That gaue to man a soule, with reason how to liue,

That doth to him, and all things else, his blessing dailie giue:
That is not seene, yet seeth how man doth runne his race,
Whose dailie workes both good & bad, stand knowne before his face.


Thunder and plagues.

That sendeth thundring claps, like terrours out of hell,

That man may know a God there is, that in the heauens doth dwel:
That sendeth threatning plagues, to keepe our liues in awe,
His benefites if we forget, or do contemne his lawe.


Full of mercie.

That dailie hateth sinne, and loueth vertue well,

And is the God of Abraham, Isac, and Israell:
That doth displeasure take, when we his lawes offend,
And yet amids his heauie wrath, his mercie doth extend.


Christ the sonne.

This is that Lord of hostes, the father of vs all,

The maker of what ere was made, my God on whom I call:
Which for the loue of man, sent downe his onelie sonne,
Begot of him before the worldes were any whit begonne.


Christes birth.

This, entred Maries wombe, as faith affirmeth sure,

Conceiued by the holy Ghost, borne of that virgine pure:

Christ God and man.

This, was both God and man, of Iewes the hoped king,

And liued here, [illeg.] onely sinne, like man in euerie thing.


Christ our Messias.

This is that virgins childe, that same most holie Preist,

The lamb of God, the prophet great, whom scripture calleth Christ:


This that Messias was, of whom the Prophet spake,
That should tread down the serpents head, & our attonement make.


This, Iudas did betray to false dissembling Iewes,

Christes passion.

Which vnto Pilat being Iudge, did falsely him accuse:
Who (through that wicked Iudge) and of those Iewes despight,
Condemned and tormented was, with all the force they might.


To liuing wight more euill, what could such wretches do?
More pearcing wounds, more bitter pains, than they did put him to?
They crowned him with thorne, that was the king of kings,
That sought to saue the soule of man aboue all worldly things.


This was that Pascall lambe, whose loue for vs so stood,
That on the mount of Caluerie for vs did shed his blood:

Christes death.

Where hanging on the Crosse, no shame he did forsake,
Till death giuen him by pearcing speare, an ende of life did make.


This Ioseph seeing dead, the bodie thence did craue,

Christes buriall.

And tooke it forthwith from the crosse, and laid it in his graue:
Downe thence he went to hell, in vsing there his will,
His power I meane, his slained corps, in tumb remaining still.

Christes descensiō.


From death to life againe, the third day this did rise,

Christes resurrection.

And seene on earth to his elect, times oft in sundrie wise:
And after into heauen ascend he did in sight,
And sitteth on the right hand there, of God the father of might.

Christes ascension.


Where, for vs wretches all, his father he doth pray,
To haue respect vnto his death, and put our sinnes away:

Christ shalbe our iudge.

From thence with sounded trump, which noise all flesh shall dread,
He shall returne with glorie againe, to iudge the quicke and dead.


Then shall that voice be heard, Come, come, ye good to mee,

The Iudges sentence.

Hence, hence to hell, you workers euill, where paine shall euer bee:
This is that louing Christ, whom I my Sauiour call,
And onely put my trust in him, and in none else at all.


In God the holy Ghost I firmely do belieue,
Which from the father and the sonne a blessed life doth giue:

God the holy ghost

Which by the Prophets spake, which doth all comfort send,
Which I do trust shall be my guide, when this my life shall ende.



The Catholike Church.

A holy catholike Church, on earth I graunt there is,

And those which frame their liues by that, shall neuer do amis.
The head whereof is Christ, his word the chiefest post:
Preseruer of this temple great, is God the holy Ghost.


The Cōmunion of Saints.

I do not doubt there is, a multitude of Saints,

More good is don resembling them, than shewing them our plaints:
Their faith and workes in Christ, that glorie them did giue,
Which glorie we shall likewise haue, if likewise we do liue.


Forgiuenesse of sinnes.

At God of heauen there is, forgiuenesse of our sinnes,

Through Christes death, through faith in it, and through none other ginnes:
If we repentant here, his mercie dailie craue,
Through stedfast hope and faith in Christ, forgiuenes we shall haue.


Mans resurrectiō.

I hope and trust vpon, the rising of the flesh,

This corps of mine that first must die, shall rise againe afresh:
The soule and bodie euen then, in one shall ioyned bee,
As Christ did rise from death to life, euē so through Christ shall wee.


Life euer lasting.

As Christ is glorified, and neuer more shall die,

As Christ ascended into heauen, through Christ euen so shall I:
As Christ I count my head, and I a member of his,
So God I trust for Christes sake, shall settle me in blis.
Thus here we learne of God, that there be persons three,
The Father, Sonne, the holy Ghost, one God in trinitee.
In substance all like one, one God, one Lord, one might,
Whose persons yet we do diuide, and so we may by right.
As God the Father is, the maker of vs all,
So God the Sonne redeemer is, to whom for helpe we call.
And God the holy Ghost, the soule of man doth winne,
By moouing hir to waile for grace, ashamed of hir sinne.
This is that God of gods, whom euerie soule should loue,
Whō all mens hearts should quake for feare, his wrath on them to moue.
That this same mightie God, aboue all other chiefe,
Shall saue my soule from dolefull Hell, is all my whole beliefe.


Of the omnipotencie of God, and debilitie of man.


O God thou glorious God, what god is like to thee?
What life, what strength is like to thine, as al ye world may see?
The heauens, the earth, the seas, and all thy workes therein,
Do shew (to whom thou wouldst to know) what thou hast euer bin.


But all the thoughts of man, are bent to wretched euill,
Man doth commit idolatrie, bewitched of the Deuill.
What euill is left vndone, where man may may haue his will?
Man euer was an hypocrite, and so continues still.


What daily watch is made, the soule of man to slea,
By Lucifer, by Belzabub, Mammon, and Asmodea?

What these 4. principal diuels do signifie.

In diuelish pride, in wrath, in coueting too much,
In fleshly lust the time is spent, the life of man is such.


The ioy that man hath here, is as a sparke of fier,
His acts be like the smoldring smoke, himselfe like dirt and mier.
His strength euen as a reede, his age much like the flower,
His breth or life is but a puffe, vncertaine euerie hower.


But for the holy Ghost, and for his giftes of grace,
The death of Christ thy mercie great, man were in wofull case.
O graunt vs therefore Lord, to amend that is amisse,
And when from hence we do depart, to rest with thee in blisse.

Eleemosyna prodest homini in vita, in morte, & post mortem.

Out of S. Augustine.

For onely loue to God, more Christian like to liue,

Of almes deedes.

And for a zeale to helpe the poore, thine almes daily giue.
Let gift no glorie looke, nor euill possesse thy minde:
And for a truth these profites three, through almes shalt thou finde.


First, here the holy Ghost, shall daily through his grace,
Prouoke thee to repentant life, Gods mercie to embrace.


Of goods, and friends (by death,) when thou thy leaue must take,
Thine almes deedes shall claspe thy soule, and neuer it forsake.



When God shall after death, call soone for thine account,
thine alms then through faith in Christ, shal al things els surmount.
But yet for any deede, put thou no trust therein,
but put thy trust in God (through Christ) to pardon thee thy sin.
For else as cackling hen, with noise bewraies hir nest,
euen so go thou and blaze thy deeds, and lose thou all the rest.

Malus homo, out of S. Augustine.

Of naughtie man, I read, two sundrie things are ment,
The ton is man, the other naught, which ought him to repent.
The man we ought to loue, bicause of much therein,
The euill in him, we ought to hate, euen as a filthie sin.
So doth thy daily sinnes, the heauenly Lord offend,
But when thou dost repent the same, his wrath is at an end.

Of two sorts of men, the tone good, and tother bad, out of S. Augustine.

Since first the world began, there was, and shall be still,
Of humane kind two sundrie sorts, thon good, and thother ill.
Which till the iudgement day, shall here togither dwell:
But then the good shall vp to heauen, the bad shall downe to hell.

Diabolo cum resistitur, est vt formica: Cum verò eius suggestio recipitur, fortis est vt leo.

Out of S. Augustine.

When Sathan we resist, a Pismier shall he be,
But when we seeme to giue him place, a Lion then is he.

Eight of Saint Barnards verses, both in Latine and English, with one note to them both.



Why so triumphes the world, in pompe and glorie vaine,
Whose state so happie thought, so fickle doth remaine?
Whose brauerie slipprie stands, and doth so soone decaie:
As doth the potters pan, compact of brittle claie.


More credite see thou giue, to letters wrote in ise,
Than vnto vaine deceits, of brittle words deuise.
In gifts to vertue due, beguiling many one:
Yet those same neuer haue, long time to hope vpon.


To false dissembling men, more trust is to be had,
Than to the prosperous state, of wretched world so bad.
What with voluptuousnes, and other maddish toies:
False studies won with paine, false vanities and ioies.


Tell where is Salomon, that once so noble was?
Or where now Samson is, in strength whome none could pas?
Or woorthie Ionathas, that prince so louely bold?
Or faier Absolon, so goodlie to behold?



Shew whither is Cæsar gone, which conquerd far and neere?
Or that rich famous Carle, so giuen to bellie cheere?
Shew where is Tullie now, for eloquence so fit?
Or Aristoteles, of such a pregnant wit?


O thou fit bait for wormes! O thou great heape of dust!
O dewe! O vanitie! why so extolst thy lust?
Thou therefore ignorant, what time thou hast to liue:
Doo good to erie man, while here thou hast to giue.


How short a feast (to count,) is this same worlds renowne?
Such as mens shadowes be, such ioies it brings to towne.
Which alway plucketh vs, from Gods eternall blis:
And leadeth man to hell, a iust reward of his.


The brauerie of this world, esteemed here so much,
In Scripture likened is, to flowre of grasse and such.
Like as the leafe so light, through winde abrode is blowne:
So life in this our life, full soone is ouerthrowne.


Of the Authors linked verses departing from Court to the countrie.


Muse not my friend, to finde me here,
Contented with this meane estate:
And seeme to doo, with willing cheere,
That courtier doth, so deadly hate.
For fortunes looke,
Hath changed hew:
And I my booke,
Must learne anew.


And yet of force, to learne anew,
Would much abash the dulled braine:
I craue to iudge, if this be trew,
The truant child, that knowth the paine.
But where a spight,
Of force must bee:
What is that wight,
May disagree?


No, no, God wot, to disagree,
Is ventring all to make or mar:
If fortune frowne, we dailie see,
It is not best, to striue too far.
For lordlie bent,
Must learne to spare:
And be content,
with countrie fare.


From daintie Court to countrie fare,
Too daintie fed, is diet strange:
From cities ioy, to countrie care,
To skillesse folke, is homelie change,
Where neede yet can,
None other skill:
Somtime poore man,
Must breake his will.


If courtlie change, so breaketh will,
That countrie life must serue the turne:
What profit then, in striuing still,
Against the prick to seeme to spurne?
If court with cart,
Must be content:
What ease to hart,
Though mind repent?


What gaine I, though I doo repent,
My crotches all are broke and gon:
My woonted friends, are careles bent,
They feare no chance, I chance vpon.
As neede doth make,
Old age to trot:
So must I take,
In woorth my lot.


Now if I take in woorth my lot,
That fatall chance doth force me to:
If ye be friends embraid me not,
But vse a friend as friends should do.
Behold the horse,
Must trudge for pelfe:
And yet of forse,
content it selfe.


The Authors life.



Now gentle friend, if thou be kinde,

Disdaine thou not, although the lot,
Will now with me, no better be,
than doth appere:
Nor let it grieue, that thus I liue,
But rather gesse, for quietnesse,
As others do, so do I to,
content me here.


By leaue and loue, of God aboue,
I minde to shew, in verses few,
How through the breers, my youthfull yeeres,
haue runne their race:
And further say, why thus I stay,
And minde to liue, as Bee in hiue,
Full bent to spend, my life to an end,
in this same place.


Borne at Riuenhal in Essex.

It came to pas, that borne I was,

Of linage good, of gentle blood,
In Essex laier, in village faier,
that Riuenhall hight:
Which village lide, by Banketree side,
There spend did I, mine infancie,
There then my name, in honest fame,
remaind in sight.


I yet but yong, no speech of tong,

Set to song schoole.

Nor teares withall, that often fall,

From mothers eies, when childe out cries,
to part hir fro:
Could pitie make, good father take,
But out I must, to song be thrust,
Say what I would, do what I could,
his minde was so.



O painfull time, for euerie crime,
What toesed eares, like baited beares?

Queristers miserie.

What bobbed lips? what ierks what nips?
what hellish toies?
What robes, how bare? what colledge fare?
What bread, how stale? what pennie ale?

Wallingford colledge.

Then Wallingford, how wart thou abhord
of sillie boies?


Thence for my voice, I must (no choice)
Away of forse, like posting horse,

Singing mens cōmissions.

For sundrie men, had plagards then,
such childe to take:
The better brest, the lesser rest,
To serue the Queere, now there now heere,
For tune so spent, I may repent,
and sorrow make.


But marke the chance, my selfe to vance,
By friendships lot, to Paules I got,

Ioh Redford an excellent Musician.

So found I grace, a certaine space,
still to remaine:
With Redford there, the like no where,
For cunning such, and vertue much,
By whom some part, of Musicke art,
so did I gaine.


From Paules I went, to Eaton sent,
To learne streight waies, the latin phraies,

Nicholas [illeg.] schoolmaster at Eaton.

Where fiftie three, stripes giuen to mee,
at once I had:
For fault but small, or none at all,
It came to pas, thus beat I was,
See Udall see, the mercie of thee,
to me poore lad.



From London hence, to Cambridge thence,

Trinitie hall in Cābridg.

With thankes to thee, O Trinitee,

That to thy hall, so passing all,
I got at last:
There ioy I felt, there trim I dwelt,
There heauen from hell, I shifted well,
With learned men, a number then,
the time I past.


Long sicknes had, then was I glad,

Quartain [illeg.]

To leaue my booke, to proue and looke,

In Court what gaine, by taking paine,
mought well be found:

Lord Paget good to his seruants.

Lord Paget than, that noble man,

Whole soule I trust, is with the iust,
That same was hee, enriched mee,
with many a pound.


When this betide, good parents dide,
One after one, till both were gone,
Whose petigree, who list may see,
In Harolds booke:
Whose soules in blis, be long ere this,

The hope we haue of ye dead.

For hope we must, as God is iust,

So here that craue, shall mercie haue,
that mercie looke.


The vices of the Court.

By Court I spide, and ten yeres tride,

That Cards and Dice, with Uenus vice,
And peeuish pride, from vertue wide,
with some so wraught:
That Tiburne play, made them away,
Or beggers state, as euill to hate,
By such like euils, I saw such dreuils,
to come to naught.



Yet is it not, to be forgot,
In Court that some, to worship come,
And some in time, to honour clime,
and speede full well:

The court cōmended.

Some haue such gift, that trim they shift,
Some profite make, by paines they take,
In perill much, though oft are such,
in Court that dwell.


When court gan frowne, and strife in towne,

The nobilitie at variance in Edward the 6. daies.

And lords and knights, saw heauie sights,
Then tooke I wife, and led my life,
in Suffolke soile:
There was I faine, my selfe to traine,
To learne too long, the fermers song,
For hope of pelfe, like worldly elfe,


to moile and toile.


As in this booke, who list to looke,

At Katewade in Suffolke this booke first deuised.

Of husbandrie, and huswiferie,
There may he finde, more of my minde,
concerning this:
To carke and care, and euer bare,
With losse and paine, to little gaine,
All this to haue, to cram sir knaue,
what life it is.


When wife could not, through sicknes got,
More toile abide, so nigh Sea side,
Then thought I best, from toile to rest,
and Ipswich trie:

Ipswich cōmended

A towne of price, like paradice,
For quiet then, and honest men,
There was I glad, much friendship had,
a time to lie.



The deth of his first wife.

There left good wife, this present life,

And there left I, house charges lie,
For glad was he, mought send for me,
good lucke so stood?
In Suffolke there, were euerie where,
Euen of the best, besides the rest,
That neuer did, their friendship hid,
to doo me good.


Nowe maried in Norfolks.

O Suffolke thow, content thee now,

That hadst the praies, in those same daies,
For Squiers and Knights, that well delights,
good house to keepe:
For Norfolke wiles, so full of giles,
Haue caught my toe, by wiuing so,
That out to thee, I see for mee,
no waie to creepe.


Mistres Anne Moone.

For lo, through gile, what haps the while,

Through Uenus toies, in hope of ioies,
I chanced soone, to finde a Moone,
of cheerfull hew:
Which well a fine, me thought did shine,
Did neuer change, a thing most strange,
Yet kept in sight, hir course aright,
and compas trew.


The charges following a yoong wife.

Behold of truth, with wife in youth,

For ioie at large, what daily charge,
Through childrens hap, what opened gap,
to more begun:
The childe at nurse, to rob the purse,
The same to wed, to trouble hed,
For pleasure rare, such endlesse care,
hath husband wun.



Then did I dwell, in Diram sell,

West Diram Abbie.

A place for wood, that trimlie stood,
With flesh and fish, as heart would wish,
but when I spide:
That Lord with Lord, could not accord,

Landlordes at variance.

But now pound he, and now pound we,
Then left I all, bicause such brall,
I list not bide.


O Soothwell what, meanst thou by that,

Sir Richarde Soothwell.

Thou worthie wight, thou famous knight,
So me to craue, and to thy graue,
go by and by?
O death thou fo, why didst thou so,
Ungently treat, that Iewell great,
Which opte his doore, to rich and poore,
so bounteously?


There thus bestad, when leaue I had,
By death of him, to sinke or swim,
And rauens I saw, togither draw,

His [illeg.] executors

in such a sort:
Then waies I saught, by wisdome taught,
To beare low saile, least stock should quaile,
Till ship mought finde, with prosperous winde,
some safer port.


At length by vew, to shore I drew,

Norwich Citie.

Discharging straight, both ship & fraight,
At Norwhich fine, for me and mine,
a citie trim:
Where strangers wel, may seeme to dwel,
That pitch and pay, or keepe their day,

Norwich qualities.

But who that want, shall find it scant,
so good for him.



Maister Salisburie deane of Norwich.

But Salisburie how, were kept my vow,

If praise from thee, were kept by mee,
Thou gentle deane, mine onely meane,
there then to liue?
Though churles such some, to craue can come,
And pray once got, regard thee not,
Yet liue or die, so will not I,
example giue.


In 138. houres I neuer made drop of water.

When learned men, could there nor then,

Deuise to swage, the stormie rage,
Nor yet the furie, of my dissurie,
that long I had:
From Norwich aire, in great despaire,
Away to flie, or else to die,
To seeke more helth, to seeke more welth,
then was I glad.


Fairsted parsonage in Essex.

From thence so sent, away I went,

With sicknes worne, as one forlorne,
To house my hed, at Faiersted,
where whiles I dwelt:
The tithing life, the tithing strife,
Through tithing ill, of Iacke and Gill,
The dailie paies, the mierie waies,
too long I felt.


When charges grew, still new & new,

Lease for parsons life.

And that I spide, if parson dide,

(All hope in vaine) to hope for gaine,
I might go daunce:
Once rid my hand, of parsonage land,
Thence by and by, away went I,
To London streight, to hope and waight,
for better chaunce.



Well London well, that bearst the bell,

London commended.

Of praise about, England throughout,
And doost in deede, to such as neede,
much kindnes shew:
Who that with thee, can hardly agree,
Nor can well prais, thy friendly wais,
Shall friendship find, to please his mind,
in places few.


As for such mates, as vertue hates,

Unthrift [illeg.] order

Or he or thay, that go so gay,
That needes he must, take all of trust,
for him and his:
Though such for wo, by Lothburie go,
For being spide, about Cheapeside,
Least Mercers bookes, for monie lookes,
small matter it is.


When gaines was gon, and yeres grew on,

The plague at London.

And death did crie, from London flie,
In Cambridge then, I found agen,
a resting plot:
In Colledge best, of all the rest,

Trinitie college in Cābridge

With thankes to thee, O Trinitee,
Through thee and thine, for me and mine,
some stay I got.


Since hap haps so, let toiling go,
Let seruing paines, yeeld forth hir gaines,

Youth ill spent, makes age repēt.

Let courtly giftes, with wedding shiftes,
helpe now to liue:
Let Musicke win, let stocke come in,
Let wisedome kerue, let reason serue,
For here I craue, such end to haue,
as God shall giue.



A lesson for yōger brothers.

Thus friends by me, perceiue may ye,

That gentrie standes, not all by landes,
Nor all so feft, or plentie left,
by parents gift:
But now and then, of gentlemen,
The yonger sonne, is driuen to ronne,
And glad to seeke, from creeke to creeke,
to come by thrift.


A true lesson.

And more by this, to conster is,

In world is set, ynough to get,
But where and whan, that scarsely can,
the wisest tell:
By learning some, to riches come,
By ship and plough, some get ynough,
And some so wiue, that trim they thriue,
and speede full well.


To this before, adde one thing more,

Hardnes in youth not the worst.

Youth hardnes taught, with knowledge wraught,

Most apt do prooue, to shift and shooue,
among the best:

Cocking of youth not the best.

Where cocking Dads, make sawsie lads,

In youth so rage, to beg in age,
Or else to fetch, a Tiburne stretch,
among the rest.


Not rampish toie, of girle and boie,

Not pride in youth, but welth in age needfull.

Nor garment trim, of hir or him,

In childhoode spent, to fond intent,
good end doth frame:
If marke we shall, the summe of all,
The end it is, that noted is,
Which if it bide, with vertue tride,
deserueth fame.



When all is done, lerne this my sonne,
Not friend nor skill, nor wit at will,
Nor ship nor clod, but onelie God,
doth all in all:

Mā doth labor and God doth blesse.

Man taketh paine, God giueth gaine,
Man doth his best, God doth the rest,
Man well intendes, God foizon sendes,
else want he shall.


Some seeke for welth, I seeke my helth,

A contented minde is worth all.

Some seeke to please, I seeke mine ease,
Some seeke to saue, I seeke to haue,
to liue vpright:
More than to ride, with pompe and pride,
Or for to iet, in others det,
Such is my skill, and shall be still,
for any wight.


Too fond were I, here thus to lie,
Unles that welth, mought further helth,
And profit some, should thereby come,
to helpe withall:
This causeth mee, well pleasde to bee,
Such drift to make, such life to take,
Enforsing minde, remorse to finde,
as neede, neede shall.


Friend al thing waid, that here is said,

Happie that liues well, vnhappie yt dies euile.

And being got, that paies the shot,
Me thinke of right, haue leaue I might,
(death drawing neere:)
To seeke some waies, my God to praies,
And mercie craue, in time to haue,
And for the rest, what he thinkes best,
to suffer hate.