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The ioyfvll receyuing of the Queens most excellent Maiestie

into hir Highnesse Citie of Norvvich: The thing done in the time of hir abode there: and the Dolor of the citie at hir departure. Wherein are set downe diuers orations in Latine, pronounced to hir Highnesse by Sir Robert Wood Knight, now maior of the same citie, and others: and certaine also deliuered to hir Maiestie in vvriting: euery of the[m] turned into English [by Bernard Garter]

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[Leaue of to muse most gracious Prince of English soile]

Leaue of to muse most gracious Prince of English soile,
What sodaine-wight in Martiall wise approcheth neare:

King Gurgunt I am hight, King Belins eldest sonne,
Whose syre Dunwallo first, the Brittish crowne did weare.
Whom truthlesse Gutlack forste to passe the surging seas,
His falshode to reuenge, and Denmarke land to spoile.
And finding in returne, this place a gallant vente,
This Castle faire I built, a forte from foraine soile:
To winne a Conquest, gets renowne and glorious name,
To keepe and vse it well, deserues eternall fame.
Whē brute through cities, townes, the woods and dales did soūd
Elizabeth this country peerelesse Queene drew neare:
I was found out, my selfe in person noble Queene
Did hast, before thy face in presence to appeare.
Two thousand yeares welnye in silence lurking still:
Heare, why to thee alone this seruice I do yelde.
Besides that, at my Cities sute, their founder first
Should gratulate most this ioyfull sight in open field.
Foure speciall pointes and rare concurring in vs both
This speciall seruice haue reseru'd to thee alone:
The glory though of eche in thee doth farre surmount,
Yet great with small comparde, will like appeare anone.
When doubtfull warres the British princes long had wroong,
My grandsire first vniting all did weare the Crowne.
Of Yorke and Lancaster, who did conclude the broiles?
Thy grandsire Henry seuenth, a king of great renowne.
Myne vncle Brennus eke, my father ioyning handes,
Olde Rome did raze, and sacke, and halfe consume with fire:
Thy puissant father so, new Rome that purple whore
Did sacke, and spoile hir neare of all hir glittering tire.
Lo Cambridge scholes by myne assignment founded first,
By thee my Cambridge scholes are famous through the world,
I thirtie wandring ships of banisht men relieued.
The thronges of banisht soules that in this Citie dwell,
Do weepe for ioy, and pray for thee with teares vntold.
In all these thinges thou noble Queene doest farre excell.
But loe to thee I yeld as duety doth me binde
In open field my selfe, my Citie, Castle, Key,

Most happy fathers Kinges in such a daughter Queene,
Most happy England were, if thou shouldest neuer die.
Go on most noble Prince, for I must hast away,
My Citie gates do long, their Soueraigne to receyue:
More true thou neuer couldst, nor loyall subiects finde,
VVhose hartes ful fast with perfect loue to thee do cleaue.