University of Virginia Library


Of all the vvomen vvhich of yore haue beene,
Alcest for vertue may be glorify'd,
For courage Teuce', for features Spartaes queene,
For all in one Polyxen deify'd.
If true it be by old Philosophie,
These soules to haue since destin entered,
To other bodies of like simpathie,
Thou art the last of these Metemps' chosed.
Thy courage vvoonderous, thy vertues peerelesse,
Thy features haue the fairest Ladies blamed,
Then if thou scorn'st not such a Monarchesse,
Henceforth by reason good, thou shalt be named,
Nor Teuce', nor Alcest, nor faire Helena,
Thou shalt be nam'd my deare Polyxena.