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A Briefe of the Bibles History

Drawne First into English Pohesy, and then illustrated by apt Annotations: whereto is now added a Synopsis of the Bibles Doctrine. The third Aedition, in sundry things amended and enlarged. By Henoch Clapham

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THE SECOND PART of the Bibles Briefe.


2. THE SECOND PART of the Bibles Briefe.

To my Lords Grace of Caunterbury, all true care and discretion, for suppression of Schisme and Heresie.

1. Staffe.

[Idvmean (Herod, King in Iudea]

Idvmean (Herod, King in Iudea,
What time hee raignd, our Iaacobs star appeares:
Iesus is borne, Jmmanuel Messiah,
Shiloh the Seed of Woman, in full yeares.
A Uirgin brings him forth: even Mary who
Betrothed was to Ioseph all should know.


2. Staffe.

[An Angell doth preach this to shepherds: who]

An Angell doth preach this to shepherds: who
Do leaue their flocks, And wend to Bethlehem.
Looke how the Angell said, they find it so.
Babe in a Cratch, did there appeare to them.
With it, Marie and Ioseph. Shepheards then
Giue praise to God, and back returne agen.


3. Staffe.

[Twise twenty daies Orepast, the Babe is brought]

Twise twenty daies Orepast, the Babe is brought
Into the Temple: There good Simeon
Did meet with him, who chiefe was in his thought.
So Anna did behold good Maries sonne.
That done, they home, and liue there quietly:
But Mary ponders all right seriously.


4. Staffe.

[After from East, do Sophies make repaire]

After from East, do Sophies make repaire:
They by a Starre, came to the house aright,
Who finde the Babe, and Marie onelie there,
To Gentiles sure, an heauenly blessed sighte.
Myrrhe, Frankensence: and Gold they offet than,
And so depart. each one an happy man.


5. Staffe.

[The Dragons Horne, Pursues to smite the Child]

The Dragons Horne, Pursues to smite the Child:
But God forewarnes, and they to Ægypt flie.
Herod once dead, They three that stood exil'd
Returne, but goe downe into Galilie.
At twelue yeares end, Iesus he doth dispute,
In Temples Court, which caused mickle brute.


6. Staffe.

[Bout 30. yeares, he comes to Iordans side]

Bout 30. yeares, he comes to Iordans side,
Whereas John Baptist doth baptize our Lorde.
Iesus the Christ. then from that blessed tyde,
Gathers Disciples by his blessed word.
Twelue of them, he Apostles nominates,
And Seaventie moe, his will abrode relates.


7. Staffe.

[Great wonders he, did worke in euery place]

Great wonders he, did worke in euery place:
But Dragon still pursues him to the end.
He institutes, A Supper full of grace:
Which to his Church, for ay he did commend.
That done, he wends to pray in Oliuet
Iscariot thither his foes did fet.


8. Staffe.

[They come with Clubs, his word doth throw thē down]

They come with Clubs, his word doth throw thē down,
Before high Priests, sweet Iesus he is brought:
Before Pilate, Then chiefest in the Towne,
Where rascall route His death and ending sought:
In fine, he was condemned to the Tree,
Where twixt two theeues, hee died right patiently.


9. Staffe.

[He dead, they seale The stone vpon his Tombe]

He dead, they seale The stone vpon his Tombe,
But Third day, he ariseth powerfully.
Good Magdalen earely to graue doth come:
A none, Iesus speakes to her cheerfully.
Ten times he did appeare in 40. daies,
Then calles the Twelue, and thus to them hee saies.


10. Staffe.

[Stay in Ierusalem, till from aboue]

Stay in Ierusalem, till from aboue
You be baptized with the holy spirit:
A clowde then sodainly did him remoue,
And vp conuay him from their carnall sight.
They straight vnto Salem conuaid them then,
Where they abode, with other faithfull men.


Now followeth the Booke of the Apostles Actes.

11. Staffe.

[In Iudas roome, they choosed Matthias]

In Iudas roome, they choosed Matthias:
And at the Feast of Pentecost, againe
The Church in one that time collected was,
What time from heaven, God did his spirit raine,
In fiery tongues: so that the 12. from thence,
In diuers tongues their mening might commēce.


12. Staffe.

[In Salem they drewe faithfull into One]

In Salem they drewe faithfull into One:
Stephen then was caught, and stoned vnto death,
Young Saul conuerted was to Paul anon:
Who thence inspired was with holy breath.
To Iaphets people he was destinate,
The God of Shem his Gospell to relate.


13. Staffe.

[With Paul, was ioyned Barnabas by Uoice]

With Paul, was ioyned Barnabas by Uoice,
(As former twelue, so) They do churches plant.
Elders and Deacons (after Churches choise)
They doe Ordaine, as euery one will graunt.
Eache keepes his roome, and watches in his place:
The Apostles so commend them to Gods grace.


14. Staffe.

[For Iesus sake, great toyle Paul vnderwēt]

For Iesus sake, great toyle Paul vnderwēt,
For planting faith, where hee so euer staid.
At last to seven-Hild Rome (good Paul was sent
There for two yeares, an haruest good he made,
Within fift yeare as humane writings say,
The Lyon Nero did the Apostle slay.


15. Staffe.

[The Apostles haue for helpe Evangelists]

The Apostles haue for helpe Evangelists:
And so the Churches by them planted be,
Th' Apostles dead, there riseth hellish mysts,
Which with the Light, at no hand could agree:
Sun darks, Starres fall, The Moone doth chaunge her hue,
Heaven rolles away, as they before did shew.


16. Staffe.

[First order gone, and Dores not being kept]

First order gone, and Dores not being kept,
By Baptisme, heapes of prophane do rush,
With them at length, a Ministry in crept,
That with the Horne Gods ordinance did push.
So Anti-Christ is stept vp to the Throne,
Who by his Lawes would gouerne euery one.


17. Staffe.

[But Prophets God he stirreth vp sometime]

But Prophets God he stirreth vp sometime,
To call the People from such worship fowle.
The Beast he chargeth such with deadly crime,
And kills the man, that puls away a soule.
Right much adoe shall Persons haue to liue,
To whome the Beast doth not his Symbole giue.


18. Staffe.

[The Gentiles once, got to the height of sinne]

The Gentiles once, got to the height of sinne,
And fulnesse of the Saved come to Light,
The Elder brother (Jew) shal straight come in
And mourne for that he had no sooner sight.
Their comming in, shall be the Gentils Light:
Nor till that time, will Sun againe be bright.


19. Staffe.

[Iewes called once, and all the number ron]

Iewes called once, and all the number ron,
Rushing from Heauen, shall fire on the world.
The Good (living) in Clowds shall meet the Son:
But wicked rout, shall in the fire be whorld.
Then Iudgement comes, and there an end of all.
To God for grace, it resteth that we call.