University of Virginia Library

IX. Balade to King Henry V.

“Ceste balade ensuante feust faite pur la bien venue du tresnoble Roy. H. le. vt., que dieu pardoint, hors du Roialme de France / cestassauoir sa dareine venue.”


Victorious cristen Prince / our lord souereyn,
Our lige lord ful dred and douted / we
youre humble and buxum liges treewe / seyn
Right thus / vn-to your rial dignitee:
Henri the .vthe. / welcome be yee!
welcome be your famous excellence,
Swerd of knyghthode / & flour of sapience!


Yee been welcome / heir and Regent of France,
Our gracious kyng / the ensaumple of honour!
Right feithfully / with hertes obeissance,
welcome be yee / worthy Conquerour,
which, no peril eschuyng / ne labour
In armes / knyghtly han yow put in prees,
And twixt two Remes / knyt han vp the pees!



Your worthynesse / excedith & surmountith
The prowesse of kynges / & prynces alle!
Fame so seith / thus al the world acountith.
what may we seyn / or what may we yow calle!
we can for noon aart þat may happe or falle,
Your worthy deedes / as vs oghte / preise;
They been so manye / and so mochil peyse.


Ignorance is vn-to vs swich a fo,
If we dilate sholde / and drawe a-long
Your prys and thank / we kowden nat do so:
So litil seyn / we sholde / & do yow wrong,
Nat on our willes / but wittes along:
And syn þat ther-to oure intelligence
Souffysith nat / we keepe moot silence.


But, souerein lord lige / as we seide aboue,
welcome be your excellent hynesse
with al our spirites and hertes loue!
More welcome / than we can expresse!
Your hy presence is tresor & richesse
To vs ful greet / for why / to vs echone,
welcome be your peereles persone.
Cest tout.