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Terra Pacis

A true Testification of the spirituall Lande of Peace; which is the spirituall Lande of Promyse, and the holy Citee of Peace or the heauenly Ierusalem; and of the Holy and spirituall People that dwell therin: as also of the Walking in the Spirit which leadeth therunto. Set-foorth by HN: and by Him newly perused and more-playnly declared. Translated out of Base-almayne [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Square brackets denote editorial insertions or emendations.

Depart out of thy Lande, and from thy Kindred, and out of thy Fathers Hovvse: and trauayle into a Lande that I vvil shevve thee. Gen. 12 a. Act 7 a.

I vvil leade thee on the right Path, that the Course; vvhen thou goest; be not paynfull vnto thee: and that thou stumble not, vvhen thou runnest.

Take the Informacion to heart: leaue it not: keepe it: For it is thy Lyfe.

Go not in the Path of the Vngodly: and vvalcke not in the VVaye of the VVicked: Leaue thesame, and go not therin & Depart therfrom, and pas by it. Pro. 4. b.

Now goeth the Iudgment ouer the World: How becometh the Prince of this World cast-out. Iohn. 12.

Now is the Saluation/the Power/and the Kingdom/becom our Gods: and the Might his Christes. Apoca. 12.

[Terra Pacis.]

The XXIX. Chap.



Reioyce you all now

Psal. 69. {3}. 10; a 104. [illeg.]


For Ioye our Eares doth fill:
Cheer-vp your Hearts couragously/
Be gladd

Psal. 48. [illeg.].

O Sions Hill.

For Lo, the new Tyme doth appeere/
That hath bin writ-of long:
And is in sight to view ful-cleere/
Wherfore reioyce with Song.
Ye Remnant? Gods Inheritance

Zach. 2. 9. 3. Isa. [illeg.]

ioyfull in our Citee:

Cast Feare out of Rememberance/
And sing this dauncing Dittee.



Esa. 41.43.a Bar. [illeg.].a. Math. 8.b.

North and Sowth/ye Righteous/


Psal. 81.a. Esa. 27.b.

blowe the Horne apace:

From East and West/extoll euen-thus/
Your Uoyce: and make solace.
For heers

Esa. 7.b. 8.c.

Emmanuel our King/

Against that fierse

Ier. 51.a.


Therfore now let your Trumpets ring/
For Hee wil her expell.
Their Hearts

Iudi. 7.e. Ioel. 2.a.

are all dismayd now quyt/

Sounde-vp your Trumps apace:
Think now on God both Daye and Night/

[illeg.]. Cor. 1.a.

Discord from yon chase.



Now is the last

Esa. 51.b. Ier. 49.b. 51.

Cupp fild also/

Ouer Babels Kingdom hye:
To stagger and stryue,

Psal. 107.c. Esa. 24. 28. 29.

like Drunkerds/lo,

Thats now her Melodye.
Her Wisdom with her Practises,

1. Cor. 1.b.

coms now all to shame:

And is nomore of worthynes,
Then for a Laughing-game.
In Gods Precepts most pure and right/
Reioyce you

Psal. 100.a.

in eury Lande:


Esa. 60.c.

Light doth shyne in vs ful-bright/

And vnder Him we stande.


Now is the Kingdom

Apo. 18.c. 19.c.

of the Beast

Made darke/be gladd therfore:

Iohn. 1.a.

Light of Trueth euen-heere doth rest/

Tryumphing euermore.

Apo. 12.b.

Kingdom eake do wee possesse/

The Trueth

Iohn. [illeg.].d.

doth make vs free:

And setts our Hearts

Eph. 2.b.

in Quyetnes/

With God at-one are wee.
Whose Loue is vnto vs/we fynde
(That do obaye her Uoyce)
As is the Headd,

Eph. 1.c. 4.b. 5.c.

tos Members kynde/

Gods Lyfe

Iohn. 1.{2}.

doth vs reioyce.



His shutt

Gen. 3.c.

Paradise, wherin we mought

Not com/is opte

4. Esd. 8.f.

now fyne:

The Tree of Lyfe is sprouted-out/
Whose Fruit is

4. Esd. 7.f.


Drinke now the

Epes. 5.c.

Wyne of Loue most-puer,

With Ioye and Mery-cheere/
Gods Riches that alwayes enduer,
Are neuer wanting heere.
Fore sightfully,

Math. 10.c. Ephes. 5.b.

with Waryues,

Se that you leade your Lyfe,
As do the Wyse/And seeke no-les,
To flye

1. Cor. [illeg.].n.



Now swallowed-vp

Oz{e}. 13.b. 1. Cor. 15.f.

lye Death and Sinne/

With their Folly great and vayne:
The Deuill

Iohn. 12.d. Apo. 20.b.

and Hell, whose Bands we werin/

The Mocky appeers now playne.
The heauenly

Deut. 8.a. Iohn. 6.[illeg.].

Breade, or gostly Foode/

That same our Soules doth nourish:
In Gods delytfull Essence goode/
By meanes wherof we flourish.
The Kingdom

Luk. 7.[illeg.]. Apo. 12.b.

of the new man, puer.

That out of God doth ryse/
Is now with vs, heere present, suer.
In vpright heauenly wyse.




Esa. 2.[illeg.]. Dan. {2. e.}

Kingdom haue we now heere/

As Scriptures sayd before:

Heere is no

Esa. 30. 65.b. Apo. 21.a.

Wayling, nor Moorning-cheere/

Uex ye your Hearts nomore/
But now with vs assosiate/
For in the heauenly

Act. 1.b. Phil. 3.{3}.


Is our King: Hee doth

Esa. 60.[illeg.].


Us all/as is agreeing
To Scripture, whear we reade thesame/
Reioyce therfore and sing
This new Laude-song/

Psal. {26. 91.}

vnto the Name

Of Him, our heauenly King.


Ye Princes of our God most-hye

1. Pet. 2.a. Apo. 5.b.

People of the Lorde”

Which do agree in

1. Cor. 1.a.


Com all with one accorde/
Your Ioye increase, and eake fulfill/
The Trueth receaue also:
Gods Spirit

Sap. 1. 5.a.

is on the Path, and will

Rebuke the

Iohn. 16.a.

Worlde, his Fo,

Of her self-framed Righteousness:

Esa. 29.b.

And tharrogant Wyseones are

{{Cor}. 1. {2}.b.

With their contencious Spitfulnes:

Layd-downe in seilence theare.