University of Virginia Library



The Forest-Ranger's Courtship

From clear St. Marys Lake to the high blue
We saw the angels climb in sunset light, their wings all new.
And so in rain and storm and rainbows
We swore to climb, too,
To climb those celestial ladders every one,
Past the mountain peak called Going-to-the-Sun.
A double mind was ours.
We saw those angels as we see the flowers,
And yet we felt ourselves as Indians
Without aureoles
Serving Red Gods whose names were never written
On old scrolls;
Serving storms and stars
Alien to that angel band.
So while the angels filled the sky
The Indian storm Gods danced upon the mountain peaks,
The glaciers, the forests, the water and the land.
And yet with Indians and angels we were one,
All going, going, going,
To the Sun, the Sun, the Sun!