University of Virginia Library


Prayer for the Spirit.


Spirit of peace and holiness,
This new-created union bless;
Bind each to each in ties of love,
And ratify our work above.


Saviour, who carest for thy sheep,
The shepherd of thy people keep;
Guide him in every doubtful way,
Nor let his feet from duty stray.



Gird thou his heart with strength divine;
Let Christ through all his conduct shine;
Faithful in all things may he be—
Dead to the world, alive to thee.


O thou, whose love doth never fail,
Breathe on this dry and thirsty vale;
And may it, from this hour, appear
That thy reviving power is here.


Lord of the Sabbath, unto thee
Our spirits rise in harmony;
Accept our praise, our sins remove,
And fit us for thy courts above.