University of Virginia Library




The following is an attempt to add one more to the few patriotic songs of the country. Whatever may be said of the words, the melody and the music are undoubtedly marked by spirit and vigor.

Flag of the rainbow and banner of stars,
Emblem of might and the shield of the lowly,
Never to droop while our soldiers and tars
Rally to guard it from outrage unholy.


Never may shame or misfortune, attend it,
Enmity sully, or treachery rend it
While but a man is alive to defend it—
Flag of the rainbow and banner of stars.


Flag of the rainbow, resplendently streaming,
Banner of stars in the blue above gleaming,


Ensign, whose story is record of glory—
Flag of the rainbow and banner of stars.
Flag of a land where the people are free,
Ever the breezes salute and caress it;
Planted on earth, or afloat on the sea,
Gallant men guard it, and fair women bless it.
Fling out its folds o'er a country united,
Warmed by the fires that our forefathers lighted,
Refuge where down-trodden man is invited—
Flag of the rainbow and banner of stars.
Flag that our sires gave in trust to their sons,
Symbol and sign of a liberty glorious,
While the grass grows, and the clear water runs,
Ever invincible, ever victorious.
Long may it 'waken our pride and devotion,
Rippling its colors in musical motion,
First on the land and supreme on the ocean—
Flag of the rainbow and banner of stars.