University of Virginia Library


Invocation to Sleep

O, come sweet sleep, thy balmy influence shed,
And o'er my soul, th' oblivious mantle spread.
Here, on this lovely bank, whilst I recline
Do thou my brows with opiate wreaths entwine.
Light o'er my senses draw thy lethen band
And close my eyelids, with a gentle hand.
With thy gay Visions hover round my head,
With thy soft Pinions soften still my bed.
Thy welcome presence brings a sweet relief,
Lightens the heart and shuts the springs of grief.


Thy Magic Power dissolves the pris'ner's chain.
With Thee worn Labour quite forgets her pain.
The lowly Poor, by fortune's frown oppressed,
In Thee find refuge, balmy peace and rest.
Thou wert to man in boundless mercy given—
The richest boon, the choicest gift of Heaven.
Then come, thou friend of man, Tired Nature's Friend,
And in thy Arms my song and sorrows end.