University of Virginia Library



“Porgies! Porgies and Mackerel! ho!
Don't touch the fish, Johnny! whoa! Dobbin! whoa!
Fresh from the water, ma'am, half an hour ago!
Don't contradict! Johnny! whoa! Dobbin! whoa!”

Although the markets in various parts of the city are plentifully supplied with Fish, yet to families not favorably situated for going to market, the cries of the Fisherman, in the streets, are frequently welcome. During the Spring months, we have an abundance of Shad, Mackerel and Codfish, at reasonable prices; Salmon, however, is brought, packed in ice, from the Eastern States, and is the most expensive fish in the market. The Summer is the season of Halibut from the East, while Blackfish, Bass, Porgies, Weakfish, Bluefish, Eels, Flounders, Trout, and other fish, are supplied from the bays and rivers in the vicinity of New York.