The poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier in four volumes |
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The poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier | ||
Lieutenant Herndon's Report of the Exploration of the Amazon has a striking description of the peculiar and melancholy notes of a bird heard by night on the shores of the river. The Indian guides called it “The Cry of a Lost Soul”! Among the numerous translations of this poem is one by the Emperor of Brazil.
The story of the origin of this name, El alma perdida is thus related by Lieut. Herndon. “An Indian and his wife went out from the village to work their chacra, carrying their infant with them. The woman went to the spring to get water, leaving the man in charge of the child, with many cautions to take good care of it. When she arrived at the spring, she found it dried up, and went further to look for another. The husband, alarmed at her long absence, left the child and went in search. When they returned the child was gone; and to their repeated cries, as they wandered through the woods in search, they could get no response save the wailing cry of this little bird heard for the first time, whose notes their anxious and excited imagination syllabled into pa-pa, ma-ma, (the present Quichua name of the bird). I suppose the Spaniards heard this story, and with that religious poetic turn of thought which seems peculiar to this people, called the bird ‘The Lost Soul.’”—
Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon made under direction of the Navy Department. By William Lewis Herndon and Lardner Gibbon, Part I. p. 156.
With a snake's stillness glides the Amazon
Darkly from sunset to the rising sun,
The long, despairing moan of solitude
And darkness and the absence of all good,
So full of hopeless agony and fear,
His heart stands still and listens like his ear.
Starts, drops his oar against the gunwale's thole,
Crosses himself, and whispers, “A lost soul!”
It is the pained soul of some infidel
Or cursëd heretic that cries from hell.
He wanders, shrieking on the midnight air
For human pity and for Christian prayer.
No prayer for him who, sinning unto death,
Burns always in the furnace of God's wrath!”
Lending new horror to that mournful cry,
The voyager listens, making no reply.
From giant trees with snake-like creepers wound,
And the black water glides without a sound.
Of nature plastic to benign intents,
And an eternal good in Providence,
And lo! rebuking all earth's ominous cries,
The Cross of pardon lights the tropic skies!
“Thou lovest all: Thy erring child may be
Lost to himself, but never lost to Thee!
None from that Presence which is everywhere,
Nor hell itself can hide, for Thou art there.
Through doubt and pain, through guilt and shame and ill,
Thy pitying eye is on Thy creature still.
In Thy long years, life's broken circle whole,
And change to praise the cry of a lost soul?”
The poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier | ||