University of Virginia Library

[II. Not the trumpet calls to fight]

“Och wy Ruskïe dobrye molodcy!
Nadiewayte wy sabli wostryia,
Czto idet zlodiey na swiatuju Rus.”—
Shulepnikov. “Hey, brave Russian youths!
Gird your swords so keen,
For your holy land the foe invades.”

Not the trumpet calls to fight,—
Louder calls the patriot Tzar.
Strongly armed with sword and right,
We rush to war.
Treads the Frank our holy land,
By the world-invader led,—
Soon we make the ruffian band
Its gory bed.
Moscow's fire, an altar-flame,
Lights us through a waste of snow;
On, through ice, we chase the game
With fervid glow.
Louder than the trumpet's peal,
Rings the voice of patriot Tzar;—
With fiery hearts and flashing steel,
We rush to war.