University of Virginia Library


[III. What is that descending yonder mountain?]

“Trepetin li nowi wenci na naszoj snaszi?
Wije li se crwen barjak nad milim kumom?
Jeli zdrawo kon̄ zelenko pod mladoz'en̄om?”—
Nar. Srp. Pjesm. “Tremble not new-woven garlands there on our sister?
Waves not the crimson banner over the sponsor?
Is not strong the dapple-gray under the bridegroom?”

What is that descending yonder mountain?
Waves the Aga's crimson flag afar?
Comes the Turkish wolf to wage us war?
Or does shepherd lead his flock to fountain?
“Yonder see the wedding-banner flying,—
Garlands waving in the maiden's hair;—
O, how tall and slender, fresh and fair!”
So the long expectant train is crying.
Give this happy day aloose to joy;
Glad the heart with instrument and song;
Flit, with maiden dear, in dance along;
Let not care nor thought your bliss annoy!
Under slavery's chain the bosom swells;—
There, the fount of gentle feeling wells.