University of Virginia Library


The total cost for the 55
participants in the tour is
$28,000, or $525 per person.
Most of the expenses have been
defrayed by individual
contributions. Members of the
Glee Club have themselves
pledged to meet 75 per cent of
the tour's cost, about
$20,000. At this writing,
approximately $6,000 is still

An ambitious financial
drive has been organized by the
Glee Club to attain the
requisite working capital.
Letters to alumni giving
information about the tour and

asking for contributions have
been sent out. The Seven
Society and other
organizations on the Grounds
are being solicited for funds.

A community-wide drive to
collect trading stamps has been
organized, the companies
having agreed to exchange the
stamps for cash. Booths will be
set up in March at Barracks
Road and downtown for
collection. Above all, the Club
hopes to enlist the aid of
students and faculty in the
fund-raising, stressing that its
members will be representing
the University in their concerts