University of Virginia Library

Local Coeds Compete

Just because the University does
not have Homecoming Queen
competition does not mean that
University gentlewomen are
exempt, forbidden or unable to
take part in that time-honored
tradition so lacking on the

Randolph Macon College in
Ashland announced that two
University coeds have been
nominated for the regal office of
Homecoming Queen. Our two
hometown favorites are among nine
young ladies who have been chosen
to represent social fraternities on
the Randolph Macon campus.

Representing Lambda Chi Alpha
fraternity is Miss Ann Noel
Patterson, an elementary education
major at the University and the
daughter of Mrs. Virginia Patterson
of Charlottesville.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon has
selected Miss Kristine Diane McCoy
for its Homecoming princess. She is
a third-year woman majoring in
speech pathology and is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
McCoy of Lafayette Hills,

The judging for the 1969
Homecoming Queen will take place
on Saturday, November 8, and the
lucky girl will be crowned at
halftime of the Randolph
Macon-Bridgewater football game.

Also, fraternities will vi for the
annual Decorations Award which
will be awarded at halftime.