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MAY 30-JUNE 1, 2002

Election of the Executive Committee   6190 
Resolution to Approve Additional Action Items   6191 
Approval of Architectural Design Guidelines for the South Lawn Project  6194 
Approval of Architectural Design Guidelines for the New Arena  6194 
Approval of Architectural Design Guidelines for the Campbell Hall Addition Project  6194 
Approval to Remove Four Buildings at the Davis Farm — Vivarium Complex on Routh 20 South  6194 
Approval of Intent to Issue Bonds for the Arts & Sciences Building, the Aquatic & Fitness Center, the Emmet Street Parking Structure and the Cancer Center Renovation Project  6195 
Conflict of Interest Exemption (Adenosine Therapeutics LLC)  6197 
Approval of Miller Center Council Members   6198 
Approval of Schematic Design for the New Arena   6198 
Approval of Preliminary Design for the Materials Science Engineering and Nanotechnology Building  6198 
Approval of Schematic and Preliminary Design, Hospital Expansion Project  6198 
Approval of the 2002-2003 Operating Budget for the Academic Division  6198 
Approval of the 2002-2003 Operating Budget for the University of Virginia's College at Wise  6199 


Approval of the 2002-2003 Operating and Capital Budget for the University of Virginia Medical Center  6199 
Approval of Pratt Fund Distribution for 2002-2003   6199 
Approval of Bond Issuance   6199 
Amendment to Approval of Bond Issuance   6204 
Approval of Re-appointment to the Board of the University of Virginia Investment Management Company  6205 
Recommendation Regarding Fiscal Year 2003 Medical Center Operating Budget and Approval of Medical Center Employee Bonus Plan  6205 
Approval of Changes to Medical Center Retirement Benefits  6206 
Approval of Audit Schedule   6206 
Approval of the 2003 Board Meeting Dates   6207 
Memorial Resolution for Mr. A. Vincent Shea  6207 
Approval of the Summary of Audit Findings   6208 
Approval of Future Property Acquisitions  6208 
Faculty Personnel Actions 
Elections   6209 
Actions Relating to Chairholders 
Elections of Chairholders   6210 
Change in Titles of Chairholders   6212 
Special Salary Actions of Chairholders   6213 
Resignation of Chairholder   6214 
Retirements of Chairholders   6214 
Promotions   6214 
Special Salary Actions   6223 
Resignations   6226 
Retirements   6228 
Change in the Title of the Retirement of Mr. George B. Thomas, Jr.  6228 
Appointments   6228 
Re-Appointments   6229 


Election of Dr. R. Ariel Gomez as Interim Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies  6229 
Election of Professors Emeriti   6229 
Change in the Emeritus Title of Mr. George B. Thomas, Jr.   6230 
Election of Associate Professor Emeritus   6230 
Change in the Election of Mr. R. Edward Howell  6230 
Deaths   6231 
The University of Virginia's College at Wise 
Resignation   6231 
Approval of a Permanent Easement for the University of Virginia Across Property Owned by Wisteria Properties, L.C. Located at 2015 Ivy Road  6231 
Approval of a Permanent Easement for the University of Virginia Across Property Owned by University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation Located at 132 Emmet Street and at the Cavalier Inn at the Intersection of Emmet Street and Ivy Road  6232 
Approval of Architectural Design Guidelines for the Children's Medical Center Addition and Renovation Project  6232 
Approval of Schematic and Preliminary Design for the MRI Addition  6232 
Resolution on the Bond Issue   6232 
Assignment of Lower Apartment, Pavilion VIII, East Lawn   6233