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This index identifies personal and institutional names that appear in the
ment other than those that occur in titles. Names found in the entries for
in Bibliography are indicated by volume, and those
occurring in the list of Separate
Publications by entry number. Other instances are
identified by the section in
which they are found, according to the following
- A Author Index to Studies in Bibliography
- O Officers and Councilors
- M Special Categories of Membership
- P Programs
- B Student Awards in Book Collecting
- F Battestin Fellowships
- Abraham, Mildred, M
- Adams, Robert, A
- Agee, Willard C., M
- All, Laura N., P, F
- Ascher, James P., P, B, F
- Bajetta, Carlo M., A
- Barstow, Geoffrey, B
- Battestin, Martin C., A, M
- Battestin, Ruthe R., O, M
- Beasecker, Robert F., M
- Belanger, Terry, M, P
- Bell, Christopher, B
- Benedict, Nora C., P, B, F
- Berg, Aileen Grever, M
- Biblioteca Civica Centrale, Torino, M
- Bland, Mark, A
- Block, John R., M
- Bloomfield, B. C., M
- Bodleian Library, M
- Boehm, Alan D., A
- Bonnell, Thomas F., A
- Boorman, Stanley H., A, M
- Bouché, Nicole, O, M, P
- Bowers, Fredson, 1975.1, 1998.2
- Bowles, Amy, A
- Breedlove, Jeremy, M
- British Library, M
- Bucci, Richard, A, M
- Buchtel, John, P
- Burgess, Matthew, P
- Burns, Heather, B
- Burris, Julie, 2011.1, 2013.1,
2015.1, 2017.1 - Capuano, Peter J., P
- Carisio, Gerard, P
- Carleton University Library, M
- Carlson, John Ivor, A
- Carter Printing Company, 2014.1
- Casteen, John T., III, O, P
- Cataldo, Gerard M., M
- Cauthen, Elizabeth G., M
- Center for the Book, Library of Congress,
2014.1 - Cervone, Cristina Maria, B

- Chandler, David, A
- Cheney, Evan G., F
- Clemit, Pamela, A
- Clemons, G. Scott, M
- Cofrancesco, Brian, B
- Cole, John Y., 2014.1
- Conley, Caitlin, P, B
- Connor, Francis X., P
- Cordell, Ryan, P
- Crayton-Heritage Letterpress, SB 56
- Craige, Archibald, M
- Curtis, Neal D., P, F
- Daigle, Bradley, B
- Dane, Joseph A., A
- De Montluzin, Emily Lorraine, A
- De Smedt, Marcel, A
- Dedel, Peter J. D., M
- Deitle, Ben, P
- Dessy, Paolo, M
- Dillard, Richard H. W., M
- Dilling, Jynne, B
- Dobbie, Mary, M
- Downs, Gerald E., A
- Drucker, Johanna, P
- Du Rietz, Rolf E., M
- Dugas, Don–John, A
- Duggan, Hoyt N., M
- Dulaney, Mrs. Frances Massey, M
- Dupont, Christian Y., A, O, P
- Dussinger, John A., A
- Dwiggins, W. A., 1997.4
- Eddy, Donald D., M
- Edwards, James O., M
- Egan, Gabriel, A
- Engelhard Lecture on the Book, 2014.1
- Ervin, Jarek Paul, F
- Fahy, Conor, A
- Farringdon, Jill, A
- Ferguson, Andrew, B, F
- Fish, John A., M
- Fleming, Patricia, M
- Fleming, PC, P
- Fowler, Katia, B
- Freeman, Gene G., M
- Freie Universität, Berlin, M
- French, Corey B., M
- Gabler, Hans Walter, P
- Gaffney, Paul, B
- Gallinger, Michelle, P
- Galloway, Andrew, A
- Gants, David L., 1998.2, A, M
- Gerrard, Brian N., O
- Gerritsen, Johan, M
- Geyer, Aubrey, P
- Gilbert, Justin, B
- Gillespie, Alexandra, A
- Golden, Audrey, B
- Goldsmith, Jason, B
- Goodman, Tess, P
- Gossett, Philip, M
- Goulden, Richard J., O
- Grolier Club, 2017.1
- Groves, David, A
- Gunter, Bradley H., M
- Gunter, Meredith S., M
- Gwara, Joseph J., A
- Hailey, R. Carter, 2008.1, A, P
- Halévy, B. J., M
- Han, Jiaming, A
- Hancher, Michael, A
- Hanna, Ralph, A
- Hao, Tianhu, A
- Hargreaves, Geoffrey, A
- Heritage Letterpress, LLC, SB 55,
2005.2, M - Heritage Printers, Inc., SB 51–54,
1998.2 - Heritage, Barbara, P, B
- Hershoff, Robert T., M
- Higdon, David Leon, A
- Hill, Andrew Jacob, F
- Hinman Collator, P
- Hoover, John N., M
- Howard, Christian F., F
- Howard, Keith, P
- Hughes, William J., P
- Hume, Robert D., A
- Hunter, Paul, M
- Hutchinson Edward, B
- IBT Global, 1990.1, 1993.3
- Ikegami, Tadahiro, M
- Indiana University, M
- Integrated Book Technology, Inc., 1975.1
- Jennett, Matthew, M
- Jensen, Kristin, P
- Jochem, S. Christine, M
- Johnston, Elizabeth S., M
- Johnston, Hope, A
- Johnston, Michael, A
- Johnstone, H. Diack, A
- Joukovsky, Nicholas A., A
- Karian, Stephen, A
- Keyser, Emelye M., F
- Kingsley, Stephanie, P, B


- Kirschenbaum, Matthew, P, B
- Kirsop, Wallace, M
- Klemp, Paul J., A
- Kyles, Gillian, A
- Ladner, Elizabeth, B
- Lawler, Daniel, SB 60, 2018.1, A
- Lee, Benjamin, P, F
- Lemley, Samuel V., A, P, B, F
- Lyell Lectures, 2005.3
- Lyman, Elizabeth, P
- Lynch, Elizabeth K., SB 51–60, 1998.2,
A, M - Maguire, Laurie E., A
- Maple Press, SB 59–60, 2011.1,
2015.1, 2017.1 - Maple–Vail Book Group, SB
2011.1 - Marshall, Ashley, A
- Marshall, Margaret, P
- Martin, Russell L., III, M
- Martínez Eiroa, Loreto Romero, F
- Maslen, Keith, A
- Massey, Linton R., 1997.4
- Massey, Mary Preston, O
- Mattson, Francis O., M
- May, Isaac B., B
- May, James E., A
- McCarthy, William, A
- McCosh, Melvin M., M
- McHaney, Thomas L., 1997.4
- McKerrow, R. B., A
- McLaverty, James, A
- McMullin, B. J.,
- A Mellon, Paul, M
- Meriden-Stinehour Press, 2017.1
- Meserole, Harrison T., M
- Meyer, Horst E., M
- Middleton, Anne, A
- Mikles, Natasha L., B, F
- Milhous, Judith, A
- Miller, Peter N., F
- Monks, Peter Rolfe, A
- Moore, Davis W., M
- Morgan, Kathryn, O, M
- Morse, Asher, F
- Morton, Heather, B
- Mosser, Daniel W., A
- Needham, Paul, A
- Nelson, Diane, 1997.4
- Newgen North America, SB 57–60,
2013.1,2014.1, 2015.1, 2017.1 - Nixon, Kathy, P
- Noble, Richard C., M
- Norris, Ralph, A
- Nowviskie, Bethany, B
- Ogawa, Yasuhiko, M
- Osborne, Roger, A
- Ott, Elizabeth, P
- Otto, Calvin P., M
- Parker, Deborah, P
- Peirce, Charles Sanders, Edition, M
- Pforzheimer, Carl and Lily, Foundation,
Inc., 2017.1 - Pickard, Michael, F
- Pierpont Morgan Library, 2017.1
- Power, Tristan, A
- Price, Kenneth R., B
- Raabe, Wesley, P
- Ray, Gordon N., SB 55, 2005.2,
2017.1,A - Raymond, Megan, B
- Reed, Ethan C., F
- Reed, Mark L., A
- Reed, Russell (Rusty), A
- Reid, S. W., A
- Reilly, Bridget, P
- Ribble, Anne G., A, O, M
- Ribble, Frederick, M
- Roberts, Rosemary A., A
- Rodriguez, Catherine, P, B
- Ruotolo, Christine, P
- Ruxin, Paul, M
- Samuels Lasner, Mark, M
- Sargent, Carole Fungaroli, M
- Schachterle, Lance, A
- Schmidt, Carole Hamner, M, P
- Schott, Christine, P
- Schroth, Stephen, B
- Seaman, David, M, P
- Seidel, Kevin, P
- Shawcross, John T., A
- Sherbo, Arthur, A
- Shillingsburg, Peter L., A, M
- Simons, Gary, A
- Singh, Jaideep, B
- Smith, Steven Escar, A, P
- Smith, Steven, M
- Southern Illinois University, M
- Spivey, Dylan W., F
- St. Jean, Shawn, A
- Stauffer, Andrew M., A, M
- Steele, Oliver L., M
- Stinson, Timothy L., B
- Stone, Zachary, F
- Storti, Sarah A., P, F
- Stubbs, Kendon, O
Studies in Bibliography, SB 51–60,
2005.1, 2005.2, 2005.3, 2008.1, 2018.1,
2018.2 - Suarez, Michael F., S. J., A, M
- Surovell, Edward D., M
- Swinford, David N., M
- Tabor, Stephen, SB 60, 2018.2, A
- Tan, Philip M., B
- Tanselle, G. Thomas, 1990.1,
1998.1,1998.2, 2005.1, 2005.2, 2005.3,
2011.1,2013.1, 2015.1, 2017.1, A, O,
M, P - Tavistock Books, M
- Taylor, E. Derek, A
- Thomas, Diana, M
- Todd, William B., 1998.2
- Tolbert, Keicy, P
- Tovig, Victoria, P
- Triplett, Jodi, B
- Tucker, William M., M
- University Library, Cambridge, M
- University of Hawaii, M
- University of Sussex Library, M
- University of Virginia Library, Special
Collections Department, 1997.4 - University of the South, M
- Unsworth, John M., O
- Vallely, Charles, M
- Van Hulle, Dirk, A
- Vander Meulen, David L., SB 51–60,
1997.4, 1998.2, 2014.1, A, O, P - Wallace, Barbara, B
- Walsh, Marcus, A
- Wannier, Lenora, M
- Warren, Kristina, F
- Weiss, Adrian, A
- Weiss, Penelope F., O
- White, Melissa, B
- Whitesell, David R., O, M, P
- Wieckowski, Ania, P
- Wikander, Karen, P, B
- Williams, Joan, M
- Winship, Michael, A
- Winton, Calhoun, M
- Wittenborg, Karin, O, M
- Woolls, David, A
- Yamashita, Hiroshi, O
- Zimmerman Daniel J., F
- Zissman, Adam, B
- Zurcher, Andrew, A

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