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A outer forme Phase IIa

Preparation for printing: the following are reset: A1r ll. 1–9 and last; A2v-3r,
four lines of italic (set in great primer size, 20 lines = 120 mm.); A4v ll. 1–2.
Textual revision to A3r.

All new skeletons, including the rule on A4v, but omitting its catchword;
the lines of acorns on A1r may be new. A2v headline gets its parentheses from

Pauses for correction: none. The catchword on A2v goes gradually out of align-
ment. Printing is halted before all sheets of this forme are machined.

After printing: all pages stripped and kept standing. Some headline material
from A1r, 2v, and 4v is transferred to the same positions in B(o).

After a delay, apparently to allow other work to play through, it appears that
Norton decides to perfect this partial run of sheet A rather than complete the
Phase-II impression of outer-forme sheets.