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The publication of volume 60 of Studies in
Bibliography provides an appropriate
occasion for bringing up to date the
record of the Society's activities that
appeared in its fiftieth-anniversary history
in 1998 (item 1998. 2 below). While
the nature of the
sections is self-evident, the essays that accompany the original
listing provide
useful context for understanding the undertakings and accom-
plishments identified
here. The first four essays in the book were also published
in SB 50 (1997), 1–212.
- (1998). David L. Vander
Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch, Assistant
the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 1997. [6], 280, [1] pp. - Colophon as for vol. 42: "This book was printed by letterpress from
cast on the Linotype by Heritage Printers, Inc. of Charlotte, North Caro-
lina. The typeface is Baskerville, a design by John Baskerville (1706–1775),
English printer and typefounder. Linotype Baskerville is a weight-for-weight
and curve-for-curve copy of Baskerville's celebrated printing type. The pat-
tern for the cutting was a complete font of (approximately) 14 point, cast from
Baskerville's own matrices—exhumed at Paris, France, in 1929. The paper
is 70-pound Glatfelter, an acid-free paper with a useful life of 300 years."
1053 copies. Membership $35.00; copies to non-members $40.00. Electronic
edition: http://www.bsuva.org. - (1999). David L. Vander
Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch, Assistant
the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 2000. [6], 252, [1] pp. - Colophon as for vol. 51. 1062 copies. Membership $45.00; copies to
members $50.00. Electronic edition: http://www.bsuva.org. - (2000). David L. Vander
Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch, Assistant
the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 2002. [6], 282, [1] pp. - Colophon as for vol. 51. 1112 copies. Membership $45.00; copies to
members $50.00. Electronic edition: http://www.bsuva.org. - (2001). David L. Vander
Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch, Assistant
the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 2003. [6], 334, [1] pp. - Colophon as for vol. 51. 1004 copies. Membership $55.00; copies to
members $70.00. Electronic edition: http://www.bsuva.org. - (2002). David L. Vander
Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch, Assistant
the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 2004. [6], 274, [1] pp. - Colophon as for vol. 51, except now "printed by . . . Heritage
LLC." 954 copies. Membership $55.00; copies to non-members $70.00.
Electronic edition: http://www.bsuva.org. Illustrations accompanying Gordon
Ray, "The Art Deco Book in France," published online (see 2005.3). - (2003–2004). David L. Vander
Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch,
sistant to the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 2006. [6], 348, [1] pp. - Colophon as for vol. 51, except now "printed by . . .
Letterpress" and final sentence as "The paper is 70-pound International
Paper Accent Opaque." 854 copies. Membership $55.00; copies to non-
members $70.00. Electronic edition: http://www.bsuva.org. - (2005–2006). David L. Vander
Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch,
sistant to the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 2008. [6], 309, [1] pp. - Composition by Newgen North America, Austin, Tex., in Baskerville MT;
printing and binding by Maple-Vail Book Manufacturing Group, York, Pa.
870 copies. Membership $55.00; copies to non-members $70.00. Electronic
edition: http://www.bsuva.org. Supplemental material for R. Carter Hai-
ley, "The Shakespearian Pavier Quartos Revisited," published online (see 2008
.1). - (2007–2008). David L. Vander
Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch,
sistant to the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 2010. [6], 314, [1] pp. - Composition by Newgen North America, Austin, Tex., in Baskerville MT;
printing and binding by Maple-Vail Book Manufacturing Group, York, Pa.
857 copies. Membership $55.00; copies to non-members $70.00. Electronic
edition: http://www.bsuva.org. - (2015). David L. Vander
Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch, Assistant
the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 2015. [6], 336 pp. - Composition by Newgen North America, Austin, Tex., in Baskerville MT;
printing and binding by Maple Press, York, Pa. 715 copies. Membership
$55.00; copies to non-members $70.00. Electronic edition: http://www.bsuva
org. - (2018). David L. Vander
Meulen, Editor; Elizabeth K. Lynch, Assistant
the Editor. Ch: For BSUVa by UPVa, 2018. [6], 336 pp. - Composition by Newgen North America, Austin, Tex., in Baskerville MT;
printing and binding by Maple Press, York, Pa. Membership $55.00; copies
281to non-members $70.00. Electronic edition: http://www.bsuva.org. Illustra-
tions accompanying Daniel Lawler, "L'Architecture Vivante and Its Extraits,"
and supplemental material for Stephen Tabor, "James Shirley's Triumph
of Peace: Analyzing Greg's Nightmare," published online (see 2018.1 and
2018.2 respectively).

- Bowers, Fredson. Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing.
- Second printing 2003 by Integrated Book Technology, Inc.,
Troy, N.Y. 107 cop-
ies. $70.00.
- Tanselle, G. Thomas. Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing.
- Third printing 2003 by Integrated Book Technology, Inc.,
Troy, N.Y. 107 copies.
$60.00. Fourth printing 2010 by IBT Global, Troy, N.Y. 110 copies. $60.00.
- Tanselle, G. Thomas. The Life and Work of Fredson Bowers.
- Third printing 2003 by Integrated Book Technology, Inc.,
Troy, N.Y. 55 copies.
$50.00. Fourth printing 2010 by IBT Global, Troy, N.Y. 55 copies. $50.00.
- Faulkner, William. Mosquitoes: A Facsimile and
Transcription of the Univer-
sity of Virginia Holograph Manuscript. Thomas L. McHaney and David
L. Vander Meulen, eds. Ch: BSUVa, 1997. xx, 99, [1] pp. - "500 copies printed at The Stinehour Press, Lunenburg, Vermont. The
type is New Caledonia, an Adobe face based on the font
Caledonia designed by W. A.
Dwiggins; the display ornaments are also by Dwiggins. The book was set in
Adobe Pagemaker 6.5. The images were produced from digital scans made by
the Special Collections Department of the University of Virginia Library. The
paper is 80-pound Potlatch Quintessence Dull White Text, the endleaves are
80-pound Rainbow Texture Forest Text, and the case is covered with Rainbow
Texture Cotton Text and, on the spine, Brillianta cloth 4047. The book was de-
signed by Diane Nelson." Binding by Acme Bookbinding, Charlestown, Mass.
"A Linton R. Massey Publication." 613 copies. $75.00; $60.00 to members.
Tanselle, G. Thomas. Literature
and Artifacts. Ch: BSUVa, 1998. 17, [1],
356 pp. - "All these [seventeen] pieces have been published previously, and they
are re-
printed here without extensive alteration." "750 copies printed." Composition
and presswork by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C. 777 copies. $60.00. -
Vander Meulen, David L., ed. The
Bibliographical Society of the University
of Virginia: The First Fifty Years. Ch: BSUVa, 1998. x, 272 pp. - Composition and presswork by Heritage Printers, Charlotte, N.C.
Preface by
G. Thomas Tanselle; four pieces reprinted from volume 50 (1997) of Studies in
Bibliography (Vander Meulen, "A History of the Bibliographical Society of the
University of Virginia, 1947–1997" and "Publications of the Bibliographical
Society of the University of Virginia, 1947–1997"; Tanselle, "A History of Stud-
ies in Bibliography: The First Fifty Volumes"; David L. Gants and Elizabeth K.
Lynch, "Author Index to Studies in Bibliography, Volumes 1–50"); William B.
Todd, "Early Encounters with Fredson Bowers"; appendix listing the Society's
Officers and Councilors, Contributing Members, Programs, and Contests; in-
dex. 303 copies. $60.00.

Tanselle, G. Thomas. Textual
Criticism since Greg: A Chronicle, 1950–
2000. Ch: BSUVa, 2005. xiii, [3], 373 pp. - Composition and presswork by Heritage Letterpress, Charlotte, N.C.
first three essays in this book (which were originally published in 1975, 1981,
and 1986) were brought together in 1987 as an unindexed paperback entitled
Textual Criticism since Greg: A Chronicle, 1950–1985 [1987.1]. Since that time
I have written three more essays in the same series, extending the coverage
through 2000 in five-year segments (which were published in Studies in Bibliog-
raphy in 1991 [44: 83–143], 1996 (49: 1–60], and 2001 [54: 1–80])." 826 copies.
$60.00. -
Ray, Gordon N. The Art Deco Book
in France
, ed. G. Thomas
Ch: BSUVa, 2005. vi, 159 pp. - "Occasional Publications No. 4. Reprinted, with corrections and three
indexes, from Studies in Bibliography 55 (2002)." Composition and presswork by
Heritage Letterpress, LLC, Charlotte, N.C. 586 copies. $50.00. Accompanying
illustrations published online (see 2005.3). -
Ray, Gordon N. Illustrations for
The Art Deco Book in France
, ed. G.
Thomas Tanselle. Ch: BSUVA. http://www.bsuva.org. - Electronic images to accompany Ray's 1985 Lyell Lectures
The Art Deco Book in France
published by BSUVA in Studies in Bibliography, 55
(2002) and, with
additional materials, as a separate volume (2005.2).
Hailey, R. Carter. A Catalog of
Paperstocks in The Shakespearian Pavier
Quartos (1619). Ch: BSUVA. http://www.bsuva.org. - Electronic catalog of paper stocks and watermark images to supplement
ley's article "The Shakespearian Pavier Quartos Revisited," Studies in Bibliog-
raphy> 57 (2005–2006 [2008]), 151–195.

Tanselle, G. Thomas. Book-Jackets: Their History> Forms> and Use.
BSUVa, 2011. xii, 288 pp. - Composed by Newgen North America, Austin, Tex. Printed and bound by
the Maple-Vail Book Group, York, Pa. Jacket design by Julie Burris. Revised
versions of three previously published articles, with a list of 1,888 "pre-1901
examples of British and American publishers' printed book-jackets and other
detachable coverings." 752 copies. $6o.oo. Second printing 2012 by the Maple
Press, York, Pa. 550 copies. $6o.oo.
Tanselle, G. Thomas. Essays in
Bibliographical History.
Ch: BSUVa,
2013. [1], 533 pp. - Composed by Newgen North America, Austin, Tex. Printed and bound by the
Maple Press, York, Pa. Jacket design by Julie Burris. Collection of twenty-three
previously published pieces. 580 copies. $40.00.
Vander Meulen, David L. Where
Angels Fear to Tread: Descriptive Bibli-
ography and Alexander Pope. Foreword by John Y. Cole. Introduction
by G. Thomas Tanselle. Ch: BSUVa, 2014. ix, 18, [2] pp. - "An Engelhard Lecture on the Book. Presented on February 25,
1987, at the
Library of Congress. First published by Center for the Book, Library of Con-
gress and with an introduction copyright ©2014 by the Bibliographical Society
of the University of Virginia." Composed by Newgen North America, Austin
, Tex. Printed and bound by Carter Printing Company, Richmond, Va. Cover
design by Julie Burris and the author. 750 copies. $10.00.
Tanselle, G. Thomas. Portraits
and Reviews. Ch: BSUVa, 2015. xiv,
485 pp. - Composed by Newgen North America, Austin, Tex. Printed and bound by the
Maple Press, York, Pa. Jacket design by Julie Burris. "Of these seventy pieces,
one . . . has not previously been published. The others have appeared in fifty-
one issues of twenty-four journals." 559 copies. $55.00.
Ray, Gordon N. Books as a Way of
Life, ed. G. Thomas Tanselle. Ch:
BSUVa, 2017. xxxiii, [1], 432 pp. - "First published in 1988 by the Grolier Club and the
Pierpont Morgan Library
with a grant from The Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation, Inc." Original
composition by the Meriden-Stinehour Press. This printing prepared by New-
gen North America, Austin, Tex. Printed and bound by the Maple Press, York,
Pa. Jacket design by Julie Burris. 287 copies. $50.00.

Lawler, Daniel. Illustrations
for "L'Architecture Vivante and Its Ex-
traits." Ch: BSUVA. http://www.bsuva.org. - Electronic images to accompany Lawler's "L'Architecture Vivante and Its Ex-
traits," Studies in Bibliography, 60 (2018), 251–277. -
Tabor, Stephen. Table of
Variants in James Shirley's
Ch: BSUVA. http://www.bsuva.org. - Electronic material to supplement Tabor's "James
Triumph of Peace:
Analyzing Greg's Nightmare," Studies in Bibliography, 60 (2018), 107–211.
Adams, Robert. "Evidence for the Stemma of the Piers Plowman B Manuscripts."
(2000 173–194.
Bajetta, Carlo M. See McKerrow, R. B. 53 (2000), 1–65.
Battestin, Martin C. "Fielding's Contributions to The Comedian (1732)." 54 (2001),
——. "Who Edited Fielding's Journal of a Voyage to
Lisbon (1755)? The Case for Arthur
Murphy and a New
Fielding Essay." 55 (2002), 215–233.
Bland, Mark "Jonson,
and the Interpretation of Manuscript Evidence."
(1998), 154–182.
Boehm, Alan D.
"The Bagford Chapel Rules: A Set of
English Printing House Regula-
tions, circa
1686–1707." 58 (2007–08), 135–143.
Bonnell, Thomas F.
"When Book History Neglects
Bibliography: Trouble with the 'Old
Canon' in William St Clair's The Reading Nation."
57 (2005–06),
Boorman, Stanley. "The Bibliographical Description of
Italian Printed Music of the Six-
teenth and Seventeenth Centuries."
56 (2003-04), 195–242.
Bowles, Amy. "The Manuscripts of Sir Henry Mainwaring's
Sea-man's Dictionary."
(2018), 213–224.
Bucci, Richard. "Tanselle's 'Editing without a
Copy-text': Genesis, Issues, Prospects." 56
——. "Mind and Textual Matter." 58 (2007–08), 1–47.
——. "Mark Twain and Bret Harte: A Mysterious Early Piracy in
Context." 59 (2015),
Carlson, John Ivor. "Scribal Intentions in Medieval
Romance: A Case Study of Robert
Thornton." 58 (2007–08),
Chandler, David. "'A Sort of Bird's Eye View of the
British Land of Letters': The Monthly
Magazine and Its
Reviewers, 1796-1811." 52 (1999),
——. "A Bibliographical History of Thomas Howes' Critical Observations (1776–1807)
and His Dispute with
Joseph Priestley." 54 (2001), 285–295.

Clemit, Pamela and David Woolls. "Two
New Pamphlets by William Godwin: A Case of
Computer-Assisted Authorship
Attribution." 54 (2001), 265–284.
Dane, Joseph. "Fists and Filiations in Early Chaucer
Folios, 1532-1602." 51 (1998),
Dane, Joseph A. and Alexandra Gillespie.
"Back at Chaucer's Tomb—Inscriptions in Two
Early Copies of Chaucer's
52 (1999), 89–96.
Dane, Joseph A. and Rosemary Roberts.
"The Calculus of Calculus: W. W. Greg and the
Mathematics of Everyman Editions." 53 (2000),
De Montluzin, Emily Lorraine. "Attributions of
Authorship in the British Critic during the
Regime of Robert Nares, 1793–1813." 51 (1998),
De Smedt, Marcel. "R. B. McKerrow's Pre-1914 Editions." 55 (2002), 171–183
Downs, Gerald E. "Memorial Transmission, Shorthand, and
John of Bordeaux."
08), 109–134.
Dugas, Don-John and Robert D. Hume.
"The Dissemination of Shakespeare's Plays circa
1714-" 56
Dupont, Christian Y. "Collecting Dante from Tuscany: The
Formation of the Fiske Dante
Collection at Cornell University." 58
(2007–08), 185–210.
Dussinger, John A. "Samuel Richardson's 'Elegant
Disquisitions': Anonymous Writing in
the True Briton
and Other Journals?" 53 (2000), 195–226.
Egan, Gabriel. "Press Variants in Q2 Hamlet: An Accident on N(outer)." 59 (2015),
Fahy, Conor. "Roberto Ridolfi, Italian Bibliographical Scholar." 51 (1998), 26–47.
——. "Paper Making in Seventeenth-Century Genoa: The Account of Giovanni
menico Peri (1651)." 56 (2003-04),
—— . "Royal-Paper Copies of Aldine Editions, 1494–1550." 57 (2005–06), 85–113.
Farringdon, Jill. "A Funerall Elegye . . . not . . . by W.S. after All." 54 (2001), 157–172.
Galloway, Andrew. "Uncharacterizable Entities: The
Poetics of Middle English Scribal
Culture and the Definitive Piers Plowman." 52 (1999), 59–87.
Gants, David L. "Patterns of Paper Use in the Workes of Beniamin Jonson (William
1616)." 51 (1998),
——. "A Quantitative Analysis of the London Book Trade
1614–1618." 55 (2002), 185-
Gillespie, Alexandra. See Dane, Joseph A., and Gillespie, 52 (1999), 89–96.
Groves, David. "Thomas De Quincey and the Edinburgh Saturday Post of 1827." 55
Gwara, Joseph J. "Robert Copland and The Judgement of Love." 59 (2015), 85–113.
Hailey, R. Carter. "'This instance will not do': George
Steevens and the Revisions(s) of
Johnson's Dictionary."
54 (2001), 243–264.
——. "The Shakespearian Pavier Quartos Revisited." 57 (2005–06), 151–195.
Han, Jiaming. "Henry Fielding in China." 57 (2005–06), 233–241.
Hancher, Michael.
"Littera scripta
manet: Blackstone and Electronic Text." 54 (2001),
Hanna, Ralph. "The Application of Thought to Textual
Criticism in All Modes—with
Apologies to A. E. Housman." 53
(2000), 163–172.
——. "Verses in Sermons Again: The Case of Cambridge, Jesus College, MS Q.A.13." 57 (2005–06), 63–83.
Hao, Tianhu. "Lines Per Page, Engravings, and Catchwords
in Milton's 1720
59 (2015),
Hargreaves, Geoffrey. "Wilkie Collins in Smith, Elder
Boards 1865-66." 59 (2015), 269-
Higdon, David Leon and Russell (Rusty) Reed.
"'Telling It Unabridged': Graham Swift's
Revision of Waterland."
57 (2005–06), 287–298.
Hume, Robert D. See Dugas, Don-John, and Hume, 56 (2003-04), 261–279.

Hume, Robert D. See Milhouse, Judith, and Hume, 51 (1998), 213–229.
Johnston, Hope. "Readers' Memorials in Early Editions of Chaucer." 59 (2015), 45–69.
Johnston, Michael.
"Sir Degrevant
in the 'Findern Anthology' (Cambridge, University Li-
brary MS
Ff.1.6)." 59 (2015), 71–84.
Johnstone, H. Diack. "New Light on John Hoadly and His
'Poems Set to Music by
Dr. Greene'." 56 (2003-04),
Joukovsky, Nicholas A. "Leigh Hunt's Contributions to the Guide." 52 (1999), 181–185.
Karian, Stephen. "Authors of the Mind: Some Notes on the
QSUM Attribution Theory."
57 (2005–06 263–286.
Klemp, Paul J. "John Manningham's Diary and a Lost
Whit-Sunday Sermon by Lancelot
Andrewes." 54 (2001)
Kyles, Gillian. "Alteration of Leading within Editions." 52 (1999), 187–191.
Lawler, Daniel. "L'Architecture Vivante and its Extraits." 60 (2018), 251–277.
Lemley, Samuel V. "The Jeffersonian Provenance of the
University of Virginia Copy of
Copernicus's De
Revolutionibus: Addendum to Gingerich." 60 (2018),
Lynch, Elizabeth K. and Anne G. Ribble.
"Supplement to The Bibliographical Society of
University of Virginia: The First Fifty
60 (2018), 279–298.
Maguire, Laurie E. "Petruccio and the Barber's Shop." 51 (1998), 117–126.
——. "The Printer and Date of Q4 A Looking Glass for
London and England."
52 (1999),
Marshall, Ashley. "Beyond Furbank and Owens: A New
Consideration of the Evidence
for the 'Defoe' Canon." 59
(2015), 131–190.
Maslen, Keith. "Fielding, Richardson and William
Strahan: A Bibliographical Puzzle."
53 (2000),
May, James E. "A Joint-Purchase Agreement for Books in
Eighteenth-Century Massachu-
setts." 52 (1999),
——. "Interrelating the Cancellantia and Partial Gatherings in the First
Edition of
Edward Young's The Centaur Not
53 (2000), 241–263.
——. "Offset Evidence in Edward Young's The Centaur Not
Fabulous (1755)." 59
McCarthy, William. "What Did Anna Barbauld Do to Samuel
Richardson's Correspon-
dence? A Study of Her Editing." 54
(2001), 191–223.
——. "Uncollected Periodical Prose by Anna Letitia Barbauld." 59 (.2015), 225–248
McKerrow, R. B., edited by Carlo Bajetta.
"The Relationship of English Printed Books
to Authors' Manuscripts
during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. (The
Sandars Lectures)"
53 (2000),
McLaverty, James. "'Of which being publick the Publick
judge': Pope and the Publication
of Verses Address'd to the
Imitator of Horace."
51 (1998), 183–204.
——. "David Foxon, Humanist Bibliographer." 54 (2001), 81–113.
McMullin, B. J. "Creating a Good Impression at the
Oxford Bible Press in 1743." 51
——. "Watermarks and the Determination of Format in British Paper,
1794-circa 1830."
(2003-04), 295–315.
Middleton, Anne. "Thomas Usk's 'Perdurable Letters': The
Testament of Love from Script
to Print" 51
(1998) 63–116.
Milhous, Judith, and Robert D. Hume.
"Profits from Play Publication: The Evidence of
Murphy v. Vaillant."
51 (1998), 213–229.
Monks, Peter Rolfe. "The Diptych by the Rolin Master
Detached from Autun, Biblio-
thèque Municipale, MS. 110 (S. 133)." 52
(1999), 115–127.
Mosser, Daniel W. "Corrective Notes on the Structures
and Paper Stocks of Four Manu-
scripts Containing Extracts from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales."
52 (1999),
Needham, Paul. "Martin Boghardt: A Memoir." 57 (2005–06), 39–62.

Norris, Ralph. "Errors in the Malory Archetype: The Case
of Vinaver's Wight and Balan's
Curious Remark." 60
(2018), 95–106.
Osborne, Roger. "Joseph Conrad's Under
Western Eyes: The Serials and First Editions."
(2001), 301–316.
Power, Tristan. "Joyce's Ulysses Library." 60 (2018), 229–250.
Ray, Gordon N., edited by G. Thomas Tanselle.
"The Art Deco Book in France
(The 1985
Lyell Lectures)." 55
(2002), 1–131.
Reed, Mark L. "The First Title Page of Lyrical Ballads, 1798." 51 (1998), 230–240.
Reed, Russell (Rusty). See Higdon, David Leon, and
Russell (Rusty) Reed, 57
Reid, S. W.
"Compositor B's Speech-Prefixes in the First Folio of Shakespeare and
Question of Copy for 2 Henry IV."
(2007–08), 73–108.
Ribble, Anne G.
See Lynch, Elizabeth K., and Ribble, 60 (2018),
Roberts, Rosemary A. See Dane, Joseph
A., and Roberts. 53 (2000),
Schachterle, Lance. "Cooper and His
Collaborators: Recovering Cooper's Final Inten-
tions for His
Fiction." 56 (2003-04),
Shawcross, John T. "Milton in the
Gentleman's Magazine: A Correction to de
Montluzin." 51 (1998) 274.
Arthur. "The Cambridge Review."
(1999), 193–199.
——. "Unrecorded Writings by G. K. Chesterton, H. G. Wells, Padraic Colum,
Colum, T. S. Eliot, George Bernard Shaw, and William Butler
Yeats." 54 (2001),
. 317–323.
Shillingsburg, Peter. See Van Hulle, Dirk, and Shillingsburg, 59 (2015), 27–44.
Simons, Gary. "Thackeray's Articles in the Morning Chronicle." 59 (2015), 249–268.
Smith, Steven Escar. "'The Eternal Verities Verified':
Charlton Hinman and the Roots of
Mechanical Collation." 53
(2000), 129–161.
——. '"Armadillos of Invention': A Census of Mechanical
Collators." 55 (2002), 133-
Stauffer, Andrew M. "Byron, Medwin, and the False Fiend:
Remembering 'Remember
Thee.'" 53 (2000), 265–276.
——. "The First Publication of Byron's 'To the Po.'" 54 (2001), 297–300.
St. Jean, Shawn. "Gilman's Manuscript of 'The Yellow
Wall-Paper': Toward a Critical
Edition." 51 (1998),
Suarez, Michael F. "Historiographical Problems and
Possibilities in Book History and
National Histories of the Book." 56
(2003-04), 141–170.
Tabor, Stephen. "James Shirley's Triumph of Peace: Analyzing Greg's Nightmare."
(2018), 107–211.
Tanselle, G. Thomas. "A Rationale of Collecting." 51 (1998), 1–25.
——. "Bowers's Principles at Fifty." 52 (1999), 213–214.
——. "The Treatment of Typesetting and Presswork in Bibliographical
52(1999) 1–57.
——. See Vander Meulen, David L., and Tanselle, 52 (1999), 201–212.
——. "The Concept of Format." 53 (2000), 67–115.
——. "Textual Criticism at the Millennium." 54 (2001), 1–80.
——. "Thoughts on the Authenticity of Electronic Texts." 54 (2001), 133–136.
——. See Ray, Gordon N., 55 (2002), 1–131.
——. "Dust-Jackets, Dealers, and Documentation." 56 (2003-04), 45–140.
——. "The Textual Criticism of Visual and Aural Works." 57 (2005–06), 1–37.
——. "Book-Jackets of the 1890s." 58 (2007–08), 211–304.
——. "Extracts from 'The Living Room: A Memoir'." 59 (2015), 1–26.
——. "Notes on Recent Work in Descriptive Bibliography." 60 (2018), 1–93
Taylor, E. Derek. "Mary Astell's Work toward a New
Edition of A Serious Proposal to the
Ladies, Part
II." 57 (2005–06), 197–232.

Van Hulle, Dirk, and Peter Shillingsburg. "Orientations
to Text, Revisited." 59 (2015),
Vander Meulen, David L. "Revision in Bibliographical
Classics: "McKerrow" and "Bow-
ers." 52 (1999),
——. "How to Read Book History." 56 (2003-04), 171–193.
Vander Meulen, David L. and G. Thomas Tanselle. "A
System of Manuscript Transcrip
tion." 52 (1999,
Walsh, Marcus. "Form and Function in the English
Eighteenth-Century Literary Edition:
The Case of Edward Capell." 54
(2001), 225–241.
Weiss, Adrian. "Watermark Evidence and Inference: New
Style Dates of Edmund Spens-
er's Complaints and Daphnaida."
52 (1999), 129–154.
Winship, Michael. "'The Tragedy of the Book Industry'?
Bookstores and Book Distribu-
tion in the United States to
1950." 58 (2007–08), 145–184.
——. "Directories of American Bookstores to 1950: Addenda and
Corrigenda." 59
(2015, 319–321.
Woolls, David. See Clemit, Pamela, and Woolls, 54 (2001), 265–284.
Zurcher, Andrew. "Printing The Faerie Queene in 1590." 57 (2005–06), 115–150.
Vice President
Kendon Stubbs (1978–2000)
David L. Vander Meulen (2000–)
Penelope F. Weiss (Sec.–Treas. 1993–2000)
Anne G. Ribble (Sec.–Treas. 2000–)
Executive Secretary
Penelope F. Weiss (1986–2000)
Anne G. Ribble (2000–)
Honorary Foreign Secretary–Treasurer
Richard J. Goulden (British Isles, 1991–2010)
Hiroshi Yamashita (Japan, 1993–2008)
Brian N. Gerrard (Australia and New Zealand, 1994–98)
Kendon Stubbs (1974–99)
Mary Preston Massey (1975–92; Honorary Councilor 1992–2006)
Ruthe R. Battestin (1979–2017; Honorary Councilor 2017–)
Kathryn Morgan (1991–2007)
Karin Wittenborg (1994–2013)
Christian Dupont (2008)
Nicole Bouché (2010–14)
David Whitesell (2013 –)
John M. Unsworth (2017–)
John T. Casteen III (2018–)

At its meeting in September 1996 the Council added the affiliations of Patron and Benefactor to its levels of support. Those have been recorded in Studies in Bibliography with the Contributing Members since volume 51 (1998) and are listed below. Beginning with volume 59 (2015), Studies in Bibliography has also included a record of Subscribing Members.
Terry Belanger (1997–)
G. Thomas Tanselle (1997–)
Mrs. Frances Massey Dulaney (2003–)
Elizabeth G. Cauthen (2005)
Paul Ruxin (2005)
G. Scott Clemons (2015–)
Richard H. W. Dillard (2015–)
Ruthe and Martin Battestin (2015–)
Carole Hamner Schmidt (2018–)
David R. Whitesell (2018–)
Ruthe and Martin Battestin (1997–2008)
Diana Thomas (1998)
Carole Fungaroli Sargent (2002–04)
Biblioteca Civica Centrale, Torino (2003)
Richard H. W. Dillard (2003, 2007)
Kathryn Morgan (2003–06)
Aileen Grever Berg (2005–08)
David L. Gants (2005)
Elizabeth G. Cauthen (2007)
Paul Ruxin (2015)
Carole Hamner Schmidt (2015)
Contributing Members
- Melvin M. McCosh (1958–2005)
- Davis W. Moore (1963–97)
- Rolf E. Du Rietz (1964–66, 1975–)
- B. C. Bloomfield (LM 1966–2002)
- Francis O. Mattson (LM 1966–2013)
- Wallace Kirsop (1969, 1971–)
- G. Thomas Tanselle (1969–96)
- Paul Mellon (1975–76, 1978–98)
- Calhoun Winton (1978–79, 1983–)
- Harrison T. Meserole (1986–2004)
- William M. Tucker (1986–97)
- Calvin P. Otto (l987–91, 1995–98)
- Johan Gerritsen (1988–2013)
- Mark Samuels Lasner (1989–)
- Peter J. D. Dedel (1990–98)
- Gene G. Freeman (1991–2005)
- Ruthe R. and Martin Battestin (1992–96)
- Terry Belanger (1992–96)
- Philip Gossett (1993–2015)
- Diana Thomas (1993–94, 1996–97)
- Charles Vallely (1993–2006)
- Richard H. W. Dillard (1996–2002, 2005)
- Robert T. Hershoff (1996)
- Horst E. Meyer (1996–2004)
- Mildred Abraham (1997–98, 2002, 2006)
- Elizabeth G. Cauthen (1997–2004)
- Archibald Craige (1997–99)
- Paolo Dessy (1997–)
- Mary Dobbie (1997–98)
- Bradley H. and Meredith S. Gunter (1997–)
- Elizabeth Lynch (1997–)
- Anne and Frederick Ribble (1997–)
- David Seaman (1998–)
- Joan Williams (1998)
- Hoyt N. Duggan (2000–01)
- James O. Edwards (2000–08)
- David L. Gants (2000–04, 2007–)
- Matthew Jennett (2000–02)
- Russell L. Martin III (2000)
- Steven Smith (2000–01)
- Edward D. Surovell (2000–)
- David N. Swinford (2000–01)
- Jeremy Breedlove (2001)
- B. J. Halévy (2001–04)
- Tadahiro Ikegami (2001–)
- S. Christine Jochem (2001)
- Kathryn Morgan (2001–02)
- Robert F. Beasecker (2002–04, 2016–)
- Richard Bucci (2003–)
- Patricia Fleming (2003–)
- Richard C. Noble (2003–)
- Yasuhiko Ogawa (2003–)
- Carole Hamner Schmidt (2003–06)
- Karin Wittenborg (2005, 2015–)
- John R. Block (2007–15)
- Nicole Bouché (2007–)
- Gerard M. Cataldo (2007)
- Donald D. Eddy (2007)
- Elizabeth S. Johnston (2007–)
- Paul Ruxin (2007)
- Andrew M. Stauffer (2007–15)
- Michael F. Suarez, S. J. (2007)
- Stanley H. Boorman (2015–)
- Paul Hunter (2015 –)
- Carole Fungaroli Sargent (2015–)
- Peter L. Shillingsburg (2015)
- Willard C. Agee (2016–)
- John A. Fish (2016 –)
- Corey B. French (2016–)
- Oliver L. Steele (2016–)
- Lenora Wannier (2016–)
- John N. Hoover (2017–)
University Library, Cambridge (1955–63, 1966–2000)
University of Hawaii (1964 –)
Indiana University (1966–72, 1974–2000)
The British Museum/British Library (1970–89, 1991–2000)
Southern Illinois University (1970–72, 1974–98)
Carleton University Library (1971–77, 1981–86, 1988–2000)
Bodleian Library (1975 –)
University of Sussex Library (1987–2008)
Freie Universitat, Berlin (1989–97)
Tavistock Books (1998–99)
Charles Sanders Peirce Edition, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (2001–08)
Heritage Letterpress, LLC (2001–04)
University of the South (2001)
1983 Sep. 26 | Hans Walter Gabler |
1998 Mar. 20 | Deborah Parker (Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, UVa), "Women in the
Book Trade in Italy, 1470–1620." [Annual Meeting] |
1999 Mar. 26 |
Elizabeth Lyman (English, UVa), "The Event and Its
(Many) Texts: The Prob- lem of Filmscripts"; Matthew Kirschenbaum (English, UVa), "Editing the Interface: Textual Criticism and First-Generation Electronic Objects"; Kathy Nixon (English, UVa), "The Experience of Life's Experience as a Book"; Christine Ruotolo (English, UVa), "Digital Technologies and Bibliographical Study." [Annual Meeting] |

2000 Mar. 24 |
Johanna Drucker (Media Studies, UVa), "Book Design in
the 20th Century." [Annual Meeting] |
2001 Mar. 22 |
Steven E. Smith (Special Collections, Texas A &
M), "The Stars and the Bard: Pluto, William Shakespeare, the Beer-Can Launcher, and the Invention of the Hinman Collator." |
Mar. 23 |
R. Carter Hailey (English, UVa), "The Vellum Copies of
Robert Crowley's Piers Plowman"; William J. Hughes (English, UVa), "The Editing of John Donne"; Karen Wikander (English, UVa), "The Textual History of Edith Wharton's The Custom of the Country." [Annual Meeting] |
2002 Mar. 22 |
David Seaman, (E-Text Center, UVa) "Electronic
Adventures in Bibliogra- phy." [Annual Meeting] |
2003 Mar. 21 |
John Buchtel (English, UVa), "The Memorial Engraving
in Chapman's Homer'; Catherine Rodriguez (English, UVa), "Foreign Editions of Burney's Cecilia"; Michelle Gallinger (English, UVa), "Transatlantic Variants in Nightwood and The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas"; Kristin Jensen (English, UVa), "Trans- atlantic Variants in Bridget Jones's Diary"; program conducted by Kevin Seidel (English, UVa). [Annual Meeting] |
2004 Mar. 26 |
David L. Vander Meulen (English, UVa), "The
Illustrated Illustrious Life of Warren Chappell." [Annual Meeting] |
2005 Mar. 18 |
Terry Belanger (Rare Book School, UVa), "If They're So
Rare, Why Are There So Many of Them? Virginia's Rare Books in a Digital Age." [Annual Meeting] |
2006 Mar. 24 |
Peter J. Capuano (English, UVa), "The First Serialized
Number of Thack- eray's Vanity Fair'; Francis X. Connor (English, UVa), "Manuscript, Print, and Coterie Authorship in the Poetry of Katherine Philips; Wesley Raabe (English, UVa), "Uncle Tom's Cabin as Newspaper Serial"; Ania Wieckowski (English, UVa), "Accidentals in Dickens's Dombey and Son"; program conducted by Carole Hamner Schmidt (English, UVa). [Annual Meeting] |
2007 Mar. 23 |
Christian Dupont (Special Collections, UVa),
"Collecting Dante in Tuscany: A Bibliographical Tour." [Annual Meeting] |
2008 Mar. 28 |
Ben Deitle, (Religious Studies, UVa), "Applications of
Bibliographical Meth- ods for Tibetan Books: A Study of Editions of the Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa"; Keith Howard (Spanish, UVa) "A Translator's Italian Edition of Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy"; PC Fleming (English, UVa), "Peter Parley: Changes in Text and Object"; Barbara Heritage (English, UVa and Rare Book School), "Coy Cranford? The Hidden Life of Macmillan's 1891 Edition, Illus- trated by Hugh Thomson"; program conducted by Keicy Tolbert (English, UVa). [Annual Meeting] |

2009 Mar. 20 |
Terry Belanger (Rare Book School, UVa), "What Book
Collectors Should Col- lect Now, and Why." [Annual Meeting] |
2010 Mar. 19 |
Matthew Burgess (Religious Studies, UVa), "A
Visual-Critical Approach to Early Christian Manuscripts"; Gerard Carisio (English, UVa), "Distinguish- ing Impressions of Grant's Memoirs"; Ryan Cordell (English, UVa), "Digital Archives and Future Bibliographies"; Sarah Storti (English, UVa), "The 1890s Magazine The Spirit Lamp"; program conducted by Barbara Heritage (English, UVa and Rare Book School). [Annual Meeting] |
2011 Mar. 18 |
Nicole Bouché (Special Collections, UVa), "Rare,
Unique, and Special: Cur- rent Highpoints and Future Directions for Special Collections at the University of Virginia Library." [Annual Meeting] |
2012 Mar. 23 |
Christine Schott (English, UVa), "A Digital
Presentation of Medieval Annota- tions"; Tess Goodman (English, UVa), "Judging Books by Their Covers in the Nineteenth Century"; Margaret Marshall (English, UVa), "An Investigation of the Printing of the First Edition of Eliot's The Waste Land"; program conducted by Elizabeth Ott (English, UVa). [Annual Meeting] |
2013 Mar. 22 |
David Whitesell (Special Collections, UVa), "Lope de
Vega Meets Shake- speare: Spanish Golden Age Drama Bibliographically Considered." [Annual Meeting] |
2014 Mar. 21 |
James Ascher (English, UVa), "The Paris Edition
ofJefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia!"; Caitlin Conley (English, UVa), "The Text of Helen Hunt Jackson's Ramona"; Stephanie Kingsley (English, UVa), "An Analysis of a Typescript of Ellen Glasgow's In This Our Life"; Ben Lee (English, UVa), "Robert Frost's Revised Poems and Books." |
2015 Mar. 20 |
G. Thomas Tanselle (President, BSUVA), "A
Bibliographer's Creed." [Annual Meeting] |
2016 Mar. 18 |
Samuel Lemley (English, UVa), "The Printing History of
the Acta Eruditorum for October 1684"; Laura All (English, UVa), "Editorial Errors in Expletives"; Nora Benedict (Spanish, UVa), "Borges as Bibliographer." [Annual Meeting;] |
2017 Mar. 24 |
John T. Casteen III (President Emeritus, UVa), "Some
of What We Learned While Seeking Our New Dean of Libraries, or, Things Are Not Always As They Seem (But Sometimes They Are)." [Annual Meeting] |
2018 Mar. 23 |
Bridget Reilly (English, UVa), "Illustrations in The Atlantic Souvenir"; Victoria Tovig (English, UVa), "The Binding of the 1894 Century Edition of Kipling's The Jungle Book"; Aubrey Geyer (English, UVa), "The Editing of American Women's Magazines in 1945"; Neal Curtis (English, UVa) and Sam Lemley 293 ![]() the University of Virginia's First Catalogs." [Annual Meeting] |
Megan Raymond and Bradley Daigle (Eighteenth-Century Literature)
Bethany Nowviskie (Nineteenth-Century Verse)
Matthew Kirschenbaum (Books by Johanna Drucker)
Jynne Dilling
Heather Morton
Jodi Triplett
Barbara Wallace
Karen Wikander
Jason Goldsmith (Jorge Luis Borges)
Cristina Maria Cervone (Medieval Literature)
Paul Gaffney (J. R. R. Tolkien)
Barbara Wallace (General)
Catherine Rodriguez (Frances Sheridan and Frances Burney)
Edward Hutchinson (Sir Winston Churchill)
Adam Zissman (Flipbooks)
Justin Gilbert (Victorian Serial Fiction: Penny Bloods, Penny Dreadfuls, and Boys' Journals)
Stephen Schroth (Children's Series Books)
Melissa White (The Wide, Wide World)
Kenneth R. Price (Artists' Books in Popular Editions)
Timothy L. Stinson (Daredevil Comics and Graphic Novels)
Elizabeth Ladner (Alexandre Dumas)
Jaideep Singh (Physics Textbooks)
Christopher Bell (Books of Tibet, Books from Tibet)
Heather Burns (Signed Contemporary American Poetry Books)
Barbara Heritage (The Ordeal of Richard Feverel)
Geoffrey Barstow (Western Visions of Tibet)
Brian Cofrancesco (History through Architecture, Art, Archaeology, and Local Tradition)
Andrew Ferguson (R. A. Lafferty)
Katia Fowler (Jeanne G. Pennington)
Natasha L. Mikles (Tibetan Epic, Gesar of Ling)
Audrey Golden (Pablo Neruda and the Global Politics of Poetry)
Stephanie Kingsley (Early Editions of Mercedes of Castile, by James Fenimore Cooper)
Caitlin Conley (Stuart Little)

Nora C. Benedict, (Argentine Publishing and Jorge Luis Borges)
Isaac B. May (Anglo-American Quaker Publications)
Samuel V. Lemley (Biblioteca Genealogica: Sicilian Printing, 1704–1893)
James P. Ascher (Annotations to Samuel Butler's Hudibras 1678–1858)
Philip M. Tan (Singing through 500 Years of Reformed and Presbyterian Psalters)
These fellowships, inaugurated in 2013, are named in honor of Martin Battestin,
emeritus professor of English at the
University of Virginia, and his wife Ruthe, a
literary scholar and honorary member
of the Society's Council. The aim of
the fellowships is to provide summer support
for research in the UVa library by UVa
graduate students who are working on
bibliographical or textual projects. Each
award carries a stipend of $3500.
Nora Benedict, "Text and Image in the Borges Collection."
Natasha Mikles, "Illuminating the Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Descriptive Bibliography of UVA Manuscript 14259 and Its Place in the Historical Production of Tibetan Books."
Zachary Stone, "William Lambarde, A. L. Hench, and Early Modern Bibliography at the University of Virginia."
Laura N. All, "The Secret History of Asterisks and Dashes:
Highlights from the Gordon
James P. Ascher, "The Features of American and French Books
in 1785: Toward a Histori-
cal Dictionary for Bibliographical
Michael Pickard, "The Ledgers of William Strahan: A Selection."
Sarah Anne Storti, "The Prehistory of the Pre-Raphaelite
Brotherhood: Rossetti at Work,
Kristina Warren, "Shape Notes: Printing, Lyrics, and Ritual in the U.S. South."
Andrew Ferguson, "The Shoaf Collection: William S. Burroughs's Texts in Flux."
Christian F. Howard, "Reconstructing Faulkner's Universe: The
Fictional Status of the
Extra-Textual Material in the World of Yoknapatawpha."
Benjamin Lee, "The Manufacture of Books and the Making of Robert Frost."
Ethan C. Reed, "The Novels of John Dos
Passos in the 1930s: Physical Features and
Jarek Paul Ervin, "Music Criticism, Material Culture, and the Case of New York Rock."
Samuel Vincent Lemley, "The Antiquarian Origins of the Scholarly Facsimile."
Loreto Romero Martinez Eiroa, "Manuscripts and Printed Books in the Early Decades of the Habsburg Monarchy and Empire."
Evan G. Cheney, "Diplomatic Character and the Papers of Sir Henry Unton."
Andrew Jacob Hill, "Mapping the Cult of Saint Margaret with French Medieval Books of Hours."

Emelye M. Keyser, "Political History or Historical Politics? Representations of George Buchanan's Rerum Scoticarum historia, 1581–1766."
Peter N. Miller, "Forms Cut in Time: Ezra Pound's Cantos in the Age of Recorded Sound."
Neal D. Curtis, "Researching Surviving Shelf-Marks from the Original Rotunda Library."
Asher Morse, "Charles E. Feinberg,
Walt Whitman, and the Sociology of Book
Dylan W. Spivey, "Articulating the Baroque in
Eighteenth-Century British Architectural
Daniel J. Zimmerman, "A Critical Edition of John Florio's
Translation of Montaigne's
'Of Physiognomy.'"
This index identifies personal and institutional names that appear in the
ment other than those that occur in titles. Names found in the entries for
in Bibliography are indicated by volume, and those
occurring in the list of Separate
Publications by entry number. Other instances are
identified by the section in
which they are found, according to the following
- A Author Index to Studies in Bibliography
- O Officers and Councilors
- M Special Categories of Membership
- P Programs
- B Student Awards in Book Collecting
- F Battestin Fellowships
- Abraham, Mildred, M
- Adams, Robert, A
- Agee, Willard C., M
- All, Laura N., P, F
- Ascher, James P., P, B, F
- Bajetta, Carlo M., A
- Barstow, Geoffrey, B
- Battestin, Martin C., A, M
- Battestin, Ruthe R., O, M
- Beasecker, Robert F., M
- Belanger, Terry, M, P
- Bell, Christopher, B
- Benedict, Nora C., P, B, F
- Berg, Aileen Grever, M
- Biblioteca Civica Centrale, Torino, M
- Bland, Mark, A
- Block, John R., M
- Bloomfield, B. C., M
- Bodleian Library, M
- Boehm, Alan D., A
- Bonnell, Thomas F., A
- Boorman, Stanley H., A, M
- Bouché, Nicole, O, M, P
- Bowers, Fredson, 1975.1, 1998.2
- Bowles, Amy, A
- Breedlove, Jeremy, M
- British Library, M
- Bucci, Richard, A, M
- Buchtel, John, P
- Burgess, Matthew, P
- Burns, Heather, B
- Burris, Julie, 2011.1, 2013.1,
2015.1, 2017.1 - Capuano, Peter J., P
- Carisio, Gerard, P
- Carleton University Library, M
- Carlson, John Ivor, A
- Carter Printing Company, 2014.1
- Casteen, John T., III, O, P
- Cataldo, Gerard M., M
- Cauthen, Elizabeth G., M
- Center for the Book, Library of Congress,
2014.1 - Cervone, Cristina Maria, B

- Chandler, David, A
- Cheney, Evan G., F
- Clemit, Pamela, A
- Clemons, G. Scott, M
- Cofrancesco, Brian, B
- Cole, John Y., 2014.1
- Conley, Caitlin, P, B
- Connor, Francis X., P
- Cordell, Ryan, P
- Crayton-Heritage Letterpress, SB 56
- Craige, Archibald, M
- Curtis, Neal D., P, F
- Daigle, Bradley, B
- Dane, Joseph A., A
- De Montluzin, Emily Lorraine, A
- De Smedt, Marcel, A
- Dedel, Peter J. D., M
- Deitle, Ben, P
- Dessy, Paolo, M
- Dillard, Richard H. W., M
- Dilling, Jynne, B
- Dobbie, Mary, M
- Downs, Gerald E., A
- Drucker, Johanna, P
- Du Rietz, Rolf E., M
- Dugas, Don–John, A
- Duggan, Hoyt N., M
- Dulaney, Mrs. Frances Massey, M
- Dupont, Christian Y., A, O, P
- Dussinger, John A., A
- Dwiggins, W. A., 1997.4
- Eddy, Donald D., M
- Edwards, James O., M
- Egan, Gabriel, A
- Engelhard Lecture on the Book, 2014.1
- Ervin, Jarek Paul, F
- Fahy, Conor, A
- Farringdon, Jill, A
- Ferguson, Andrew, B, F
- Fish, John A., M
- Fleming, Patricia, M
- Fleming, PC, P
- Fowler, Katia, B
- Freeman, Gene G., M
- Freie Universität, Berlin, M
- French, Corey B., M
- Gabler, Hans Walter, P
- Gaffney, Paul, B
- Gallinger, Michelle, P
- Galloway, Andrew, A
- Gants, David L., 1998.2, A, M
- Gerrard, Brian N., O
- Gerritsen, Johan, M
- Geyer, Aubrey, P
- Gilbert, Justin, B
- Gillespie, Alexandra, A
- Golden, Audrey, B
- Goldsmith, Jason, B
- Goodman, Tess, P
- Gossett, Philip, M
- Goulden, Richard J., O
- Grolier Club, 2017.1
- Groves, David, A
- Gunter, Bradley H., M
- Gunter, Meredith S., M
- Gwara, Joseph J., A
- Hailey, R. Carter, 2008.1, A, P
- Halévy, B. J., M
- Han, Jiaming, A
- Hancher, Michael, A
- Hanna, Ralph, A
- Hao, Tianhu, A
- Hargreaves, Geoffrey, A
- Heritage Letterpress, LLC, SB 55,
2005.2, M - Heritage Printers, Inc., SB 51–54,
1998.2 - Heritage, Barbara, P, B
- Hershoff, Robert T., M
- Higdon, David Leon, A
- Hill, Andrew Jacob, F
- Hinman Collator, P
- Hoover, John N., M
- Howard, Christian F., F
- Howard, Keith, P
- Hughes, William J., P
- Hume, Robert D., A
- Hunter, Paul, M
- Hutchinson Edward, B
- IBT Global, 1990.1, 1993.3
- Ikegami, Tadahiro, M
- Indiana University, M
- Integrated Book Technology, Inc., 1975.1
- Jennett, Matthew, M
- Jensen, Kristin, P
- Jochem, S. Christine, M
- Johnston, Elizabeth S., M
- Johnston, Hope, A
- Johnston, Michael, A
- Johnstone, H. Diack, A
- Joukovsky, Nicholas A., A
- Karian, Stephen, A
- Keyser, Emelye M., F
- Kingsley, Stephanie, P, B

- Kirschenbaum, Matthew, P, B
- Kirsop, Wallace, M
- Klemp, Paul J., A
- Kyles, Gillian, A
- Ladner, Elizabeth, B
- Lawler, Daniel, SB 60, 2018.1, A
- Lee, Benjamin, P, F
- Lemley, Samuel V., A, P, B, F
- Lyell Lectures, 2005.3
- Lyman, Elizabeth, P
- Lynch, Elizabeth K., SB 51–60, 1998.2,
A, M - Maguire, Laurie E., A
- Maple Press, SB 59–60, 2011.1,
2015.1, 2017.1 - Maple–Vail Book Group, SB
2011.1 - Marshall, Ashley, A
- Marshall, Margaret, P
- Martin, Russell L., III, M
- Martínez Eiroa, Loreto Romero, F
- Maslen, Keith, A
- Massey, Linton R., 1997.4
- Massey, Mary Preston, O
- Mattson, Francis O., M
- May, Isaac B., B
- May, James E., A
- McCarthy, William, A
- McCosh, Melvin M., M
- McHaney, Thomas L., 1997.4
- McKerrow, R. B., A
- McLaverty, James, A
- McMullin, B. J.,
- A Mellon, Paul, M
- Meriden-Stinehour Press, 2017.1
- Meserole, Harrison T., M
- Meyer, Horst E., M
- Middleton, Anne, A
- Mikles, Natasha L., B, F
- Milhous, Judith, A
- Miller, Peter N., F
- Monks, Peter Rolfe, A
- Moore, Davis W., M
- Morgan, Kathryn, O, M
- Morse, Asher, F
- Morton, Heather, B
- Mosser, Daniel W., A
- Needham, Paul, A
- Nelson, Diane, 1997.4
- Newgen North America, SB 57–60,
2013.1,2014.1, 2015.1, 2017.1 - Nixon, Kathy, P
- Noble, Richard C., M
- Norris, Ralph, A
- Nowviskie, Bethany, B
- Ogawa, Yasuhiko, M
- Osborne, Roger, A
- Ott, Elizabeth, P
- Otto, Calvin P., M
- Parker, Deborah, P
- Peirce, Charles Sanders, Edition, M
- Pforzheimer, Carl and Lily, Foundation,
Inc., 2017.1 - Pickard, Michael, F
- Pierpont Morgan Library, 2017.1
- Power, Tristan, A
- Price, Kenneth R., B
- Raabe, Wesley, P
- Ray, Gordon N., SB 55, 2005.2,
2017.1,A - Raymond, Megan, B
- Reed, Ethan C., F
- Reed, Mark L., A
- Reed, Russell (Rusty), A
- Reid, S. W., A
- Reilly, Bridget, P
- Ribble, Anne G., A, O, M
- Ribble, Frederick, M
- Roberts, Rosemary A., A
- Rodriguez, Catherine, P, B
- Ruotolo, Christine, P
- Ruxin, Paul, M
- Samuels Lasner, Mark, M
- Sargent, Carole Fungaroli, M
- Schachterle, Lance, A
- Schmidt, Carole Hamner, M, P
- Schott, Christine, P
- Schroth, Stephen, B
- Seaman, David, M, P
- Seidel, Kevin, P
- Shawcross, John T., A
- Sherbo, Arthur, A
- Shillingsburg, Peter L., A, M
- Simons, Gary, A
- Singh, Jaideep, B
- Smith, Steven Escar, A, P
- Smith, Steven, M
- Southern Illinois University, M
- Spivey, Dylan W., F
- St. Jean, Shawn, A
- Stauffer, Andrew M., A, M
- Steele, Oliver L., M
- Stinson, Timothy L., B
- Stone, Zachary, F
- Storti, Sarah A., P, F
- Stubbs, Kendon, O
Studies in Bibliography, SB 51–60,
2005.1, 2005.2, 2005.3, 2008.1, 2018.1,
2018.2 - Suarez, Michael F., S. J., A, M
- Surovell, Edward D., M
- Swinford, David N., M
- Tabor, Stephen, SB 60, 2018.2, A
- Tan, Philip M., B
- Tanselle, G. Thomas, 1990.1,
1998.1,1998.2, 2005.1, 2005.2, 2005.3,
2011.1,2013.1, 2015.1, 2017.1, A, O,
M, P - Tavistock Books, M
- Taylor, E. Derek, A
- Thomas, Diana, M
- Todd, William B., 1998.2
- Tolbert, Keicy, P
- Tovig, Victoria, P
- Triplett, Jodi, B
- Tucker, William M., M
- University Library, Cambridge, M
- University of Hawaii, M
- University of Sussex Library, M
- University of Virginia Library, Special
Collections Department, 1997.4 - University of the South, M
- Unsworth, John M., O
- Vallely, Charles, M
- Van Hulle, Dirk, A
- Vander Meulen, David L., SB 51–60,
1997.4, 1998.2, 2014.1, A, O, P - Wallace, Barbara, B
- Walsh, Marcus, A
- Wannier, Lenora, M
- Warren, Kristina, F
- Weiss, Adrian, A
- Weiss, Penelope F., O
- White, Melissa, B
- Whitesell, David R., O, M, P
- Wieckowski, Ania, P
- Wikander, Karen, P, B
- Williams, Joan, M
- Winship, Michael, A
- Winton, Calhoun, M
- Wittenborg, Karin, O, M
- Woolls, David, A
- Yamashita, Hiroshi, O
- Zimmerman Daniel J., F
- Zissman, Adam, B
- Zurcher, Andrew, A

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