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The leftmost numbers indicate major break-points in the production cycle.
cessive indentions show increasingly minor variants. The variants are
by combining the sigla at the successive indentions. For example: on
page a2v,
variant 1b1 has a comma after "Honourers" in the dedication's closing;
the clos-
est distance between "S" in "IAMES" and "S" in "SHIRLEY" is 3 mm;
there is a rule at the bottom. Asterisks within the descriptions mark the
of page numbers.
a1r (title page; p. [i])
- "of Grayes Inne"
"T" in line 1 nearer to "I" below
- "O" in "OF" intact, line 3
- (Variant): "O" battered
- "T" in line 1 nearer to "V" below
- No mention of Grayes Inne "The third Impression"
- "of Grayes-Inne,", no "Gent."
- "of Grayes-Inne, Gent."
a1v (p. [ii]) blank
a2r (p. [iii])
- 28 pairs of acorns (Reimposed): 27 pairs of acorns. Direction line reset
- Heading line 5 "THE" equally spaced between surrounding lines
- (Variant): "THE" closer to following line
a2v (p. [iv])
- Line 1 has "ond"
- Line 1 has "and"
- (Probably reimposed): comma after "Honourers" in closing; closest
tance between "S" in "IAMES" and "S" in "SHIRLEY" 3 mm
[Probably later than 1 a because of broken "a" in "that", line 8.]- Rule at bottom
- No rule at bottom
- (Probably reimposed): comma after "Honourers" in closing; closest
tance between "S" in "IAMES" and "S" in "SHIRLEY" 6 mm
No comma after "Honourers" in closing
A1r (p. 11)
- Caption title has "Jnnes (i.e. swash "I")
- (Reimposed*, at least first five lines reset): caption title has "Innes"
- Line 5 of text has "Hornepipe"; page "1" over acorn pairs 14–15;
number parentheses 9 mm apart at center, right parenthesis lower and
damaged - (Reimposed*): line 5 of text has "Hornepipe"; page "1" over acorn
14; page number parentheses 7 mm apart at center, on same level, and
undamaged - (Reimposed*): line 5 of text has "Hornepipe"; page number, or the
where it would be, over acorn pair 13- Page number printed
- (Variant): page number not printed
- [This variant probably depends on the presswork of individual copies.]
- (Reimposed*): line 5 of text has "Horne-pipe".
- [A few differences in line spacing and settings.]
- Line 5 of text has "Hornepipe"; page "1" over acorn pairs 14–15;
A1v (p. 12)
Last line is one word, "fist.", plus catchword on same line
- Line 11–12 has "colours, laughing"
- (Variant): line 11–12 has "colours laughing,"
- Left parenthesis of page number over and to right of "D"
- [Line 19 has "bride".] (Reimposed*): lines 11–12 have "colous laughing"
- Line 19 has "bride"
- (Variant): line 19 has "bridle"
- (Reimposed*): lines 11–12 have "colours laughing"
A2r (p. 13)
- Last line begins "ges"
- (Partly reset): last line begins "richly"
[Reset from line beginning "These moving forward ..." to end.] - (Partly reset): last line begins "After"
[First paragraph is unchanged, then a paragraph of new text is added, forcing
the last three lines of the page onto A2v. Thereafter, unchanged until the line
beginning "These moving forward ...".]


A2v (p. 14)
- Last line has "Silver & Watchet."
- (Reimposed*, partly reset): last line has "silver &
[Italic lines reset from english to great primer size. Later because bottom serif
of "T" in "Triumphals", line 22, is damaged.]- Catchword "The"
- Catchword properly aligned
- The "e" displaced downward to varying degrees
- (Reimposed*): catchword "All"; page "4" centered or somewhat to
within parentheses; right parenthesis badly damaged at 4:00 - (Reimposed*) catchword "All"; page number "4" somewhat to right
parentheses; right parenthesis slightly nicked at 3:00
- Catchword "The"
- (Reimposed*, partly reset): last line reads "the top."
[Three lines of text are brought down from the previous page, in a new setting;
last two lines move to A3r.]
A3r (p. 15)
- Line 15 reads "to the linings of the Chariots."
- (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 15 or 17 reads "to the linings of
[First two lines and original lines 27–28 and 31 reset, the italic lines in a larger
size than text below.]- Last line reads "prest in his place."; page number "5" over "so" of
"crimson" - (Reimposed*): last line reads "prest in his place."; page number "5"
"i" of "crimson"- Signed "A3"
[Damage to "White", line 2, occurs during this state. bL 644.c.44
(now bound in nTxU Wrenn) shows damage and displacement at the
left end of lines 1–2, and slightly different positions of the skeleton
elements.] - (Variant): signed "A"
[Lines 1 and 2 repaired, but all copies have damage to "White",
line 2.]
- Signed "A3"
- (Reimposed*): last line begins "riding two a breast, ..."
[First two lines of type brought down from A2v, getting slightly damaged
in the process; last three lines of text move to A3v.]
- Last line reads "prest in his place."; page number "5" over "so" of
A3v (p. 16)
- Page begins with a line of ornaments that contains no colon or
comma- Line 13 has "Arber-worke" with broken b
- (Variant): line 13 has "Arbor-worke" with sound b
- (Reimposed*): page begins with a line of ornaments that contains a
and inverted comma; page number "6" over and between pair of orna-
ments 4 and 5 - (Possibly reimposed): page begins with a line of ornaments that
a colon and inverted comma; page number "6" over and between pair of
ornaments 5 and 6
[Catchword appears identical; the page number may be reset or may sim-
ply be shifted.] - (Reimposed*): page begins with text, "The Habit of the Masquers
[First three lines of text brought down from A3r, reset; last four lines move
to A4r.]
A4r (p.17)
- Line 21 has "Caduseus"
- (Variant): line 21 has "Caduceus"; all
commas listed in variant 3 except
"drawne up the" and "Pallaces Lodges" - (Variant, probably reimposed): line 21 has "Caduceus"; the following
commas are present:- "Oliue-branch, all", lines 21–22
- "drawne up, the", line 24
- Pallaces, Lodges", line 26
- "Architecture, with", line 27
- "eye, opens", lines 28–29
- (Reimposed*): line 1 begins "pedestall fained".
[First four lines of type brought down from A3v; last four lines of text
move to A4v.]
Line 1 begins "in one hand,"
A4v (p. 18)
- Line 1 begins "cleare Sky" (Reimposed*, first two lines reset): line 1 begins "cleare skie"
- Page number "8" centered within parentheses
- (Reimposed*): page number "8" towards left within parentheses
["T" is damaged, line 3. The curvature of the rule varies during this
imposition.]- Raised quads between the paragraphs
- (Variant): quads down
- Line 1 begins "Trees and grounds, ..."
[First four lines of text brought down from A4r, reset. Right parenthesis of
page number now damaged, but headline not definitely different.]


B1r (p. 21)
Line 3 up has "A Bird!"
- Line 2 of heading: "they salute."
- (Variant): heading reset: line 2: "him, they
- "A" (line 9 up) and "B" (line 7 up) are sound.
- (Variant): these letters are damaged.
- (Reset): line 3 up has "A Bird!"
- 2 acorns are inverted
- (Reimposed*): 25 pairs of acorns, all properly oriented
[Later than 2a because "An" corrected, last line.] - (Reimposed*): 28 pairs of acorns, all properly oriented
[Later than 2b because "Hce'l" corrected, line 12.] - (Reimposed*): 26 pairs of acorns, all properly oriented
[The position of the page number varies a bit.]
B1v (p. 22)
- Question mark in line 8 under "er"; line 9 begins "Have"
- (Reset): question mark in line 8 under "nt"
- Line 10 begins "Vs"
[The "V" shows varying degrees of displacement.] - (Variant): line 10 begins "s"
- (Reset): question mark in line 8 under "r" ; line 9 begins "Haue"
- Line 10 begins "Vs"
B2r (p. 23)
- Line 4 ends "nature?"; line 6 has "inuentions"
- (Reset): line 4 ends "nature"
[This setting contains several features that do not reduce to a regular order;
see essay, �6C.]- Page number is prevailing thin form (same as on A2r, C3r,
[Position between parentheses varies.] - (Variant): page number is round form, and centered
parentheses - (Reset): line 4 ends "nature?"; line 6 has "inventions"
- Page number is prevailing thin form (same as on A2r, C3r,
B2v (p. 24)
- Last line has "Twas" (Reset): last line has "twas"
- Greatest distance between parentheses 11 mm; line 16 has
Novelties." - (Reimposed*): line 16 has "theN ovelties"
- (Reimposed*): greatest distance between parentheses 9 mm; line 16
"the Novelties."
[Within this imposition the page number shows slight variations in damage
and position.)- Line 23 has "Laughter," with comma
- (Variant): line 23 has "Laughter" without comma
B3r (p. 25)
- Tavern direction in one line, italic, centered
- (Reimposed*, partly reset): tavern direction revised, three lines,
[Last four lines of type moved to B3v, respaced as three lines. "Except" is cor-
rected to "accept", line 22.)- Page number "5" over the "f" of "foole" in line 2
- (Reimposed*): page number "5" over the space between "the foole"
line 2
(Reimposed*): tavern direction revised to one line, flush right - "The Scene a Taverne."
- (Reimposed*): "The Scene a Taverne."
[First three lines of text transferred from B3v, reset.]
B3v (p. 26)
- Page begins "Another Antimasque ..." (regular
italic "A")
- Line 10 has "off throw"
- Line 10 has "off, throw"
[Almost certainly later; see essay.]
- (Reset): page begins "I may supply ..."
- (Reset): page begins "Another Antimasque ..." (swash italic "A")
B4r (p. 27)
Last line has "vnder water" (narrow word-space)
- Lines 16 and 17 have "beard ... yeares found"
- (Variant): lines 16 and 17 have "beard, ... yeares,
[Almost certainly later; see essay.] - (Reset): last line has "vnder Water"
[This setting contains features that do not reduce to a regular order—see essay, �6C.]- Line 3 begins "a vapour"
- (Reimposed*): line 3 begins "A vapour"
[Line 3 now correctly begins with a capital, and type is battered in line 7 in some copies.]
- (Reset): last line has "under Water"


B4v (p. 28)
- Line 1 has "vast"
- (Reset): line 1 has "uast"; line 16: "The fift
proiector dances."
- Page number "8" over the space between "of ayre"; catchword "Ma-"
- Line 2 has "coold"
- (Variant): line 2 has "cool"
- (Variant): line 2 has "coo"
- (Reimposed*): no catchword; last word on page: "Th"
- Page "8" over "e" of "ayre"
- (Variant): page "8" over the "f" of "of" and centered
[The type-matter of the page number has shifted and possibly suf-
fered damage but seems to be the same metal.]
- (Reimposed*): page number "8" over "of" and to the left within the
rentheses; no catchword (last word on page: "The")- Line 13 has "stndy"
- (Variant): line 13 has "study"
- Page number "8" over the space between "of ayre"; catchword "Ma-"
- (Reimposed*; flush-right italic lines reset in pica size): line 1 has
"uast"; line 16:
"The fift Proiector dances·"
C1r (p. 9)
First four lines of roman in same size type as the rest
- Line 1 has "Returne as from the Taverne"
- (Variant): line 1 has "Returne, as from the Taverne,"
- (Reimposed*): right parenthesis sound and the same weight as the
[Retains the corrected reading of 1 a2.] - (Reimposed*): page number "9" slightly to the right within parentheses
- (Partly reset): first four lines of roman in type smaller than the rest
(pica, 83 mm)
[The skeleton is not obviously changed.]
Right parenthesis of page number heavier and nicked at 3:00
C1v (p. 10)
- Last line: "Three Dotterell-catchers." (all
italic); line 9 has "off. Then"
[The comma in line 7 is displaced below the line.]- Line 5 up has "We change the Seene."
- (Variant): line 5 up has "We change the Scene."
- (Reimposed*): last line: "Three
Dotterell-catchers." (all italic); line 9 has "off.
then" (period below the line)
[Page number, italic and bracket in lines 8–10, and last three lines in a differ-
ent setting. Resetting of lines 8–10 may have resulted from an accident while
re-aligning the comma.] - (Reimposed*): last line: "Three Dotterell-catchers."
[Italic and brackets in lines 1–10 and last four lines are reset, dropping fourth
line from the bottom.]- "1" of page number over "d"
- (Variant): "1" of page number over "a"
[The page number types are the same and the shift is probably due to
faulty lock-up.]
- (Partly reset): last line: "Ph. Dotterells, be
patient, and expect."
[The exchange between Opinion and Phansie is replaced by a new stage
direction, and the remainder leaded out. Two lines of text are brought up,
reset, from C2r.]
C2r (p. 11)
- Line 1: "Op. What are these?"; line 10 has
- Left parenthesis of page number beyond the right end of the first line
- (Reimposed*): left parenthesis of page number over "?" of the first line
- (Reset except for parts of lines 5–9): line 1: "Op. What are these?"; line 10
has "assaulted" - (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 1: "After the Dotterells be caught,
[Probably the latest version because the bowlers now have something to do.
The directions for the Quixote/Sancho figures are revised and reset in type
smaller than the surrounding text, and the altercation with the gentleman
and his servant is deleted.]
C2v (p. 12)
- Song line 5 has "skyes"
- Line 6 begins "The Antimasques being past,"; line 11 has "Olives
her head" - (Variant): line 6 begins "The Antimasques being past,"; line 11
"Olives on her head"
["On her head" is more correct.] - (Variant): line 6 begins "The Antimasquers being gone" (no
but spacer up); line 11 as in state 2
[Further corrected.]
- Line 6 begins "The Antimasques being past,"; line 11 has "Olives
- (Partly reset): song line 5 has "skies"
[Italic song reset, some other minor differences in setting or spacing.]- (Reimposed*): line 1 "Iol. I am as light
now."; left parenthesis of page
number over "now" - (Reimposed*): line 1 "Iol. I am as light
now."; left parenthesis of page
number over the period - (Variant): line 1 "Op. What new change"
[Two lines of text have moved to C2r, but the skeleton is unchanged.]
- (Reimposed*): line 1 "Iol. I am as light
now."; left parenthesis of page

C3r (p. 13)
- Line 5 has "calls;"
- Line 5 up reads "This Chariot attended as the former."
- (Variant): this direction deleted
[The attendants of the former chariot were never described, so this
state is more correct.] - (Variant): line 20 corrected to "Starres, a mantle"
Line 20 has "Starres, mantle"
- (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 5 has "calls,"
[Italic songs in a different setting.]- Right parenthesis of page number printed heavier than left and
within about 1 mm of the bottom of the "3" - (Reimposed*): right parenthesis of page number only comes within
2 mm of the bottom of the "3"
- Right parenthesis of page number printed heavier than left and
C3v (p. 14)
- Line 13 begins "Thy voyce,"
- Next line ends "neyther" (no period)
- (Reimposed*): next line ends "neyther."
[This version more correct.]
- (Reset): line 13 begins "The voyce,"
- Line 5 up has "Diche"
- (Reimposed*): line 5 up has "Dice"
[This version more correct.]
C4r (p. 15)
- Line 2 begins "Dich. Swifly, [sic]"
- (Reimposed*): line 2 begins "Dich. Swiftly,"
[The typo is corrected.] - (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 2 begins "Diche" or "Dice"
[Lines 1, 10, and 20 reset; some differences in word and line spacing (e.g.,
lines 4, 6, 15–17).]- Line 2 begins "Diche"; left parenthesis of page number over "g"
the following space - (Variant): line 2 begins "Diche"; left parenthesis of page
over "4"
[The comma at the end of line 6 is too far right. The page number
looks to be the same types as c1, but is shifted.] - (Variant): line 2 begins "Dice."
[This version is the most correct. Comma in line 6 as in 1c2. The
page number again looks to be the same types, but is shifted so that
the left parenthesis is over "ng"—possibly a result of correcting
line 2.]
- Line 2 begins "Diche"; left parenthesis of page number over "g"



C4v (p. 16)
Page number "61"
- Line 6 up begins "Thus warme"; line 4 up has "Didche"
- (Variant): line 6 up begins "Thus warme";
line 4 up has "Diche"
[The typo is corrected.] - (Variant): line 6 up begins "Thus
[Line 4 up has "Diche", and further corrected.] - (Reimposed*, mostly reset): page number "16"
[Only the roman paragraph, lines 7–9, and the last line are retained from
state 1. "Song 5" title and text are reset in pica size.]- Maximum distance between parentheses in page number (at midline)11 mm
- [Line 3 has "Dich."; line 4 up has "Diche,"] (Reimposed*): maximum distance between parentheses 14 mm
- Line 3 has "Dich."; line 4 up has "Diche,"
- (Variant): line 3 has "Dic."; line 4 up has "Dice,"
[This version is the most correct.]
D1r (p. 17)
Line 9 has "the Sky beyond"; line 5 has "ioyning"
- Line 9 has "the Sky beyond seene."
[The last letter of line 1 is displaced upward in some copies.] - (Variant): line 9 has "the Sky beyond was seene."; type mostly
in first three lines, though disturbed
[This version more correct.] - (Variant): line 9 has "the Sky beyond was seene."; type damaged
first three lines
[Later than 1a2 because of damage.] - Signature mark "D" under the "hi" of
[Line 10 has "Masqncrs".] - (Variant, later than 2a1): signature mark "D" under ","
[Line 10 now has "Masquers". The page number is the same as 2a1,
and the significance of the signature mark shift is unclear.] - (Variant): signature mark "D" under the
"w" of "white,"
[Line 10 has "Masquers". The page number is unchanged, and the
significance of the signature mark shift is unclear.] - (Okes' setting): line 9 has "the Sky beyond"; line 5 has "joyning"
D1v (p. 18)
- First line has "Beneath ... Wings,"
[First five lines set in italic, line 5 has "descended", both incorrectly.]- Comma after "Wings" displaced downward;
right parenthesis of page
number damaged - (Variant): comma after "Wings" in place;
right parenthesis of page
number sound
[A sound parenthesis has been supplied and the comma replaced.]
- Comma after "Wings" displaced downward;
right parenthesis of page
- (Reimposed*, partly reset): first line has "Beneath ... with"
[First five lines reset in roman, line 5 has "descending", both correctly.] - (Reset): first line has "Beneath ... wings"
- (Okes' setting): first line has "beneath ... wings,"
D2r (p. 19)
- Line 7: "Live Royall paire, & when Your sands are
- Line 5 has "on ages"
- (Variant): line 5 has "no ages"
[This version correct.]
- (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 7: "Live royall pare,
awd ..."
[The song and the italic lines at bottom are in a different setting.] - (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 7: "Live Royall
paire,and ..."
[Song lines 1–8 are in a different setting.] - (Okes' setting): line 7: "Live Royall paire, & when your sands are spent"
D2v (p. 20)
- Line 6 ends "per-"
- (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 6 ends "perrill."
[Line 6 is respaced to take up one line, and former line 18 (current line 17) to
end is reset.] - (Okes' setting): line 6 ends "their"
D3r (p. 21)
- Line 8 up ends "Spies,"; line 6 begins "uenge,"
- (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 8 up ends "spies,"
[The song is in a different setting.] - (Okes' setting): line 8 up ends "Spies,"; line 6 begins "venge,"
D3v (p. 22)
- Line 4 up reads "Proclaiming warres"
[Line 8 has "a bout".] - (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 4 up reads "Proclayming warres"
[The song is in a different setting. Line 8 has "about" correctly.] - (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 4 up reads "proclayming warres"
- [The roman section is in a different setting; the italic is the same as state
except that "proclayming" is unaccountably lowercased.] - (Okes' setting): line 4 up reads "Proclaiming Warres"
D4r (p. 23)
- Line 3 up ends "prayer,"; no catchword
- (Reset): line 3 up ends "Prayer,"; catchword "Am-"
- (Reimposed*): line 3 up ends "Prayer,"; no
[Some variations in spacing at top and bottom.] - (Okes' setting): line 3 up ends "prayer,";
catchword "Amphiluche" on last line
of text
D4v (p. 24)
- "FINIS." in much larger type than text; swash
italic "N"
Right parenthesis of page number over "en"
- Right parenthesis of page number intact
- (Variant): right parenthesis damaged at bottom
- (Reimposed*): right parenthesis of page number over "v"
- (Okes' setting): "FINIS." only slightly larger than text; no swash
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