University of Virginia Library


Offset Evidence in Copies Examined

This list is organized by the position of leaves within the book. It records offset transferred to other pages (>), reciprocal exchanges of offset with other pages (><), and offset received from other pages (<). To reduce the inherent redundancy in "transferred to" and "received by" entries, I have not duplicated information that would be repeated within a few lines. Exchanges between pages facing one another in a book have been excluded except for transfers involving cancellantia, cancellanda (when so labeled), and partials. As a caveat, it need be said that I was more zealous in searching for offset on the frontispiece, cancellantia, and partials than on the leaves of regularly printed gatherings, especially in copies examined early in my research.


B7 + 1v  BirmU, CaOTU, CLU-C, MH2, O, PSt, TnU 
O8v  NBiSU 
Bb1r  LdU-B 
Cc1r  DLC, RPB 
Dd1v  E, L, MiU 


><  A1r  MH2 (post-binding, presumably, an exception to the rule that the frt never transfers offset) 
A1r  FU, L, NBiSU, NcU, NjP, PSt (usually post-binding) 
B3v  CtY 
X8v  MR2 
Aa8v  LdU-B 
Bb8v  DLC, RPB 

A1r/ title

U1v  CaOHM 
><  B3v  CSt, Owo 
><  U1v  BrP, CtY, FU, InU, KU, LdU-B, LU, May2, May3, May4, MB, MR2, NRU, Ob 
><  Bb8v  OAU 
><  Cc4v  DLC, RPB 
><  Dd1v  NIC, NjP 
U1v  O-EF 
Cc4v  Ok 


><  B8v  CLU-C, PSt, TnU (due to binding B8 before B1) 
><  U1r  DLC, OAU 
><  Cc2r  BrP, May2, May4, MB 
><  Dd1r  CSt, CtY, LdU-B, May3 
U1r  ICN1, RPB 
Cc1r  NRU 
Cc2r  InU (reciprocity not checked), KU, O-EF 
Dd1r  CaOHM, FU, Ok, Owo 


Page 219


18v  RPB 
M8v  NNU1 
><  B7v  LdU-B 
><  B7 + 1v  KU 
><  L8v  DLC 
B7v  CtY, IU, ViWCF 
B7 + 1v  ICN1 


><  B2r  DLC, MH2, NBiSU, OAU 
><  B4r  CaOHM 
B2 r  CLU-C, May4, OCiU, Owo 
B4r  CSt, FU 


B8v  Ob, MB (B8, section title, is bound before B1) 
><  B6v  CSt, CtY, IU, KU, LdU-B, NIC, ViWCF 
G8v  KU 


><  B6r  BrP, CaOHM, DLC, FU, ICN1, InU, KU, May3, May4, MB, NjP, NNU1, NRU, OAU, RPB 
B6r  May2, Ob 
><  B7 + 1r  CSt, IU, LdU-B 
B7 + 1r  CtY, O-EF, ViWCF 


U1v  CaAEU 
Dd1v  LU, May3, MR2 
><  U1v  CSt, DLC, ICN1, MdBJ, NIC, NjP, NNU1, OAU, Owo, RPB 
><  Dd1v  BrP, CtY, FU, InU, KU, LdU-B, May2, NRU, Ob, O-EF 
Dd1v  MB 


frtv  CtY 
U1r  LU, MR2 
><  A1r  CSt, Owo 
><  U1r  CaOHM, NRU, Ob 
><  Cc4r  InU, KU, May2, May4, MB 
><  Dd1r  DLC, ICN1, NIC, OAU, RPB 


B1v  CaOHM, CSt, FU 
><  B6v  DLC, NRU, OAU, RPB 


B7r  O-HF (ll. 3–6, postbinding: caused by dog-eared fold of B5-B6 downward over B6v, causing B5 to face B7) 


B8r  CtY, KU, May2, May3, May4, MB (B8 is bound before B1), NNU1, ViWCF 
><  B6r  NBiSU 
><  B7r  DLC, NRU, OAU, RPB 
><  B8r  CSt 
B6r  CaOHM, MH2, ViWCF 
B7r  N, Owo 
B8r  FU 


><  B2v  BrP, CaOHM, DLC, FU, ICN1, InU, KU, May3, May4, MB, NjP, NNU1, NRU, OAU, RPB 
><  B7v  NIC 
B2v  May2, Ob 


Page 220


B7r  CaOHM, MH2, O (laid down obliquely in O) 
><  B2r  CSt, CtY, IU, KU, LdU-B, NIC, ViWCF 
><  B4r  DLC, NRU, OAU, RPB 
><  B7r  FU, L, MB 
B6v  O-HF (see B5r


B5v  N, Owo 
><  B5v  DLC, NRU, OAU, RPB 
><  B7 + 1v  CSt, IU, LdU-B, NIC, 
B7 + 1v  CtY 


B1r  CtY, IU, ViWCF 
><  B1r  LdU-B 
><  B6r  NIC 
><  B7 + 1r  BrP, CaOHM, DLC, ICN1, KU, L, May2, May3, May4, MB, N, NBiSU, NjP, OAU 

B7 + 1v/xv

B2v  CtY, ViWCF 
L8v  NIC 
><  B2v  CSt, IU, LdU-B 

B7 + 1v/xvi

frtr  BirmU, CaOTU, CLU-C, MH2, O, PSt, TnU 
B1r  ICN1 
B7r  CtY 
I1r  MB 
K1r  RPB 
><  B1r  KU 
><  B7r  CSt, IU, LdU-B, 
N1r  NNU1 


><  B5v  CSt 
B5v  CtY, KU, Maya, May3, MB (B8 bound before B1), NNU1, ViWCF 

B8v/xviii blank

B2r  Ob, MB 
L1r  CtY 
N1r  Owo 


B2r  KU 


B7 + 1v  MB 


B1r  RPB 


B7 + 1v  RPB 


B8v  CtY 


><  B1r  DLC 
B7 + 1r  NIC 


B1r  NNU1 
N1r  CaAEU, CtY, cancel-DLC, IU, NIC, landum ViWCF 
N1r  CaAEU, CaOHM, cancel-FU, L, May2, lans May3, MH2, NBiSU, NcU, NIC, NRU, PSt, TnU 




Page 221
B7 + 1v  NNU1 
B8v  Owo 
><  R1v  CSt, IU, NNU1, OAU, ViWCF 
><  R2v  BrP, CaAEU, CtY, DLC, FU, ICN1, KU, LdU-B, LU, May2, May3, May4, MB, MR2, NIC, NjP, NRU, Ob, O-EF, RPB 
R2v  CaOHM 

N2v cancellandum/164

N3r  DLC, OAU 

N2v cancellans/164

N3r  BirmU, FU, May2, May3, MH2, N, NBiSU, O, PSt (much), TnU 
Aa1r  BrP, DLC, KU, May2, NIC, RPB 
><  N3r  NcU, NRU 
><  R1r  CaOHM, Owo 
><  R2r  CSt, IU, NNU1, OAU, ViWCF 
><  Aa1r  CaAEU, ICN1, LdU-B, May3, May4, MB, NRU, Ob 


frtr  NBiSU 


Dd1v  WNs 
><  Dd1v  NBiSU 

R1r cancellandum

Q8v  BrP, CaOHM, CtY, DLC, FU, ICN1, IU, LdU-B, May2, May3, May4, MB, NIC, NjP, NRU, OAU, Ob (cancellandum text fully legible in CtY, DLC, LdU-B) 

R1r cancellans/225

Q8v  BirmU, BrP, CaAEU, CaOHM, Csj, CtY, E, IU, L, May2, May3, May4, MB, MdBJ, MH2, N, NBiSU, NcU, NIC, NRU, O, Oa, Ob, OCiU, O-EF, O-HF, OAU, PSt, TnU, ViWCF 
Z8v  MB, NRU, RPB 
><  N2v  CaOHM, Owo 
><  Z8v  CaAEU, CSt, CtY, DLC, ICN1, IU, LdU-B, May2, May3, NIC, NjP, OAU, Ob 
Z8v  FU, InU, LU, MR2 (reciprocity not checked in InU, LU, MR2) 


><  N1r  CSt, IU, NNU1, OAU, ViWCF 


><  N2v  CSt, IU, NNU1, OAU, ViWCF 

R2v cancellandum/228

R3r  OAU 

R2v cancellandum/228

N1r  CaOHM 
R3r  CaOHM, CtY, FU, MH2, N, PSt, TnU 
Aa1r  CSt, IU, OAU 
><  N1r  BrP, CaAEU, CtY, DLC, FU, ICN1, KU, LdU-B, LU, May2, May3, May4, MB, MR2, NIC, NjP, NRU, Ob, O-EF, RPB 
><  R3r  CLU-C, CSt, L, May1, MoU, NcU, O 
><  Bb1r  ViWCF 
><  Bb8v  CaOHM 


Page 222

U1r cancellandum/273

T8v  CtY, DLC (much), FU 

U1r cancellans/273

A1v  ICN1, RPB 
T8v  May1 (prebinding: offset is io mm below of present position of U1r; similarly U2r>U1v at point 10 mm below U2's current position), May2, (either cancellandum or cancellans: CaOHM, May3, May4, MB, MH2, NRU, OAU) 
><  A1v  DLC, OAU 
><  B3v  Ca  OHM, NRU, Ob 
><  T8v  L, MoU, NBiSU, NcU, PSt 
><  Cc1v  BrP, InU, KU, May2, May4, MB 
><  Cc4v  CSt, CtY, FU, May3, NIC, NNU1 
B3v  LU, MR2 
Cc1v  O-EF 

U1v cancellandum/274

U2r  DLC 

U1v cancellandum/274

A1r  O-EF 
U2r  CSt, FU, May3, May4 
><  A1r  BrP, CtY, FU, InU, KU, LdU-B, LU, May2, May3, May4, MB, MR2, NRU, Ob 
><  B3r  CSt, DLC, ICN1, MdBJ, NIC, NjP, NNU1, OAU, Owo, RPB 
><  U2r  CLU-C, CoU, CtY, L, MdBJ, NcU, PSt, TnU (all post binding) 
A1r  CaOHM 
B3r  CaAEU 


frtv  MR2 


Aa1r  CaOHM (sheet Z was not in its proper position in the stacked sheets) 


R1r  FU, InU, LU, MR2 
><  R1r  CaAEU, CSt, CtY, DLC, ICN1, IU, LdU-B, May2, May3, NIC, NjP, OAU, Ob 
><  Aa1r  NBiSU, NcU (suggesting nothing was inserted between them during the stacking) 
R1r  MB, NRU, RPB 
Aa1r  PSt 


><  N2v  CaAEU, ICN1, LdU-B, May3, May4, MB, NRU, Ob 
N2v  BrP, DLC, KU, May2, NIC, RPB 
R2v  CSt IU, OAU 
Y8v  CaOHM (sheet Z not inserted in its position within the stack) 


frtv  LdU-B 
><  Bb1r  NBiSU, PSt (also Aa8v<Bb1r in MH2, suggesting nothing was inserted between them during the stacking) 


Page 223


frtr  LdU-B 
><  R2v  ViWCF 


frtv  DLC, RPB 
Cc1r  BrP, ICN1, KU, May2, May3, MH2 
><  A1r  OAU 
><  R2v  CaOHM 
><  Cc1r 
><  Dd1r  NRU 


frtr  DLC, RPB 
A1v  NRU 
Dd1v  OAU 


U1r  O-EF 
><  U1r  BrP, InU, KU, May2, May4, MB 


A1v  InU, KU, O-EF 
><  A1v  BrP, May2, May4, MB 


Dd1r  CaAEU, KU 
><  Dd1r  BrP, InU, May2, May4, MB 


><  B3v  InU, KU, May2, May4, MB 


A1r  Ok 
><  A1r  DLC, RPB 
><  U1r  CSt, CtY, FU, May3, NIC, NNU1 
><  Dd1r  CLU-C, L, May2, MH2, PSt (post binding) 
Dd1r  May1 


A1v  CaOHM, FU, Ok, Owo 
Bb8v  NRU 
><  A1v  CSt, CtY, LdU-B, May3 
><  B3v  DLC, ICN1, NIC, OAU, RPB 
><  Cc3v  BrP, InU, May2, May4, MB 
Cc3v  CaAEU, KU 


frtr  E, L, MiU 
B3r  MB 
><  A1r  NIC, NjP 
><  B3r  BrP, CtY, FU, InU, KU, LdU-B, May2, NRU, Ob, O-EF 
><  P1r  NBiSU 
B3r  LU, May3, MR2 
P1r  WNs 
Cc1r  OAU 


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